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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted


Gold Member
Kick the Hornet's Nest

Just did that one, that mission was so cool, wow.

edit: yeah the "no random NPC" comment is silly, there's people all over the place. Both friendly and enemy. In fact, I've run into people being kept prisoner by the pirates in one way or another numerous times. The game has a lot of random encounters.

There are checkpoints and you can save anytime in the menu.
What viruses?
I think the story is quite good and I don't get your reference considering it's just not true.
There are tons of animals(, flowers) and people you can interact with.

WUT yourself, Patrick Bateman. Checkpoints as in security checkpoints the plague of Far Cry 2. Viruses as in Malaria... erm... the plague of Far Cry 2!



There are checkpoints and you can save anytime in the menu.
What viruses?
I think the story is quite good and I don't get your reference considering it's just not true.
There are tons of animals(, flowers) and people you can interact with.
He means road checkpoints, where there's 10 dudes and 2 jeeps that will chase you to the edge of the world, crashing into you with reckless abandon until you jump out of your car only to be run over. You know, the FC2 experience.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
He means road checkpoints, where there's 10 dudes and 2 jeeps that will chase you to the edge of the world, crashing into you with reckless abandon until you jump out of your car only to be run over. You know, the FC2 experience.

My question would be...what were you doing on the road?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Getting from point A to point B, because every other mission required you to be on the other side of the world.

Crazy talk, it's a 6 hour journey by foot through tall grass! THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED!

Seriously I hear ya.
He means road checkpoints, where there's 10 dudes and 2 jeeps that will chase you to the edge of the world, crashing into you with reckless abandon until you jump out of your car only to be run over. You know, the FC2 experience.

I totally forgot about that game. I played it, but can't remember much.


Between AC3 asking me to air assassinate deer to this wanting me to hunt rabid dogs with an RPG, it's been a bad year for videogame animals.


And don't places begin to be filled by friendly NPCs around the outposts you liberate?

Loving this now. Spent about an hour upgrading my wallet, number of weapons and ammo and such, so now I feel like I actually stand a chance against the enemies. Got the trophy for liberating an outpost without raising the alarm too, so go me.


Gold Member
I need to upgrade my wallet ($2000 limit) and for the life of me I cannot find any animals required for this.

You need the velociraptors disguised as an ostrich. The big birds.

Edit - wait, you're talking about upgrading from 2000 to 4000, right?


The main character's voice acting is really starting to grate on my nerves, especially because Vaas' VO is so good.

I also kind of wish that they kept the buddy system from FC2. Yes it was one dimensional and needed some work, but why ditch it altogether? The personal narratives created by these implicit relationships were far more affecting than the typical heavy handed video game approach. I decided who I cared about and was willing to save. As a result, to this day, I still remember how my favorite buddies died
before the shitty ending fucked it up

I spent the first 8 hours in FC3 picking herbs, burning down pirate huts and skinning goats, with the only reminder that I had loved ones to save floating obtrusively in the top left corner.

That said, I'm really enjoying their improvements (or rather creation) to the stealth system. Nothing makes me happier than sneaking into a base, throwing some distraction rocks, disabling the alarm system and silently slipping back into the bush. I've also grown fond of burning entire sections of jungle in order to push as many predators as I can into/near pirate strongholds. Nothing beats hearing cries of "I'm on fyahhh!!!!" drowned out by screams of "Oh no! Tygahhh!!".


I understand what you mean but it could be said about most games. If the content is fun, I don't care if its "copy-paste" like you say. I didnt like far cry 2 and am in love with 3.

Also, when you say it doesnt reward exploration.... you can't be serious. there are so many caves, hidden bunkers, etc etc. I think its real fun to explore, just for the beauty and scale of it all.

I assumed he meant you don't get perks or levels for exploring but I don't give a shit about that. It looks like they made a great location to check out.

I haven't said anything about rewards. I actually couldn't care less about XP, skills, etc. The reason why I don't feel like exploring is because UbiSoft are discouraging me from doing it. They are saying "Look, there are (made-up numbers) 180 relics, 30 races, 400 diamonds, 30 hunting missions, 30 assassinations, 18 towers etc. When you go explore, you will find relic 7/180, diamond 245/400, race 27/30. You will find the animals we already marked on your map. That's what you'll find. We tell you this up front. We don't want you to wonder, to be amazed at the new things you discover, to live in uncertainty. Because what you'll find beyond the horizon is glowing red buggy 27/30." That's not exciting to me. It's formulaic. That's why I personally don't care for all this tacked-on padding.

I think the goal in FC3 is largely the same, but as I said earlier, I also lament the removal of some of those elements from FC2 that made the world feel more dangerous. On the plus side they did put a lot more emphasis on unanticipated behavior with animals, which works very well.

Either way, I think the "find your own fun" element is still very much there, and the game leaves things open enough for it. The objectives are largely similar to each other - typically "go kill this person/these people" - but there are different ways to approach and accomplish them.

You can probably just use a silenced sniper rifle to complete almost every objective, but if you want to mix things up, there are some fun things you can do. Leading a bear into an enemy encampment as a distraction while you start a fire isn't something you have to do, but it's certainly amusing. You don't have to stick a piece of C4 on an alarm, make yourself known to the baddies, and then blow it up when someone goes to trigger it, but it's a hoot.

The constant, intrusive in-your-face feedback with player rewards and goals is an annoyance, but it's also something I've become almost oblivious to just because it's been so common in AAA games for years now. I almost don't even notice it anymore, but I do wish it wasn't there. Achievement culture is what it is.

I agree that the emergent combat is still largely intact (silly kung-fu antics notwithstanding). But the game doesn't trust me to find it on my own. It has to remind me what to do, when do to it, where to go, etc. It's like taking a drivers lesson where you instructor starts admonishing you for your poor driving skills before you've had the chance to turn the key. It's off-putting and condescending, and sadly I have a hard time ignoring it. It completely breaks my immersion, and without that, all I see are chores.


Saw this over on Guru3D, got a chuckle out of it.



You need the velociraptors disguised as an ostrich. The big birds.

Edit - wait, you're talking about upgrading from 2000 to 4000, right?

Yes, I think you're right. I need to kill birds in order to upgrade the wallet to $4000. Now I need to find these motherfuckers.


reasons you found to hate the game

You should try not going into the statistic menus and you wont see what you'll find ! how's that ? there are lots more to find than the things in these menus btw, as shown in a picutre on this very page, but you don't seem to want to explore so I guess you won't find them.

I think it's time for you to move on to the next game.
Wait, what?

During the FC3 Giantbomb QL, they were hoping the game is self aware of how douchey the main character and friends are. Vinny suggested that this entire thing is some sort of Asergo type thing from Assassin's Creed, Brad and Jeff have similar thoughts that this entire thing is either a dream or some Total Recall 2012 type thing. But the main thing is they hope the game isn't taking itself seriously.


Ledsen said:
reasons you found to hate the game
You should try not going into the statistic menus and you wont see what you'll find ! how's that ? there are lots more to find than the things in these menus btw, as shown in a picutre on this very page, but you don't seem to want to explore so I guess you won't find them.

I think it's time for you to move on to the next game.

If you can't take me criticizing your favorite game without resorting to condescending and petty remarks like this that contribute nothing to the conversation, don't reply to my posts. Thanks.


If you can't take me criticizing your favorite game without resorting to condescending and petty remarks like this that contribute nothing to the conversation, don't reply to my posts. Thanks.

I fail to see how any of your points are valid and why you are still discussing this game when you clearly hate it. You sound very much like someone with an OCD that is hating the game because it reminds him that he has an OCD. You don't like some of the very optionnal content, skip it. Dont try to invent reason as to how it's making you not want to explore while there are already numerous examples of cool things you can find in the game that prove your argumentation wrong.

This game is not perfect at all and far from being "my favorite" but your complaints make no sense whatsoever.

Right up there with "game is too gamey".


when you clearly hate it. You sound very much like someone with an OCD that is hating the game because it reminds him that he has an OCD. You don't like some of the very optionnal content, skip it. Dont try to invent reason as to how it's making you not want to explore while there are already numerous examples of cool things you can find in the game that prove your argumentation wrong.

This game is not perfect at all and far from being "my favorite" but your complaints make no sense whatsoever.

Right up there with "game is too gamey".

Except I already said I don't hate it but actually really like many aspects of it, and am undecided on the game as a whole since I haven't finished it. And my point can't be "proven" wrong, because it's not a scientific theory, it's an opinion. Like I said, stop replying to me if you can't handle me criticizing the game without acting hostile.

GAF, have I gone crazy or are the graphics pretty shit?

It's not the prettiest game, no. Looks very good in certain situations though.


Except I already said I don't hate it but actually really like many aspects of it, and am undecided on the game as a whole since I haven't finished it. And my point can't be "proven" wrong, because it's not a scientific theory, it's an opinion. Like I said, stop replying to me if you can't handle me criticizing the game without acting hostile.

you have a weird conception of "being hostile" and I am asking you to clarify your opinion or your critics, since they make 0 sense. this "stop replying to me" stuff as an answer is an easy way out isnt it.
My computer is meh: Radeon HD 6850 1GB, AMD Phenom II X4 965 Quad Core, and 8 GB RAM

and I have a 360 and a PS3.

I currently have the 360 copy on preorder through Amazon and regardless of which version I buy, I will use a gamepad to play the game.

Which version should I get?


And don't places begin to be filled by friendly NPCs around the outposts you liberate?

Loving this now. Spent about an hour upgrading my wallet, number of weapons and ammo and such, so now I feel like I actually stand a chance against the enemies. Got the trophy for liberating an outpost without raising the alarm too, so go me.

Once you clear the outposts in an area the patrols on the road will be friendlies, not enemies.

Keep this in mind if you like ambushing them on the road, leave at least one outpost in enemy hands or those guys will disappear.


you have a weird conception of "being hostile" and I am asking you to clarify your opinion or your critics, since they make 0 sense. this "stop replying to me" stuff as an answer is an easy way out isnt it.

You haven't once asked me to clarify myself, why you have done is accused me of inventing reasons to hate the game while throwing around ad hominems about OCD in your alternatingly passive-aggressive and openly hostile posts. So yeah, I don't think much good will come of us continuing this. I'll stop here. Other than that, I'm happy to discuss my opinions with anyone who agrees or disagrees.


You need the velociraptors disguised as an ostrich. The big birds.

Edit - wait, you're talking about upgrading from 2000 to 4000, right?

You mean the cassowaries? They made them pretty timid in game. They can inflict some nasty injuries in reality when spooked.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
GAF, have I gone crazy or are the graphics pretty shit?

No you're not crazy but they ain't "shit", the visuals aren't mindblowing, they're good but not *bites tongue* next-gen as some people would have you believe.

REV 09

so if i unlock the game with VPN will i have to keep steam in Offline mode until the 4th? Does that mean i won't be able to play normal steam games with my friends or access steam's friends list, etc. until the official release date? Not sure if it's worth unlocking if that is the case.
FC3 shares the Assassin's Creed approach to open worlds, letting you gradually unlock all the content as you work your way through the opening up the map, but it also allows you to ignore that and just follow the main storyline. It's not for everyone - this isn't Fallout 3 - but I love it.

What this game has that Assassin's Creed does not, though, is lots more emergent action. I haven't been playing long, but I set out to find another radio tower pretty early and saw one of my guys turned into roadkill by bad guys in a jeep because he was skinning an animal on the road. His buddy freaks out. I walk on for a bit and see two of Vaas' men leading captives along the road. I take them out with two headshots but get into a heated firefight, I get overwhelmed and jump over a cliff into a lake. Under the water I find a cave with some great treasure. I follow the cave all the way through to the other side of the hill and spot an animal on the opposite side of the shore. It's a goat not a rabid dog so I relax, but suddenly a freaking crocodile jumps out in front of me and takes the goat back down with him.

I passed up about three possible side missions/diversions on the way, and there's still the main quest to worry about, but how cool is that?

And even more insane is that all this happened on a tiny area of the map, which is huge. And I think there's a second map just as huge still to be unlocked. Also, the island is beautiful, the controls are super smooth and the guns feel like they pack an awesome punch.

This game is shaping up to be pretty amazing.
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