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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Zetzuen no Tempest 4

Eh, I don't know. I'm not really feeling this one anymore. The brolationship between the two dudes isn't really doing anything for me and as a result of that plus the lack of any nicely directed action negatively impacted my enjoyment of the episode. I found the whole flashback sequence quite boring to sit through, actually.

I'm still gonna keep watching it for now, even though I'm not exactly sure why. It's just so... meh.


Psycho Pass
Oh, I see now. Although I guess because this is an Urobuchi show, she's going to suffer the Tanabe-turn much, much sooner.

Funny you mentioned that, I decided to watch Planetes (as I don't know where my Utena stuff is) and Tanabe is much much worse than Akane. I want to cut her cord and let her drift off into space. I just finished episode 3 and I wanted to hit the mute button whenever she opened her goddamn mouth.


I'll have to give the whole video a watch later but that does remind me of one of Jexhius's older posts where he made a graph comparing roughly how many titles had been released each year.

It seems he's removed it from his photobucket
album so this small image is what I was able to come up with.


Not as far as I'm aware!


[Blast of Tempest] - 4

Obviously one of the main reasons this episode works is because it's really well directed - it's a great package in terms of the cinematography, editing, use of audio and general pacing. Ando knows what he's doing in those departments. None of this would matter if the story was it's usual nonsense but luckily this episode is focused on backstory and characterisation. It turns out that these things can be developed quite well if really stupid things aren't happening all the time.

I guess the only problem now is that the script has radically changed style between episode 1, where it was essentially a load of nonsense+Shakespeare to a fairly naturalistic style in this episode. The disconnect between the two is pretty jarring.

I guess it could get really stupid again later. We'll have to see!

I think there's definitely a disconnect, but it might or might not be an intentional one. Consider for the moment the type of interactions in the first 3 episodes, and then consider the scenes between Yoshino and Mahiro in those episodes. The only scene where they are together and sprouting an awful quote is the scene at the end of episode 1, where they seem to be referencing the quote from Hamlet which seems closest to them.

I'm not excusing this, but it's an interesting observation, because most of the time when they're talking to each other, it was pretty normal too. The bulk of the pretentiousness seems to really come from Yoshino talking to Yamamoto. It paints him as a pretentious douche despite his seemingly friendlier and unassuming demeanor. Even if that is not what they are intentionally going for, I think it works for the audience.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Psycho-Pass 03

Much better than last week's. Starting to dig the episodic format reminiscent of detective shows on this side of the pond. It should give Urobuchi enough leeway to have enough variety in the writing. The thing was still very exposition-heavy, but it felt much more organic because of the nature of the case.

P.S. supercell is teh shit
So you don't skip recaps? Sounds like you're wasting your life.
I didn't skip even Kare Kano's recap, and that went on for an episode and a half!


Funny you mentioned that, I decided to watch Planetes (as I don't know where my Utena stuff is) and Tanabe is much much worse than Akane. I want to cut her cord and let her drift off into space. I just finished episode 3 and I wanted to hit the mute button whenever she opened her goddamn mouth.

What? How could you hate a sweetheart like Tanabe? ;_;

She's too pure for me to violate. I couldn't possibly dream of denigrating her image with my fan-infused sexually charged projections.

Cajun take a pic of your momohime figure's backside :3

You want this view of any other ones?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Codebreaker 03


Hell. Yes. What an episode. This was a legitimately good one, best in the show so far. I loved watching the ridiculous dynamics between the two main characters and holy fuck roflllll at the scene at the end of the episode. It was totally called for too which made it even better.

And a girl with
. Sweet. My favorite girl in this show, Hii and Mii! The battle scenes were both hilarious and awesome. A common theme in this show.

Even better,
is back! Well sort of, but still hell yes!
K 4

No action, but I liked this episode a decent amount. I'm surprised I found a simple episode about Shiro proving his innocence so fun. I think the presence of the catgirl helped. cajunator should watch this show because of her. Then the twist ending happened, which could mean.... things.

I gotta say though, the scene composition is weird when considering the placement of characters. I thought Kukuri had already left when Kuro was accusing Shiro again, but there she is by the door. That's just confusing.


Gunslinger Girl - 2-5

Wow, this was great. Great production values (still, nothing in these episodes was quite on the level of the shootout in the first episode but few shows are) and some really interesting and well told background stories on all of the girls. Hopefully a bigger plot will be revealed soon, but I wouldn't mind if the show just stuck with this tempo of telling episodic stories.
I expected the show to be really slow, and perhaps it is, but it's hard to notice it, episodes just seem to fly by, the direction is really good.
Psycho-Pass 3

Though marginally worse than the previous two, this was a really good episode, as it transitions past the exposition-laden introduction of this dystopian setting into a gradual exploration of the established practices of everyday life. The pacing worked extremely well throughout, as it introduced fragments of small characterization, while also concluding the episode with a superb
action sequence

The case was somewhat interesting, but, for the most part, it lacked the tense emotion that was evident in earlier episodes. I actually found the
criminal, prior to his mental breakdown
, rather sympathetic, due to the
abuse he had continually suffered through
. Despite the facility only containing technology that determines
the hue of each worker
, the significant flaws present within the Sibyl system were noticeable yet again, since, even after
killing another
, one's
crime coefficients can lower
. The climactic action sequence was my favorite scene, as it excellently portrayed
Shinya's animalistic tendencies
. The dominators become increasingly formidable every time they're used and another aspect of their complex construction is revealed.

I greatly enjoyed and largely prefer the heightened focus on Shinya and his perspective, since he's definitely the best character, while the others, though good as well, seem, at the moment, much less defined, save for Akane. The last line of the episode provided an exceptional sort of cliffhanger, as it strongly alludes to
Shinya's innate desire for violence
. His
pursuance for Shogo
, as foreshadowed once again in the
opening scene
, is considerably intriguing, and I can't wait to see this particular thread unravel. I'm also highly interested in the conflict between
Ginoza and Masaoka
, as it appears that
, unlike
, possesses a particular affinity towards the Sibyl system, likely borne from an experience in his past.

The production values are terrific, especially the animation, which was illuminated most effectively during the thrilling action sequence. It's also really good at capturing brilliantly dynamic facial expressions. One of the strongest elements of the show is the highly atmospheric music, as it accompanies specific moments, such as the
final chase
, remarkably well. The direction was excellent throughout, particularly during
Shinya's workout
. However, the art, though usually fantastic, was rather unremarkable here due to the isolated environments. Although a bit more prevalent than in the preceding episodes, the CGI, thankfully, wasn't too distracting.

All in all, despite an episode that was slightly less engaging, Psycho-Pass remains thoroughly impressive, particularly excelling with it's consistently strong execution and the plethora of interesting characters. I'm really looking forward to the continued development and broadened examination of what's likely to be a thoroughly compelling narrative.


Galactic Cyclone Bryger 22


The Nubia Connection has a sweet logo.

Huh, J9 actually declined a job. I wondered if they ever would but hey, their super robot, their rules. Then they took one for free which is pretty out of character too. The robot fight in this ep was just a formality and took less than thirty seconds.

I think we might get a (fabulous) recurring villain at last as well. I really liked the the whole faceless criminal organizations thing they've had going but given the show follows J9 from its formation and the encounters have gradually escalated, it makes sense to finally get attention from the top. Preview seems to imply it'll continue too. Aw yeah!


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Chuunibyou 01

Really, really love this show. Will probably end up being my favorite KyoAni show since Nichijou. This show is like what Denpa Onna would have been if Denpa was actually any good. Some really charming scenes in the first episode and its got that KyoAni touch that other studios simply don't have.

That OP though. Painful. Literally.


Jormungand 15

Jesus christ, talk about overkill.
This entire arc had been leading up to someone dying with the constant flashbacks to Echo and I'm certainly glad it wasn't Jonah but still... R ;_;

Chuunibyou 01

Really, really love this show. Will probably end up being my favorite KyoAni show since Nichijou. This show is like what Denpa Onna would have been if Denpa was actually any good. Some really charming scenes in the first episode and its got that KyoAni touch that other studios simply don't have.

That OP though. Painful. Literally.
They fixed it in episode 4 and be sure to check out the Light episodes!


After you had seen it, and wasn't just trying to take every frame in, I thought it was perfectly serviceable. The idea behind it was sound at least.

It's strange because after watching the first OP two or three times, I could pick out each scene fine. Now they've changed the OP and the entire thing is hard to stare at again.


Hey wonzo, those two Jormungand screens actually look nice, is the animation any good? I watched the first few episodes of the first season and it was ugly as hell, but I figured maybe White Fox hired some talented animators or something this time around.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 102


SPARTANIAN BATTLES. We don't have nearly enough of those. They are the best animated sequences in the show, so I guess that's why.

Mittermeyer makes the point in this episode that the remaining admirals are proving to be less than adequate for the position. Wagenseil's lack of composure in front of Thor's Hammer, as well as Wahlen's lack of forethought about IT MAYBE BEING A TRAP YOU MORON do not make this a truly admirable victory for Julian. His opponents had the tactical prodigy of the nobles in the first season, c'mon!

Prediction time: Emil is poisoning the Kaiser.


psycho-pass - 03

Hah, it was pretty enjoyable. I guess the show will continue on this episodic vein for a while yet as more of the world is introduced, which I don't mind. The characters are amusingly expressive, and most importantly, Akane is moe~

It's a pity that the writing still insists on some clumsy exposition to the detriment of her character, though.


psycho-pass - 03

Hah, it was pretty enjoyable. I guess the show will continue on this episodic vein for a while yet as more of the world is introduced, which I don't mind. The characters are amusingly expressive, and most importantly, Akane is moe~

It's a pity that the writing still insists on some clumsy exposition to the detriment of her character, though.

Urobuchi seems to use a lot of exposition in his writing lately.
Its not really a bad thing but it could be handled a little differently I suppose.


Urobuchi seems to use a lot of exposition in his writing lately.
Its not really a bad thing but it could be handled a little differently I suppose.

Fate/Zero being exposition heavy certainly isn't his fault. As for Madoka, considering the premise of the show was about gaming the system, it was going to tend towards more talky-talky. Also most sci-fi movies/television shows are relatively heavy on exposition.


Hey wonzo, those two Jormungand screens actually look nice, is the animation any good? I watched the first few episodes of the first season and it was ugly as hell, but I figured maybe White Fox hired some talented animators or something this time around.
They're actually just panned stills. lol

The animation has its moments but for the most part the actual action scene direction completely falls flat.

edit: i will say that i've enjoyed the first few episodes of this more than most of the last season


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Chuunibyou 01

Really, really love this show. Will probably end up being my favorite KyoAni show since Nichijou.
They only did one show between Nichijou and Chuu2, so if you like it more than Hyouka you should probably just say that.
Medaka Box Abnormal 3


What the hell are you doing? Stahp it!

Great pacing. They didn't spend 8 years on the door!

Next week is when it all starts. Gonna be awesome.

Also, did I mention how much I love the transition into the ED in this show? Because I do.
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