Fate/Zero 01-03
Well, that was interesting. There are a lot of cool aspects here. I really like the world they've set up and the rules for what's going forward. The problem is, that's really all that's been done. There is way too much set-up and unexplained technical jargon. Ultimately, it's good but leaving me a bit cold. I've yet to really connect with any of the characters. Rider is the only one I've taken a real liking to. Other than that, I dislike them or just don't really feel anything.
I can't help but compare this to Blast of Tempest. It's kind of got the same issues. It looks good, but the characters aren't all that interesting. Because of that, it makes it hard to get attached. Zero's characters are better than Blast's, but Blast looks markedly better so it's a wash.
Speaking of Zero's look, boy is the animation inconsistent. Sometimes it looks really good. Others not so much. The first episode looked down right bad at times. Also, those CG cars might just be the worst CG I've seen this year.
Overall, I expect it to get better. Even so, unless something crazy happens, I just don't see it bumping Space Brothers and Hunter x Hunter from my 1 and 2 slots on my AotY list.