Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
They would have died two decades sooner had they not succumbed to otaku commercialism.They did, although all of their work outside of Honneamise was tainted by crass otaku commercialism.
They would have died two decades sooner had they not succumbed to otaku commercialism.They did, although all of their work outside of Honneamise was tainted by crass otaku commercialism.
Sorry to drag this thread down. I can make really stupid impulsive posts. I had hoped that stopping watching currently airing anime and focusing on backcatalog stuff would help to stave off the gradually growing gnawing feeling of despair. But I haven't been able to avoid seeing impressions that imply that even what I was most looking forward to and enjoying at the beginning of this season such as From the New World and My Little Monster have apparently all turned to shit, and I lose the motivation to have anything to do with this medium. All I can think of is flying to Japan and slitting the throats of Masashi Ishihama and all the idiotic incompetents like him and burning down all their studios who can't seem to make anything but garbage. Perhaps that's just the state of things these days... nothing exists anymore but garbage.
Anyway, this'll be the last post in which I burden this thread with my personal trash. I just look out at the world right now and all I see is blackness. I'll just vanish into that...
WTF is this lol. I tried to find this show a while back, but maybe they use an English name or something. This scene is just crazy.Hey, dudes, just a heads up - the next OT is going to need updated impressions for each show and if you want to say something about it so I don't have to pretend I watched all forty shows, just send a pm my way with your thoughts on it (in some concise format preferably, no nudity) with the title of the show. It looks like this thread will come to a close by the weekend.
joshiraku - 06
This episode.
This show.
As if we didn't know that .I lied guys. After this week's episode is downhill for SAO. All Asuna haters should pretty much watch this episode.
SAO 21 Preview
joshiraku - 06
This episode.
This show.
I lied guys. After this week's episode is downhill for SAO. All Asuna haters should pretty much watch this episode.
SAO 21 Preview
Rest of anime dead yet?More Evangelion 3.0 box office numbers:
4 day total: 1,581,121,800yen (~19 million USD). 1,103,443 tickets sold.
I'll keep watching for the Asuna lulz. Pretty sure I've come too far to just drop the show now anyway.
It's okay cause she's been a victim and that lets Kirito be Jesus Christ superstar.Btw how can Asuna be called perfect waifu when she's been groped, shown nude, groped by a villain and now some tentacle action?
Btw how can Asuna be called perfect waifu when she's been groped, shown nude, groped by a villain and now some tentacle action?
Btw how can Asuna be called perfect waifu when she's been groped, shown nude, groped by a villain and now some tentacle action?
Btw how can Asuna be called perfect waifu
Who doesn't? Anime died when they stopped hand painting cells etc.
Like a bunch of snuff film snobs, we get off on anime's putrefaction.It did but we all keep watching anyway.
[Letter to Momo]
While this film is good, it certainly wasn't worth 7 years of production time. As with Steamboy and Redline all that time has led to a visually arresting film the likes of which one doesn't witness, but you have to wonder if the creators got too close to their creation and could no longer see the flaws.
Like a bunch of snuff film snobs, we get off on anime's putrefaction.
ByI will elaborate.defeating all the Secrets instead of allowing Renton to destroy the first Scub, Ao chooses Naru's path. If Truth was trying to stop her from "leading him astray" he failed completely.
Ao rejectsDon't take this as a defense of Naru either, because I hate her development more than any other character in that show. That's just how things are.Truth's search for "the truth". In fact, Truth wasn't searching for the Truth at all; just a return to a different past that even he doesn't see as ideal (his points of reference in the episode are the Cold War and the Manhattan Project). His way of thinking is exposed as the childish, pathetic dream it always was. Ao decides instead to choose his own destiny for the world. Which happens to be the one that Naru also wanted.
Ikuhara was trying to tell you something with Utena 33, but you weren't ready to hear it.
I'm not sure if I should complain about the spoilers or thank you for unintentionally warning me about what this show has in store for me.Btw how can Asuna be called perfect waifu when she's been groped, shown nude, groped by a villain and now some tentacle action?
I'm not sure that I should complain about the spoilers or thank you for unintentionally warning me of what is in store for me.
It's justI've been trying my best to wipe that episode from my memory.
I'm thankful that the show at least had a character like Juri. She was amazing in every way. If only her and Utena had gotten involved instead ofthis show would've easily been my #1.that douchebag sister fucking Akio
I'm not sure if I think that's a fair comparison, mostly because I think Momo is significantly better than either of those films (and nowhere near as visually arresting, either). Do you think Momo's main flaws are in its narrative or its visuals?
I wasn't aware that it was okay to openly discuss stuff like that without spoiler tags. That and stuff like the punching gif from My Little Monster some pages back make this place real unique when it comes to spoilers.What? It's in the preview.
Well it's a preview so there isn't any spoiler or shit got real in it. But that punching gif from Tonari no Kaibutsu kun crosses that line and ruin it for me.I wasn't aware that it was okay to openly discuss stuff like that without spoiler tags. That and stuff like the punching gif from My Little Monster some pages back make this place real unique when it comes to spoilers.
I love coming here, but the culture feels really different from the rest of GAF in that sense.
Edit: Also, I think I stopped watching around episode 19 so I could blast through the final episodes.![]()
You clearly haven't watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The previews spoil everything.Well it's a preview so there isn't any spoiler or shit got real in it.
I don't think Momo has any main flaws, unless you count being kind of predictable as a flaw (and I don't). I simply compare it to those two other works because it was clearly a passion product that a director and team strived to complete no matter how long it took them.
I'll have some more pointed criticism ready shortly.
Well it's a preview so there isn't any spoiler or shit got real in it. But that punching gif from Tonari no Kaibutsu kun crosses that line and ruin it for me.
Im kinda sad that I think I know were that gif is from
yeah, I think Desert Storm had the last good tank battles.We just don't have sweet tank battles these days.
Im kinda sad that I think I know were that gif is from
its porn
Awesome. I really want that sugoroku game. Also the hanafuda cards that was in the DX set of the PSP game. >_>Patlabor: The Movie (Limited Edition) and Patlabor 2 - The Movie (Limited Collector's Edition) - Thanks again to Typographenia for pointing out the great deal on them
Nichijou Sugoroku board game
Greatest tote bag I will receive in my life
Pack-in "Nichijou" Playing Cards from Shonen Ace 2012 October Issue
Kyoto Animation's ParaPara Trump Nichijou Playing Cards
The Patlabor boxes are great. As others have shared already, they're heavy-duty with storyboards and "archives" packaged in. The two feel great in the hand while holding "Moses and Ten Commandments" style.
The board game had a nice cover, but I'll probably never open it (since I can't read any type of Japanese).
As far as the cards go, the KyoAni pack TRUMPsthe monthly manga's pack. The paper used for the ParaPara cards are of a higher quality. They are all color. The art was made specifically for the pack by different staff from KyoAni. The names of which people are behind what process of the card designs is stated on the back of the box.*snickers*
Meanwhile, only the royal suits were made exclusively for the Shonen Ace pack (which I'd guess were designed by Keiichi Arawi).
I was really looking forward to getting my hands on this import and I'm
NopeReally? It has to be story based right
thats not even the worst of it.And now I know that there are people out there with. farnsworth.jpga drowning fetish
You clearly haven't watched Legend of the Galactic Heroes. The previews spoil everything.
has an entire weird section of mudplay.
I still think you should frame the set!
Those are some awesome cards!
Not anime, but I just watched the first episode of Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger. Oh god this show. This is the funniest shit. :lol I'd recommend it even if you aren't a Sentai fan.
Awesome. I really want that sugoroku game. Also the hanafuda cards that was in the DX set of the PSP game. >_>
But then what would Ao be referring to in that line, when they first entered the world with Truth as his archetype. Truth seemed to be searching for it or at least the idea that captured it and Ao has been led by that concept for several episodes too.
I agreeI just don't get how that turns people on. It looks like she got stuck when she dove.
I thought Ao was laughing at the irony of it all.
I think you'll agree that the "friendship" he has with Ao at the end of the series is more important than whatever aim he held before, right? That's the point.
So... without anything previous to say you just came here with that barrage of opinionated and inflammatory (while quite derivative) text using another person's own conflicts and moment of confusion to justify everything you said in there... utilizing the feelings of someone in such a way, isn't it?I know i may not make any sense whatsoever but the fact remains that Hosana is correct on his assertainions. But Im saying that he has been sold a lie from the get go, from the word go.
I disagree. This is Mr. Tsurumaki through-and-through, and if FLCL was a love letter from him dedicated to Mr. Anno, Aim for the Top 2! Diebuster was a letter of love to all of GAiNAX (remember, 20th anniversary project), but the parallelisms it draws and the whole team still present on it make this in my opinion closer to a continuation of FLCL's OVA training project than to anything else.It's much closer to a proto-TTGL than it ever is to FLCL.
Yeah that's kinda the problem.Not to me it isn't.![]()