Just about given up on the PC version.
How does the PS3 version hold up?
A poster said that is was a true cinematic experience.
24 fps
Just about given up on the PC version.
How does the PS3 version hold up?
I didn't like FC1 muchI do love me some Far Cry 3, though. Also the first was great.
I think my enjoyment of this game mainly comes from the spontaneity and unpredictability of it. I love how a well planned stealth takeover of an enemy camp could suddenly all goes to shit because of a surprise bear attack, or you could have the greatest escape from dozen of enemies only to drive off a cliff, fall into the ocean and get eaten by a shark. I know the unpredictability could be artificial because I've seen tigers and dingoes spawn right outside the outpost just to fuck shit up while I'm sneaking my way in, but these moments are still interesting to observe. Yes it could be shallow if you play it as a straight shooter, but if you take the time to get immersed and interact with the world, it's quite rewarding.This game is better than Far Cry 2 in almost every way but I can see the general consensus on this game becoming alot more negative in the future.
The more you play the more you realise just how shallow the game play and quests are and all the shortcuts they took instead of fleshing it out more.
The story is also one of the most cringe worthy in a game ever.
Fucking crocodile!
Scared the shit out of me.
Just about given up on the PC version.
How does the PS3 version hold up?
A poster said that is was a true cinematic experience.
24 fps
Think you come upon one in a story mission. The reticle turned red so I killed it before pantsshat could occur. :\You know whats odd is how rare the crocs actually are. But I think thats exactly what makes them the wonderful SHIT PANTS experience that they are when one does manage to find you lol
I'm convinced I saw a bear jump off a cliff, but I couldn't find the corpse.Them mountain tigers man.
Has anyone tasted the mushrooms in the cave, yet?
Because you better should,unlocks new story parts of what happened before the island.
Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year, it is the standard by which I judged every game I played after it. Few have stood up.In the back of my mind, Spec Ops: The Line, which I just finished for the second time recently, keeps popping up as a direct contrast to this game for some reason. Maybe it's because you're given all this freedom, but really nothing to do with it.
Which cave? How do I do this?
This blows my mind.Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year, it is the standard by which I judged every game I played after it. Few have stood up.
I beat Spec Ops for a second time on Halloween and enjoyed it just as much and found some new things I missed the first time around.
Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year, it is the standard by which I judged every game I played after it. Few have stood up.
I don't want to derail the thread, but the standard GOTY discussions will be coming up soon and I'm full prepared to defend my stance on the game. I fucking love it and everything about it. It's not perfect, and it's not "technically" the best game of the year, but it IS my favorite.This blows my mind.
Them mountain tigers man.
Game is fantastic. A definite GOTY contender.
Yuuuuup.this game is
I wonder if theres an achievement for killing 1 of everything in the world since the note book tracks whenever you kill something for the first time.
There isn't.
Nah man, when I did The Medusa's Call mission, the game autosaves when you approach the proximity of the mission area, I didn't go the way the game wanted me to go and I drove a quad bike up the mountain to scout the area below, I was going a little too fast and drove right off the cliff, and the game autosaved while I was rolling down the mountain on my quad bike falling to my death. So then every time the game reloaded the last checkpoint, it put me back on that quad bike as I was rolling down the fucking hill to my death, had to abandon quest and start again.I just did a rescue mission and just as my ride pulled up, I dived into the water to get in and mid air, I get shot by a rocket launcher. Game made me feel like a total NPC for a minute there. And then I had to try again 4 more times, at least there were good checkpoints!
You should try it, there's an achievement for doing that.lol I did something similar by fixing a dent in a crate.The whole camp went up in flames. Amusing for me, not so much for my allies... Btw have you tried sneaking up on someone and using it on em? Im curious as to how much damage the torch does.
It will set a guy on fire in about 3-4 seconds, and yes there's a trophy/achievement for that.lol I did something similar by fixing a dent in a crate.The whole camp went up in flames. Amusing for me, not so much for my allies... Btw have you tried sneaking up on someone and using it on em? Im curious as to how much damage the torch does.
Is there anywhere that has this on PC for a discount? OR, anywhere where you can still get the extra stuff for the PC version?
I regret not preordering now.![]()
It will set a guy on fire in about 3-4 seconds, and yes there's a trophy/achievement for that.
Is there anywhere that has this on PC for a discount? OR, anywhere where you can still get the extra stuff for the PC version?
I regret not preordering now.![]()
Damn paparazi
The caveunder the doctor's house where you can keep all of your friends save. There's a little sign on the left side of the cave right in front of the boat which says "Eat me". Try the red pills or mushrooms.
GAF, is the PS3 version worth it?
Just about given up on the PC version.
How does the PS3 version hold up?
GAF, is the PS3 version worth it?
It really isn't that bad, I've put in more than 10 hours into it, yes the frame rate is noticeably bad during the opening cinematic, I actually felt a bit queasy playing the game for the first 15 minutes or so because so much of it was interactive cutscene and the frame rates were horrible, but it was fine once it switched back to real gameplay, I don't even notice any screen tearing or frame drops now. Not saying these problems aren't there, but if you're a console gamer, it's not that much worse than any other games.According to Digital Foundry the good news is that the PS3 version is comparable to the slightly superior 360 one (biggest difference is tiny black bars on the side of the screen, while the 360 only has tiny black bars on the top and bottom).
The bad news is that both of then are incredibly inferior to the PC version. Low frame rates are supposedly a huge problem.
I'm downloading the game right now for PS3 and I'll post some impressions as soon as I can.
I actually felt a bit queasy playing the game for the first 15 minutes
Driving in 1st person is a pain.
So uh, how do you launch the map editor in the PC version?
Wow so many different opinions on Far Cry 2, but I'm really interested in the survival aspect so I'll see if I can buy it for cheap. My only concern is that it might be hard to go back and play Far Cry 2 after having such a good time with FC3, just like it's hard to enjoy Uncharted 1 after the phenomenal UC2.
I was stealthing my way around an enemy camp marking everyone, just as I was going to make my move three Komodo Dragons come out of nowhere to start WW3. I open fire on them so all the enemies come charging my way including two heavies, then a jeep pulls up with more bad guys so I whip out a rocket launch only for the good guys to come steaming out of fucking nowhere to help me out but instead of helping they run me fucking over.
I love this game.