I kind of blame Jexhius for making me notice this stuff.
Premiered Fall 2011 so unfortunately no.
that wasn't even the worst voice acting of 2008 (hellooooooooooooooo shikabane hime)certainly gave me a new perspective on Chiaki Omigawa's role in Soul Eater.
Heck. Even the END Card for episode 21 is suggestive. lol.
I kind of blame Jexhius for making me notice this stuff.
Please explain to me the appeal of her.
I dont see it.
I kind of blame Jexhius for making me notice this stuff.
My Anime of the Year
1.) Fate/Zero
2.) Hyouka
3.) Chuunibyou
4.) Accel World
5.) Fate/Zero
Little Busters 8
Uguu? Wafuu~~~~~~.
so she... splits the cabbage? :kayos
so she... splits the cabbage? :kayos
It's a heart not cabbage. >.>
It's a heart not cabbage. >.>
It's a heart not cabbage. >.>
I kind of blame Jexhius for making me notice this stuff.
Boy, these early AOTY lists make me feel like my tastes are really strange.
Boy, these early AOTY lists make me feel like my tastes are really strange.
The cabbage leaf is shaped like a heart, when she hears that her onii-chan wants to visit his waifu, she splits it in half, symbolizing her breaking heart.
Boy, these early AOTY lists make me feel like my tastes are really strange.
I would've posted the entire sequence but I was too lazy to grab all the screen caps.i hate these things where you need the context of watching the episode
I am pretty sure Kawahara is not responsible for this, it would make for some very weird prose.Kawahara is a fucking genius.
Fate Zero counts because it's split cour but Chihayafuru doesn't, this seems like a silly distinction.
This show is not bad.
Too early. I have to check on some stuff again and look over what came out.Where is your list? Come on now.
It's been a while, but I think it was kinda unremarkable to me. I don't remember much about it, anyway.
Fate Zero counts because it's split cour but Chihayafuru doesn't, this seems like a silly distinction.
still not posting my list until the AotY thread is up. Lists are sacred, yo.
It is, but I only say it because that's how it's been done in the past. For those who think that the rule is dumb, what would be preferable: shows airing in two different years being eligible in both years of their airing, or only being eligible the year that they finish?
Acchi Kocchi is my favorite happy squee junkfood but its not AOTY material.
I'll be interested to see who ranks their stuff critically and who ranks their stuff based on personal fun factor, although for most people here I assume it'll be one and the same.
Wafuu > Gao > De Geso > Wan > Uguu.Wan >>>>>>>>>>> wafu
Golden truth.
I'm sad no one has Kokoro Connect on their list. It's a good show.
I'm sad no one has Kokoro Connect on their list. It's a good show.
You should be able to vote on anything that airs (or for movies, released to the home market) in that calendar year, I don't see the need or purpose for arbitrary restrictions. And I seem to recall a bunch of people saying they wanted to see how Chihayafuru ended up before voting on it last year.
Odd, because her singing voice seems way less off this time. Maybe she just tweaked it. Either way, it seems less off this time because I'm pretending that the cast of SEED are all adults now, even though they're probably teens. Also, where didAndy Waltfeld get another arm? He only had one at the end of SEED.
Gurren Lagann 10 I've changed my mind. I hate Nia completely and totally and this show will be considered on a downhill slope if I have to go two more episodes of Simone pulling a damn Shinji Ikari over.Kamina's death. Also if Kamina is dead for the rest of this show, I will be inclined to agree that the second half is bull. First 8 episodes are fun and fast-paced and I'm now two or three episodes into this mopefest and tired of it.
I hate Nia because she's an obvious and painfully annoying Mary Sue. Red cross eyes are frustrating to look at, weird sky and cloud hair, too, but the worst part is that she's sickly-sweet and perfect princessy. She's like Lacus but worse.
Oh and I hate Hime and Gime and wish they had died in that village's ceremony. I'm hoping they've been kept alive solely for the purpose of killing them off and allowing Rossio some more character development. Because Rossio gets no damn respect on that boat.
I'm sad no one has Kokoro Connect on their list. It's a good show.
next thing you are gonna tell me is that the guitars in FLCL are penisesIt's a heart not cabbage. >.>
Hard to rank it considering it was in season of really good anime like Arcana Famiglia, Kurokos Basetball, and Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate.
Fate Zero counts because it's split cour but Chihayafuru doesn't, this seems like a silly distinction.