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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted

I do love me some Far Cry 3, though. Also the first was great.
I didn't like FC1 much
because of the mutants near the end, the sudden introduction of sci-fi elements just didn't go well with me. (Does this really need to be spoiler tagged? It IS a 9 year-old game after all......)
That's why I skipped FC2, thinking that it was more of the same. But FC3 certainly changed my impression of the series.

This game is better than Far Cry 2 in almost every way but I can see the general consensus on this game becoming alot more negative in the future.

The more you play the more you realise just how shallow the game play and quests are and all the shortcuts they took instead of fleshing it out more.

The story is also one of the most cringe worthy in a game ever.
I think my enjoyment of this game mainly comes from the spontaneity and unpredictability of it. I love how a well planned stealth takeover of an enemy camp could suddenly all goes to shit because of a surprise bear attack, or you could have the greatest escape from dozen of enemies only to drive off a cliff, fall into the ocean and get eaten by a shark. I know the unpredictability could be artificial because I've seen tigers and dingoes spawn right outside the outpost just to fuck shit up while I'm sneaking my way in, but these moments are still interesting to observe. Yes it could be shallow if you play it as a straight shooter, but if you take the time to get immersed and interact with the world, it's quite rewarding.

BTW I found this guide on GameFAQs, could be useful if you want to craft the best equipment but don't want to eliminate all outposts to find the relevant hunting quest, check the list and just do the ones with the specific Path of the Hunter quest.
A poster said that is was a true cinematic experience.

24 fps


Btw, what do you guys think of the online co-op and competitive modes? I played a few minutes of Domination and it felt like CoD - not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Co-op is pretty cool. That one kiwi guy has a killer accent and made me lol the first time I heard him.


Wow this game. O_O

Looks really good on a 5 year old Mac Pro with a 5870. 1900x1200 most stuff set to high or medium. Framerate is solid, dips a when creeping through thick foliage. Definitely adds motivation to get a dedicated gaming PC.

Did the first camp takeover. As I was creeping up I realized I forgot to get a better gun. I had only a 1911 with 3 rounds left. I inched my way around the perimeter of the camp, avoided a dude with a dog, and knifed a guy in the back. I grabbed his AK and darted back into the brush. As the others started to look I picked off two of them and the Rakyat got the other 2 plus the dog. It was over really fast but before I got the AK it was pretty tense. The gunfire sounds are very good. Not DICE quality but up there.
Noticed when looking behind me while driving that my shadow is a bunch of guns because I actually am a bunch of guns. Maybe the problem is that I am not also a camera. Although it's kind of hard to tell.
You know whats odd is how rare the crocs actually are. But I think thats exactly what makes them the wonderful SHIT PANTS experience that they are when one does manage to find you lol
Think you come upon one in a story mission. The reticle turned red so I killed it before pantsshat could occur. :\
What's the deal with the game's camera being placed inside Brody's chest? Maybe it's just when you're chatting to one of the nameless girls but she looks about 3 inches above the camera? A way to mask uncanny valley?

I just did a rescue mission and just as my ride pulled up, I dived into the water to get in and mid air, I get shot by a rocket launcher. Game made me feel like a total NPC for a minute there. And then I had to try again 4 more times, at least there were good checkpoints!
Them mountain tigers man.
I'm convinced I saw a bear jump off a cliff, but I couldn't find the corpse.
i hope this hasn't b een asked a million times, but i got through the opening cinematic just fine and then when the dude starts talking to me in a cage i can't hear a word he's saying. is there a way to fix this?
Wow! This game is really good. I recently got 1000/1000 for Far Cry 2 and it is crazy how much better the single player in 3. And I loved Africa. It had a great atmosphere and the world had a lot of things right for it but I wish the campaign could have been handled the way Far Cry 3 had. So good!

And it's nice to have AI that don't have super vision.


In the back of my mind, Spec Ops: The Line, which I just finished for the second time recently, keeps popping up as a direct contrast to this game for some reason. Maybe it's because you're given all this freedom, but really nothing to do with it.
Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year, it is the standard by which I judged every game I played after it. Few have stood up.

I beat Spec Ops for a second time on Halloween and enjoyed it just as much and found some new things I missed the first time around.


Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year, it is the standard by which I judged every game I played after it. Few have stood up.

I beat Spec Ops for a second time on Halloween and enjoyed it just as much and found some new things I missed the first time around.
This blows my mind.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Spec Ops: The Line is my favorite game this year, it is the standard by which I judged every game I played after it. Few have stood up.

At least that game had actual real character progression with their personality.

This one seems like frat boy got a stiffy over his new found power with being able to kill people and stayed on that high for the whole story pretty much. No progression what so ever and always gave the impression that he was a twat who deserved to be drilled right between the eyes. Seriously once again they should have made Grant the main character. Not his dipshit brother.


This blows my mind.
I don't want to derail the thread, but the standard GOTY discussions will be coming up soon and I'm full prepared to defend my stance on the game. I fucking love it and everything about it. It's not perfect, and it's not "technically" the best game of the year, but it IS my favorite.

I feel like Spec Ops is a step forward for story telling in the entire medium (along with The Walking Dead) in a way that makes stuff like BLOPS II and Far Cry 3 embarrassing. We need more of that kind of stuff. Stories in games need to be taken more seriously.

With all that said, Far Cry 3 probably has the best straight up shooting gameplay this year.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I wonder if theres an achievement for killing 1 of everything in the world since the note book tracks whenever you kill something for the first time.
I just did a rescue mission and just as my ride pulled up, I dived into the water to get in and mid air, I get shot by a rocket launcher. Game made me feel like a total NPC for a minute there. And then I had to try again 4 more times, at least there were good checkpoints!
Nah man, when I did The Medusa's Call mission, the game autosaves when you approach the proximity of the mission area, I didn't go the way the game wanted me to go and I drove a quad bike up the mountain to scout the area below, I was going a little too fast and drove right off the cliff, and the game autosaved while I was rolling down the mountain on my quad bike falling to my death. So then every time the game reloaded the last checkpoint, it put me back on that quad bike as I was rolling down the fucking hill to my death, had to abandon quest and start again.

lol I did something similar by fixing a dent in a crate. :D The whole camp went up in flames. Amusing for me, not so much for my allies... Btw have you tried sneaking up on someone and using it on em? Im curious as to how much damage the torch does.
You should try it, there's an achievement for doing that.


Is there anywhere that has this on PC for a discount? OR, anywhere where you can still get the extra stuff for the PC version?

I regret not preordering now. :(


lol I did something similar by fixing a dent in a crate. :D The whole camp went up in flames. Amusing for me, not so much for my allies... Btw have you tried sneaking up on someone and using it on em? Im curious as to how much damage the torch does.
It will set a guy on fire in about 3-4 seconds, and yes there's a trophy/achievement for that.
Is there anywhere that has this on PC for a discount? OR, anywhere where you can still get the extra stuff for the PC version?

I regret not preordering now. :(

The Steam US version? No.

If you're in the UK, I think Green Man Gaming still has the UPlay version for $32.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
It will set a guy on fire in about 3-4 seconds, and yes there's a trophy/achievement for that.

Man thank god in my save game I still have sub quests left on the map or else I wouldnt have any legit targets to set fire. D: Will go and try that, thanks for the reply!

Is there anywhere that has this on PC for a discount? OR, anywhere where you can still get the extra stuff for the PC version?

I regret not preordering now. :(

Thats ok since truthfully you are not missing much with the Monkey Business and Lost Expedition missions. Though how odd Hurk was did make his dialog amusing to say the least.
Thanks for pointing that out Bateman, I tried to eat those the first time I saw them but maybe they unlock after a while. I probably wouldn't have gone back to look. I hope there's some more lying around, that cave has some nice dialogue for what I previously thought were lowest common denominator NPCs. whassupbun I've had the same issue, sometimes it will randomly respawn you at a radio tower instead of letting you take the camp or finish the mission too. Pretty lame, the whole proximity thing. A quicksave/quickload would've been way better.

RE: the Lost Expedition, it's probably on disc.. someone will do a patch to unlock it.

Yo dawg, just noticed the same guy is in our base twice.
Damn paparazi


GAF, is the PS3 version worth it?

According to Digital Foundry the good news is that the PS3 version is comparable to the slightly superior 360 one (biggest difference is tiny black bars on the side of the screen, while the 360 only has tiny black bars on the top and bottom).

The bad news is that both of then are incredibly inferior to the PC version. Low frame rates are supposedly a huge problem.

I'm downloading the game right now for PS3 and I'll post some impressions as soon as I can.

Edit: Here, let me help you!
Just about given up on the PC version.
How does the PS3 version hold up?

GAF, is the PS3 version worth it?

According to Digital Foundry the good news is that the PS3 version is comparable to the slightly superior 360 one (biggest difference is tiny black bars on the side of the screen, while the 360 only has tiny black bars on the top and bottom).

The bad news is that both of then are incredibly inferior to the PC version. Low frame rates are supposedly a huge problem.

I'm downloading the game right now for PS3 and I'll post some impressions as soon as I can.
It really isn't that bad, I've put in more than 10 hours into it, yes the frame rate is noticeably bad during the opening cinematic, I actually felt a bit queasy playing the game for the first 15 minutes or so because so much of it was interactive cutscene and the frame rates were horrible, but it was fine once it switched back to real gameplay, I don't even notice any screen tearing or frame drops now. Not saying these problems aren't there, but if you're a console gamer, it's not that much worse than any other games.

But if you have a choice, go for PC or 360 of course. My PC is shit and I like trophies and the PS3 controller more and my 360 is only for exclusives, so PS3 for me.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Got it on Steam and played for about 2 hours. I'm pretty damn impressed so far. It feels a lot like Far Cry 2, which I like. I'm digging the early parts of the game so far. Combat is fun, and the visuals are incredible on the PC. The SSAO effects may be a bit overdone, though.

I did experience a weird bug just now where I chose "Quit to Desktop" and the game hung up for about five minutes before finally exiting. I hope that doesn't happen again. Otherwise, it seems like a quality port to the PC.


So far so good. The bow is pretty awesome. Haven't played a ton of the story, but done quite a few various missions. Enjoying it.


Games seems pretty fun. I wish you could interact with the NPCs though :p

I actually felt a bit queasy playing the game for the first 15 minutes

Yeah, I never had issues with FPS but that opening sequence made my eyes hurt lol. Haven't had any issues after that :)
God the writing is so fucking bad. (minor sidequest spoilers)

"An old lady in the village was raving about a crashed plane here."
"The plane crashed years ago. Crushed the house. You can see the remains outside."
"Oh. Sorry to bother you."
"Hey. Were you in the village?"
"Yeah why"
"Oh nothing, just... there's no old lady living there"



Wow so many different opinions on Far Cry 2, but I'm really interested in the survival aspect so I'll see if I can buy it for cheap. My only concern is that it might be hard to go back and play Far Cry 2 after having such a good time with FC3, just like it's hard to enjoy Uncharted 1 after the phenomenal UC2.

It's nothing at all like that. The games are vastly different in their approach. They share many elements but are fundamentally different. One is not clearly better than the other, no matter what some people say. They're just very different. FC3 holds your hand the entire way through and doesn't let go. That makes the game very convenient and easy-going. It also never lets you forget that it's a game. FC2 is much more ruthless and immersive, but it has some glaring flaws that for some people ruined the whole game, although they don't bother me very much. You can prefer one or the other. I love Far Cry 2 for the unpolished gem that it is, and merely like Far Cry 3 (in the same way I like running around doing stuff in Assassin's Creed). But ultimately I would've prefered a mixture of Far Cry 3's core interactions (shooting and moving), wildlife and AI with Far Cry 2's goal of complete immersion and much more restrictive structure. Of course, you might hate Far Cry 2. But by playing it, you wouldn't be going back in a linear fashion. You'd be stepping sideways.

I was stealthing my way around an enemy camp marking everyone, just as I was going to make my move three Komodo Dragons come out of nowhere to start WW3. I open fire on them so all the enemies come charging my way including two heavies, then a jeep pulls up with more bad guys so I whip out a rocket launch only for the good guys to come steaming out of fucking nowhere to help me out but instead of helping they run me fucking over.

I love this game.

You guys should try playing without tagging. Much more fun and exciting when you don't know where the enemies are at all times. Wish there was a toggle to turn off the minimap though :/
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