I dont see how that is possible
If it was I'd expect a lot more angry posts about the ending, most people that have beat it just seem either shocked or discombobulated by the ending.
Got it preloaded on steam. First time I've paid full retail on steam in quite some time.
I dont see how that is possible
legacyzero...just got to the part you were talking about earlier. It is a really good scene. About time Vaas is back. I missed him!
Yeah, best bad guy in a while, even though I have a soft spot for the bad guy from Black Ops 2.
Just remember to hit "LAST CHECKPOINT" and not "RESTART MISSION" if you fail that.Ok actually that whole section is kinda frustrating... I'm on my 4th retry now. It's going a lot better this time (disabled the alarm and went in all stealth) but I have a super annoying bug. The waterfall effect is stuck on my screen! So even if I'm all the way inside the village I still have water falling on my head....really annoying.
hope you like waiting 12 hours after it's supposed to be unlocked ^_^
The ending is heavily foreshadowed, shouldn't surprise anybody who has been paying attention throughout the game.
When the Uplay servers crumble under the load later on this evening remember that you can set Uplay to offline mode.
hahahahaha, holy devilish FUCK @ one of the possible endings. wow.
Anyone has any experience with Gamefly? I bought it from them with the 20% off but I have no idea if it's a Steam key or if it uses their own client.
Does it unlock at the same time for everyone?
Two more hours till Amazon unlocks this monster.
So the endings are good but fucked up?
Cuz I like me some fucked up endings.
Shit, forgot GMG can't sell Ubi games in the US. Maybe I'll pick it up at launch after all...
The ending is heavily foreshadowed, shouldn't surprise anybody who has been paying attention throughout the game.
When the Uplay servers crumble under the load later on this evening remember that you can set Uplay to offline mode.
Huh? Do you live in NA? Amazon says 10am PST tomorrow. Either way, you have to activate the game on UPlay and that doesn't unlock til 10am PST tomorrow.
There's multiple endings?
Picking this up tomorrow. Kinda snuck up on me.
I hope the story doesn't suck. I'm really interested in the story/insanity angle.
There's multiple endings?
Picking this up tomorrow. Kinda snuck up on me.
I hope the story doesn't suck. I'm really interested in the story/insanity angle.
Aww dammityou're right
So not till 1pm tomorrow for me, 13.5 hours >.<
First time raining for me. Damn it gets dark
Perky ones too!! >>
That song and mission worked so well together probably one of the best song/game sequence pairing since the songs for riding to specific story beats in RDR.
So, i take it this game guarantees at least two more Far Crys, excellent Ubisoft, u done good.
I liked the use of power in the trailer, but not so much in game. I thought the use of "I Need a Hero" was spot on for the ending though.I liked the Kanye - Power song on Saints Row 3 as well. I wanna replay that mission again in FC3, though. So awesome.
Its probably not going to be a mega hit, but I suspect it might be this years Saints Row in that word of mouth will really help it out. I expect another Far Cry to show up at some point.Not if it bombs horribly. Which is a possibility, the game debuted at #2 in Europe, behind Hitman.
hey legacy im watching you stream, but i don't want to log in using my facebook. Have you found a way to make the water tiles smaller? They are too big and annoying.
Unfortunately I dont think you can =/
I think that's more of a technical issue![]()
boulderdash!!!! what about making it completely dark? I want a cave too be dark but there is this constant ambient light.
really gory and bloody or not too bad?I just skinned a shark.
This game is pretty rad.