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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Was it that bad?
Some of it was burnout. The structure of the story mode (where you have to finish the first half of all the stories before doing the epilogues in a hurry; deep, just like yellowface atlus!) contributed to that, too. Because the bulk of the game is in the first half, the epilogues (many of which are almost identical to one another) just feel like a total chore as you grind through for the line or two of dialogue you didn't get in the other version.

I think some of the arcs do stand out (Labrys, etc), but many of them get reduced to their stock traits (oh, Kanji is gaaaaaaaaay! Chie loves meat! huehuehuehue). It's just annoying.

I'd rather they not have more ammo, haha. The girlfriend stuff is such a small piece of that game. The fact it gets such a large focus is super sad.

Honestly, I loved P4A. Some of the fan service stuff was awful. They removed a lot of personality from some of the characters like Kanji and Chie just to fit in some jokes. Still, I love that world and Labrys is a great addition. That being said, I cannot wait for P5 with a all new setting and cast. I've gotten my mileage out of this cast. I wouldn't mind seeing another fighting game, but no more long JRPG please.
I'm not sure if I want a P5 with that same cast anymore. At first I thought it sounded really cool but after going through P4A, I'm just tired of them now. They've gone as far as they could with the characters and with their individual arcs done and over with, there's not much left in the tank.

Honestly I just want a game with Elizabeth as the lead. But yeah, I agree--all new setting and cast would be rad.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I've never played a Persona game before, am I missing out?
Depends on your tolerance of pseudo-random dungeon layouts and tons of words. Oh, and insta-death spells.
Some of it was burnout. The structure of the story mode (where you have to finish the first half of all the stories before doing the epilogues in a hurry; deep, just like yellowface atlus!) contributed to that, too. Because the bulk of the game is in the first half, the epilogues (many of which are almost identical to one another) just feel like a total chore as you grind through for the line or two of dialogue you didn't get in the other version.

I think some of the arcs do stand out (Labrys, etc), but many of them get reduced to their stock traits (oh, Kanji is gaaaaaaaaay! Chie loves meat! huehuehuehue). It's just annoying.
That sounds tremendously disappointing. The one thing I loved about P4 was that the characters had more going on for themselves than their quirks.


I've never played a Persona game before, am I missing out?

Depends. 4 really hit me at a right time in my life where I was going through some personal problems and it helped me through that, so my opinion be way biased. In my opinion, 4 one of the best JRPGs of the modern era, maybe even all time. The combat system can be a bit boring, and the dungeon design bland, but it does characterization and story better than most games of any drama. I feel it handles a lot of really adult problems in a mature way. It's "mature" in the way I want games to be mature. Not drugs, sex and violence, but taking a deep look at real world issues. If you even remotely like JRPGs, or even just don't hate them, it's worth a try.

Also, 3's really good as well. It has some extra problems from a gameplay standpoint, and the characters are more cliche, but the dark tone it takes is really fascinating.


Some of it was burnout. The structure of the story mode (where you have to finish the first half of all the stories before doing the epilogues in a hurry; deep, just like yellowface atlus!) contributed to that, too. Because the bulk of the game is in the first half, the epilogues (many of which are almost identical to one another) just feel like a total chore as you grind through for the line or two of dialogue you didn't get in the other version.

I think some of the arcs do stand out (Labrys, etc), but many of them get reduced to their stock traits (oh, Kanji is gaaaaaaaaay! Chie loves meat! huehuehuehue). It's just annoying.

I'm not sure if I want a P5 with that same cast anymore. At first I thought it sounded really cool but after going through P4A, I'm just tired of them now. They've gone as far as they could with the characters and with their individual arcs done and over with, there's not much left in the tank.

Honestly I just want a game with Elizabeth as the lead. But yeah, I agree--all new setting and cast would be rad.

P4A is a really fun fighting game with some neat fan service. It's as much as I'd want from the current cast. I agree, taking down some characters to stock traits really does suck, but I think the standout stuff really does justify the product.

As for a game staring Elizabeth? I wouldn't want a proper entry like that, but I'd be up for a side game. Honesty, I find her "just learning about the world' schtick to be kind of annoying. Also, any further development with her risks undoing P3's end, something they've been toying with for a while, and that would just suck. P3's ending is what makes that game really resonate. It must not be touched.


My Little Monster - Episode 7



This was another very shoujo episode, but the direction was spot on this time unlike some of the other similar episodes in the series previously. I like how things are panning out for the characters, because their situations are forcing them to act instead of ignoring their own feelings. It makes for effective drama when the show is serious, and good humor when they just fuck up for comedy value.

It's interesting how the show has progressively gotten more traditionally shoujo as it went along. I might not have liked it as much if it started out this way, but after being invested in the characters, I don't mind this direction at all. I'm quite worried for what Haru has planned for the chicken coop though. Whatever upgrades he's adding to it... just doesn't seem like it will end well. Lol.


Gyrozetter - Episode 7

My favorite episode so far. Satori is a great new character, and just the sort of female team member the show needs to round off the personalities in the group. The episode itself was also funny and cute. The real Satori transferring to the school take a long detour, while Haruka impersonates her and tries to infiltrate Arcadia. There's quite a bit of comedy this week, which really worked out well. Satori's Gyrozetter is a pretty awesome design too. It's modeled after Anubis, and there's quite a bit of animation on the ears and the tail. It's really cute!

This is the show Gundam AGE probably desperately wanted to be. :p


Magi 6

I don't see why they couldn't just do an up-close slow-mo cut of the slap coming outta nowhere pulling back to reveal that scene. It'd perfectly capture both the tonal shift of the panel and just how memorable it was which would've been far better than what we got.
Well, of course they could have done. However, I'm sure there thinking went something along the lines of "this is an anime so we've got to use some impressive animation and ratchet up the scale because that will make it cooler!".


As for a game staring Elizabeth? I wouldn't want a proper entry like that, but I'd be up for a side game. Honesty, I find her "just learning about the world' schtick to be kind of annoying. Also, any further development with her risks undoing P3's end, something they've been toying with for a while, and that would just suck. P3's ending is what makes that game really resonate. It must not be touched.

Dunno, I don't think p3's end is sacrosanct and it could be interesting. Basically I'm asking for P3-2 with Elizabeth and Aigis in hot pants.


I don't think I can get into the childish animes anymore. It needs to be something unique. The last one that I loved immensely was Death Note. Haven't seen anything seriously good since then.

Oh, wow :D

It's what I do with the One Punch Man avatars. I can't help it either. :(

Yeah, but at times I'm like "There's no way wonzo would've posted that!" And then I check and it's usually Dresden. Hah!

So by corrected you really mean they just threw in a bunch of random lines in there on the faces for "detail".

C'mon man :(

I think the only people in the entire world who hate the Persona 4 adaptation are AnimeGAF regulars.

I liked it a lot, but I'm a huge fan of the game.
I do agree it was ugly though.


I feel bad for really liking Canaan and P4A everytime those got mentioned here ;_;

I liked it a lot, but I'm a huge fan of the game.
I do agree it was ugly though.
Yep, the visual was really ugly. But I like how they handle the material and key moment, kinda like JoJo's anime I guess.


Dunno, I don't think p3's end is sacrosanct and it could be interesting. Basically I'm asking for P3-2 with Elizabeth and Aigis in hot pants.

I don't know, I think the whole point of P3 is that end. It could end no other way. If
The MC doesn't sacrifice himself for the good of the world
, the game falls flat on a tonal, emotional, and symbolic level. I mean the main themes of the game are
dealing with death as a part of the human condition. It's about death and mortality.
. Not to mention all the
completely obvious Christ imagery.
. The only reason that game still resonates with me is that end. Its characters certainly aren't all that interesting. It had the balls to do that, now I think it should have the balls to leave it alone.

I feel bad for really liking Canaan and P4A everytime those got mentioned here ;_;

Yep, the visual was really ugly. But I like how they handle the material and key moment, kinda like JoJo's anime I guess.

You shouldn't feel bad. P4A has a lot of great moments. It's marred by some really serious issues, but no harm in liking it.


It had the balls to do that, now I think it should have the balls to leave it alone.
Yeah I don't think Index cares about that at all anymore. The P3 movies are probably going to set up the continuation. $$$, y'know?

I like the ending and all, but there's room for
redemption and resurrection as well, too.


Yeah I don't think Index cares about that at all anymore. The P3 movies are probably going to set up the continuation. $$$, y'know?

I like the ending and all, but there's room for
redemption and resurrection as well, too.

But how would it be about
I mean, the MC has
nothing to redeem. I mean, death is his and humanity's redemption
I mean, they could do it, but 90% chance it will come off as money grabbing and ham fisted. I don't know, I guess we'll see. It seems to clearly be heading in that direction, like it or not.

I guess I don't want Persona sequels in general. They work so well as their own little worlds and stories. Every one feels complete at the end. This trend toward expanding each universe is a bit disturbing.

Oh well, worst comes to worst I can ignore it. The sequels will likely all be side stuff. As long as P5's a new cast, and I'm pretty sure that's been confirmed, I'm totally cool with whatever else goes on.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Psycho-Pass 05

That was so fucking good, if gruesome. but lol that "check the forum users activity during the last period" was straight out of a CSI episode. It just needed two people typing on the same keyboard for the hilarity to go all the way up to eleven.

So which one of you is actually a homicidal maniac?

Lan would do the same.


I know what's going on in your life's probably way more shitty than mine, but if it makes you feel better this week's shit for me too. We all have those times in our lives. Anime-Gaf's got your back.

That is a difficult situation for sure.
But we are all here for you.
Pm away if you need to talk it out.

Here, have a Cute
Thanks bros. It means a lot.
Canaan - Episode 1-13

tl;dr: This is a bad show by a good director, thank the Lord it was produced by a scrub studio like PA Works instead of wasting the time and talent of better animators on such weak material.

Thats what I was thinking of Canaan aswel, not a good show. I don't know anything about the director though. I watched it on a whim, through mal recommendations.


Jormungand 18

Koko got NTR'd hard by a tunnel and a brown loli. Talk about getting owned. Well, she's not as owned as the audience after sitting through action scenes more boring than the talking head shit from the last episode. White Fox has done it again folks.
Magi 6

Yes. Yes~~~!!!

They totally nailed the material, as far as I'm concerned. What a great episode with some brief but awesome action.

Love me some Mor.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 7

Steps to winning a girl's heart.

1. Lick her when she isn't expecting it. It doesn't matter where.
2. ????
3. Rabu rabu.


It's foolproof!

Get it together Haru.

I liked Shizuku's interactions with the blond dude, even if he seems like a terrible person.



The iDOLM@STER : Shiny Festa OVA Funky Note


This wasn't bad but it really did't have much going form it outside of the great music video in the middle and the awesome ED. It's worth checking out if you've got a thing for the forehead girl I guess.


also this stuff needs a BD release so bad




Persona 4 The Animation is the show I hold responsible for me falling back into this whole anime thing. I only watched it because I loved the game and after that I thought "I should watch Eva again" and well...it kinda snowballed.

And now here I am.


I've never played a Persona game before, am I missing out?

Well, *look at post title*

I-It's not like I want you to play it or anything!

My feelings about the Anime have pretty much been covered already, some nice attention to detail (in terms of the character personalities and nods to the game) but the animation itself was crappy. Fans will like it, so it at least ticks the necessary boxes of an adaptation.
Holy fuck K-On!! 04 totally nailed Kyoto for me.

I lived there for a year and most of the places they went in the episode were places I'd been to/hung out at for hours upon hours. What really got me though is the shop in the shot below:

I've eaten the ice cream at that freaking place. So nostalgic.

I also have to admit, I'm liking this show WAY more than I ever thought I would. This is coming from somebody who avoided it like the plague for a while cause I thought it looked awful. Dear god, my kids are actually rubbing off on me.


How is the anime adaptation of Higurashi: When they cry? I'm not far into the VN myself just got to the part where
Tomitake dies


From The New world 06

This show continues to be really bizarre, creepy, foreboding and TENSE AS FUCK.
Its really quite intriguing and I still wonder
how a queerat would react to a human without a Cantus
Then that ending. holy shit.
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