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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted


angry stuff

I understand what you mean but it could be said about most games. If the content is fun, I don't care if its "copy-paste" like you say. I didnt like far cry 2 and am in love with 3.

Also, when you say it doesnt reward exploration.... you can't be serious. there are so many caves, hidden bunkers, etc etc. I think its real fun to explore, just for the beauty and scale of it all.

Planning on getting the PC version...but curious how uplay will work with my shitty wifi connection that loses connection every once in a while.

If my connection drops during the game will it boot me out?

you can set uplay mode to offline. you can play this game without being connected to the net.
I understand your frustration but for every one person that love FC2, there are probably 5 or 10 more that hated it due to those things! This stuff in FC3 will invetiable help sell the game. It's more "user friendly" so to speak.

Why would people hate things like how FC2 did the map? It was the things like that that were the best part of the game to me, they weren't as immersion-breaking as having everything pointed out to you with massive flashing icons and obvious 'video game' things.
So your assertion is based on nothing?

You can't fix "problems" that are integral to the experience. Not all games need to be made for all gamers. (It's not like there's a shortage of games for the sort of person who can't appreciate Far Cry 2, either.)

Look I'm not saying anything bad about Far Cry 2 or 3. I'm a fan of all the Far Crys personally. I enjoy them all. Yet I can't tell you how many people personally I have brought up Far Cry 2 and they said they hated it and due to reasons like guns jamming, no quick efficient quick travel, malaria, enemys super vision, un-interesting story, lack of wild life. (map system they never really brought up)

What they did say they liked about it was the exploration, open world, fire mechanics, buddy system. So just with that it looks like Far Cry 3 removes things that alot of people had issues with and kept some the things others like. Again this all depends on who you ask.


This is the same argument I always use to defend FC2. Only, in FC2, a big part of what made the emergent elements work so well was the synergy they had with the overarching goal of immersing the player in a hostile world, and trusting that they would find their own fun without being guided to it. There seems to be no such goal in FC3.

I think the goal in FC3 is largely the same, but as I said earlier, I also lament the removal of some of those elements from FC2 that made the world feel more dangerous. On the plus side they did put a lot more emphasis on unanticipated behavior with animals, which works very well.

Either way, I think the "find your own fun" element is still very much there, and the game leaves things open enough for it. The objectives are largely similar to each other - typically "go kill this person/these people" - but there are different ways to approach and accomplish them.

You can probably just use a silenced sniper rifle to complete almost every objective, but if you want to mix things up, there are some fun things you can do. Leading a bear into an enemy encampment as a distraction while you start a fire isn't something you have to do, but it's certainly amusing. You don't have to stick a piece of C4 on an alarm, make yourself known to the baddies, and then blow it up when someone goes to trigger it, but it's a hoot.

The constant, intrusive in-your-face feedback with player rewards and goals is an annoyance, but it's also something I've become almost oblivious to just because it's been so common in AAA games for years now. I almost don't even notice it anymore, but I do wish it wasn't there. Achievement culture is what it is.

My ideal FC3 would have changed/added some of the following. No idea how much of it is within the scope of mods:

- re-work the UI and allow the player to disable pop-ups
- re-introduce gun jamming, durability, and/or some analogue to the malaria mechanic; you should never feel too safe unless you are in an actual safe zone
- re-work some of the in-game economy, i.e. towers should no longer offer free weapons
- remove those annoying "mission zones" that automatically trigger when you get in the vicinity, and then can't back out from
- make night-time darker, and I'm not sure if the game already does this or not, but enemy visibility should also be reduced at night to add risk/reward to night missions and differentiate them
- enemies should carry more varied weaponry; I know Vaas is a hardass but surely he can outfit some of these guys with something that isn't an AK47
- more aggressive A.I. - if enemies notice a dead body, they should patrol the area more thoroughly and it should take them longer before they reset their behavior back to normal

Overall, though, I've been really enjoying the experience. Just the simple feeling of stalking prey - whether human or animal - with a bow while slinking through dense foliage is conveyed beautifully and still manages to be incredibly immersive even with all of the shit on the screen.

I've gone stealth in FC3 much more often than I did with FC2 (or even Crysis). And the fact that enemies can become alerted to a "presence" but still have no idea where you actually are or who's responsible means you can also do a lot of fun stuff with distractions and misdirections.
I understand what you mean but it could be said about most games. If the content is fun, I don't care if its "copy-paste" like you say. I didnt like far cry 2 and am in love with 3.

Also, when you say it doesnt reward exploration.... you can't be serious. there are so many caves, hidden bunkers, etc etc. I think its real fun to explore, just for the beauty and scale of it all.

you can set uplay mode to offline. you can play this game without being connected to the net.

I assumed he meant you don't get perks or levels for exploring but I don't give a shit about that. It looks like they made a great location to check out.
Decided to get this even after I was kind of put-off by the videos

I absolutely detest the main character. I'm not all that far yet and I realize it's implied he becomes a raging madman later on or something but his effete demeanor in the beginning is hilarious when 15 minutes later he's gunning down entire platoons of bad guys. This goes beyond even Rockstar levels of dissonance. Thankfully Vaas is awesome and I look forward to any appearance he makes.

While I ultimately thought Far Cry 2 was a bad game its first 8 hours were quite enjoyable. So far, I don't think Far Cry 3 has reached those highs of the first hours of Far Cry 2. Shootouts generally don't feel as exciting even though the AI is largely similar based on first impressions. I really don't care for how you're given guns for simply destroying the radio towers; the diamond economy in FC2 made upgrading your gear a big deal as the better guns were damn expensive and took some time to acquire. The takedown kills don't seem right to me either, it's almost as if Jason just teleports into his enemies. That dissonance rears its head again when previously he was losing his shit after his brother knifed a guard and 30 minutes later Jason's basically the Predator. Pretty much hate the crafting system and was disappointed to see that I can't just buy a holster so now I'm forced to look around for a goat to skin. FC3 does have the randomness and fauna that FC2 was advertised to have but didn't have, so I'll give the game credit there.

I dunno, I hope it gets better and I'll likely see it through to the end but at first glance I think the reviews were a bit inflated.


Planning on getting the PC version...but curious how uplay will work with my shitty wifi connection that loses connection every once in a while.

If my connection drops during the game will it boot me out?
It isn't an always on DRM, its just the one time activation.
That dissonance rears its head again when previously he was losing his shit after his brother knifed a guard and 30 minutes later Jason's basically the Predator.

I think the problem in balancing something like that in a game is some people would hate that they can't perform such an action simple because the "character" your petraying doesn't or isn't used to killing. I don't know how you would ever be able to do something like that right and not have people complain. Personally I think it would be pretty sweet.


Damn crates



Why would people hate things like how FC2 did the map? It was the things like that that were the best part of the game to me, they weren't as immersion-breaking as having everything pointed out to you with massive flashing icons and obvious 'video game' things.
I didn't find it immersive at all, just annoying. I don't want to play a simulation of a character looking at a map. I want to look at a map.


Man, this game reminds me so much of Far Cry 1 (which is a good thing). Definitely worthy of the name Far Cry (unlike Far Cry 2).


Look I'm not saying anything bad about Far Cry 2 or 3. I'm a fan of all the Far Crys personally. I enjoy them all. Yet I can't tell you how many people personally I have brought up Far Cry 2 and they said they hated it and due to reasons like guns jamming, no quick efficient quick travel, malaria, enemys super vision, un-interesting story, lack of wild life. (map system they never really brought up)

What they did say they liked about it was the exploration, open world, fire mechanics, buddy system. So just with that it looks like Far Cry 3 removes things that alot of people had issues with and kept some the things others like. Again this all depends on who you ask.
Sure, and I can't tell you how many people I know who can't be bothered to watch The Wire after one episode. This kind of reasoning is pointless. Not every game has to be made for every gamer.

Nor are games just a collection of very specific nouns. Far Cry 3 is not bad because of x, y or z - it's just fundamentally different from Far Cry 2. Which wouldn't be an issue if Far Cry 2 were like every other game.
is there a ton of blood when you're skinning? and what's the sound like... is it a brutal, terrifying sound with ripping sounds and other horrific gore sounds? What happened to me, I used to love this shit.


Gold Member
Just ran into my first pair of Heavies, those guys are crazy hard to take down. I shot one of them with three arrows and he was still charging for me. Combined with those molotov throwing psychos the situation became pretty hectic. And then of course a tiger pops up and starts attacking me, it was crazy.

This screwed up my stealth takeover for this outpost. What's the secret here, knife in the throat?
Sure, and I can't tell you how many people I know who can't be bothered to watch The Wire after one episode. This kind of reasoning is pointless. Not every game has to be made for every gamer.

Nor are games just a collection of very specific nouns. The point is not that Far Cry 3 is bad because of x, y or z, but that it is fundamentally different from Far Cry 2. Which wouldn't be that an issue if Far Cry 2 were like every other game.

Do you have something agaisnt me or what? lol ... you sure love to pounce! I'm just dicussings the reasons this game might do better then Far Cry 2 did and not downplaying FC2 at all in the process. I LIKE FAR CRY 2.... DON'T YOU SEEEEEEE!


Nor are games just a collection of very specific nouns. Far Cry 3 is not bad because of x, y or z - it's just fundamentally different from Far Cry 2. Which wouldn't be an issue if Far Cry 2 were like every other game.

And Far Cry 2 is fundamentally different from Far Cry 1. Almost to the point that it is baffling as to why it was called FC2. FC3 made a return to what made the series fun to begin with (screwing around in a vast open world), except without mutants this time.


Do you have something agaisnt me or what? lol ... you sure love to pounce! I'm just dicussings the reasons this game might do better then Far Cry 2 did and not downplaying FC2 at all in the process. I LIKE FAR CRY 2.... DON'T YOU SEEEEEEE!
I guess I assumed you were still arguing that to criticize Far Cry 3 is to hate fun.

And Far Cry 2 is fundamentally different from Far Cry 1. Almost to the point that it is baffling as to why it was called FC2. FC3 made a return to what made the series fun to begin with (screwing around in a vast open world), except without mutants this time.
True. But I think it's on Crytek to make a sequel to their game (which they did.)

I'm not sure a game like Far Cry 2 will ever be made again.


Just ran into my first pair of Heavies, those guys are crazy hard to take down. I shot one of them with three arrows and he was still charging for me. Combined with those molotov throwing psychos the situation became pretty hectic. And then of course a tiger pops up and starts attacking me, it was crazy.

This screwed up my stealth takeover for this outpost. What's the secret here, knife in the throat?

Damn, I completely forgot about this. Guess I'll run in to a couple of these guys soon enough :(

But I guess a sniper shot to the head is enough to kill them right?
Damn crates


I had this happen to a bear I let out of a cage. God damn bear I was so excited to see it murder the pirates, but no it had to get stuck on geometry.

Damn, I completely forgot about this. Guess I'll run in to a couple of these guys soon enough :(

But I guess a sniper shot to the head is enough to kill them right?

No, because they are wearing welder's helmet and if I'm not mistaken it takes three shots for the helmet to break. I haven't tried with the piercing round sniper rifle, but that one ins't silenced so whats the point of that.

Does the second island have its own set of weapons?
Can someone please explain how quests work in this game.... granted I have only played 30 minutes or so, but there is quests and there is not a quests menu. How do you choose what mission you want to do? or is it one at a time?
Can someone please explain how quests work in this game.... granted I have only played 30 minutes or so, but there is quests and there is not a quests menu. How do you choose what mission you want to do? or is it one at a time?

Seems like the main quest marker will always be on the map, but if you pick up a sidequest that'll show on your map as well.


Unfortunatly, I can already see a trend. I'm playing for 20 minutes at a time then I close it down. It's getting increasingly repetitive and you quickly realize the side missions and 'stuff to do' is just a big copy & paste job. It also has that typical sandbox design; you get to try 80% of the game's vehicles and 'fun' features within a few hours, so the game has basically blown its load before you even get going. The main missions are fairly short and there's more cutscene than actual stuff to do it feels and basically you open the map and see the hundreds of things you've already done and tried but have to do them again ... and again ... and again.

Not expecting people to agree much with that stance but I already feel burned out.


Anyone else with the 360 version experiencing crashes? Playing with some friends online and we are all getting them, especially during loading screens.


Unfortunatly, I can already see a trend. I'm playing for 20 minutes at a time then I close it down. It's getting increasingly repetitive and you quickly realize the side missions and 'stuff to do' is just a big copy & paste job. It also has that typical sandbox design; you get to try 80% of the game's vehicles and 'fun' features within a few hours, so the game has basically blown its load before you even get going. The main missions are fairly short and there's more cutscene than actual stuff to do it feels and basically you open the map and see the hundreds of things you've already done and tried but have to do them again ... and again ... and again.

Not expecting people to agree much with that stance but I already feel burned out.

Im never getting tired of the outposts and towers personally. you know you can ignore most of this stuff and just do the main missions right ? The game will still last you longer than the average shooter if you play that way.


Kick the Hornet's Nest

Ha! Wasn't that bad actually. The mission after also has music.

Sethos said:
Unfortunatly, I can already see a trend. I'm playing for 20 minutes at a time then I close it down. It's getting increasingly repetitive and you quickly realize the side missions and 'stuff to do' is just a big copy & paste job. It also has that typical sandbox design; you get to try 80% of the game's vehicles and 'fun' features within a few hours, so the game has basically blown its load before you even get going. The main missions are fairly short and there's more cutscene than actual stuff to do it feels and basically you open the map and see the hundreds of things you've already done and tried but have to do them again ... and again ... and again.

Not expecting people to agree much with that stance but I already feel burned out.

Well, it's a better solution than ACIII. That game is like a 20 hour long tutorial.
Unfortunatly, I can already see a trend. I'm playing for 20 minutes at a time then I close it down. It's getting increasingly repetitive and you quickly realize the side missions and 'stuff to do' is just a big copy & paste job. It also has that typical sandbox design; you get to try 80% of the game's vehicles and 'fun' features within a few hours, so the game has basically blown its load before you even get going. The main missions are fairly short and there's more cutscene than actual stuff to do it feels and basically you open the map and see the hundreds of things you've already done and tried but have to do them again ... and again ... and again.

Not expecting people to agree much with that stance but I already feel burned out.

I think your assessment is fairly accurate, but thankfully for me I still enjoy the shooting part of the game and figuring out how to approach each outpost.


Unfortunatly, I can already see a trend. I'm playing for 20 minutes at a time then I close it down. It's getting increasingly repetitive and you quickly realize the side missions and 'stuff to do' is just a big copy & paste job. It also has that typical sandbox design; you get to try 80% of the game's vehicles and 'fun' features within a few hours, so the game has basically blown its load before you even get going. The main missions are fairly short and there's more cutscene than actual stuff to do it feels and basically you open the map and see the hundreds of things you've already done and tried but have to do them again ... and again ... and again.

Not expecting people to agree much with that stance but I already feel burned out.
That's my fear as well. Generally games this open are driven by a compelling story. Hopefully the story is up to par!
+ No Checkpoints
+ No Viruses
+ Story seems decent (if a little
Your Princess is in the next castle

- For all the Animals there are no 'random' NPCs (makes the island seem really under populated)
- Too many on screen prompts
- Tunnel vision AI


+ No Checkpoints
+ No Viruses
+ Story seems decent (if a little
Your Princess is in the next castle

- For all the Animals there are no 'random' NPCs (makes the island seem really under populated)
- Too many on screen prompts
- Tunnel vision AI

I run into reds a lot, especially while hunting. It seems every time I fire a shotgun, I immediately get swarmed. There's car patrols that cruise the road as well.
Debating whether I should go ahead and unlock this with a VPN when I get home in a bit. I'm in the US. What all could go wrong? I don't have to worry about any weird region crap if I do this, right? Also, do I have to keep Steam offline all the time till Tuesday, or do I just go offline when I want to play FC3?
+ No Checkpoints
+ No Viruses
+ Story seems decent (if a little
Your Princess is in the next castle

- For all the Animals there are no 'random' NPCs (makes the island seem really under populated)


There are checkpoints and you can save anytime in the menu.
What viruses?
I think the story is quite good and I don't get your reference considering it's just not true.
There are tons of animals(, flowers) and people you can interact with.
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