Well if he's not dead or in the hospital without kidneys, I'm sure he'll be there.He can't talk about that, I can assure you.
We're on for tonight? right? Kraftwerk will wrap up his story, right?or a no show
Well if he's not dead or in the hospital without kidneys, I'm sure he'll be there.He can't talk about that, I can assure you.
We're on for tonight? right? Kraftwerk will wrap up his story, right?or a no show
Why? There is literally nothing else at Fanexpo worth seeing.
Alright done with Fanexpo. Got to play Knack, Drive Club and Killer Instinct.
Now to relax and slowly make my way over to seasonz.
And the tradition continues, seazons is closed. What's plan B?
Serious? Lol. This might be a tradition.
I'm near the convention centre now grabbing street passes like a peasant. Are you guys at Casey's now? Or you still deciding on where to go?
I'm near the convention centre now grabbing street passes like a peasant. Are you guys at Casey's now? Or you still deciding on where to go?
I'll be there tonight . Is that coward Kave_Man coming?
oh my, passing on free beer.This coward will not be there. I just got home from 18 holes of golf I am exhausted.
oh my, passing on free beer.
On my way now, hopped on the subway after the incredible best buy store fail.
Yes, we're in the patioCaseys on University and front correct?
Caseys on University and front correct?
It's 7:20!?!
God damn lightweights, bought 3 pitchers, and there's one sitting here untouched right now.
dont worry kave, it's not coors light.I want to cry reading this.![]()
God damn lightweights, bought 3 pitchers, and there's one sitting here untouched right now.
Kraftwerk was riding a Harley it ya know what I mean.
Precious wasted beer...
I'll raise a Newcastle just for krafty. Livin the dream and riding Harleys.
We need to play boardgames then.Couldn't make the meet up today, sorry dudes! Legs were #dead from working almost the entire convention.
Played Powergrid in the boardgame room and it was so cool!
That's okay, they all made fun of the pork chop using a fork.The one meet up I don't go to and you actually get pho. Ugh
Worst Fanexpo. Marvel and DC weren't even there. Way less Q&A and discussion panels. They must've raised the vendor rents cuz plenty I seen previous year were either MIA or sharing booths. Prices for toys were through the roof. Sony and Microsoft took up way too much empty space. Celebrity cancelations abound and even though it's spread our between south and north building it was still way over crowded. This could be relieved if they made the aisles wider. So much empty space by the gaming side.