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Fallout New Vegas |OT| Obsidian does what Bethesdon't


Just started Honest Hearts. Ted Masterton = Lee from The Walking Dead game. Nice. Pretty psyched to play all of the DLC for the first time, this game is so good.

Is it normal for
everyone to die in the first ambush?
. Damn.

You can actually
save that drug addict technically if you convince the guy to shoo before leaving, but there's no reward/consequence for doing so.


forget gaming, fallout has one of the most interesting fictional universes of any medium.
Can't argue with that.
I agree completely. It's one of the few reasons why Fallout 3 got me into the series as a whole. There's something really great about stumbling into a random building and finding out there was a story to it. It's like being an archaeologist.
Definitely. There's so much within the universe that these games can explore. I love it. I've spent hours just reading up on random shit from the series on Wikipedia.

I wonder what's going to be in FO 4. Still hoping for something with the Commonwealth.

Is it normal for
everyone to die in the first ambush?
. Damn.
Yes. I remember that sort of freaked me out when it happened :lol


I am level 10 and have the quest to head to the strip..am I a bit too low? I haven't done any of the DLC and I do have an EXP mod. -20% exp with it + a -10% exp perk that comes with vanilla for a total of -30% exp...should I turn it off?


Rhonda broke. Raul made his way to Black Mountain after hearing a fuzzy radio broadcast and fixed some stuff for Tabitha. Tabitha, slowly growing more insane without Rhonda (one of the terminals shows how she now hears Rhonda's voice), holds Raul captive to fix Rhonda.

Thanks a bunch. Looking back on all the conversations between Best Friend Tabitha and "Rhonda" crack me up now. Though now I'm pretty disappointed that (spoiler relating to Black Mountain and Tabitha)
Black Mountain radio is lost
. It reminds me of how disappointed I was when (major Fallout 3 spoiler!!!!)
I lost the Enclave radio station after shutting down John Henry Eden. I adored listening to his propaganda and the patriotic American music. It's one of those situations where I knew in my heart that turning Eden off was the right thing to do for the Wasteland, even though I'd lose the entertainment value of his radio station forever

I've seen wildly varying opinions on Dead Money, seems kinda divisive.

I pretty much hated it, but some people seem to love it.

My favourite was easily Old World Blues. Nice dialogue and some interesting lore combined with a neat place to explore and some nice loot. Also enjoyed Lonesome Road. Didn't have the same kind of wide open place to explore like OWB, but I enjoyed the story and the information you get on your character's past.

Honest Hearts was pleasant overall thanks to Joshua Graham as a character and some background lore (<3 the survivalists caches). The quests were mediocre at best, though.

So funny that background information can be such a big plus in a game. I honestly think Fallout has one of the most interesting universes ever in gaming. I just love learning about the difference factions, about the America/China conflict, learning about people who lived before the great war, or people that were living right after the bombs hit, the supermutants, ghouls. It's all so fascinating to me.

The bolded is exactly why I absolutely love Fallout 3 and New Vegas. But man, you have to think that this attention to detail in the lore comes at a big cost. There are few games as buggy as Fallout.

And to further my point in the spoilered text above, another thing I love about Fallout is that whenever you are tasked with making a moral decision, there is usually isn't an obviously evil or obviously good choice (unless, IMO, it comes down to slavery). Almost every choice has a little bit of good and a little bit of bad at its core. When two factions are squabbling with each other, there is gonna be a little bit of evil at the heart of both groups. For example, (Fallout 3 side quest spoiler for the side quest
Tenpenny Tower
when the ghouls, who are shunned by the bigoted inhabitants of Tenpenny Tower, decide they want to take over Tenpenny and murder everyone inside, I had to refuse. I could see that the ghouls were right to be angry, because of the exclusionary nature of Tenpenny and the prejudiced culture there, but I couldn't bring myself to kill them, as much as I disliked Tenpenny Tower


I feel like the Commonwealth is a lock for F4 given how much it's referenced.

I am level 10 and have the quest to head to the strip..am I a bit too low? I haven't done any of the DLC and I do have an EXP mod. -20% exp with it + a -10% exp perk that comes with vanilla for a total of -30% exp...should I turn it off?

I don't think XP mods are necessary. There's plenty of quests and enemies. I'd suggest turning the mod off and continuing with your trek to the Strip. There are several stopping points along the way for quests to get more experience. Arriving on the Strip is in many ways just the beginning of the real story. A lot of content opens up at that point. Oh, and stick to the main route (south to Primm then to Nipton, etc).


I feel like the Commonwealth is a lock for F4 given how much it's referenced.

I don't think XP mods are necessary. There's plenty of quests and enemies. I'd suggest turning the mod off and continuing with your trek to the Strip. There are several stopping points along the way for quests to get more experience. Arriving on the Strip is in many ways just the beginning of the real story. A lot of content opens up at that point. Oh, and stick to the main route (south to Primm then to Nipton, etc).

I just did it automatically since I used it in FO3. Will anything happen if I turn it off? I only have mnc texture and weapon textures so not any other miss really. I want to do the dlc, good time to go?


I just did it automatically since I used it in FO3. Will anything happen if I turn it off? I only have mnc texture and weapon textures so not any other miss really. I want to do the dlc, good time to go?

No, I don't think so. I didn't use mods though. Save the DLC until you've hit level 20. I did Dead Money at level 17, but I knew what to expect and my character was a person of mass destruction.


I sort of feel underwhelmed right now. Finished all the DLC and just capped off the final quest of the main story, super disappointed I didn't get to see the impact of my decisions in game. The game definitely peaked with Old World Blues, and I feel like it had a hard time keeping pace. Lonesome Road just felt... off. The story was semi-interesting but the whole time I was wondering why I cared. It just felt like the entire plot was dealing with a random unimportant person.

I also thought it was a little weak how little impact me
immediately killing Caesar after upgrading the Securitrons
had. It just felt like everything was still going the same way minus one guy.

Overall a great game, but it felt like there was it could have done with itself. I'm not sure I can say it is better then Fallout 3, but Old World Blues was fucking fantastic either way.


I also thought it was a little weak how little impact me
immediately killing Caesar after upgrading the Securitrons
had. It just felt like everything was still going the same way minus one guy.

Well the game explains it pretty thoroughly. Caesar's invasion was already planned and in the process of being implemented. They weren't going to stop. Any problems that would arise from his death would be reflected in the long-term destruction of the Legion. I do hate how House's reaction is basically, "Good for you kiddo". lol


I sort of feel underwhelmed right now. Finished all the DLC and just capped off the final quest of the main story, super disappointed I didn't get to see the impact of my decisions in game. The game definitely peaked with Old World Blues, and I feel like it had a hard time keeping pace. Lonesome Road just felt... off. The story was semi-interesting but the whole time I was wondering why I cared. It just felt like the entire plot was dealing with a random unimportant person.

That's...the whole point. That, when you're a courier, jobs you choose to take can have huge significance to others. As a courier, you don't care what you're delivering, your whole concern is just the delivery. But as seen in the case of the Divide, maybe you should care about what you're doing.

The plot isn't really dealing with Ulysses at all. I mean, you can find his tapes to find more about his background but that isn't essential to the story. He's there to show you the error of your ways even though you haven't made those errors consciously. Interesting thing is, you don't have to walk the Lonesome Road, you can always turn back and head back to the Mojave. Which simply means you don't care about the consequences of your actions as a courier.


That's...the whole point. That, when you're a courier, jobs you choose to take can have huge significance to others. As a courier, you don't care what you're delivering, your whole concern is just the delivery. But as seen in the case of the Divide, maybe you should care about what you're doing.

The plot isn't really dealing with Ulysses at all. I mean, you can find his tapes to find more about his background but that isn't essential to the story. He's there to show you the error of your ways even though you haven't made those errors consciously. Interesting thing is, you don't have to walk the Lonesome Road, you can always turn back and head back to the Mojave. Which simply means you don't care about the consequences of your actions as a courier.

Just because that is the point doesn't make it meaningful, especially when the actions we're supposed to care about never actually happened because of me in the first place. You could say 'well you sort of did it again by delivering ED-E to him by playing the DLC', but it makes no difference because I was physically able to stop his actions and he clearly made it through the Divide himself so I don't see what was stopping him from acquiring ED-E in the first place.

It would have actually been impactful if the DLC set you up first, actually having the players actions trigger the start. When you have so much choice to define your character during the course of a game it is very disconnected to force past actions on your character and expect them to be meaningful.

For games like New Vegas, it is the actions the player takes that are interesting and important. Who cares about that characters past before I showed up? That is where it loses traction for me.

Sotha Sil

I'm replaying the game with the Project Nevada mod... Pretty, preeeetty good. The helmets give the game a claustrophobic feel, nice atmosphere.


My no kills playthrough is going very good so far. I would never even have tried it if I hadn't read that it was possible. I've done a few quests that I didn't think were doable without fighting. Like the quest "Come Fly With Me". On my first playthrough, I killed all targets in the basement.
On this run, I used stealth boys to reach Davison and I convinced him to leave because what they were looking for was no longer there.
Peaceful solution, yay.


Just because that is the point doesn't make it meaningful, especially when the actions we're supposed to care about never actually happened because of me in the first place. You could say 'well you sort of did it again by delivering ED-E to him by playing the DLC', but it makes no difference because I was physically able to stop his actions and he clearly made it through the Divide himself so I don't see what was stopping him from acquiring ED-E in the first place.

It would have actually been impactful if the DLC set you up first, actually having the players actions trigger the start. When you have so much choice to define your character during the course of a game it is very disconnected to force past actions on your character and expect them to be meaningful.

For games like New Vegas, it is the actions the player takes that are interesting and important. Who cares about that characters past before I showed up? That is where it loses traction for me.

I think it's meaningful because having seen the consequences of your previous actions (intentional or no), you now have a choice to act differently. After you "deliver" Ed-E to Ulysses, your "one last job", you have the choice to turn back as you once did after delivering the message. Or you can choose to care about the "message" you just delivered and do something about it. If you chose to proceed to Ulysses' Temple, then you basically cared about the message.

There's some meta stuff going on, though. We as players generally try to finish all the quests we find. So after Ed-E is delivered, almost all the players will choose to pursue and go to Ulysses' Temple, with or without realising they're making a meaningful choice by making the Courier care about the message and not just the delivery. The game is saying that not only how you finish quests impacts others but also what quests you choose to finish.


I think it's meaningful because having seen the consequences of your previous actions (intentional or no)...

My point is that they are not my actions. I did not do any of it, my character did before I even started playing the game. That is why I don't care for it. If the game had set up a scenario for me where I actually did what the game was claiming, it would have felt meaningful. Instead it feels forced.

They're pretty much trying to pull what Bioshock did (would you kindly?) but failing to actually connect it to the player's actions. I went to the Temple because I wanted to see the DLC to the end, not because of the specific contents of the story and quests. And also because I got a sweet new jacket out of the final conflict.


I went to the Temple because I wanted to see the DLC to the end, not because of the specific contents of the story and quests. And also because I got a sweet new jacket out of the final conflict.

That's what I was saying. Motives of players to do things in games is often times unrelated to the actual role-playing.


I enjoyed Lonesome Road, but I really wish they had gotten Ulysses to a good spot as a companion like they originally planned. Would have been so cool to have him with you for a longer period of time, being able to observe what you were doing (especially the Legion vs. NCR conflict).


I like to draw parallels between Lonesome Road and the main story. In the main story the Courier was doing the exact same thing that he/she had done with regards to the Divide. Delivering the Platinum Chip without realising what it might mean for the Mojave and beyond. The game gave you a motivation by having the Courier attacked and shot in the head. Then you made conscious decisions on how the Chip was used in shaping the future of Mojave. In Lonesome Road the game is asking players what they would do in absence of such personal motivations.
I am trying to get to the secret bunker in Fortification Hill. I gave Mr House the platinum chip, but I cannot get into the secret bunker because I have no chip on me. Is this a glitch? I want to finally finish this game. Wow, this game is so confusing at times. Mr House at the 38, he keeps telling me to make my way to Caesars camp where something "very interesting" awaits me.


My no kills playthrough is going very good so far. I would never even have tried it if I hadn't read that it was possible. I've done a few quests that I didn't think were doable without fighting. Like the quest "Come Fly With Me". On my first playthrough, I killed all targets in the basement.
On this run, I used stealth boys to reach Davison and I convinced him to leave because what they were looking for was no longer there.
Peaceful solution, yay.

I had no idea this was possible. I feel inspired to try this. I'm assuming you'd have to have a 10 in Charisma as you would need to lean heavily on companions to do the dirty work, and act as a bodyguard.

The more I think about this, the more I want to try it.


I had no idea this was possible. I feel inspired to try this. I'm assuming you'd have to have a 10 in Charisma as you would need to lean heavily on companions to do the dirty work, and act as a bodyguard.

The more I think about this, the more I want to try it.

No companions, no kills whatsoever. (I do have companions, but I only have them with me in non combat situations, basically, in towns only.) When a hostile approaches: 1. Lure them into a settlement (if you're close to one) and let NPCs take care of them. 2. Stealth your way through hostile areas with high sneak and lots of stealth boys. 3. Run like hell while consuming health restoring items.


Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition is on sale. 66% off.

As is fallout 3 goty. I managed to stay strong during the steam sale, but finally gave in this time round and picked it up. I have it right in front of me for the 360, but now I don't have to bother with all that switching on a console and putting a disc in nonsense. Also, mods.
I know the Brotherhood of Steel aren't exactly "good guys" so much as indifferent, but
House asking me to blow up their home and probably kill quite a few if not all of them is what gave me an excuse to kill him. And I was tired of his pretentious prattling. I've also heard that in the epilogue he tries to kick the Kings out of Freeside and most of them end up getting killed, so can't have that either.

And a problem I have with the game/ House is that the Strip is pathetic, so House claiming he has "resurrected" Vegas and seeing this lame, two-area mass of gray, boring textures and crash-bugs (like any area in New Vegas) also makes me pretty contemptuous of him.
I love the little random moments of the game that change so many times. I think I've wiped out
the Powder Ganger HQ
about three different times now in various ways. Also, nothing like trapping Dead Wind Cavern before exploring its contents.... Turned into a thirty minute battle of reloading save points and using every explosive I had.

I play waaaaay too much FNV compared to any other game this gen.

I am trying to get to the secret bunker in Fortification Hill. I gave Mr House the platinum chip, but I cannot get into the secret bunker because I have no chip on me. Is this a glitch? I want to finally finish this game. Wow, this game is so confusing at times. Mr House at the 38, he keeps telling me to make my way to Caesars camp where something "very interesting" awaits me.
Pretty sure you just need to initiate a conversation with Caesar so you can deal with Benny, but there's a whole lot of ways those quests intermingle and I can't really remember based on what results where. Pretty fluid chain of events.


So I'm in Old World Blues as a Science/Energy Weapons dude, and how the fuck am I supposed to get more energy weapon ammo?

I mean recycling only goes so far, and the store in The Sink doesn't seem to sell any Energy Ammo of any kind.....


Just finished the main quest in Old World Blues. Man, what a fun little chunk of content. I did a few sidequests, but not all, so I plan to return to the Big Empty but for now its back to the Mojave for me.


Dead Money Spoilers:

Will the DLC be a pain in the ass if I recruit God instead of Dog? In other words I have the calm, weaker version of the schizophrenic mutant follow me, instead of his more violent, baser version? I'm playing on Very Easy and I'm level 32, fyi. Maybe it doesn't matter either way? Hopefully not, but man, even on Very Easy I would get completely ripped apart by Deathclaws in the Mojave.

edit: Nevermind. You can switch back and forth between both personalities via voice commands. Cool.


Sooo, about to delve into this one tomorrow. Any general tips?

Also, can I play the DLC in any order? If not, what's the best order?


People called Romanes they go the house?
Sooo, about to delve into this one tomorrow. Any general tips?

Don't go North from Goodsprings at the start.

But in all seriousness, make sure to explore each of the different factions early-ish on before you can get locked out of doing a side because they hate your guts. That, and try different companions out.

Only thing is to decide by level 6-8 on what kind of build you want to make. This is still pretty forgiving if you pick a few wrong perks/traits/stats, but having every other level for perks makes it less forgiving than Fallout 3.

Also, can I play the DLC in any order? If not, what's the best order?

Yeah, you can do any order, but going in the order of release works relatively well. Ideally, you'd want to be at least level 10 to start them.

HH is actually probably the easiest, than you can go onto the Dead Money > OWB > Lonesome Road route, which are all loosely connected storywise.


Water is not wet!
My no kills playthrough is going very good so far. I would never even have tried it if I hadn't read that it was possible. I've done a few quests that I didn't think were doable without fighting. Like the quest "Come Fly With Me". On my first playthrough, I killed all targets in the basement.
On this run, I used stealth boys to reach Davison and I convinced him to leave because what they were looking for was no longer there.
Peaceful solution, yay.
Nice to hear things are going well. Doing a pacifist run isnt difficult at all because the game is set up for one.


I'm finally getting into Fallout 3 properly. Just made it to Rivet City, having a good time so far. My strategy for sticking with it was to reinstall Windows 7 on my machine and in the process delete 2.5TB of Steam games that were distracting me. Now that I've finally convinced myself to go further than Megaton, I'm really enjoying it.


Egh, getting some bad stuttering.. I heard this was a common problem with FNV, so is there also a common solution?


Does having 1 INT give you special dialog options like in Fallout 1?

Low intelligence (3 or less) gives you some special dialogue, one discount (INT implant but the option is kinda bugged). Not as much as FO1 or FO2. But considerably more than FO3 which had only one low INT dialogue.


Just finished the main quest in Old World Blues. Man, what a fun little chunk of content. I did a few sidequests, but not all, so I plan to return to the Big Empty but for now its back to the Mojave for me.

Just finished OWB (again) last night, and agree that it is fun, and funny, content. My biggest gripe is how fast monsters re-spawn, and how frustrating it can be for non-energy weapon users.

Oh, and
, seriously. Seriously.


Nice to hear things are going well. Doing a pacifist run isnt difficult at all because the game is set up for one.

Yeah, it really is now that I have tried it for myself.

Story spoilers, don't read if you haven't finished the game.
Killed Mr. House as soon as I got to the strip. 2 stealth boys were enough to get me through undetected. Joined up with Yes Man. I did this on my regular playthrough too, but Yes Man is my bestest friend, so I had to do it. Although I didn't kill House that quickly last time. I'll see how I can take the chip from Benny without starting World War 3, lol.

I've solved some quests peacefully thanks to intelligence, speech and perks. I've also used other options like barter, etc. I like that you can use many different options in dialogue. I have had to skip some quests because they're almost impossible to complete without brute force, but I've also completed some using stim paks like a mad man.


Hmm if yes man is telling me to
kill mr house
but I've already
given the platinum chip to mr. house/upgraded the software, is there any way I can kill him? House just wants to send me off on my next quest but I think I want to kill him if I can.


I've never killed
Mr. House.
. It just feels like a real asshole move given how nice he is to the player.

Also: to kill
Mr. House, don't you just open the chamber in the main room? I thought that was always available?
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