Fallout 4 vs Cyberpunk 2077 vs The Outer Worlds


For those who played all of the three games, how do you think they compare to each other?
The reason im asking is because in the past few months I played The Outer Worlds and i found it painfully mediocre, while playing the game i kept trying to draw comparison between them because unfortunately Outer Worlds didnt manage to be the Fallout New Vegas successor that it was marketed to be. All of the three games have a lot of things in common such as; open world, role playing, first person focused, perks to unlock, dialogue choices, character creator, side and main quest structure, etc etc.

The Outer Worlds: At the beginning it was interesting for me due to how cool the character creator looked, it had the vibe of a game with very rich rpg mechanics, the premise of the story sparkled my interest, space station, corruption, themes tackled around capitalism and its pros and cons, the grey area storytelling you would expect, conflict between ideals and groups. Unfortunately that kept me engaged until i reached the first city, it quickly became obvious how shallow and superficial the game themes are. Characters that i met were very uninspired and dull and bland. Side Quests didnt catch my attention either because they felt out of place and forced, like this guy sees me at the city gate, first thing he asks me is to work for him to get his client debts back? LOL!? Another easy example is those two officers near the ship, a general and high ranking member, surviving in the space, yet they have no skills or no thinking abilities to use, they are very dumb characters actually, things like this makes the worldbuilding awful and makes characters dull and uninteresting and it makes the game theme itself look bad and poorly made. I understand the humor aspect of the game but sadly it never appealed to me either. Along the way the game actually got worse, it went from a mediocre or average to even bad. Other planets instead of having variety and something interesting & new to offer, it had similar recycled places and enemies and characters, no interesting ideas or anything of the sort. By the end i was rushing through the main story and i didnt bother with the DLC either.
Nevertheless, i dont want to make the thread only to talk about the flaws of The Outer Worlds and its story. I want to draw a comparison between these three games, since all of them represent a downhill road for all the 3 companies, Obsidian CDPR and Bethesda.

How do you guys think they compare? The things I'm looking to consider in this comparison are;

1- The Writing:
- Main Quests
- Side Quests
- World-Building
- Characters

If you can rank them in order, go ahead please!

2- The Gameplay:
- Interactivity
- Combat (Gunplay) & Tools
- Controls
- RPG Elements and Mechanics such as Builds, Perks, Choices to do and make.
- Traversal
- Crafting or Building

3- The Open World:
- Open World Content (Things you can do)
- Open World Structure (How well do you think the world is design, a replacer for level design)
- Exploration

4- Technology:
- Animation
- Sound Design
- Visual Effects
- Performance and Bugs?

5- Art Direction:

6- Soundtrack:

Obviously there is no need to write about any of that if you dont feel like it, just simply draw a comparison between the three games and tell me what are your thoughts, interested to read what people will say, and how they justify their choice.

Personally, I would rank both Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 above The Outer Worlds, quite easily.
Cyberpunk did manage to be good looking game in terms of visuals while having good gunplay and somewhat engaging main story and interesting side quests and characters, despite its performance and bugs and unfinished stuff i had fun with the game, while Fallout 4 managed to have better open world and interactivity and better "things to do" inside its gameplay, it also had amazing mod support which further made playing the game feel better, the story and the writing part of it wasn't good though, but as bad as it was it didnt take from the experience by a lot, unlike The Outer Worlds where the writing wasnt good either but it did significant harm to the overall quality because of its reliance on it.
I would put Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 both at 3/5 but Fallout 4 edges Cyberpunk 2077 because of the mod support and more things to do in its world, so on a 10 scale it may go 6 vs 7. Though i rarely use that scale for me both sit on the same ranking. The Outer Worlds however goes way down to 1/5 or 2/10.
Nothing about The Outer Worlds impressed me, nothing from the above. I still dont understand how the game got so much hype and praise in its release honeymoon, it was probably because people were mad at Bethesda and wanted to show them in some kind of an act or something, but i could be biased and wrong on this one, its just my own opinion and interpretation. So yeah, tell me what you guys think?

Should I add a Poll?


What time is it?
I haven't spent a lot of time with Cyberpunk because it is the PS4 and that's kind of a train wreck. I finished both Fallout 4 and Outer Worlds. There was a ton of buzz for Outer Worlds at release but I thought it was painfully average. I'd still rank it above Fallout 4 which I struggle to remember anything about. Modern Bethesda is such a bummer.


I only played TOW out of these three and its pretty bad. The first planet is good, but after that the game falls apart. For exemple, parvatti was such a good character on the first few hours, then she just becomes the most annoying bitch and her side quest revolves around a shitty develop romance.


I definitely support adding a poll

I'd probably go with CP2077 just because it feels like it has the most potential of the 3 and most of it's problems are due to it being a technical mess (albeit not as bad as it was at launch now)


In terms of hours played, CP2077 vastly outstrips the other two, though I own all three. Outer Worlds' shooting mechanics felt pretty crap, Fallout 4, I was over Fallout after 3... It's amazing New Vegas held me so long...

CP 2077 has really tight gameplay. It's overworld leaves a little to be desired (you explore the edges of the city looking for hidden boxes and such but really it's just endless empty buildings and streets), and I kinda look at the story as a gateway to higher levels more than a legit bit of what's fun about cp2077.


F4 and Cyberpunk are way better, i tried so many times to finish Outher Worlds, its so boring.
I agree, what did you find so boring about Outer Worlds? or it just generally didnt click with you? Are you like me a person who loved New Vegas but found Outer Worlds dull and boring?
I haven't spent a lot of time with Cyberpunk because it is the PS4 and that's kind of a train wreck. I finished both Fallout 4 and Outer Worlds. There was a ton of buzz for Outer Worlds at release but I thought it was painfully average. I'd still rank it above Fallout 4 which I struggle to remember anything about. Modern Bethesda is such a bummer.
Really? is there anything specific for ranking it above Fallout 4? what was the thing that broke it for you? I thought Fallout 4 had superior everything except the story which was bad in both but Fallout 4 was more offensive in it because its vastly inferior and different to how Fallout stories and dialogue actually works. Other than dialogue choice i dont think The Outer Worlds holds well.
Give this a watch:

I only played TOW out of these three and its pretty bad. The first planet is good, but after that the game falls apart. For exemple, parvatti was such a good character on the first few hours, then she just becomes the most annoying bitch and her side quest revolves around a shitty develop romance.
Indeed, the first planet i would say is still average at best, i dont think it crosses the good mark for me. And i totally agree with your take on Parvatii.
Fallout 4 > Outer Worlds > Cyberpunk

Fallout 4 is leagues above the other two.
Interesting, care to elaborate further? what puts Cyberpunk below Outer Worlds for you, is it the bugs and performance? does that make or break the game or maybe its something else? I would like to read your take on it. You seem to like Fallout 4 much more, anything specific it contains that made you prefer it that much?

I definitely support adding a poll

I'd probably go with CP2077 just because it feels like it has the most potential of the 3 and most of it's problems are due to it being a technical mess (albeit not as bad as it was at launch now)
I'm thinking about adding a poll, but sometimes polls in cases like this give wrong results, i want a three way comparison, and in polls people will be able to vote for one, so i will not know how the other 2 compare to each other, but maybe i still add one anyway.
Cyberpunk has stuff that it does far better than both, but the open world and the perks and rpg mechanics are still an issue too. I agree though that it has the most potential, i hope they can make it mod-supported like Fallout 4 is, i think it will be for the better.

In terms of hours played, CP2077 vastly outstrips the other two, though I own all three. Outer Worlds' shooting mechanics felt pretty crap, Fallout 4, I was over Fallout after 3... It's amazing New Vegas held me so long...

CP 2077 has really tight gameplay. It's overworld leaves a little to be desired (you explore the edges of the city looking for hidden boxes and such but really it's just endless empty buildings and streets), and I kinda look at the story as a gateway to higher levels more than a legit bit of what's fun about cp2077.
Interesting, so for you the writing part is what counts the most and in that aspect you felt Cyberpunk nailed it the most out of the 3? and gameplay wise Cyberpunk is more satisfying to shoot i can agree too.
I liked how certain gigs take you into building but i wish we could do that outside of those gigs as well, maybe prepare some extra encounters when you come back, this can make the world more dynamic, which Cyberpunk open world really lacks as it feels static and set dressing more than actual worlds.
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I’d also be curious how Fallout 76 stacks up now? I’ve tried it and it’s pretty decent but seems kind of smaller in scope? I haven’t figured out where the new storyline stuff kicks off


What time is it?
Really? is there anything specific for ranking it above Fallout 4? what was the thing that broke it for you? I thought Fallout 4 had superior everything except the story which was bad in both but Fallout 4 was more offensive in it because its vastly inferior and different to how Fallout stories and dialogue actually works. Other than dialogue choice i dont think The Outer Worlds holds well.
Give this a watch:

I don't think Outer Worlds is good, just that Fallout 4 is terrible. Start with the main plotline giving you power armor in the first hour. I also don't think 3D Fallout is all that interesting mechanically.


Interesting, so for you the writing part is what counts the most and in that aspect you felt Cyberpunk nailed it the most out of the 3? and gameplay wise Cyberpunk is more satisfying to shoot i can agree too.
I liked how certain gigs take you into building but i wish we could do that outside of those gigs as well, maybe prepare some extra encounters when you come back, this can make the world more dynamic, which Cyberpunk open world really lacks as it feels static and set dressing more than actual worlds.
That's not quite what I meant. I think writing counts little in Cyberpunk, but the gameplay is such that it's a better game than the others.

I don't actually shoot in Cyberpunk, I prefer to stealth and non-lethal, but even that has tighter controls and a better FOV, imo.


Fallout 4 has better world / exploration, but a shitty story and gameplay

Cyberpunk has great story (imo), great gameplay but lackluster exploration

TOW has nothing. Avoid.

Of the 3, I loved Cyberpunk the most. The gameplay was adictive enough to make me waste 90h on it, and I enjoyed the story.

Fallou 4 I droped 'cause the story sucked so much. But theres a lot to explore there.


Gold Member
Interesting, care to elaborate further? what puts Cyberpunk below Outer Worlds for you, is it the bugs and performance? does that make or break the game or maybe its something else? I would like to read your take on it. You seem to like Fallout 4 much more, anything specific it contains that made you prefer it that much?
I don't want to go into a super long post, but Cyber was super shallow in it's world design and extremely lacking things to do in said world. Both CP and OW have bad loot systems in my opinion, but CP has it on multiple levels.

Outer world had some fun companions, some fun quests, and great writing in many areas. However the actual gameplay of Outer Worlds got boring very fast.

Fallout 4 isn't as good as 3 or NV, but it still has super fun quests, more fun weapons and crazy fun builds with the range of perks offered. Plus the locations are MUCH better than in CP or OW.

Again, I could go on into more details, but this sums up my thoughts.
The Outer Worlds was a giant disappointment. It got a ton of hype on release day so I pulled the trigger.

I'm honestly still looking forward to playing Cyberpunk when the next gen version comes out.


Outer world is overrated as fck .I though it was the GOAT when playing the first few hours but everything just when downhill , EVERYTHING . I got so mad at this game , So much potential, so disappointment .
Boring npc , boring world , boring rpg system , boring build/gear , boring design , the game try so hard to be funny but get boring fast after the first planet .
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Fallout 4 has some outstanding mechanics in base building, crafting, follower interaction and many more. Plus an outstanding Bethesda's signature world building that you want to explore. The only downside was the story, gameplay is serviceable too. For me the positives far outweight the negatives that I would even give the game 9/10.

CP2077 has great story, great presentation, one of the best visuals and a pretty solid gameplay minus the poor balancing, but really subpar world interaction. [when we compare to Rockstar's masterpieces such as GTA 4, 5; RDR 1, 2, but then again any open world doesn't stand to those in that regard] Solid 8,5 overall. Can't wait for DLC.

Have not played TOW. While the gfx are not the most important thing out there for me [I even found Fallout 4 rather good looking] I found the art style in TOW, based on previews, repulsive.


Fallout 4 has a world worth exploring, they others don't.

There is so much stuff to find in Fallout 4, while you don't have to like the story or the setting, you are at least able to explore.

I like the freedom of Fallout 4 and the basebuilding for example. Also the Far Harbor expansion was great.


On PC its easily cyberpunk: the best story, gameplay, graphics, music and world probably too.

On consoles: depends on what console you have, base X1 version of cp to me looks nearly unplayable. I don't know about ow or F4 performance.

Cyberpunk is way above those games.


All are probably low points for their perspective studios, I can't believe I'm saying this but I probably had the most fun with Fallout 4. The mindless dungeoning gameplay loop was in tact and while it's not at all deep, it is quite addicting in a relaxing way. There was the odd decent quest but all I really got out of it was the exploration.

Cyberpunk 2077 actually has some solid mission design and questing. It's brought down by the open world not really being utilised and too many features feeling half done. Bit off way more then they could chew, I don't think they were as malicious as some claim, I think they just came into the reality of the difference between designing an open world futuristic city versus a sword and sorcery style landscape. One is quite a bit harder than the other and requires much more detail.

Outer Worlds I didn't finish, it wasn't BAD, but it just felt like they were ticking off check boxes of what makes a CRPG and then simplifying it all down. It didn't feel at all like a group of people had a creative idea for a new IP, it felt more like they had been tasked to create a new one and took a little bit from every popular RPG series resulting in something uninspired and dull.

Little Chicken

Gold Member
Just off the top of my head...

Cyberpunk has the better main quest.
Cyberpunk has the better side quests.
Fallout 4 has more interesting encounters.
The Outer Worlds has better companions.
The Outer Worlds DLC elevates itself above the main game.

Cyberpunk and The Outer Worlds both have fantastic writing.
Cyberpunk probably features the most written content.
The Outer Worlds companions are very well written in all interact with each other differently depending on who is in your squad.

Cyberpunk has the most aesthetically well realised world.
Fallout 4 has superior exploration, more to discover.
The Outer Worlds has a more interesting setting.
All three games have great music.

Cyberpunk has the best combat with the most variety and ease of use.

It's quite clear that The Outer Worlds has a vastly lower budget than F4 and Cyberpunk, however, it makes up for it with fantastic, witty writing and is more offbeat and humourous than Cyberpunk and Fallout 4.

Overall I think Cyberpunk is the better package. It's just worth experiencing, despite all of its flaws.


When Cyberpunk isnt crashing its definitely a better game than Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 suffers intensely from terribly uninteresting characters, acting and bad main / side quests. Also just terrible options as far as the branching paths go. It has a few good moments but relative to 3 and New Vegas it's a massive step down.

Cyberpunk has a good story, really good side quests, and great characters. Frankly, the things I care most about when it comes to rpgs. I didn't suffer that many glitches compared to others so that helps too. The combats much better too. It's biggest issue is how big yet sparse it is.

Then again, I've put in 328 hours into Fallout 4, so I do still love that world and core gameplay.

The Outer Worlds I haven't played more than 10 hours of, so I can't really judge.
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Didn't play Cyberpunk yet, but i would say Fallout 4 is slightly better than Outer Worlds.
I just hated those stupid quests:

"Hey man, can you get to factory XY and save my brother?"
You turn it in:
"Hey man, can you get to the same factory and save my sister now?"


I thoroughly enjoyed FO4 the most.

And I consider FO4 to be the worst FO.

I think CP could do better in the long run once these bugs are taken care of. I played FO4 long after it was released and fixed so that may have been a factor while I played CP day one.

I don‘t even wanna mention OW in the same breath as these two.


Gold Member
I agree with most of the other comments. FO4 I have completed and enjoyed for the most part - bugs and all - so that is my fave of the 3.
I’m looking forward to next gen version of CP because I enjoyed what I played on ps5 for about an hour until the game began to scream ‘Unfinished!!’ and refund sought.
Outer Worlds bored me senseless, so any upgrade would not improve the game.


Why do I get feeling that the point of this thread isn't to learn something but to spit on the outer worlds?

The outer worlds is a game built on a much smaller budget and scope. Why are you comparing it to the biggest of this Industry?


I finished Fallout 4 and enjoyed it. It wasn't a 10/10 masterpiece, but I could enjoy the world and exploring.

Outer Worlds I had to drop after 8 hours or so, because the game just felt off. The colors were off, the balancing felt wrong, most of the characters felt like a free2play game.

Cyberpunk 2077 I still have high expectations when I will eventually play it, but I am waiting for the Goty edition for 15€ next year which all included DLC and final performance and bug fix patches.


Fallout 4 wins. It will still win in 5 years. It will still win in 10 years. I think Fallout 4 is the worst main entry Fallout.

You know why it wins though? ...you can mod the shit out of it and fix whatever you want. The range of mods on PC is insane.


That's not quite what I meant. I think writing counts little in Cyberpunk, but the gameplay is such that it's a better game than the others.

I don't actually shoot in Cyberpunk, I prefer to stealth and non-lethal, but even that has tighter controls and a better FOV, imo.
That's a unique take actually, most people who loved their time with Cyberpunk was because of the quests and the characters, the gameplay was solid but its limited so i thought its not going to be the aspect that carries the game. Good for you. I agree that gunplay/combat wise its the best of the bunch, but i have to factor in gameplay options and variety, sometimes they can compensate for mediocre combat. Breath of the Wild has serviceable combat mechanics imo but i loved how you can interact with the combat in different ways.
Stealth/Hack in Cyberpunk was OP yeah, i used a combination of all.
Fallout 4 is the most enjoyable game overall. Outer worlds is the better RPG, and Cyberpunk is just an embarrassing trainwreck.
I dont disagree at all, but if you'd like to elaborate further i'll be happy to read that.
Fallout 4 has better world / exploration, but a shitty story and gameplay

Cyberpunk has great story (imo), great gameplay but lackluster exploration

TOW has nothing. Avoid.

Of the 3, I loved Cyberpunk the most. The gameplay was adictive enough to make me waste 90h on it, and I enjoyed the story.

Fallou 4 I droped 'cause the story sucked so much. But theres a lot to explore there.
Agreed in the story but gameplay wise i thought Fallout 4 was the best from Bethesda, slightly more polished than Skyrim. Gameplay mechanics wise. What did you find terrible about the gameplay?
Agreed about exploration in Cyberpunk, its so lackluster actually, once i was done with the game back in Januray i never played it again except when someone came to my house and i wanted to show them the Ray Tracing visuals on the game lol, the world has no dynamic interaction and the exploration as you said wasn't well made. The open world structure however is imo the best of the 3 games, the mission/world design is far above both Fallout 4 and Outer Worlds.

The Outer Worlds indeed had nothing impressive about it. I can see a lot of other people agree with me on this. :messenger_bicep:
I don't want to go into a super long post, but Cyber was super shallow in it's world design and extremely lacking things to do in said world. Both CP and OW have bad loot systems in my opinion, but CP has it on multiple levels.

Outer world had some fun companions, some fun quests, and great writing in many areas. However the actual gameplay of Outer Worlds got boring very fast.

Fallout 4 isn't as good as 3 or NV, but it still has super fun quests, more fun weapons and crazy fun builds with the range of perks offered. Plus the locations are MUCH better than in CP or OW.

Again, I could go on into more details, but this sums up my thoughts.
Interesting, thanks for explaining, i noticed you mention he quest and writing of The Outer Worlds as a positive, you seem to neglect talking/praising that in Cyberpunk, any reason why? I personally think the writing in Cyberpunk is better and the quests are more personal, emotional and engaging and well made.
Outer world is overrated as fck .I though it was the GOAT when playing the first few hours but everything just when downhill , EVERYTHING . I got so mad at this game , So much potential, so disappointment .
Boring npc , boring world , boring rpg system , boring build/gear , boring design , the game try so hard to be funny but get boring fast after the first planet .
Damn mate! you thought it was the GOAT right off the bat thats wild :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I just had the impression its going to be good but it falls apart quite early in the game actually and it goes downhill from there so any hope it gets better (like most RPGs do) is gone.
Fallout 4 has some outstanding mechanics in base building, crafting, follower interaction and many more. Plus an outstanding Bethesda's signature world building that you want to explore. The only downside was the story, gameplay is serviceable too. For me the positives far outweight the negatives that I would even give the game 9/10.

CP2077 has great story, great presentation, one of the best visuals and a pretty solid gameplay minus the poor balancing, but really subpar world interaction. [when we compare to Rockstar's masterpieces such as GTA 4, 5; RDR 1, 2, but then again any open world doesn't stand to those in that regard] Solid 8,5 overall. Can't wait for DLC.

Have not played TOW. While the gfx are not the most important thing out there for me [I even found Fallout 4 rather good looking] I found the art style in TOW, based on previews, repulsive.
I agree with most of what you said, but one note about Rockstar, yes they are masters in making worlds with a lot of attention to details and very good looking environments and good physics, but in mission design and actual interactivity with the open world they are lackluster, outdated and boring. The can make huge good looking open world with lots of details but they dont utilize it well enough, MGS5 and Bethesda games seem to take advantage on the world in a better way, and ofcourse Breath of the Wild, a game that has world interaction on an amazing level, loved the game. Rockstar has been playing it safe since San Andreas, they need to up their level tbh, but i understand that the budget is huge to take risks.
Fallout 4 has a world worth exploring, they others don't.

There is so much stuff to find in Fallout 4, while you don't have to like the story or the setting, you are at least able to explore.

I like the freedom of Fallout 4 and the basebuilding for example. Also the Far Harbor expansion was great.
Yes. Do you value exploration and open world the most out of my highlighted categories?
All are probably low points for their perspective studios, I can't believe I'm saying this but I probably had the most fun with Fallout 4. The mindless dungeoning gameplay loop was in tact and while it's not at all deep, it is quite addicting in a relaxing way. There was the odd decent quest but all I really got out of it was the exploration.

Cyberpunk 2077 actually has some solid mission design and questing. It's brought down by the open world not really being utilised and too many features feeling half done. Bit off way more then they could chew, I don't think they were as malicious as some claim, I think they just came into the reality of the difference between designing an open world futuristic city versus a sword and sorcery style landscape. One is quite a bit harder than the other and requires much more detail.

Outer Worlds I didn't finish, it wasn't BAD, but it just felt like they were ticking off check boxes of what makes a CRPG and then simplifying it all down. It didn't feel at all like a group of people had a creative idea for a new IP, it felt more like they had been tasked to create a new one and took a little bit from every popular RPG series resulting in something uninspired and dull.
Indeed they are low points sadly, though for the Outer Worlds they dodged the media and the gamers rage, they got away by smart marketing as fuck bethesda, and it came at the right time, so i dont disagree, yes fuck bethesda lol. However i believe that earned them more points as the video above illustrates.
Good post, I totally agree. 👍
Why do I get feeling that the point of this thread isn't to learn something but to spit on the outer worlds?

The outer worlds is a game built on a much smaller budget and scope. Why are you comparing it to the biggest of this Industry?
Not at all, i had a lot of criticism for the Outer Worlds but decided its not the thread i want to make, i wanted to make that one at some point but due to all these 3 titles being controversial i decided to make a three way comparison that includes them all, it would be interesting. And honestly im surprised many people agree with me on Outer Worlds.
As far as budget i dont think it matters that much, a lot of big budget games are bad or mediocre and small budget games are really good, the difference usually is the technical aspects which includes visuals and animation and technical design. Funny how the bigger games had more bugs, though they are more complex too. For me budget is irrelevant to this comparison.
Fallout 4 wins. It will still win in 5 years. It will still win in 10 years. I think Fallout 4 is the worst main entry Fallout.

You know why it wins though? ...you can mod the shit out of it and fix whatever you want. The range of mods on PC is insane.
Yeah, the mods are insane for Bethesda games, Fallout 4 had great mod support, I hope Cyberpunk 2077 can have the same kind of mod support but i dont think it will happen.


Gold Member
Interesting, thanks for explaining, i noticed you mention he quest and writing of The Outer Worlds as a positive, you seem to neglect talking/praising that in Cyberpunk, any reason why? I personally think the writing in Cyberpunk is better and the quests are more personal, emotional and engaging and well made.
Honestly, because most of the quest choices in CP didn't matter or were the same thing (or at least feel like they didn't matter). And then you have too much time spent on your character and Johnny which I thought was some of the least interesting sections. Lots of the more interesting characters were either underused or killed off too soon. I agree that quests were more personal though.


I enjoyed CP2077 quite a bit despite its flaws and some bugs on PC. The characters and the story grabbed me and I had a lot of fun with the gunplay.

I didn't like F4 much. It took me over a year and 3 restarts before I finally finished the main story cause each time I would get so bored or frustrated by the settlement mechanics that I would just stop playing.

The Outer Worlds was okay. Though it felt like an inferior version of Fallout NV in some ways. It didn't really offer anything I hadn't seen before and thus felt kinda mediocre, but in no way was it a bad game. It definitely had its moments.


Neither of them are good. But Fallout 4 is still a bugged mess with graphics that look like a decade old. Outer Worlds was just boring. Cyberpunk is really the best of the bunch.
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For those who played all of the three games, how do you think they compare to each other?
The reason im asking is because in the past few months I played The Outer Worlds and i found it painfully mediocre, while playing the game i kept trying to draw comparison between them because unfortunately Outer Worlds didnt manage to be the Fallout New Vegas successor that it was marketed to be. All of the three games have a lot of things in common such as; open world, role playing, first person focused, perks to unlock, dialogue choices, character creator, side and main quest structure, etc etc.

The Outer Worlds: At the beginning it was interesting for me due to how cool the character creator looked, it had the vibe of a game with very rich rpg mechanics, the premise of the story sparkled my interest, space station, corruption, themes tackled around capitalism and its pros and cons, the grey area storytelling you would expect, conflict between ideals and groups. Unfortunately that kept me engaged until i reached the first city, it quickly became obvious how shallow and superficial the game themes are. Characters that i met were very uninspired and dull and bland. Side Quests didnt catch my attention either because they felt out of place and forced, like this guy sees me at the city gate, first thing he asks me is to work for him to get his client debts back? LOL!? Another easy example is those two officers near the ship, a general and high ranking member, surviving in the space, yet they have no skills or no thinking abilities to use, they are very dumb characters actually, things like this makes the worldbuilding awful and makes characters dull and uninteresting and it makes the game theme itself look bad and poorly made. I understand the humor aspect of the game but sadly it never appealed to me either. Along the way the game actually got worse, it went from a mediocre or average to even bad. Other planets instead of having variety and something interesting & new to offer, it had similar recycled places and enemies and characters, no interesting ideas or anything of the sort. By the end i was rushing through the main story and i didnt bother with the DLC either.
Nevertheless, i dont want to make the thread only to talk about the flaws of The Outer Worlds and its story. I want to draw a comparison between these three games, since all of them represent a downhill road for all the 3 companies, Obsidian CDPR and Bethesda.

How do you guys think they compare? The things I'm looking to consider in this comparison are;

1- The Writing:
- Main Quests
- Side Quests
- World-Building
- Characters

If you can rank them in order, go ahead please!

2- The Gameplay:
- Interactivity
- Combat (Gunplay) & Tools
- Controls
- RPG Elements and Mechanics such as Builds, Perks, Choices to do and make.
- Traversal
- Crafting or Building

3- The Open World:
- Open World Content (Things you can do)
- Open World Structure (How well do you think the world is design, a replacer for level design)
- Exploration

4- Technology:
- Animation
- Sound Design
- Visual Effects
- Performance and Bugs?

5- Art Direction:

6- Soundtrack:

Obviously there is no need to write about any of that if you dont feel like it, just simply draw a comparison between the three games and tell me what are your thoughts, interested to read what people will say, and how they justify their choice.

Personally, I would rank both Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 above The Outer Worlds, quite easily.
Cyberpunk did manage to be good looking game in terms of visuals while having good gunplay and somewhat engaging main story and interesting side quests and characters, despite its performance and bugs and unfinished stuff i had fun with the game, while Fallout 4 managed to have better open world and interactivity and better "things to do" inside its gameplay, it also had amazing mod support which further made playing the game feel better, the story and the writing part of it wasn't good though, but as bad as it was it didnt take from the experience by a lot, unlike The Outer Worlds where the writing wasnt good either but it did significant harm to the overall quality because of its reliance on it.
I would put Fallout 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 both at 3/5 but Fallout 4 edges Cyberpunk 2077 because of the mod support and more things to do in its world, so on a 10 scale it may go 6 vs 7. Though i rarely use that scale for me both sit on the same ranking. The Outer Worlds however goes way down to 1/5 or 2/10.
Nothing about The Outer Worlds impressed me, nothing from the above. I still dont understand how the game got so much hype and praise in its release honeymoon, it was probably because people were mad at Bethesda and wanted to show them in some kind of an act or something, but i could be biased and wrong on this one, its just my own opinion and interpretation. So yeah, tell me what you guys think?

Should I add a Poll?
1- No doubt about it, Fallout 4 has the worst writing out of all. Side quests in Fallout 4 are absolute shit, and the settlement meme is real. Main story was ok but nothing really worth bothering or remembering. Outer Worlds has decent writing but besides 2 characters, everything from companions to main story is just average/ok. I felt nothing, no emotion , did not laugh as much as the game tried to make you. It was a safe game. Cyberpunk 2077 does not have stellar writing either however there are a lot of quests and side quest that really made me laugh, or made me emotional, especially from quests such as the cop or Panam or even Judy. Main quest was not that great tho. The choices in all 3 games are trivial at best, I think Outer Worlds does it best? Cyberpunk only has one quest where you can have multiple choices and the ending where you basically pick A,b,c,d,etc. I dont remember Fallout 4 having any of this shit, so I guess all 3 games do rather poorly on that aspect.

The winner here is Cyberpunk.

2- Outer Worlds has the worst gameplay out of all mostly in terms of immersion. It's not bad but it's just okay I guess? Again, too safe, does nothing out of the ordinary. Fallout 4 on the other hand while saved by mods, even as a vanilla game, building shit and crafting and killing and having that exploration freedom was pretty good. Now add onto that the ton of incredible mods, you won;'t get bored. Cyberpunk had okay gameplay but sadly way too janky/buggy. Stealth was broken a lot of times, combat as well. It's fun shooting and exploring and using abilities but they barely worked and u had to jank your way in most combat encounters.

The winner here is Fallout 4.

3-The loser is again Outer Worlds, small'ish maps, open ended with nothing interesting to explore, boring towns, almost lifeless most of the times. Fallout 4's world was pretty good to explore even tho most locations where filled with gneric legendary ghoul over and over. Cyberpunk's world while you can;t do anything extra besides the side quests which btw are plenty, I enjoyed it exploring Cyberpunk more than anything but mostly due to its incredible level design team that somehow managed to do their fucking jobs compared to the gameplay team.

Winner is Cyberpunk.

4- Well they were all buggy, but obviously Cyberpunk was the buggiest however it is also the best looking open world ever made and Outer Worlds and Flalou t 4 have nothing againsts its world in details and art and graphics. Driving or walking around Night City, bugs aside, on PC, is fucking nuts. I cant even imagine if CPDR did their job properly what a bneast this game could've turned out, or if they abandoned last gen. What the level/map design team managed was quite a feat. It's a shame you cant really explore a lot of those huge buildings and whatnot but its still one if not the ebst world. Obviously ppl will say RDR2 is more realistic and hell I'd agree, some of the shit RDR2 does is also nuts, but I'm more of a sucker for sci-fi shit.

Cyberpunk wins.

5- Already talked in 4 and 3. Cyberpunk wins, easily.

6- Music is tons better in CP than both games. Voice acting as well.

Cybepunk wins easily again.

Overall Cyberpunk beats both games easily. Maybe in a year or so when more mods come out for Cyberpunk, it can even beat Fallout with its mods gameplay wise. Assuming CDPR have not given up on the game, if they have, well fuck them.
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Fallout 4 is by far the best of them all. Yea it wasnt as good as 3 or new vegas but its still a great immersive game with some of the best DLC out there. Outer worlds has the best characters tho, obsidian is by far the best writers of the three.


That's a unique take actually, most people who loved their time with Cyberpunk was because of the quests and the characters, the gameplay was solid but its limited so i thought its not going to be the aspect that carries the game. Good for you. I agree that gunplay/combat wise its the best of the bunch, but i have to factor in gameplay options and variety, sometimes they can compensate for mediocre combat. Breath of the Wild has serviceable combat mechanics imo but i loved how you can interact with the combat in different ways.
Stealth/Hack in Cyberpunk was OP yeah, i used a combination of all.

I dont disagree at all, but if you'd like to elaborate further i'll be happy to read that.

Agreed in the story but gameplay wise i thought Fallout 4 was the best from Bethesda, slightly more polished than Skyrim. Gameplay mechanics wise. What did you find terrible about the gameplay?
Agreed about exploration in Cyberpunk, its so lackluster actually, once i was done with the game back in Januray i never played it again except when someone came to my house and i wanted to show them the Ray Tracing visuals on the game lol, the world has no dynamic interaction and the exploration as you said wasn't well made. The open world structure however is imo the best of the 3 games, the mission/world design is far above both Fallout 4 and Outer Worlds.

The Outer Worlds indeed had nothing impressive about it. I can see a lot of other people agree with me on this. :messenger_bicep:

Interesting, thanks for explaining, i noticed you mention he quest and writing of The Outer Worlds as a positive, you seem to neglect talking/praising that in Cyberpunk, any reason why? I personally think the writing in Cyberpunk is better and the quests are more personal, emotional and engaging and well made.

Damn mate! you thought it was the GOAT right off the bat thats wild :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I just had the impression its going to be good but it falls apart quite early in the game actually and it goes downhill from there so any hope it gets better (like most RPGs do) is gone.

I agree with most of what you said, but one note about Rockstar, yes they are masters in making worlds with a lot of attention to details and very good looking environments and good physics, but in mission design and actual interactivity with the open world they are lackluster, outdated and boring. The can make huge good looking open world with lots of details but they dont utilize it well enough, MGS5 and Bethesda games seem to take advantage on the world in a better way, and ofcourse Breath of the Wild, a game that has world interaction on an amazing level, loved the game. Rockstar has been playing it safe since San Andreas, they need to up their level tbh, but i understand that the budget is huge to take risks.

Yes. Do you value exploration and open world the most out of my highlighted categories?

Indeed they are low points sadly, though for the Outer Worlds they dodged the media and the gamers rage, they got away by smart marketing as fuck bethesda, and it came at the right time, so i dont disagree, yes fuck bethesda lol. However i believe that earned them more points as the video above illustrates.
Good post, I totally agree. 👍

Not at all, i had a lot of criticism for the Outer Worlds but decided its not the thread i want to make, i wanted to make that one at some point but due to all these 3 titles being controversial i decided to make a three way comparison that includes them all, it would be interesting. And honestly im surprised many people agree with me on Outer Worlds.
As far as budget i dont think it matters that much, a lot of big budget games are bad or mediocre and small budget games are really good, the difference usually is the technical aspects which includes visuals and animation and technical design. Funny how the bigger games had more bugs, though they are more complex too. For me budget is irrelevant to this comparison.

Yeah, the mods are insane for Bethesda games, Fallout 4 had great mod support, I hope Cyberpunk 2077 can have the same kind of mod support but i dont think it will happen.
"Slighty more polished thab Skyrim" is still barely playabe.

Every gun felt like shit, no enemy reactions from shots, aiming was still pretty bad ...

Every Bethesda Fallout game (+ NV) are only playable with VATS. Otherwise you will have a bad time. And thats coming from someone who loves Fallout 3.

And I hated the focus on building settlements. Thats not what I buy a Fallout game for.

If it was entirely optional, it would be ok, but more than once during the campaign you have to build stuff to progress and I hate that shit
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I like all 3, i wouldn't compare them, although Fallout 4 had a lack of RPG for me, it was a good shooter with base building mechanics, but i prefer the Outer Worlds and Cyberpunk for the RPG side of things.


Fallout 4 is by far the best of them all. Yea it wasnt as good as 3 or new vegas but its still a great immersive game with some of the best DLC out there. Outer worlds has the best characters tho, obsidian is by far the best writers of the three.

I can't comprehend why people like Bethesda games, I tried Oblivion, Skyrim, F3 and F4 and they're all so... shallow, clunky, boring and lack personality/"something". There is shit ton to do but no motivation to do anything, at least that is my experience with vanilla games.

Dr. Claus

Outer Worlds is a poorly designed, poorly written pile of trash that tries so desperately to ape Fallout.

Cyberpunk, despite its failures on old gen systems - was a fantastic time. Well written, well paced, fun gameplay. Same with Fallout.

Obsidian should clean house with the writers they currently have and get some better ones.


Played and finished all three on highend PC.

Cyberpunk 2077 > Fallout 4 > Outer Worlds

That said, Outer Worlds is a decent game, 7/10. Fallout 4 is probably worse when it comes to writing, but better when it comes to everything else. Cyberpunk 2077 despite its shortcomings has great writing, characters, impossibly good atmosphere and worldbuilding and by far (FAR) the best gameplay and gunplay of the lot.


Gold Member
Personally I would set Cyberpunk above Fallout 4 and The Outer Worlds.

Played all of them on PC, and while Fallout 4 has nice modability and is customizable in more ways than Cyberpunk, the dreadfull story and quests, writing is just such a low bar that most rpgs easily pass it by.

The Outer Worlds wasnt that funny and the quests were also a bit boring.

Played Cyberpunk 2077, some bugs here and there but nothing major, and spent over 100+ hours in the game enjoying every minute of it.
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