Flew around with that glider-thing. Saw two pirates in the distance on a hill. I steered down and flew maybe 2 meter above ground, jumped out of the glider. Glider hits one of the pirates and he falls off the cliff. The other pirate is still "WTF?" while I shoot him with a fucking arrow in his fucking head.
No it's not. It runs butter smooth with zero problems on my rig.
Edit: man dat credits theme!
Looking at PS3 videos...jesus the tearing. How can companies ship something looking so unproffesional? V-sync in AC3 was the right choice.
I can only play this on 360/PS3 and I'm becoming discouraged to the point of possibly just skipping itHope it's not as bad as some say.
Is it too early for a spoiler thread? There are a few things i'd like to talk about.
Game looks so damn good. Makes me wish Crytek would do another open world Crysis game, shame their too busy making linear shooters now.
open world dont means what you think it means. crytek has never made an open world game, ever. crysis isnt open world. far cry 1 isnt open world. I wish people would stop saying that.
Just got the game today. where are the goats??
C1 was more open level design.
around the first radio tower. i killed them with car.
Yeah, technically, if you shoot anything in the head, it would go down. But this is also a videogame.
I like that the bigger animals are a threat and not just "herp a derp, i shot him in the eyeball, he should be dead".
Yeah, technically, if you shoot anything in the head, it would go down. But this is also a videogame.
There is a Uplay achievement for using it to fly from the 1st to the 2nd island. That might be a clue.Can someone tell me where/when you get the wingsuit?
"Skyrim with guns"... an actual phrase used to describe this game during its commercial
"Skyrim with guns"... an actual phrase used to describe this game during its commercial
So for whatever reason I randomly disconnected from UBI servers and now any time I go into the start menu I can't craft anything or see any skills and when I leave the menu to go back to the game I get mission failed screen. Are UBi servers down or has this happened to anyone else?
Yeah, me too. Can't connect to that stupid uplay shit.
No it's not. It runs butter smooth with zero problems on my rig.
Edit: man dat credits theme!
Man, I missed that thread. Someone here worked on Far Cry 3 themselves?My 360 copy should be here tomorrow, I've been so hyped for so long and now I'm worried as hell after that thread about users that worked on crap games.
Isn't that Fallout's MO nowadays? "Elder Scrolls with guns"
Just got the flamethrower. Pirates and herds of the wild, be afraid.
There is no reason why a patch can not change the performance of a game. (See Skyrim PS3 which received significant performance patches.)I just preorded the PS3 version at BBY for the $20 gift card. Pissed itll be the worst version, but I hope its playable with a patch. Can framerate and such be fixed post launch? Sorry, Im ignorant on this stuff.