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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Next week will be the last Lite episode.


Ginga e Kickoff! 24

That was one of the coolest episodes of any anime I've watched all year. It was basically the same old "think outside the box in order to improve at fighting/sports" cliché every shounen ever implements, but it managed to be educational and interesting because of the real world applications of blind football. The skill and dedication these people have to exert in such a simple hobby is admirable.

P.S. Coach-san is a terrible keeper.

Being from the country of soccer I had already know about blind soccer, but not the rules in depth.

Polar Bear Cafe 30

:sasako and polar bears neverending flood of halloween costumes. oh, and there was something about llamas but no cares about them anyway

Rama Dee~

Most probably because of the complaints, yeah. I'm waiting to check the habitual comments from the staff of each episode (http://www.anime-chu-2.com/story/0), to see if they mention something about this on the upcoming one! Previous ones translated by ultimatemegax are here:

Chuunibyou episode 1 KyoAni comments « Ultimatemegax's blog

Chuunibyou episode 2 KyoAni comments « Ultimatemegax's blog

Chuunibyou episode 3 KyoAni comments « Ultimatemegax's blog

And this is why I don't skip pages in the thread, thanks /XX/.

Never skip stuff ever. EVER.

Intended viewing experience!

Aplly this to the thread too.

A new PV for everyone's (new) favorite ninja tits anime, Senran Kagura.


I still haven't played the game but I liked the design of the girl with the hime cut and long dark hair the best. Then I found out she's voiced by Asami Imai!! I'd probably watch it just to hear her voice honestly.

The blonde haired girl is also voiced by Yuu Kobayashi so that means you have to watch this show now too firehawk, haha.

Thanks for posting it again Mandoric.

When I found out Ikaruga whas played by Asami Imai I played all the missions with her, she was lvl 30 and the other were like lvl 6~10. And after her I played only with Katsuragi/Yuu Kobayashi.


Let's fucking DO THIS!

There's already :SDBurton for you

Mmm, brothers. Huh, oh there's a girl. How boring.
Will probably watch.

Oh yeah, that Mondai-Ji-tachi etc. anime (the one with the bunny girl) was confirmed for January, and a new key visual:

A review of the plot, if you've forgotten:

Dunno, maybe? I have no real idea what to feel based off the summary.


I haven't been able to watch much anime due to homework/XCOM/Pokemon White 2, but I did get seriously addicted to Gintama. Almost to episode 50. Man, what a fantastic show. It has super obvious, low brow humor, yet can be really subtle at the same time. It can be hilarious, than turn to emotional at the drop of the hat. Also, OP 2 might be my favorite anime OP song of all time.


Psycho-Pass 3

Good to finally see the cast do some detective work for a change. I liked how the episode kept a steady pace from start to finish even if the resolution seemed somewhat predictable. I'm also liking Shinya a lot more with each passing episode although I can't quite say the same about Akane.

I can only see things getting better, for now.

Robotics;Notes 3

Now this is what I'm talking about! It was about damn time we got some nice robot action going on in a show that is purportedly about robots and robot building. It was also extremely relieving to see the main protagonist not act like a bag of dicks, for a change. The episode also featured some really solid character animation during the matches, which is something I immediately took notice of.

Now that the main cast is coming together and some hints as to the overarching narrative were teased, this show seems to be really gearing up for me. Exciting!

I'm happy to say that both Noitamina shows this week were very entertaining watches. I also find myself liking the soundtrack for both shows a lot. They do a really good job of setting the mood and accomplishing what they set out to do.

I'm pleased.


*nods head*

Yup, I was right. Nafe is pretty cool.

Muramasa is a gorgeous game. Vanillaware has an incredible art department. Its also a pretty fun game.

Oh yeah, that Mondai-Ji-tachi etc. anime (the one with the bunny girl) was confirmed for January, and a new key visual:

A review of the plot, if you've forgotten:

This is one of my most anticipated 2013 animes.
Bunny girl is adorable!


One of my friends linked me to a statue of her and I really want it.

I can't wait for the Vita version because it's supposed to have new characters!

You referring to this figure?

Chuunibyou 4

Continues to be awesome. I called why
Mari Summer joined the club, that bitch
. It's nice that they haven't gone full harem yet, I continue to have high hopes.


Chuunibyou 4

Continues to be awesome. I called why
Mari Summer joined the club, that bitch
. It's nice that they haven't gone full harem yet, I continue to have high hopes.

It'll probably never go full harem. Before I watched episode 4 I thought it would be a love triangle at most, but I don't think so anymore.

Apparently Robotics;Notes is picking up. I was hesitant before, but I feel like I should try it out now.
iM@S 21-24

Wow, this got emotional real freaking fast. There's actually a lot of really solid character work here, despite the huge cast.

I thought Chihaya's arc ended really well too, and I'm glad it didn't just get solved after one episode. When she was standing out on stage singing without any orchestration, I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up a bit.

I'm not a huge Haruka fan, but I was still pretty interested in seeing where her arc was going to go. As the super genki girl of the group, I wasn't expecting the show to go the
breakdown route. Having her freak out about everybody being together and not being able to externalize that desire was really interesting to watch
. It was smart to end the character arcs on her story.

More than anything though, I was REALLY surprised with
Producer falling to his near-death. That was a dark direction that I wasn't expecting, and his character is all the better for it.
It's obviously not the same, but I can definitely relate to him when it comes to some of my students and wanting to help them/give them a shoulder when they need it.

Hopefully the final episode is as good as the last few have been.


She was so popular they rereleased her.

I'm glad. The figure really is nice. The colors are bright and they work together really well. It's an impressive figurine even if you aren't really a big fan of Muramasa.

iM@S 21-24

Hopefully the final episode as as good as the last few.

The final episode is an OVA episode, so don't expect the same level of emotional intensity as 21-24. It's still a very enjoyable episode, like 15 was, and a good conclusion for what I thought was a very good series.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
K - 04

Found myself constantly looking at the time to see when this episode would end. Looks like next week will bring the action.. so that's nice I guess.

They need an episode dedicated to that one lady's butt. I'm not sure which lady it is though.
It'll probably never go full harem. Before I watched episode 4 I thought it would be a love triangle at most, but I don't think so anymore.

I'm not sure if Yuuta has really given up on her yet. Though that last scene probably really closed the door on that ever happening.


I'm glad. The figure really is nice. The colors are bright and they work together really well. It's an impressive figurine even if you aren't really a big fan of Muramasa.

I'd never be able to justify buying it. Nowhere to put it, unemployed, I'd rather spend the money on games or anime but MAAAAN it's nice.


I'm glad. The figure really is nice. The colors are bright and they work together really well. It's an impressive figurine even if you aren't really a big fan of Muramasa.

The final episode is an OVA episode, so don't expect the same level of emotional intensity as 21-24. It's still a very enjoyable episode, like 15 was.

Yeah I ordered Momohime the first time around.
Its such a gorgeous figurine.
The detail is pretty incredible and it easily lives up to the game's art style.
Robotics;Notes 03

I think we all need some fabulous in our lives now.

Awesome, finally some robot action. Really good episode, showing off the micro robot fighting, Mr. Fabulous, the battle tournament, all of it was pretty fun.

Genki girl is sometimes too genki for me, the guy wasn't terrible this episode either so that's good.
The whole other illness was pretty cool too. Looking forward to learning about that too.
The final episode is an OVA episode, so don't expect the same level of emotional intensity as 21-24. It's still a very enjoyable episode, like 15 was, and a good conclusion for what I thought was a very good series.

Really? They made the
New Year's concert
an OVA? That's silly. Especially since the last few episodes have been building toward it.


Really? They made the
New Year's concert
an OVA? That's silly. Especially since the last few episodes have been building toward it.

Wait, what? Oh, I guess iM@S has 26 episodes. I'm sorry, the 26th episode is the OVA episode.

I thought episode 25 was a good conclusion too. :D


Just watched Gintama 44. Oh man, this was right up my ally. Love the sentai parody stuff. Also,
I'm not Zura, I'm a pine tree
may be my favorite line of the show so far. Had to pause the show I was laughing too hard.


Chuunibyou 4
This continues to be enjoyable. OP has been nerfed because crybabies couldn't handle a little flickering.
Nice to see that Hairclip wasn't quite as predictable as we were led to believe.

Ha ha, really? That was fast. I'm sure a number of people at KyoAni tried to explain to the director that the OP was a clusterfuck but they went ahead and used it anyway. Guess they couldn't handle the backlash!
Gintama 171

First part wasn't bad, could have used more supporting cast and I probably needed more Gundam knowledge to get the references.

Second part was awesome. Reaction faces, the fighting, making fun of Krillin, the ending, it was a blast.


..I just received this in my mail box :

The package is really well done ..now that's a box set i approuve !

I hope NISA get season 3 & 4 too
The outer package feel like a book ..it's well done ( unlike the clean box surfaces they usualy got for their releases )

Okay, that does look pretty great. I'd only be really interested in seasons 1 & 2 as they're the best anyway.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Codebreaker 02


This show walks the fine line of both terrible and amazing yet again in this episde. It was walking in the former more than the latter this episode but it still had its moments. Everything that takes place in the school is utterly hilarious and moronic, its truly amazing. The rest of this episode was pretty eh, don't really like that new guy they introduced at all in this episode. The main chick is hilariously stupid and now shes got some crazy backstory. Her best friend is even dumber than she is! Can't wait to watch more of this!

I want more of Inu though :(


So you don't skip recaps? Sounds like you're wasting your life.

I like how Chobits was handles.
All the recap episodes were sold in an easily avoidable volume 7.
The only problem was that dvd also contained Chibits so I got it anyway.
Fucking marketing :/


The first and second September MADs were posted, so here's the third one. Hyouka, of course, has a strong showing, but Yuru Yuri and Joshiraku also have a lot of good scenes.

Aww, the way the MAD ended makes me want to watch Hyouka again.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

This is still pretty trashy, and I cannot forgive Badhouse for the
rape shit dumbness
last episode. But it hasn't become boring crap words-heavy dullness, and I actually like the survival game concept around it. Will stick to it, even if I don't have high hopes that it will become anything other than silly overtly dramatic action shit with tons of offensive srs bsns crap later on.

P.S. Shouldn't she have been
blown to smithereens
? The lack of
was more unbelievable than anything else so far: http://i.imgur.com/urfC3.jpg


zetsuen no tempest - 04

Really good stuff--one of the strongest this season, I think, even without the action from the last episode. The characterization never feels off, and it's surprisingly nuanced stuff, down to the long flashback that makes up much of this episode.

The show is really coming into its own, and seems to be heading in an original direction. I hope it can keep this up.


We're all kind of wasting our life here. Imagine what we could accomplish if we used the time spent writing up long reviews for a dozen or so internet people to actually do something productive.

Well I'm specifically talking about recap episodes that are nothing but material you've already seen. They have zero value.


So you don't skip recaps? Sounds like you're wasting your life.

the only recap episode that has ever been done well is the one from Avatar:TLA
in that it was the characters watching an alternate retelling of the story from a 3rd person perspective in the form of a bad theater production


[Blast of Tempest] - 4

Obviously one of the main reasons this episode works is because it's really well directed - it's a great package in terms of the cinematography, editing, use of audio and general pacing. Ando knows what he's doing in those departments. None of this would matter if the story was it's usual nonsense but luckily this episode is focused on backstory and characterisation. It turns out that these things can be developed quite well if really stupid things aren't happening all the time.

I guess the only problem now is that the script has radically changed style between episode 1, where it was essentially a load of nonsense+Shakespeare to a fairly naturalistic style in this episode. The disconnect between the two is pretty jarring.

I guess it could get really stupid again later. We'll have to see!
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