Still nothing from Ubishop....anyone get the game for free with their AMD cards?
Finished the game on a PS3, it really isn't a dealbreaker. Chugging through the PC version now.For people playing this on consoles (particularly PS3) has framerate been a dealbreaker so far? After checking out the DF Face Off and seeing that it seems to run at 25fps most of the time does it feel bad in this game to you?
If you don't like fast travel, don't use it. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
You have the power to play the game the way you want to. Why not do that instead of lobbying to REMOVE that option for other players?
I have to agree with sentiments from earlier in the thread by others that the game becomes a bit dull once areas are liberated.
I'm in the after-story endgame and during the story I liberated pretty much the entire western half of the first island. I was just cruising around and there is literally nothing happening. Sure there were Rakyat and civilians driving around everywhere, but there was almost no action. The only places you still encounter pirates are the locations where story missions took place, like the Medusa.
So just for the sake of keeping things interesting I just stopped liberating outposts. The game is infinitely more interesting and rewarding when there's the possibility of danger around every corner.
I think that, for the endgame at least, there should be dynamic outpost takeovers by the pirates. I know someone at Ubi is going to yell at his monitor when reading this, but yes.. outposts should be repopulated by pirates again. Not instantly, like in Far Cry 2. And not all at once. Just randomly an outpost falls to the pirates and you have to liberate it again. The game shouldn't inform you of this with a popup or something, but it should repaint the map segment red so there is a way to notice.
Infinite replayability. Because if honest, no matter how amazing this game is, it needs something like that to keep the juices flowing. Once all the outposts are secured this game is over.
If you don't like fast travel, don't use it. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
You have the power to play the game the way you want to. Why not do that instead of lobbying to REMOVE that option for other players?
Your poker comparison is ignorant, btw. Fast travel is used in the singleplayer game, it isn't part of competition ffs.
I have to agree with sentiments from earlier in the thread by others that the game becomes a bit dull once areas are liberated.
I'm in the after-story endgame and during the story I liberated pretty much the entire western half of the first island. I was just cruising around and there is literally nothing happening. Sure there were Rakyat and civilians driving around everywhere, but there was almost no action. The only places you still encounter pirates are the locations where story missions took place, like the Medusa.
So just for the sake of keeping things interesting I just stopped liberating outposts. The game is infinitely more interesting and rewarding when there's the possibility of danger around every corner.
I think that, for the endgame at least, there should be dynamic outpost takeovers by the pirates. I know someone at Ubi is going to yell at his monitor when reading this, but yes.. outposts should be repopulated by pirates again. Not instantly, like in Far Cry 2. And not all at once. Just randomly an outpost falls to the pirates and you have to liberate it again. The game shouldn't inform you of this with a popup or something, but it should repaint the map segment red so there is a way to notice.
Infinite replayability. Because if honest, no matter how amazing this game is, it needs something like that to keep the juices flowing. Once all the outposts are secured this game is over.
PS3 here and nope, seems perfectly fine to me so far.
Thanks guys for answering. The game looks like it's so much fun, I'm hoping to get the game come Christmas time.Finished the game on a PS3, it really isn't a dealbreaker. Chugging through the PC version now.
It's worth starting on the higher difficulty. It's not difficult.So I'm getting this tomorrow. To those who have beaten the game, is it worth a replay on a higher difficulty?
You know, Ubisoft are about 15 bullet points short of making my favourite game of all time here:
- Remove the minimap, bring back the Far Cry 2 in-game map, and take loot off it.
- Replace loot with the diamonds (and diamond locator) from FC2, and fix the economy so you need to find all of them to buy all the weapons; this also ensures you have to make harder choices about what to buy when.
- Cut the number of collectibles drastically and remove them from the map (unless you pay through the nose to have them revealed), but make each more worthwhile and better hidden.
- Remove enemy silhouettes completely; keep tagging (icons only), but only with the camera.
- Reduce ammo drastically: I should be levelling up from 1 to 5 grenades and molotovs, not from 2 to 12, and I should have to scavenge from dead guys sometimes. Again, think FC2.
- Bring back weapon jamming, but make it reasonable: only scavenged weapons jam, and they should be obviously rusted (as in FC2).
- Don't clear areas entirely of enemies after capturing outposts; there should still be stragglers and patrols to deal with, to keep me on my toes.
- On that note, make patrolling vehicles an actual threat again. More turrets, please.
- Don't lock me out of skills artificially, and make choices between skills harder by not allowing me to eventually get all the skills, causing me to care less about them.
- Let me turn off XP pop-ups: they break immersion, and ensure I always know when I've killed someone, instead of having to use my (in-game) senses.
- Let me turn off fast travel, so I'm never again tempted.
- Reduce HUD spam. Don't remind me of my story objective every two seconds. Tone down the number of waypoints and area locators and handholding while you're at it.
- Fix the day/night cycle, and let me rest to change it to my liking.
- On that note, the save system for FC2 was both more flexible and more predictable.
- Generally make the island as nasty and inhospitable as FC2's unnamed African nation was.
- Give me more fitting music for what I'm doing, and don't be afraid to use silence when I'm exploring. FC2 was, again, better in this regard.
There are probably other things I'm forgetting, but this would be a start. Maybe just include it as 'Insanity Mode' for FC4.
Reading back over this, it's basically "make it more like FC2".![]()
Anyone keeping Fast Travel to a minimum?
I agree. They went too far in the other direction in appeasing the people who complained endlessly about respawning enemies in FC2. Now you free an area and there's no more action in it, which is kind of not very exciting.
It's annoying that almost all of this game's downsides are things that FC2 managed to do well, or at least attempt. Had they kept some of those things and just built on them further, FC3 would have been magic. As it stands, it's still a good game, but there are some missed opportunities.
Is there anyway to play without HUD yet that doesn't involve paying for trainers?
I agree with pretty much all of this. What i've played of the game so far i've quite enjoyed, but some of it just seems like a big step back from what Far Cry 2 had. I'm not saying FC2 was a great game but it did have some mechanics i would of liked them to keep.
Being given free weapons and there being no weapon breaking/conditions in Far Cry 3 is silly, there isn't any point in buying any new weapons really as you will get them free at some point, which also means money is pointless except for buying ammo. Would of also been nice to see some more WW2 weapons.
man now I'm thinking I should just re buy Far Cry 2 for PC instead
Yep. They overcompensated like hell. Sadly, most people don't seem to agree. They hate FC2 with such a passion that they're blind to anything it did right, and instead turn to incredulousness (how could anyone like that game???) or insults (your taste sucks!!!). There are examples even in the past couple of pages. Meanwhile many seem to be completely ok with Far Cry 3's faults, shrugging them off with a "whatever, I don't care that much" or "just don't do it if you don't like it".
The only reason I disliked FC2 was because of it's game breaking glitches on the console versions. I loved the game to pieces, but I suffered from the save game corruption glitch when I first played the 360 version (I was 80 hours in and was heartbroken) and then years later attempted the PS3 version and was unable to get more malaria medicine due to the NPC simply not existing where he was supposed to be.
Otherwise it was a fucking awesome, awesome game and I wished Ubisoft wouldve properly fixed it with patches.
Just made my own fun
'Piece of the Past'/Nostalgia spoilers:
Waited until the sun was setting, then piloted a black dinghy out to the boat. Popped a Deep Dive syringe, swam underwater to the ladder on the left side. Climbed up, took out the sniper on the stairs with a takedown and dragged him out of sight. Did the same with two more guys on the upper deck. Then proceeded to silently stab and headshot the rest before they knew what was happening. Took out the big guy on the door with a tossed C4.
Inside, I chained takedowns on my way to the computer and blew the second heavy with another pack of C4. I think five bullets left the barrel of my gun for the whole mission, and no one saw me coming.
It's cool that you can play the game like this.
My initial impression was disappointment. As I have gotten some hours in I am more enthusiastic. I have not really had the time to really sink my teeth in.
But there some very annoying things that really shouldn't be present in a 2012 PC game. Like:
1) No option to turn of the HUD.
2) No prone.
3) No holstering.
4) No option to turn off FXAA but get DoF, motion blur and GI. These should be separate in-game options.
I agree with pretty much all of this. What i've played of the game so far i've quite enjoyed, but some of it just seems like a big step back from what Far Cry 2 had. I'm not saying FC2 was a great game but it did have some mechanics i would of liked them to keep.
Being given free weapons and there being no weapon breaking/conditions in Far Cry 3 is silly, there isn't any point in buying any new weapons really as you will get them free at some point, which also means money is pointless except for buying ammo. Would of also been nice to see some more WW2 weapons.
My initial impression was disappointment. As I have gotten some hours in I am more enthusiastic. I have not really had the time to really sink my teeth in.
But there some very annoying things that really shouldn't be present in a 2012 PC game. Like:
1) No option to turn of the HUD.
2) No prone.
3) No holstering.
4) No option to turn off FXAA but get DoF, motion blur and GI. These should be separate in-game options.
I have to agree with sentiments from earlier in the thread by others that the game becomes a bit dull once areas are liberated.
I'm in the after-story endgame and during the story I liberated pretty much the entire western half of the first island. I was just cruising around and there is literally nothing happening. Sure there were Rakyat and civilians driving around everywhere, but there was almost no action. The only places you still encounter pirates are the locations where story missions took place, like the Medusa.
So just for the sake of keeping things interesting I just stopped liberating outposts. The game is infinitely more interesting and rewarding when there's the possibility of danger around every corner.
I think that, for the endgame at least, there should be dynamic outpost takeovers by the pirates. I know someone at Ubi is going to yell at his monitor when reading this, but yes.. outposts should be repopulated by pirates again. Not instantly, like in Far Cry 2. And not all at once. Just randomly an outpost falls to the pirates and you have to liberate it again. The game shouldn't inform you of this with a popup or something, but it should repaint the map segment red so there is a way to notice.
Infinite replayability. Because if honest, no matter how amazing this game is, it needs something like that to keep the juices flowing. Once all the outposts are secured this game is over.
Proning wouldn't work well from a technical view as you can hide behind foliage/grass from your enemies. If you could prone, enemies wouldn't even see you if you were right in front of them. It would work if they hadn't implemented the foliage hiding stuff.
Proning wouldn't work well from a technical view as you can hide behind foliage/grass from your enemies. If you could prone, enemies wouldn't even see you if you were right in front of them. It would work if they hadn't implemented the foliage hiding stuff.
lol you can hide right next to people simply by crouching. I've been sitting on roofs with guards being able to see me in plain site ... Crouch, OH SHIT WHERE DID HE GO?! MAGIC!
I don't think I understand. I don't see why you couldn't have crouch with intermediate stealth effect and moderate movement speed. And prone with high stealth effect and very low movement speed.
It would add depth to the gameplay.
All that dense foliage and I can't crawl and hide in it. For shame.
No. There is no one game that will satisfy everyone. Even games that claim to offer something for everyone usually tilt heavily in one direction or another after a while; look at the criticisms of Dishonored's stealth once people started digging into the game. It's just the nature of the beast.
Designers should design, not try to make their game all things to all people. Gamers should buy the games that satisfy their wants.
No, it would have added complexity.
Oh god, can't have that.
I don't think I understand. I don't see why you couldn't have crouch with intermediate stealth effect and moderate movement speed. And prone with high stealth effect and very low movement speed.
It would add depth to the gameplay.
All that dense foliage and I can't crawl and hide in it. For shame.
Oh god, can't have that.
I seem to have run into a bug on the Deepthroat mission. When I loot the pirate I'm supposed to the objective doesn't update. Anybody know whats wrong? Its a mission the second island whereyou have to recover the list of people who are betraying Hoyt. You shoot them with an RPG on the bridge
I think (if I may expand on your point) he meant that its just added complexity JUST to add complexity. It adds nothing to the game other than the ability to prone.
If the game utilized it in a useful way, air vents, smaller holes in walls. Just to spitball a few ideas It would help add the depth that you want.
You also run the risk of making the game worse by adding mechanics the rest of the game doesn't mesh well. Prone might break the AI or maybe make other options useless.
You also run the risk of making the game worse by adding mechanics the rest of the game doesn't mesh well. Prone might break the AI or maybe make other options useless.
I think (if I may expand on your point) he meant that its just added complexity JUST to add complexity. It adds nothing to the game other than the ability to prone.
If the game utilized it in a useful way, air vents, smaller holes in walls. Just to spitball a few ideas It would help add the depth that you want.