Haven't watched Fate/Zero yet, so JoJo better win.
As much as I love Jojo it's still between F/Z and Tsuritama for me, though probably leaning towards F/Z.
Fate/Zero seriously better win.
There really is no contest. None what so ever.
Anime of the year is Hyouka; it's not even a contest. KyoAni styled all over the competition.
2010 and 2011 were better, tho.
2012 was pretty weak compared to 2011 or 2010.
I hope 2013 will deliever more great animes. At least the movie releases are already better.
Hey. Guess what. SAO 21 spoilers, for people who are wondering what exactly we're all talking about. Not Safe For Life: http://i835.photobucket.com/albums/zz278/Jexhius/Album 2/sao21why.gif
I wouldn't want their to be hope.
wafu wafuu 8
wafu count: atleast 14 and there's probably more i couldnt make out in the completely incomprehensible noises she loves to make
Hyouka is the best but it won't win because "lololol so boring I can't appreciate dialogue and animation derp".
JoJo or SAO will win.
I'm still surprised Kyoani didn't pick this, she looks completely retarded and clueless, the perfect bait for Otaku.
So I just met Nia in Gurren Lagan and I, uh, well . . . she's supposed to be a send-up of magical-pixie-princesses, right? Like, the crosses in the eye, the white hair, the weird never seen a human attitude and all. She's supposed to be an obvious one of those, right?
Anime of the year is Hyouka; it's not even a contest. KyoAni styled all over the competition.
2010 and 2011 were better, tho.
Fuck off Nia is mai waifu and she's voiced by Yukari Fukui. Nia is a true Nonoriri.
What kind of feels does this give me?
You just made my year Extollere. Please let me use the finished version as an avy!!! So hyped!
While Extollere watches?
Chuunibyou 8
Be my guest. I wanted your opinion because the first sketch I did was a little different. I had Deko leaning her back against Nibu's breasts, while Nibu poured warm milk over Deko's face and body lustfully. She caressed her delicate little figure carefully with her free hand. Deko looked surprised, and the milk ran down her shirt causing it to become wet and see-through. That way you could see that she had no bra on. Then I thought, man that's gross. Who the hell wants warm milk on their clothing? Plus, isn't it more fitting that they're fighting to suppress their feelings for each other rather than to have blatant lesbianism on display? Well, that's what I thought anyways.
Am not even sure what came out this year, was hxh last year or this year? if this year would go for HxH R.
I would but jojo above fate zero since I only really liked about half of fz.
sao is going to win.
Am not even sure what came out this year, was hxh last year or this year? if this year would go for HxH R.
I would but jojo above fate zero since I only really liked about half of fz.
sao is going to win.
realtalkAnime of the Year is Polar Bear's Café anyway. All your opinions are invalid.
She's horrible. The worst character in Gurren Lagann IMO. God, when she talks, my ears bleed, so fucking horrible.
Fuck off Nia is mai waifu and she's voiced by Yukari Fukui. Nia is a true Nonoriri.
That's pretty funny considering it's been up on YouTube for over a week now!I just saw this at Hyper Japan in London today. Mitsuhisha Ishikawa claimed the full six-minute version hadn't been shown elsewhere yet - I feel ripped off!
Yeah, they explained this because they keep getting scammed by people using foreign credit cards, so they need "proof" of identity in order to justify it. wonzo orders from them, and I think he's okay with them?
So jelly. Mine is still in the mail somewhere, and even then, I won't be able to get to it until later in December.
I expect every single character to show up in the final episode though.
On the other hand, if I try to think of what Mayuri or Kurisu would do, or want to do, without Okabe around, I honestly have no idea. Or, to use Ben-to as an example, I know what Sen would do if Satou weren't around, but she would collapse into a cardboard figure who takes lunch boxes after kicking people.
While I'm still fellating Gainax, is it weird that one of the first things I'd do with a time machine (that had a universal translator) is go back and see Daicon IV with everyone watching it the first time it was shown? That must have blown people's minds.
Gundam SEED Destiny 7: 1)Athrun is the new Mu. 2)This reminds me why I hate XIII-2's ending., 3)Lacus' singing voice seems a LOT better this time around. Maybe because it's not a grown woman doing the singing for an alleged teenager?because what's the point of two games preventing a colony drop if you do it anyway?
Yeah, those are the two instances. Both exceptionally creepy, although perhaps I only find the Utena one so because I watched it after Penguindrum, heh.
y'know, it really does seem like Dvorak's From thew New World gets a surprising amount of use in anime, especially considering that use of public domain music is a rarity in general. Probably the best use of it actually comes from One Piece, which used the beginning of the fourth movement to pretty amazing effect at the climax of the Alabasta Arc. Skip to 2:40 in this video if you want to see it, though keep in mind a.) EXTREME SPOILZ and b.) it loses a lot of its impact if you lack the context of the events leading up to the moment.
They're also releasing a complete box set in Japan next March with new box art and a 200-page production booklet. With the movie, new game, Vita port, and now this, it looks like they really want to keep the series momentum going, huh.
Sailor Moon.
Nuff Said.
This year's AotY thread needs a -1 point negavote option like some of the GotY threads have had. With our forces united, we can keep the top ten list pure.
Was there not two different votes for AOTY? One for more specifically AnimeGaf and another for NeoGaf members in general?
Anime of the year is Hyouka; it's not even a contest. KyoAni styled all over the competition.
2010 and 2011 were better, tho.