Oh, sorry, didn't mean to confuse. The box set is only just the TV series all in one package; I was just listing off all the different projects they've got going for next year.
Surprisingly almost all of the AotY top ten remained on the list even when votes were filtered out; for the most part only the rankings changed. For 2011 that basically meant that AnoHana was no longer in the top ten, hahah.
I'll be interested to see who ranks their stuff critically and who ranks their stuff based on personal fun factor, although for most people here I assume it'll be one and the same.
I'm going to have two or three curveball "fun" votes myself, although I expect that most of you can already guess them.
Okay, I thought I recalled earlier where people were comparing two different lists the one time where the shows were pretty similar but the order was maybe just slightly rearranged. I remember the "AnimeGaf list" had The Idolm@ster listed but the "NeoGaf list" had something else in the top 10. I must be thinking of something else I suppose.
--Looks like Mad Pierrot mentioned what I was thinking of.
Oh, sorry, didn't mean to confuse. The box set is only just the TV series all in one package; I was just listing off all the different projects they've got going for next year.
After a long hiatus... Ojomajo Doremi 05
A pretty cute episode, feels pretty weird to get back to this after so many months.
The Ojomajo are originally disappointed that their plan didn't work but through their spirit of entrepreneurship it all works out somehow. Also there is a dog thing. It looked weird but I guess artstyle and all.
I'll be interested to see who ranks their stuff critically and who ranks their stuff based on personal fun factor, although for most people here I assume it'll be one and the same.
I'm going to have two or three curveball "fun" votes myself, although I expect that most of you can already guess them.
1. Tsuritama (i really liked everything from the show. The characters, art style and story)
2. Sakamichi no Apollon (it has it's problems but I think it's a very nice story with good animations)
3. Kokoro Connect (very underrated and it's overshadowed by the controversy)
4. Kuroko no Basket (I think this was the best sports anime this year)
Surprisingly almost all of the AotY top ten remained on the list even when votes were filtered out; for the most part only the rankings changed. For 2011 that basically meant that AnoHana was no longer in the top ten, hahah.
I haven't seen/finished enough from this year to feel confident making my own AOTY list currently, but this is how the top of it should shake out, at least for TV.
btw the worst anime I saw all year was Marimo no Hana. Another crime against humanity by the AKB machine.
It's so insubstantial I can hardly call it "worst", but yeah, it was bad aside from the one Hisashi Mori animation cut. And the AKB voice "actress" certainly is in the running for worst Japanese voice acting I've ever heard. (Never trusting raito-kun again.)
1. Fate Zero- badass. Pretty. Cute. RIDER. Saber. Nuff said.
2. Chihayafuru - does this count? It better count.
3. Space Bros - this show is just amazing for all its simplicity. Dem feels.
4. Tsuritama - i love fishing. Im an alien. I love the art style. This show was made for me.
5. Accel World - this was way too entertaining for its own good.
6. Hyouka - magnificently executed, gorgeous to look at, and Misaki is so adorable but ultimately this show didn't have much to say.
7. Im too lazy to continue.
Odd, because her singing voice seems way less off this time. Maybe she just tweaked it. Either way, it seems less off this time because I'm pretending that the cast of SEED are all adults now, even though they're probably teens. Also, where did
Andy Waltfeld get another arm? He only had one at the end of SEED.
Gurren Lagann 10 I've changed my mind. I hate Nia completely and totally and this show will be considered on a downhill slope if I have to go two more episodes of Simone pulling a damn Shinji Ikari over
Kamina's death. Also if Kamina is dead for the rest of this show, I will be inclined to agree that the second half is bull. First 8 episodes are fun and fast-paced and I'm now two or three episodes into this mopefest and tired of it.
I hate Nia because she's an obvious and painfully annoying Mary Sue. Red cross eyes are frustrating to look at, weird sky and cloud hair, too, but the worst part is that she's sickly-sweet and perfect princessy. She's like Lacus but worse.
Oh and I hate Hime and Gime and wish they had died in that village's ceremony. I'm hoping they've been kept alive solely for the purpose of killing them off and allowing Rossio some more character development. Because Rossio gets no damn respect on that boat.
objectively best AOTY list incoming choo choo motherfuckers:
1. Nisemonogatari
2. Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankei Nai yo ne
3. Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!
4-10. Everything else is lame
11. any scene with Suguha in Sword Art Online S2
Surprisingly almost all of the AotY top ten remained on the list even when votes were filtered out; for the most part only the rankings changed. For 2011 that basically meant that AnoHana was no longer in the top ten, hahah.
I find it quite dumb to vote for a Whatever of the Year thing when the year hasn't ended or when the year has just ended. Too much recency bias, especially in video games.
Gurren Lagann 10 I've changed my mind. I hate Nia completely and totally and this show will be considered on a downhill slope if I have to go two more episodes of Simone pulling a damn Shinji Ikari over
Kamina's death. Also if Kamina is dead for the rest of this show, I will be inclined to agree that the second half is bull. First 8 episodes are fun and fast-paced and I'm now two or three episodes into this mopefest and tired of it.
I hate Nia because she's an obvious and painfully annoying Mary Sue. Red cross eyes are frustrating to look at, weird sky and cloud hair, too, but the worst part is that she's sickly-sweet and perfect princessy. She's like Lacus but worse.
Oh and I hate Hime and Gime and wish they had died in that village's ceremony. I'm hoping they've been kept alive solely for the purpose of killing them off and allowing Rossio some more character development. Because Rossio gets no damn respect on that boat.
Odd, because her singing voice seems way less off this time. Maybe she just tweaked it. Either way, it seems less off this time because I'm pretending that the cast of SEED are all adults now, even though they're probably teens. Also, where did
Andy Waltfeld get another arm? He only had one at the end of SEED.
Gurren Lagann 10 I've changed my mind. I hate Nia completely and totally and this show will be considered on a downhill slope if I have to go two more episodes of Simone pulling a damn Shinji Ikari over
Kamina's death. Also if Kamina is dead for the rest of this show, I will be inclined to agree that the second half is bull. First 8 episodes are fun and fast-paced and I'm now two or three episodes into this mopefest and tired of it.
It's so insubstantial I can hardly call it "worst", but yeah, it was bad aside from the one Hisashi Mori animation cut. And the AKB voice "actress" certainly is in the running for worst Japanese voice acting I've ever heard. (Never trusting raito-kun again.)