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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
you're like totally ignoring the power of submersion & slavery

Episode 3 spoilers:
They were at the end of the dungeon, and the slave master was clearly beat. Alibaba and Alladin were clearly the victors, and they kept asking her to come along but she didn't listen.

She got some mad stockholm syndrome or some shit consider how shitty he treated her


sealed with a kiss
Episode 3 spoilers:
They were at the end of the dungeon, and the slave master was clearly beat. Alibaba and Alladin were clearly the victors, and they kept asking her to come along but she didn't listen.

She got some mad stockholm syndrome or some shit consider how shitty he treated her

That's slavery for you.


I don't think that my tits are quite that big, thankfully.

Maybe I'll do something understated, like a pink suit and pink sunglasses. Better go to a thrift store and buy some clothes dye...

Another female member? That's strange, I really thought you were male...

Mami isn't that busty is she? Maybe for her age I guess but then again I went to school with a girl who was already pretty busty by early junior high. The other girls would pick on her or tease her a bit. More the combination of developing pretty early and being busty. Some busty girls seem to get picked on just as much as flat chested girls :(

Or I could just piss everyone off and go as a Sailor Moon or Precure character. lol.

Haha, That could be interesting too. What about a weird "Akanbe Kyuubei" haha.

You should probably watch the new GTO drama, if only because it hits the same level of self-awareness without being too bombastic about it. Although, I say that as someone who still hasn't watched the last two episodes. lol

I actually don't remember how I took the show. I mean, they even did a :firehawk episode, which is probably a parody of the whole idea of :firehawk in the first place. lol

Maybe it felt more sincere with the whole "up its own ass-ness" with the nerd reference stuff, since I don't remember the general feeling of hopelessness that I have after watching an episode of Community of The Big Bang Theory (I think I probably would kill myself if I watched Family Guy or Robot Chicken), but maybe it's precisely that I don't have an emotional attachment to the references that I can be okay with that as comedy without feeling cheaply manipulated.

Levar Burton and Wil Wheaton whored themselves out on the last episode of TBBT and it just felt sad. But when they had that stunt guy/Red in that episode of Akibaranger, I was able to appreciate the cameo without thinking about how sad he must be to be reduced to doing cameos in a comedy series. lol

All of that said, I'd probably watch a second season if it happened.

GTO is short for the show Great Teacher Onizuka, correct?

Have you seen the show called something like Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle? I've just heard a little bit about it and it seems to be some kind of live action parody of RPGs or Dragon Quest, something along those lines it seems. I was just wondering if it was any good too.

I've never seen Robot Chicken and I'm kind of hit and miss with what I've seen of Family Guy. At times it's funny and others it's really not. I kind of like how they call out certain shows for things they did but then sometimes they'll go and do those same things or something similarly hypocritical. My biggest complaint would maybe be what someone posted here in the thread earlier a few days ago regarding the show, in that it will often draw out some jokes much too long that it becomes really annoying rather than funny.


The Light of El Cantare
At the screening I went to they gave the limited number of posters they had out to cosplayers. I don't know if that is any sort of incentive to you. Also, those tickets seem kind of expensive. At least I don't remember paying that much.

I don't think I could bring myself to out-and-out crossdress (I mean, I'm 6'4 with a quarterback's shoulders after all) but maybe I'll do some kind of faux-cosplay evocative of the costumes. Like I said, pink formalwear or whatever. It might work.

These are the single most expensive movie tickets I've ever purchased, but are they really higher than the norm?


Sorry to drag this thread down. I can make really stupid impulsive posts. I had hoped that stopping watching currently airing anime and focusing on backcatalog stuff would help to stave off the gradually growing gnawing feeling of despair. But I haven't been able to avoid seeing impressions that imply that even what I was most looking forward to and enjoying at the beginning of this season such as From the New World and My Little Monster have apparently all turned to shit, and I lose the motivation to have anything to do with this medium. All I can think of is flying to Japan and slitting the throats of Masashi Ishihama and all the idiotic incompetents like him and burning down all their studios who can't seem to make anything but garbage. Perhaps that's just the state of things these days... nothing exists anymore but garbage.

Anyway, this'll be the last post in which I burden this thread with my personal trash. I just look out at the world right now and all I see is blackness. I'll just vanish into that...

I did, but unfortunately right now I have no faith that I'll ever see anything good in anime ever again.

You know - i have been feeling the same way - but its for the western animation business committing self sucide for the last 7 months now. Im glad you made this post because the "garbage" (and i put it in quotes because one mans garbage is another saving grace) are all sytmtoms of the baby boomers and there unwilliningness to let go and let the youth fail or succeed on there own merit.

I saw it when Saban came back to Saturday Morning, convince Vince McMahan to fuck over his product even further with Saturday Morning Slam...I see it when grown men no where close to my age buying ponies ment for little girls dreams and nobody is questioning Hasbro's willingest for the all mighty dollar now, while years ago and with Japanese product mind you (NOT NAMED TRANSFORMERS). they were so "scared" and "frightend" about marketing to kids these toys. I saw it when Seth MacFarlaine, the new Saban wrapped up in Fox Cloth, dancing and prancing - when his shows dont have the BITE it once was. He is Saban without the warmongering bullshit and no where near as technical skills as John K had (even though John K is a bastard)

I saw it when they ended the Thundercats for no reason but to play with peoples emotions. There was something there, some thing amazing - something earth shattering, god fearing - truly conservitive coming but there is no dice coming from a network that trusted George Lucas over everybody else. - Sure you can have your venture brothers, and adventure times. You can even bring toonami back to some fans - BUT its not the same. The bastards who stated that animation is more of a danger than Dance Moms or Honey Boo Boo for example have won and made us look like a bunch of preds which the reverse is true.

Yes its a joke - but you know why it is? Because some midwestern middle mangment MBA marketer desprete for a promotion years and years ago stated that the North American animation industry was pendantric. For good or for ill, for better or worse the scheme worked. Too well. The problem is i saw what it ment. I know what it means when Avril Laverine can do a cover for a movie based on a show that never succeeded in the US. I know what it means when creators like Lindrof copy on mass the tropes and the set pieces and he continues to get jobs, where now those that copy from the copier are fucked over. I know what the fuck it means folks, when the whole world is singing to a song of a man who for two years was a part of a milltary complex that whole sale murder and rape of black children (mostly female) and continued internal racism causes me to retch when ever i hear that silly ass dance number played.

I know what it means. Life Sucks. We Will Die. Nothing the Fuck Matters anymore, and the fact we have created and voted in whole socities that refuses to understand this fact is a form of self suicide. How come all the counter cultural movements understand this but not western mainstream cuture? Who Knows. Who Cares? Nothing Changes and Nobody Learns anything. Man Breeds To Die. Thats all its is.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
These are the single most expensive movie tickets I've ever purchased, but are they really higher than the norm?
I only have like half the stub left from when I went so I can't really say. Even if it was more you're getting two movies and a fairly lengthy experience so it's not really a value issue.





I don't think I could bring myself to out-and-out crossdress (I mean, I'm 6'4 with a quarterback's shoulders after all) but maybe I'll do some kind of faux-cosplay evocative of the costumes. Like I said, pink formalwear or whatever. It might work.

These are the single most expensive movie tickets I've ever purchased, but are they really higher than the norm?

When I went to the NY showing, $20 for two films was fucking cheap. Coincidentally, the closest anyone got to cosplay was one girl in gothic lolita who was visibly disappointed that everyone else showed in street clothes.


Can you try not to let your weird, media-poisoned, unfollowable delusions ride on a guy who's feeling pretty shitty? At least he's savable if we get him out of his funk.

How the fuck am I Media Fucking Posioned? Explain This. Because quite honestly im the first one to tell you i dont give a fuck if the media disspaeres overnight.


How the fuck am I Media Fucking Posioned? Explain This. Because quite honestly im the first one to tell you i dont give a fuck if the media disspaeres overnight.

You're talking about Fox as not god-fearing or truly conservative enough. That's usually a sign that you need to tell your doctor to change the 'script back from Oxycontin to ibuprofen, and maybe cancel the Comcast service.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
When I went to the NY showing, $20 for two films was fucking cheap. Coincidentally, the closest anyone got to cosplay was one girl in gothic lolita who was visibly disappointed that everyone else showed in street clothes.
Sounds like New York stinks. Cosplay was in full effect at the Chicago showing.
I ain't gonna pretend to understand what it feels like.
It's hard being white.


Subete no aware
It's Aikawa. He's been on a roll at BONES lately, first with Un-Go, now with E7AO. Trying to be the Japanese Lindelof desperately.
God, if he is Japanese Lindelof, what does that make Okada?

Worse than Lost, but the lead-in to the climax is extremely similar. Basically it confirms all the plot hooks the show teased throughout the series have no "real" answers, and they're waved away in the most unsatisfying manner one after another in the last 3-4 episodes. Hilarious.
Seriously, it's such shitty bullshit that I just couldn't help but laugh at what was happening on screen. At least this show didn't take 6 years to end with total bullshit though. In Japan, when you're being screwed, it's fast and hard, not long and painfully slow.

GTO is short for the show Great Teacher Onizuka, correct?

Have you seen the show called something like Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle? I've just heard a little bit about it and it seems to be some kind of live action parody of RPGs or Dragon Quest, something along those lines it seems. I was just wondering if it was any good too.

I've never seen Robot Chicken and I'm kind of hit and miss with what I've seen of Family Guy. At times it's funny and others it's really not. I kind of like how they call out certain shows for things they did but then sometimes they'll go and do those same things or something similarly hypocritical. My biggest complaint would maybe be what someone posted here in the thread earlier a few days ago regarding the show, in that it will often draw out some jokes much too long that it becomes really annoying rather than funny.

Yeah, that's GTO.

I haven't seen Hero Yoshikihko, but it sounds like Chinese Paladin 3, which is a TW show based on a video game that is essentially a bunch of meta RPG jokes strung together. lol
I only watched a few episodes of that though.

Well, there are bigger problems with Family Guy, but I just hate the trend of making jokes about insider knowledge. It's just so cynically masturbatory that I feel like the writers of these shows are just sitting on 4chan and taking notes on jerks who keep posting memes at each other. I'm waiting for TBBT to make a Windows 8 joke or a Microsoft Surface joke, because that's just what they do. Throw in a crappy nerd-related celebrity cameo and a joke about how nerds are socially deficient, and you basically have an episode of that show. Ugh.

I just wonder if I was a huge fan of Sentai shows and understood all the references, would I be annoyed by the show? I mean, they have AkibaRed basically pause for 10 seconds to explain every reference he makes - which is fine for someone like me who doesn't know what they're talking about, but I imagine would be so annoying for someone who understands the genre.

I'd like to think that Akiba Ranger had good writing anyway, but with reference humour, I'm immediately suspect. lol


The Light of El Cantare
I only have like half the stub left from when I went so I can't really say. Even if it was more you're getting two movies and a fairly lengthy experience so it's not really a value issue.

Yeah, I would have paid more, even. I just want the experience of watching an anime on the big screen that isn't Pokemon.

When I went to the NY showing, $20 for two films was fucking cheap. Coincidentally, the closest anyone got to cosplay was one girl in gothic lolita who was visibly disappointed that everyone else showed in street clothes.

Yeah, I think I'd be priced out of most shit in New York, heh. I lament that I'm stuck here in the rust belt where there's virtually nothing cool to do but if I suddenly found myself in a coastal megalopolis I'd probably feel kicked in the balls by the price of everything. The theater that I normally go to has $4 matinees. I gather that this is unheard of in actual civilized places.


You're talking about Fox as not god-fearing or truly conservative enough. That's usually a sign that you need to tell your doctor to change the 'script back from Oxycontin to ibuprofen, and maybe cancel the Comcast service.

what? I stated that Seth MacFarlaine is a much richer verson of Haim Saban and im not wrong in my statement anyway,...


God, if he is Japanese Lindelof, what does that make Okada?

Orci and Kurtzman combined maybe. Honestly though, isn't it all the same thing? Prolific up-and-coming screenwriters who are the flavor of the decade and write a ton of blockbusters and some hits who also turn in horrible ideas and are vilified by fans... it all sounds so familiar, I'm not sure if it would even be fair for us to put specific names to compare this trend!


Mu La Flaga is literally such a boss that he
"forgot" to make out with Captain Ramius because he was too busy giving inspiring speeches to teenage war heroes and learning in a single episode how to pilot a Gundam.

I don't like Mobile Armor pilots indeed . . .

Seriously, though, the show should've been about Mu, Ramius, and Rau. Scrap the stuff about Kira, Athrun and Lacus, and give me a Gundam show about an accomplished, self-confident guy like Mu, the well-endowed captain, and a creepy and scheming enemy commander and this show jumps up in quality like, ten hundred times.

But I guess Kira, Athrun and Lacus are okay. I wish they'd take the time to do more with Lacus' character than have her be a sugar and rainbows plot-device.


Mu La Flaga is literally such a boss that he
"forgot" to make out with Captain Ramius because he was too busy giving inspiring speeches to teenage war heroes and learning in a single episode how to pilot a Gundam.

I don't like Mobile Armor pilots indeed . . .

Seriously, though, the show should've been about Mu, Ramius, and Rau. Scrap the stuff about Kira, Athrun and Lacus, and give me a Gundam show about an accomplished, self-confident guy like Mu, the well-endowed captain, and a creepy and scheming enemy commander and this show jumps up in quality like, ten hundred times.

But I guess Kira, Athrun and Lacus are okay. I wish they'd take the time to do more with Lacus' character than have her be a sugar and rainbows plot-device.
It's all about Andrew Waltfield.


Subete no aware
Orci and Kurtzman combined maybe. Honestly though, isn't it all the same thing? Prolific up-and-coming screenwriters who are the flavor of the decade and write a ton of blockbusters and some hits who also turn in horrible ideas and are vilified by fans... it all sounds so familiar, I'm not sure if it would even be fair for us to put specific names to compare this trend!
Hmm... maybe she's Japanese Ryan Murphy then!

Speaking of hosanna, has anyone seen him on IRC or anything since his meltdown? I'm worried.
He was on Steam at least.


Kira and Lacus are characters who have demonstrated their greatness through multiple Newtype character poll top 10 placings.

I have hope that Kira will merit that, at least. In Destiny he seemed entirely different, and where I am now, everyone keeps saying how he's so different from when this all began. I'm not sure about Lacus, though. She just . . . she doesn't get enough screen time for any real change to happen. She's not as irritating as Kaworu, who is a one episode wonder boy, but for someone so heavily advertised in and out of the show, she's barely been in it at all.

Also an uncanny ability to to drop characters from another show from Hero to Villain status

This was the best part of Destiny, and I didn't even know who Kira and Lacus were. They were just two people on some island and then BOOM SUDDENLY FREEDOM IS OUT THERE AND ERRYBODY KNOWS IT AND WAAAAAA.

It's all about Andrew Waltfield.

He's got the same VA as Zechs, his awesomeness can't be helped.

It's still all about Mu, though.


credit to something on the mania forums

Key: # Shows included - Average w/o zero - Average w/zero - Difference - Studio name

15  21,490  20,058  1,432  Kyoto Animation
27  18,887  17,488  1,399  Sunrise
23  13,338  12,758  *,579  Shaft
21  11,352  11,352  *,**0  A1 Pictures
27  *6,887  *5,867  1,020  Production IG
10  *6,701  *6,031  *,670  AIC ASTA
19  *6,299  *6,299  *,**0  Bones
12  *6,263  *6,263  *,**0  Seven Arcs
15  *6,199  *5,785  *,413  Satelight
17  *5,753  *5,076  *,676  Brains Base
10  *5,655  *3,958  1,696  Hal Film Maker
10  *5,535  *5,535  *,**0  Gainax
12  *5,356  *4,463  *,892  Studio Pierrot
41  *5,214  *4,323  *,890  AIC (all divisions)
10  *5,190  *2,595  2,595  AIC Spirits
59  *5,161  *4,899  *,262  JC Staff
13  *5,071  *4,290  *,780  Arms
54  *4,776  *4,334  *,442  Studio Deen
24  *4,607  *4,031  *,575  Xebec
15  *4,444  *4,444  *,**0  Feel
10  *3,848  *3,848  *,**0  Diomedia
50  *3,719  *2,454  1,264  Madhouse
16  *3,210  *3,009  *,200  AIC
10  *3,036  *3,036  *,**0  Dogakobo
29  *2,838  *2,153  *,685  Gonzo
12  *2,381  *1,389  *,992  TMS Entertainment
20  *2,301  *1,973  *,329  Toei Animation
14  *1,863  *1,596  *,266  Zexcs

Here's a few other studios that haven't hit the 10 show mark yet (at least 4 though), but might be of interest anyway because they tend to have name recognition, for better or for worse:

4  13,454  13,454  *,**0  ufotable
5  10,384  10,384  *,**0  PA Works
4  *7,387  *7,387  *,**0  White Fox
6  *3,206  *3,206  *,**0  Silver Link
8  *1,996  *1,497  *,499  Manglobe


I have hope that Kira will merit that, at least. In Destiny he seemed entirely different, and where I am now, everyone keeps saying how he's so different from when this all began. I'm not sure about Lacus, though. She just . . . she doesn't get enough screen time for any real change to happen. She's not as irritating as Kaworu, who is a one episode wonder boy, but for someone so heavily advertised in and out of the show, she's barely been in it at all.

This was the best part of Destiny, and I didn't even know who Kira and Lacus were. They were just two people on some island and then BOOM SUDDENLY FREEDOM IS OUT THERE AND ERRYBODY KNOWS IT AND WAAAAAA.

He's got the same VA as Zechs, his awesomeness can't be helped.

It's still all about Mu, though.

SEED's old men are amazing, and worthy of being in the best Gundam. Shit, Athrun is more than cool enough to be whereever he wants. Only issue with SEED is Kira, IMO.


To be fair, he does cite a list of caveats to keep in mind with that data:
1. So far my data only goes back through part of 2005 + any >10k title from 2000 to now + some earlier seasons of shows that had recent sequels. Studios with a lot of 10k+ shows may have an extra advantage because their big hits from 2000-2004 are counted while their misses aren't. This actually hurts KyoAni slightly (FMP Fumoffu drops their average by 1k), but it's a huge benefit to Sunrise (SEED increases theirs by almost 4k).

2. Late night and prime time anime is my focus, so the criteria for whether I include "kids' shows" (which generally are not expected to sell DVD/BDs), and how much of it, is fairly arbitrary, and affects the math. E.g. including just the three >10K Bleach arcs helps Pierrot, while including all of Precure hurts Toei a bit, and only including the first season of Phi Brain helps Sunrise's w/0 number slightly.

3. Unranked shows (recorded as "0") pose a problem so I provide both with and without 0, plus the difference between the two. Just look what excluding unranked does for AIC Spirits.

4. Different studios are trying to do different things with different shows. KyoAni is almost always looking for a big sales hit. Sunrise, JC Staff, or Madhouse sometimes are, sometimes aren't. Home video sales are not of equal importance to all shows.

5. I tried to credit just one studio when I saw multiple animation production studios listed. Usually you can get an idea of which studio was in the lead but in a few cases it's completely equal, so I count those shows under both.

6. Data entry errors can and do happen. I corrected two just while doing this post.

Still, I like this note:

"Nise+Bake+Madoka, 3 out of 23 shows, literally triples Shaft's average (~4k without those)."
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 7

Unfortunately, though this episode was a slight improvement over the last two, it was still disappointingly mediocre. I enjoyed the reestablishment and subsequent infusion of the comedic elements that had largely been missing throughout the previous two episodes, but, due to the complete absence of any drama and the nature of the comedy, this increase of humor wasn't nearly as effective as one might expect, as it was far too abundant, thus creating an episode that, once again, lacked any sort of cohesive balance.

Sorata and Mashiro's relationship continues to be one of the most compelling elements in each episode, so it was rather disappointing that
their fantastic interactions were diminished once again
. As such, partially due to their excellent chemistry, their rare, fleeting moments throughout were consistently enjoyable, so hopefully their dynamic can actually be focused on again, at least for the entirety of an episode, rather than a perpetual stalling of their development by way of Aoyama's
ever-increasing desire and subsequent attempts to indignantly interrupt
nearly all of their isolated moments.

reassuring conversation with a worried Yuuko
was a great moment, and, along with several others, such as the
hilarious ABC
scene, it effectively illustrates a noticeable growth in
her emotional connection to Sorata
, particularly in comparison to the seemingly disinterested detachment she felt towards the beginning of the show. Misaki was, of course, terrific, as the ridiculously exaggerated comedy complements her personality best. I'm hoping that her complicated, relatively complex
relationship with Jin
will be further explored soon, since, though it's exceedingly interesting, it hasn't been lengthily featured in an episode since the fourth.

Yuuko's antics, for the most part, weren't particularly amusing, save for her
wildly imaginative fantasies of Sorata and Mashiro's relationship
. Although, despite her predictably flawed characterization and mildly annoying personality, she's a decent character; certainly far more engaging and likable than Aoyama. However, I'm hopeful that she'll, if not completely, be mostly
absent from the story following this episode
, since, due to her involvement, the atmosphere and "developments" in this episode felt too closely similar to a typical, uninteresting harem, which definitely detracts from the intriguing and appealing nature of the show. It's just unfortunate that Yuuko won't be accompanied by Aoyama
upon her imminent departure

Sorata and Aoyama's interactions have been much too prevalent throughout the last three episodes, while consistently failing to elevate past an uninteresting, dull mediocrity. It seems distinctly obvious, even now, that
Mashiro and Sorata's mutual, entwined romantic development
will be considerably more essential and consequently more impactful to the narrative. For example, the moment in which Aoyama
slipped and Sorata caught her
would have potentially developed feelings and subtly foreshadowed later developments if Mashiro acted similarly. Instead, it comes across as purposeful and rather forced misdirection. Basically, their seemingly contrived dynamic often detracts from the show, since it's nowhere near as compelling or relatively intriguing as Mashiro and Sorata's slowly developing relationship.

Aoyama's tsundere personality is surprisingly grating, due largely to how one-dimensional it continues to be. Despite the numerous wasted attempts to create an engaging sort of characterization for her, she remains the worst character by far, never improving the show in a substantial, or even minuscule, fashion. As such, there really doesn't seem to be a point for the unnecessarily heightened focus on her. Her
occasional romantic realizations
feel thoroughly unimportant, never appearing to be significant or particularly noteworthy. I assume that, due to her insignificance as
the third wheel
, they desire to portray her as a potentially legitimate
love interest
, which ultimately doesn't work, since the conclusion to this
is quite inevitable. Essentially, she appears to only be necessary for her ability to
consistently interfere and temporarily deter Mashiro and Sorata's relationship
from actually developing.

The direction was unspectacular, rarely elevating the material, but, aside from the lack of visual creativity, it was largely solid throughout. The comedy was quite enjoyable at first, but the outlandish reactions and misinterpreted scenarios quickly became repetitive. The elevated tendency to include pandering fanservice, especially at the beginning, was completely unnecessary, but, aside from the few instances that stupidly
involved Yuuko
, it didn't really lessen the quality of the episode, since it's rather expected.

All in all, Sakurasou, though impressively good much of the time, has become increasingly inconsistent following the fourth episode. The preview suggests another heavily comedic, fanservice-oriented episode, but I'm expecting that either
Sorata's game design
Jin's relationship with Misaki
will be filtered into the episode's developments, since a balanced approach to the next episode would benefit the pacing of the narrative immensely, rather than an inclination to heavily lean in one direction. The show clearly peaked with the fourth episode, so I'm hoping that the majority of the following portion of the story will avoid a consistent, repetitious faltering into the generic, harem-esque formula that pervaded throughout this episode.


Sucks at poetry
Gunbuster 4 - 6

Done. 10/10 an absolute classic and a masterpiece. I was moved. I managed to watch this on BD, and the impact of the final episode - which was presented in black and white, and saw a switch from 4:3 to theatrical widescreen - was nothing short of breath taking. The BD conversion must have been painstaking because it just so gorgeous man.

The ending was perfect. This is what it means to be satisfied.


sealed with a kiss
Gunbuster 4 - 6

Done. 10/10 an absolute classic and a masterpiece. I was moved. I managed to watch this on BD, and the impact of the final episode - which was presented in black and white, and saw a switch from 4:3 to theatrical widescreen - was nothing short of breath taking. The BD conversion must have been painstaking because it just so gorgeous man.

The ending was perfect. This is what it means to be satisfied.

You have chosen wisely.


I actually did have a wish fulfilled this episode set so it made things even better. I mean having
Truth go through all that intense action stuff, betray Naru like thankfully since she was getting in the way and trying to lead Ao astray, then give us so many glorious action moments, and finally, after a physical lesson in understanding, to join the ranks with Ao and team up and then act all friendly, that was a really good reward and certainly extremely pleasing. I was hoping they would somehow have them both team up to understand and reach the Truth, since they were similar in that way for awhile.

defeating all the Secrets instead of allowing Renton to destroy the first Scub, Ao chooses Naru's path. If Truth was trying to stop her from "leading him astray" he failed completely.
I will elaborate.

I think Eureka Seven Ao as a whole improved upon just about everything I disliked for Eureka Seven, forgoing any sort of dumb unappealing romance plot thread and keeping things focused on addressing deep questions through science fiction ideology, historical events, and ultimately, finding the truth in this world with better music, action, and visual quality, I do like this way more than Eureka Seven. Unfortunately Ao also shows that they still struggle to write an appealing ending, they were close but as already said had that show up in it to make things feel unwanted. I did scratch my head at the plot in Ao though
so many parallel worlds, how to keep them straight especially when it incorporates both, space, time, and peoples existences.
Will have to rewatch when Funi dubs it and I buy it, hopefully they do that in 2013.

Ao rejects
Truth's search for "the truth". In fact, Truth wasn't searching for the Truth at all; just a return to a different past that even he doesn't see as ideal (his points of reference in the episode are the Cold War and the Manhattan Project). His way of thinking is exposed as the childish, pathetic dream it always was. Ao decides instead to choose his own destiny for the world. Which happens to be the one that Naru also wanted.
Don't take this as a defense of Naru either, because I hate her development more than any other character in that show. That's just how things are.

In looking at E7: AO, I've fixated on the issue of mistakes and moving on from the past because in the end, that's the only question the show makes some kind of stand on. Every other issue the show "raises", from the politics of independence to the role of the media and corporations, is only explored in the most shallow of ways. They pass through the world without meaningful comment. It's the danger of making a story about "important questions" without developing the characters to back it up. Without strongly defined people with clear goals whose predicaments we care about, all the plot in the world is meaningless.

I know you had a stronger attachment to the characters in Ao than I or many others did, and that's fine. I normally don't touch your posts because I respect your willingness judge everything on your own scale. But it bothers me when you willfully ignore what the show is trying to tell you entirely for the sake of the narratives you want to see. Write all the fanfiction you like afterwards, but have the respect to engage the show on its own terms.


Smile Precure - 36


Who is this goofy looking, Terry Bogard (R U OKAY) line spitting motherfucker doing in my magical garden?! Seriously? They had to take the strongest OTP in this damn show and screw with it?!! :mad: Why couldn't this been a Reika episode, hell even Miyuki? Why in the world would you want to fuck with the fandom's Nissan pairing?

Incredibly fucked up that they had to put the closest moment of NaoxAkane in the same episode as this tool as a means of giving the Nissan fans some respect.

Really? They couldn't have held off using this delicious moment for a later episode? :(

Nao give it her all to catch the departing bus so that Akane could see Brian one last time was so damn hard to watch. This girl throwing away her own feelings for the sake of her OTP's just gutted me. Thank god that loser is gone though. Whoever thought this episode was a great idea needs to get kicked in their throat!

Ikuhara was trying to tell you something with Utena 33, but you weren't ready to hear it.


Gunbuster - 02


Science, theory of lightspeed travel, dat Gainax bounce with boobs, finding the Luxion in lightspeed travel as a rogue object and the shattering of Noriko's heart when she find it only leading into the empy abyss of space, the new friendship, Wakamoto being a badass.

That space visual porn is hot.

This show.




From the New World 8


Being Mamoru is suffering.

They weren't kidding about a society based on Bonobos. It's good to see the show is still capable of creating the feeling of unease/foreboding present in the earlier episodes, although it's unfortunate the animation director seems to have fallen asleep for much of the episode.
Shun is raising all sorts of death flags.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jormungand 19
Pretty good episode. Nice mix of the past and the present, setting up background for another member of the crew while not wallowing in what happened. They even presumably set some stuff up for the future while they were at it, which is always a good thing.

Really just super impressed by the music still. It's cool and relaxed when it needs to be, building nice and slowly with a low tension before hitting its action scenes, and that tension really sells it. It swells and pauses just where it needs to while fitting to the show perfectly.

Oh, and I hate to bring it up but this show would be 1000000% cooler if it had no CG. Really hurts an episode like this where you're dealing with cars, but you just kind of have to live with it.


Subete no aware
Smile Precure - 36


Who is this goofy looking, Terry Bogard (R U OKAY) line spitting motherfucker doing in my magical garden?! Seriously? They had to take the strongest OTP in this damn show and screw with it?!! :mad: Why couldn't this been a Reika episode, hell even Miyuki? Why in the world would you want to fuck with the fandom's Nissan pairing?

Incredibly fucked up that they had to put the closest moment of NaoxAkane in the same episode as this tool as a means of giving the Nissan fans some respect.

Really? They couldn't have held off using this delicious moment for a later episode? :(

Nao give it her all to catch the departing bus so that Akane could see Brian one last time was so damn hard to watch. This girl throwing away her own feelings for the sake of her OTP's just gutted me. Thank god that loser is gone though. Whoever thought this episode was a great idea needs to get kicked in their throat!
I just noticed this. Nice parody post! lol

Pack-in "Nichijou" Playing Cards from Shonen Ace 2012 October Issue

Kyoto Animation's ParaPara Trump Nichijou Playing Cards
I still think you should frame the set!
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