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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted



The game was really fun, conquering pirates camps is awesome, the fight and crafting was ok and the lat third of main missions were good.

But they totally screwed the characters, the tone and the plot.
I hate jason and his annoying friends, the antagonists are seen a couple of times.

I think that probably it's ubisoft fault, they had a great actor, some things in the plot hints at better possible outputs.

They put a great effort in making the islands interesting without having enough assets, but the island is soulless and a bit repetitive.
Keep that in mind ubisoft, in a free roaming game, the map is a really big deal.

The game has some gameplay flaws but it's ok.

I think that if that game would have benefit of another 1 year od development without commercial constraints it could have been awesome!

It's a good game, funny but it doesn't deserve more than 8.


I've got a problem, I can't even get the game to install. I get an error that says "data_win32\worlds\fc3_main\fc3_main.dat doesn't match the file in the setup's .cab file." I have to abort the installation at that point. I'm not sure what my options are now, obviously something isn't right on the DVD. I tried looking around Ubi's uplay thing to see if I could just stick the activation key in somewhere and download the game but there doesn't seem to be an option anywhere for that. I know the game is being sold on Steam, could I just stick the key in there? Is there another option I'm missing? I searched the thread and it didn't look like anyone else had this problem. Thanks


Also just finished it and I'm pretty much on bord with everyone helse here that thought "good but not great".

And mostly because of wasted potential.

Very much like Ac3 this game felt very "empty calories" to me.
Doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff.

I wonder if I'm getting older that those things are now more annoying or if games are just got better everywhere else but in certain things. And those things are now more glaring.


I bought the game yesterday and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. I really love the two scenes where Jason
has the conversation asking about how the blonde chick felt about winning the 400 meter swim competition and that killing feels like winning to him, and then after he finds out Riley is dead and starts to lose it.

While I can see where some complaints can come from, I've been having a blast with the characters and story so far. Plus changing out to different weapons and trying off the wall stuff keeps combat fresh.

Not my GOTY, but still up there. I came to this right after playing ACIII and I can feel the AC influences in it. Ubisoft didn't diverge much from a working recipe, even from another game, but I'm OK with that. The zip lines are fun too.


so much negativity in this thread

Yep, and since I've been a part of it, let me tell you about some of the things the game does very well. I just had like a 4 hour session, which for me, is the longest since Skyrim. All I did was traverse around the world unlocking towers, taking over outposts and generally getting in adventures.

1. It's a master class in fps/open world player movement. Forget about comparing it to a GTA, I think this does favorably against Crysis. You're always agile, never out of control in combat, almost never disoriented. As a matter of fact, besides the random camp fires setting me ablaze, it's about all I could ask for. Jason is also very well animated, when you're traversing large expanses or sliding/falling, it feels as it should. Little details, but collectively they make a big difference in feel vs something as artificial as Skyrim.

2. Melee is a fucking art form in this game. Once you get some of the chain kills and knife throwing stuff out there on top of the fast crouched movement... Great. I was wondering why they went through the trouble of letting the player rotate as you stab a guy, now I know it's to line up those moves. It's the sort of precision and momentum you would expect from Mirror's Edge, not an open world game. Also, in a stroke of brilliance they put in a little pause, just a little buffer, between an enemy being alerted to your presence vs the whole camp going crazy. This is the sort of thing that happened in Dishonored all the time(and other stealth games as well) that drove me crazy. You spend some time closing distance, only to be within reach of a guy when he turns and spots you, triggering a full alarmed state. It allows for a real dash and lunge.

3. Exploration is top notch. Those WW2 bunkers and ancient ruins open up to the most gorgeous vistas. Underground mines and caverns as well. It's beautiful and always worth it to go out of your way to explore.

4. Vehicles! It's something Far Cry 2 never got right. The selection is actually almost the same, hang glider and all, but it works so much better this time around. I only ever got into the Jeeps in FC2 and that was to save myself the time going back and forth between well known destinations. Here, none of it feels superfluous and it all works great.

Hopefully that balances out some of my complaints...


Definitely agree with those points. It's why I enjoyed it so much for the first 10 hours or so until I realised how badly the design constrained itself, actively attempting to sabotage what was so good about it


Do you guys think that concentrating on one part of the game is the wrong thing to do? I certainly get the impression in this thread that people either only do the open world stuff and then be bummed out about the story stuff, or only do the story stuff and then be bummed out about the open world stuff.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
They really ought to lower the EXP points--or alternatively, increasing the amount of skills or increasing the EXP required to get skill points--to provide more incentives for people to do more stuff.

I mean, once Jason is maxed out I literally feel no more compulsion to do anything else anymore other to finish the damn thing.


I think both the story stuff and the open world stuff eventually end up eating themselves no matter what order you do them in


I think both the story stuff and the open world stuff eventually end up eating themselves no matter what order you do them in

Thats my point, why do them in order? I mix it up whatever comes across my way. The mission system sucks sadly, but I would never concentrate on one thing too heavily.


No, I mean, even if you mix it up. It strings you a long a bit longer than if you gorge yourself on open world straight from the start - for instance, doing all the radio towers right off is kind of dumb - and you do get a sense of breathers, but even then it all wears thin by around the end of the first island.


Thats my point, why do them in order? I mix it up whatever comes across my way. The mission system sucks sadly, but I would never concentrate on one thing too heavily.
I did all the radio towers first to uncover the map. After that I mixed it up. Had a ball though I will admit the 2nd island dragged on an hour or 2 longer than necessary I feel.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I also think putting "stats" as it were to the weapons are not a good thing, since people would just always use the top tier weapons anyways and never use lower tier ones, making weapon selection pretty much not about 5 SMGs vs 5 Assault Rifles (10 variety) but more like the SMG located at the lowest one vs the Assault Rifle at the lowest one (2 variety)


I also think putting "stats" as it were to the weapons are not a good thing, since people would just always use the top tier weapons anyways and never use lower tier ones, making weapon selection pretty much not about 5 SMGs vs 5 Assault Rifles (10 variety) but more like the SMG located at the lowest one vs the Assault Rifle at the lowest one (2 variety)
Good point there though the second island basically forces you to change weapons and the signature weapons are even better again.


Do you guys think that concentrating on one part of the game is the wrong thing to do? I certainly get the impression in this thread that people either only do the open world stuff and then be bummed out about the story stuff, or only do the story stuff and then be bummed out about the open world stuff.

Right now(10 hours in for me) it feels big enough to get lost in one type of activity for a while. I'm at the point where I'm no longer annoyed by all the shitty, contrived restrictions. So, I have enough abilities unlocked to experience the game the way it was intended and enough room for weapons and ammunition. I still need to shoot 2 sharks though... you know, to make a wallet. Maybe the world starts to shrink again for other reason after this, we'll see.

The main missions so far have been either very story driven or tutorials basically, so I'm not impressed. I actually like how some of the smaller scenarios work. Unlike a Rockstar game or something, where you can expect to be mowing down 50 people along a ton of checkpoints, FC3 has no problem just putting in a conversation and a sequence that has no combat at all. It's refreshing. I just got to the famous skrillex mission though, so we'll see how it goes. If it turns out that the strictly linear design with the huge markers laying out an exact path are a trend, well that would suck. If it tries to do more heavy scripting(and that last big mission was like something out of Uncharted) that would suck as well.
Finished the game last night and overall I had a good time. There were a few moments of frustration where I had to run to the internet to get through a storyline mission.
QTE's need to die in a fire, I'm so disgusted by them now. Some of them are handled okay because the game gives you enough time, but some of them had me listening to the same dialogue five or six times before I could get the combo right.

I still have quite a bit to do on the island and will probably lock it down this weekend. For me the story and the characters entertained well enough. There were a few emotional moments that I was surprised when they really hit me in the gut.

Logging in to the Ubi servers sucks balls though, takes me a full five minutes to actually start playing the game after I launch it... (XBox 360)
This game is incredible, my GOTY and just a fantastic way to end 2012. Most of the side missions are fine, idk what people are complaining about. The races are fun, the wanted dead missions are fun, the sniper challenge is fun, what else is there... the shroom missions are epic. The only ones that are weak are the path of the hunter since it's so short and also supply depot i guess.

Edit- oh and the Trials of the Rakyat side missions are great too
The story and characters are melting my brain.

I wish this game did a minimalist story and not this piece of shit.

Thank god the open worldness is enough fun to make me sludge through this terribly designed/written SP.
The story and characters are melting my brain.

I wish this game did a minimalist story and not this piece of shit.

Thank god the open worldness is enough fun to make me sludge through this terribly designed/written SP.

opinions and all but how is the story bad? i have no idea how people can say it's horrible and melting my brain
The characters are good too, fantastic voice-acting and acting in general.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thats my point, why do them in order? I mix it up whatever comes across my way. The mission system sucks sadly, but I would never concentrate on one thing too heavily.

Order doesn't have much to do with it for me. I don't care about the story because I'm not interested in it outside of a handful of colourful characters, and I'm not interested in the gameplay as it's a regardless grind of bar filling and box ticking. I think Ubi could have quite easily succeeded at both, but for me succeeded at neither.
opinions and all but how is the story bad? i have no idea how people can say it's horrible and melting my brain
The characters are good too, fantastic voice-acting and acting in general.

How is it good? Terrible writing, cretins for characters who you're meant to care about, the "crazy" stuff is all cliched and dull, the voice acting is serviceable but the dialogue is so terrible it doesn't really matter.

There's not one redeeming feature to the story or characters. Slogging my way through it to unlock the second island, then I'll never touch the story again.

And I'm someone who generally likes stories in games.
How is it good? Terrible writing, cretins for characters who you're meant to care about, the "crazy" stuff is all cliched and dull, the voice acting is serviceable but the dialogue is so terrible it doesn't really matter.

There's not one redeeming feature to the story or characters. Slogging my way through it to unlock the second island, then I'll never touch the story again.

And I'm someone who generally likes stories in games.

I'm not sure how to respond to that because it's the complete opposite of my opinion so it's probably pointless to debate /shrug

For example, I know "the voice acting is serviceable" is an opinion but it is just so wrong.
How is it good? Terrible writing, cretins for characters who you're meant to care about, the "crazy" stuff is all cliched and dull, the voice acting is serviceable but the dialogue is so terrible it doesn't really matter.

There's not one redeeming feature to the story or characters. Slogging my way through it to unlock the second island, then I'll never touch the story again.

And I'm someone who generally likes stories in games.
I did not enjoy the story much either BUT one of the best characters in the game is on the second island. I think you'd be missing out if you didn't see his stuff through.


The story and characters are melting my brain.

I wish this game did a minimalist story and not this piece of shit.

Thank god the open worldness is enough fun to make me sludge through this terribly designed/written SP.

The characters are the only thing keeping me interested at this point tbh =/
Cool post I read on the comments thread of another site:

AjurSandanov said:
When taking offense at the colonialist story in FC3, you have to first remember that the whole narrative of the game is delivered through Willis, the delusional traumatised CIA agent stuck in the past, sort of local colonel Kurtz (but not dangerous). While Willis in the main gameplay is a standard colourful side character (which is a pity), he is well-developed in his entries in the local encyclopedia. Everything we see here, we see through his eyes: he clings to some strange outdated version of gung-ho imperialism, but put through a meat grinder of reality. And it's his descent into madness, his romantic and pathetic finale (flying off to Russia in an old Cessna, a strange ridiculous mission which he embraces like an exit - to finally do something or at least die). Of course, all of this is mostly lost on Jason - which is sort of the point - but it forms our perception of the horrible-but-mundane island, this place that has no meaning, but where everybody involved is stuck forever.

The Wonderland\Looking Glass theme (that at first looks sorta tacked-on), therefore, makes sense. In Carrol's books, the oblivious girl treads carelessly - and successfully! - through a frightening manifestation of final absurdity of life. Her salvation is only through the fancy of the author. Furthermore, you can say that all antagonists of Far Cry 3, especially Vaas, willingly give a handicap to Jason on numerous occasion. They struggle with the absurd: Vaas is on the brink of surrendering, wishing for a "normal" life, trying as hard as he can to be killed by Jason; Hoyt is firmly entrenched, a Nietschean villain challenging our Alice, he needs proof that he is the master of chaos and absurd.

NPCs have all failed too: Willis gave up long ago, hidden in his pathetic bunker with his audiocassettes and VHS tapes that nobody wants, tortured by guilt for the meaningless death of his subordinates. That German merc finds solace in sheer destruction and meaningless revenge to Hoyt - frankly, his life doesn't make any sense and he knows it, he just learned to get along. Earnheardt had his 2yr old daughter fall out the window, and retreated to the most violent place on Earth keeping himself fed on drugs. Dennis is a failure too: a close-but-no-cigar Tatau leader and rejected lover, a permanent outsider.

I say this is a very good script.


Order doesn't have much to do with it for me. I don't care about the story because I'm not interested in it outside of a handful of colourful characters, and I'm not interested in the gameplay as it's a regardless grind of bar filling and box ticking. I think Ubi could have quite easily succeeded at both, but for me succeeded at neither.

That's too bad. Maybe me not having much expectations make me really like it. I don't care about the skills all that much, I even forget to upgrade them most of the time so it's not a points collecting game for me personally. I certainly agree that this could have been much more though - it has that special UBI feel with lack of consistency and unnecessary stuff.


I just thought he was a crackpot who'd been living in the jungle too long. Never realised he was the author of the awesome in game guide.

Clicked when the guidebook mentioned that the author would meet you soon

Personally the guide got a little tedious for me about halfway through. A bit like that Assassin's Creed guide written by the snooty english dude - you can only take sarcastic biting remarks for so long


Phew. Just beat the game. The last 3 hours = nerd rage. They like to force you into certain scenarios, and I really hate it. That last section of the game was pretty much all on rails and the type and quantity of enemies they threw at you was pretty insane at times. I wasn't even playing on the hardest difficulty, but one of my viewers on the stream even commented that the damage I took was pretty insane.

I did like
having a choice at the end. I totally expected some generic ending without a choice, so it's good to see they included that. Also, the poker game was great. You just know it's going way too well and it's far too convenient and then BLAM - knife to Sam's neck.

I'm glad it's over. I may put around a little bit here and there, but I don't have it in me to do another play through.


I'm 11 hours in on this game and I'm still hating the "good" characters with a passion. Including the main character that you're playing. I wish I could punch my own character in the face. Why do I have to play as a douchy spoiled fratboy? >.>


I'm 11 hours in on this game and I'm still hating the "good" characters with a passion. Including the main character that you're playing. I wish I could punch my own character in the face. Why do I have to play as a douchy spoiled fratboy? >.>

Kind of reminds me of one of those horror movies where you hate all the main characters and can't wait to see them slaughtered but here it's in reverse, the annoying characters go around slaughtering the people you actually like.
So I have put 20 hrs into this game, and just completed the final tower and capture the stronghold sequences. And I think thats where Im going to end my game because Jason is a complete loser and I never wanted to play as him in the first place.

The gameplay is amazing though the dynamic systems that are in place really make you feel like your having a unique experience that is separate but equal to what your friends are doing. Plus, it works really well with the open world they have created, there are a lot of variability out there in the jungle. The guns handled really well too, I was never at a loss for a fun way to take out an enemy outpost. I went full stealth, I went grenade launcher and flamethrower, I did full on assaults with shotguns, LMGS, and assault rifles. Each time felt just really tight and fun

And while I did hate Jason and his friends I thought the overall story and all of the other characters were good. I came to hate some of them at the end, but thats because thats where the writers lead it. Citra and Vaas was always well played and fun to be around as well. It really makes me wonder how this team could write so many interesting characters but make the main one (and his friends) complete idiots. Also, even though the story levels were more liner than the rest of the game I fount most of them to be good. Because they really put the man power into making each one of those levels feel unique

Then theres the hunting and looting. The gameplay that revolves around hunting makes the most compelling argument for item slots/encumbrance. Because it actually involved those mechanics in the actual moment to moment gameplay. Thats another reason why I loved the outpost and communication tower sequences so much. Every gameplay sequence lead into another type of gameplay sequence via a reward. You go hunting now you can carry X more of this thing and you had fun doing it. Oh, you climbed a tower, well here is a free gun that you can use to hunt or free an outpost with, and you had fun doing it. Oh you freed an outpost well now you can fast travel to hunting locations or story quests easier and you had fun doing it.

if my post is to tl;dr then just read the bolded section
I don't get why people get so worked up over Jason Brody. I've got over 23 hrs in this game and he isn't memorable but nothing that would make me dislike the game. The gameplay itself is really fun and rewarding. People seem to love faceless FPS heroes but god forbid one of them be a New Era cap wearing bro.


I don't get why people get so worked up over Jason Brody. I've got over 23 hrs in this game and he isn't memorable but nothing that would make me dislike the game. The gameplay itself is really fun and rewarding. People seem to love faceless FPS heroes but god forbid one of them be a New Era cap wearing bro.

His name is Brody. And one of his friends leaves the price tag on his cap. After hipsters, those are the worst type of people.


I don't get why people get so worked up over Jason Brody. I've got over 23 hrs in this game and he isn't memorable but nothing that would make me dislike the game. The gameplay itself is really fun and rewarding. People seem to love faceless FPS heroes but god forbid one of them be a New Era cap wearing bro.
Me either. He's pretty unobtrusive really. Then again I hate the silent protagonist in a voice acted game. Alyx constantly talking to Gordon Freeman who seemingly just nods and smiles back at her doesn't add to the immersion for me. What an ignorant asshole that guy is.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
I honestly didn't mind Jason at all. Oliver was kind of a joke and your "girlfriend" is lame as hell but the first girl you save and your brother are both solid. I was fairly impressed with the VO and beyond the main cast there are some fucking FANTASTIC secondary characters in the game ...

someone up above me had it right... lagging too long on the first island to the point of getting tired of the world before you make it to the second island is a SERIOUS disservice to the game as the most BALLINGEST BADASS EVER is waiting to help you fuck shit up. That crazy patriot is hands down my favorite character out of a game all year. I don't give a shit what anyone says or how much you hate a pretty fuckin fun game for whatever concocted reasons you need to feel intellectual - if you don't love
Sam the godamn man
you don't have a soul and I don't wanna be your friend. So gud.

edit: I'll echo a few posts above as well... where exactly is this intense dudebro douchey fratboy talk coming from? Like... did i need to eat a whole bowl of those pills and he eventually date rapes an islander before screaming puke and rally before starting a fight with some island gang banger case "My frat could totally fuck up your little club bro! Seriously we're like skull and bones deep shit bro!"

I feel like a lot of people want to hate him because of some previous notion before they ever played.... or maybe i just don't live close enough to a college town.. :p


Also just finished it and I'm pretty much on bord with everyone helse here that thought "good but not great".

And mostly because of wasted potential.

Very much like Ac3 this game felt very "empty calories" to me.
Doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff.

I wonder if I'm getting older that those things are now more annoying or if games are just got better everywhere else but in certain things. And those things are now more glaring.

Funny you mention AC3 in here. FC3 could technically be seen as taking place in that universe simply because of one mission in the game, dun dun dunnnnn. Not really surprising being as it is Ubisoft.
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