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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted


Neo Member
Anyone come across the glitch/bug where every time there is a cut scene and your right hand is viewable there is a bottle attached to it?

I'm on Xbox360. Pretty funny.

I've got the same glitch on PS3, only for me it's a rock instead of a bottle. It's there all the time too, not just during cut scenes. I managed to grab a picture of it whilst hang gliding.



Gold Member
Got some photo's. Sorry they are shitty but you get the idea.

Just read another comment on YouTube with the same issue.




Gold Member
I've got the same glitch on PS3, only for me it's a rock instead of a bottle. It's there all the time too, not just during cut scenes. I managed to grab a picture of it whilst hang gliding.

Maybe it's a special Easter egg lol.

Rock for PS3 & Bottle for X360.


This game's starting to piss me off. There's this mission where you have to assault a ship off the coast. Was thinking "I'll just take this conveniently placed hang glider and just fly on to the ship!". Nope, invisible wall. You just crash into the water and have to swim the rest of the way. The missions in this game fucking suck, the restrictions are too tight and there are so many scripted events. Probably a 6.5/10 so far. Story is terrible, no skippable cutscenes and the UI sucks for pretty much everything on the PC. Good luck selling skins.


Got to the sinking ship part, encountered a QTE that I didn't understand what was going on since I was using a no HUD mod. Got frustrated, but I'm not drawn in enough to the game to revert back. Guess I'm shelving this game.


So what should I spend my money on, this or hitman?

PC or Console?

If it's PC, I'd obviously wait to see if there's a Daily deal first. But if you're looking for fun, amount of content, and bang for your buck, Far Cry 3 is the better option.

I'm only about halfway through Hitman yet, and I'm liking it. It's ok I guess. Cant really give a full opinion as I'm not done with it.
quick question, where can I find dingos? I've looked almost everywhere and haven't come across any. :(

I can't remember specifically, but any time you need something, look in the item description of what you're looking for and there should be an outlined image of the animal. That image is also present on the map, you just have to look for it.


I'm really trying to like this game. I want my 60 bucks worth.

There are several things that keeps making me quit:

1. Take a mission and you can fail it if you don't do it there way. Okay i get that but reloading my game? Let me fail and keep going. Like hunting missions. i run half a like to kill a tiger with a bow and I fail cause i run out of arrows and automatically switch to my assault rifle. Fail. Reload. Brain vomit.

2. the weapons don't seem to have any impact or weight to them. Shooting a fucking mountain goat 4 times with an assault rifle and watching him run away is less than impressive. ll in all the weapons just don't feel solid.

3. The game wants you to fly but scatters the hand gliders around and god knows when I get the wing suit. Then enemies who apparently stare intently at the sky spot you extremely easily.

4. Too many things on the mini-map. I find myself staring at the mini-map far too much. this is actually a growing concern in a ton on games for me. gonna have to find a hack. Treasure is not treasure when the game shoves it in you face.

5. at ton of the skills are boring snore fests. Swim faster stay underwater longer. Pick twice as many herbs. Ya cause herbs are sooo hard to find.
I can't remember specifically, but any time you need something, look in the item description of what you're looking for and there should be an outlined image of the animal. That image is also present on the map, you just have to look for it.

I have been, the problem is that the icons for dogs and dingos look so similar it's hard to know which one is which.

I have no idea. I just happened upon them on a mountain by a tower one day :lol

damn it. I spent the better part of 90 minutes looking for some dingos. I need to create some new pouches for goodness sake. :/

I did come across those ostrich like animals though, bastards can take a good beating before going down.


The game got RPS' GOTY. I'm with Meer on this one (specifically the ticking boxes bit). Didn't click with me. Seems to me the surprise tipped it over the edge for the others.

I have been, the problem is that the icons for dogs and dingos look so similar it's hard to know which one is which.
There are two possibilities, so no matter what: It's the other one.


The game got RPS' GOTY. I'm with Meer on this one (specifically the ticking boxes bit). Didn't click with me. Seems to me the surprise tipped it over the edge for the others.

There are two possibilities, so no matter what: It's the other one.

RPS is constantly disappointing me lately. I'm very surprised by this.


Eh, opinions and all that. I wish I liked it as much as they did. I did devoured the game much like it sounds they did, but it felt like cheap chocolate. You chew through it.


it is criminal that more people are not playing this online

so many good things about It.

awesome maps and fun games and interesting twists


it is criminal that more people are not playing this online

so many good things about It.

awesome maps and fun games and interesting twists
The problem really isn't the game multiplayer-wise. It's textbook Ubisoft being uniformitive and stupid about the whole thing. Most dont even know how to get into a party. Most dont even know that you can decode your data awards on the FarCryOutpost website either.

The multiplayer is growing on me TBH
I was just doing some of the official hunting missions and I was after some panther I had to kill with a bow.

I'd been tracking him for a while because I wanted to pick my shot wisely. Suddenly I hear a noise and turn to the left and standing there, staring straight at me, is a motherfucking tiger. He was too close for me to get enough arrows shot off in time to kill him and I was just about to switch weapon as he started CHARGING at me.


He runs over the road to get to the side I'm on, but there's a friendly car doing one of their loops and they SMASH in to him, killing him.

I stand there shocked, relieved, then go back to tracking the panther.

For all of the stupid design choices, this scratches the open world itch so well. Dayum.


Not much motivation to keep playing once main story & outposts are completed, Had a fun time playing tho.


Thinking I may start over (for the third time) and play without using the map at all. Might help introduce some much-needed challenge.

Just wish they'd give you the option to turn off the minimap...

Danny 117

Any ideas where I can find Pigs and Tapirs? I'm pretty early in the game and I want a better wallet / loot rucksack. Even what they look like on the map would be a great help! :)


Junior Member
Encountered a bug on the Nostalgia (PC). It seems all the enmies can see and shoot straight through the walls. They're killing me from inside the ship even though I'm still on the outside.


The game got RPS' GOTY. I'm with Meer on this one (specifically the ticking boxes bit). Didn't click with me. Seems to me the surprise tipped it over the edge for the others.

Hm, this makes me less enthusiastic to continue reading the opinion pieces on the site. Up to now they've usually been somewhat aligned with my tastes, but this is just the polar opposite of what I think. I agree 100% with Alec Meer though, so at least I can add him to the list of games writers I know and trust.
Is there anyway you can holster your weapon? Like when you free roam and shit?

It looks odd that your exploring a clearly uninhabited cave for treasure yet your character has his light machine gun pointing out.


Is there anyway you can holster your weapon? Like when you free roam and shit?

It looks odd that your exploring a clearly uninhabited cave for treasure yet your character has his light machine gun pointing out.


Anyway, the writer did another interview.

I really, really love the idea of what he was going for with this story. That FC3 was essentially a millenial's escapist power fantasy. I think that's a very evocative and engaging subject matter for games. I just really wished the execution was much better. They needed to show more of this element in the game's narrative and presentation.
Wow, this game is idiot proof easy on default difficulty. Once the screen goes black and white and you have "zero" health left, it's literally impossible to die unless you stand still and let them shoot you. It's like the game is giving you eighty chances to press and hold Y to heal.


Wow, this game is idiot proof easy on default difficulty. Once the screen goes black and white and you have "zero" health left, it's literally impossible to die unless you stand still and let them shoot you. It's like the game is giving you eighty chances to press and hold Y to heal.
I was actually thankful for that whenever fire was involved. Jason Brody is one flammable guy. It's like he's made of paper.


You can switch mid-game.
Regardless of what you choose, I suggest you turn off weapon tagging. Use the camera if you want to track an animal or a sniper or something. Tagging everyone you aim at makes it too easy.

They needed to show more of this element in the game's narrative and presentation.
It actually needed to be an element, period. Just exaggerating things doesn't work for video games, which are escapist power fantasies and ridiculous in exactly the same ways. Jason's "this is AWESOME" is often mirroring what you feel playing it. If you don't turn that around somehow then the message is completely lost. How about revealing the fantasy as a fantasy within the game? What was that about insanity all the time? Do something with that.
Vaas' end was so - that's it?
So you get Jason's perspective of how amazing he is all the time and that's supposed to tell me how he's tripping on his own juice? The boss fights all take place on some sort of stage, does that mean he's imagining a much more epic fight or something? Outside, I am doing all those things. He is a one man army just like every other protagonist/avatar in a video game. It's played straight for 99% of the time, so all those 'hints' don't actually end up mattering.

I get that they didn't want to compromise the player's experience, but as you say, there was a lot more in the story they could have done.
So um, quick question: Medium(survivor?) or hard(warrior) difficulty?

Go with Hard (warrior). You can always change it any time during the game.

Credit Far Cry 3 being yet another game that gives you all these tools, opportunities, equipment, resources etc., yet things can be cleared out herp a derp shooting shit to death.

And I don't even play that many FPS games and I think Far Cry 3 is way too easy. Hard makes more sense in the context of the game. It actually promotes stealth, while on normal mode you're just wasting your time since running and gunning works just as well and it's more efficient.

Granted, I'm still in chapter 1, maybe the game ramps up as it goes on?


Granted, I'm still in chapter 1, maybe the game ramps up as it goes on?
There are heavies you can't mow down easily (from the front and without C4 or an RPG at least) and if you don't care about the alarms eventually choppers will show up instead of just a jeep and a handful of guys. And snipers, of course, but most people will probably take them out first.


Thanks for the advice, I also turned off music about 5 minutes after the tutorial. Also, looks like the aim assist that's on by default is overkill, I don't think I've missed a shot at a human target yet.

Anyway, really good first impressions! I liked the intro. The movement and the stabby stuff feels good, even if the range at which you can engage that melee kill seems large. Straight away, sneaking up on a few guys, breaking line of sight and reengaging when you have the enemy flanked feels good. Scouting out the area feels good.

I do have to question the choice to allow the player to see through walls though. Maybe the enemies that are already marked should only be highlighted when you have a line of sight on them. Same with the meter that lets you know how aware the AI is of you, maybe the more natural visual and/or audible triggers that show their interest before the full on alarmed state. Both feel a bit artificial considering the setting, minor though it is. Anyway, it's still very early.


This game has one of the worst co-op Ive seen. If I understood, you can't choose which mission you wanna play, wtf?
Only if you host a private game and invite friends.
It's pretty much the only way to play all 6 missions and earn their respective trophies/achievements.

In public mode, you're thrown into random missions.


Thanks for the advice, I also turned off music about 5 minutes after the tutorial.
Turn it back on for the marijuana burning mission. Feel free to turn it off again once that's done. You have to listen to the music there.


the only way to play this game is have patience, and walk to as many objectives as possible and stealth, kill, hunt, defend and experience the randomness of the world.

Triggering pirates to come after the sound of your weapon after a hunting expedition only to have them go exploding through the air on a mine, never gets old.

Just so many little random things occur.

sniping a pirate from an out of reach position to watch him run around looking for me with his Molotov then hitting him so his Molotov goes flying, starting the trees on fire and exploding the jeep nearby on;y to turn around as I am laughing and be killed by a bear.... yea. :)


I'm really trying to like this game. I want my 60 bucks worth.

There are several things that keeps making me quit:

1. Take a mission and you can fail it if you don't do it there way. Okay i get that but reloading my game? Let me fail and keep going. Like hunting missions. i run half a like to kill a tiger with a bow and I fail cause i run out of arrows and automatically switch to my assault rifle. Fail. Reload. Brain vomit.

2. the weapons don't seem to have any impact or weight to them. Shooting a fucking mountain goat 4 times with an assault rifle and watching him run away is less than impressive. ll in all the weapons just don't feel solid.

3. The game wants you to fly but scatters the hand gliders around and god knows when I get the wing suit. Then enemies who apparently stare intently at the sky spot you extremely easily.

4. Too many things on the mini-map. I find myself staring at the mini-map far too much. this is actually a growing concern in a ton on games for me. gonna have to find a hack. Treasure is not treasure when the game shoves it in you face.

5. at ton of the skills are boring snore fests. Swim faster stay underwater longer. Pick twice as many herbs. Ya cause herbs are sooo hard to find.

Just for you info, you can remove Icons from the minimap in the legend menu and you can quit any mission at anytime from the menu. I also feel that hunting would be fuckin boring if it was realistic and every animal would go down with 1 bullet.


the only way to play this game is have patience, and walk to as many objectives as possible and stealth, kill, hunt, defend and experience the randomness of the world.
Id say get in a car for any distance greater than 300m, but yeah, don't fast travel all the time, it kind of defeats the point a bit.
Only if you host a private game and invite friends.
It's pretty much the only way to play all 6 missions and earn their respective trophies/achievements.

In public mode, you're thrown into random missions.

I was playing public matches and wondered why I couldn't choose difficult or chapter. It was terrible as I was always playing on insane difficulty. pff :/
There are heavies you can't mow down easily (from the front and without C4 or an RPG at least) and if you don't care about the alarms eventually choppers will show up instead of just a jeep and a handful of guys. And snipers, of course, but most people will probably take them out first.

So, would you then say stick with normal? Because thus far normal - I've only died once against a Tiger.

It was pretty sad to see that once my health was "depleted" - I put my controller down and it took literally 10 seconds for me to die even when there were about 3 guys right next to me shooting at me.
So Ive only just started but got up to the part where you goto that guys house and find your first friend.

I saw inside he had a gun shop.

Am I supposed to have all the available to buy already?


Just got to the
second island
, and my drive to complete this game is gone. How much longer is it? I'm interested, but if I can't finish it in the next couple of days I probably won't ever pick it up again.


So Ive only just started but got up to the part where you goto that guys house and find your first friend.

I saw inside he had a gun shop.

Am I supposed to have all the available to buy already?

Yes, you can buy most of the weapons from the very first time you see a shop. However, you will first need to create a wallet big enough to hold enough cash to purchase the better weapons.

And yes, it makes perfect sense that you can buy flamethrowers and rocket-propelled grenades from the town store yet no one thought to sell a bigger bag to carry your shit. It's fun to murder endangered animals for additional storage so it works out for me!
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