Easily.Wow so many different opinions on Far Cry 2, but I'm really interested in the survival aspect so I'll see if I can buy it for cheap. My only concern is that it might be hard to go back and play Far Cry 2 after having such a good time with FC3
Loving the game so far. 2 minor gripes.
Driving sucks.
Explosive arrows will make outpost takeovers way too easy (getting the undetected 1500 XP bonus as well), but I can't deny that it's pretty fun watching them flop around from the explosions. Never knew what hit them.
Takedowns being disabled when you play your own map kills it for me.Love the editor...
God the writing is so fucking bad.
I don't want to derail the thread, but the standard GOTY discussions will be coming up soon and I'm full prepared to defend my stance on the game. I fucking love it and everything about it. It's not perfect, and it's not "technically" the best game of the year, but it IS my favorite.
I feel like Spec Ops is a step forward for story telling in the entire medium (along with The Walking Dead) in a way that makes stuff like BLOPS II and Far Cry 3 embarrassing. We need more of that kind of stuff. Stories in games need to be taken more seriously.
With all that said, Far Cry 3 probably has the best straight up shooting gameplay this year.
I take back what I said about this game being ugly on the 360. It can actually be gorgeous when it wants to be. At night it looks meh, but when the sun is rising/setting the game looks great. The character model animations are really well done too.
I just rescued a kid with blonde hair (holy hell the pirates should have killed this idiot!) by sniping pirates. Im having fun but not as much as most of you. The game reminds me of Max Payne 3 good but over hyped on GAF. Not sure if Ill keep it.
Got into it last night around 9:00PM and it was 1:00AM before I knew it. What a fun game. I am having a hard time figuring out where to allocate my skills, though. There are a few locked skills that I'm not sure when they will be available, but I have found myself hoarding skill points for later.
Don't eat the purple ones. They're liable to turn your skin funny colors.Have any of you that have taken screenhots of this game with fraps had any issues with the colours of the screenshots?
Mine look like this:
Have any of you that have taken screenhots of this game with fraps had any issues with the colours of the screenshots?
Mine look like this:
Have any of you that have taken screenhots of this game with fraps had any issues with the colours of the screenshots?
Mine look like this:
What are the Quicksave / Quickload keys? I was looking for those and couldn't find them...I hope they patch the popups and UI fairly soon, it's so awful.
Also why are there keys bound that aren't in the control menu? F1-F5 and the quicksave/load specifically
Have any of you that have taken screenhots of this game with fraps had any issues with the colours of the screenshots?
Mine look like this:
What are the Quicksave / Quickload keys? I was looking for those and couldn't find them...
Got into it last night around 9:00PM and it was 1:00AM before I knew it. What a fun game. I am having a hard time figuring out where to allocate my skills, though. There are a few locked skills that I'm not sure when they will be available, but I have found myself hoarding skill points for later.
Thanks!! Not knowing this was driving me insane last night. Particularly because I was playing on hard and kept dieing due to not having any silenced weapons...F9/F11
Thanks!! Not knowing this was driving me insane last night. Particularly because I was playing on hard and kept dieing due to not having any silenced weapons...![]()
Explosive arrows will make outpost takeovers way too easy (getting the undetected 1500 XP bonus as well), but I can't deny that it's pretty fun watching them flop around from the explosions. Never knew what hit them.
Can someone help me understand how to enjoy this game? Got it yesterday, did story missions through, then did a bit of hunting for crafting, climbed a couple of towers, and liberated a couple of outposts. Is this all there is to it? The story isn't really driving me, and right now I feel like I'm just going through the motions.retrieving the mushroom for the doctor
Explosive arrows can be crafted. You need arrows and grenade s.Where do you even get the explosive arrows, I just found the Bow myself. i've been screwing around in the jungle mostly, just maxed out my ammo pouches.
I'm also not finding much yes for these combat syringes yet, the game is easy enough as it is on Normal. I got a bunch of health syringes, one hunter, and that's about it.
Where do you even get the explosive arrows, I just found the Bow myself. i've been screwing around in the jungle mostly, just maxed out my ammo pouches.
I'm also not finding much yes for these combat syringes yet, the game is easy enough as it is on Normal. I got a bunch of health syringes, one hunter, and that's about it.
Where do you even get the explosive arrows, I just found the Bow myself. i've been screwing around in the jungle mostly, just maxed out my ammo pouches.
I'm also not finding much yes for these combat syringes yet, the game is easy enough as it is on Normal. I got a bunch of health syringes, one hunter, and that's about it.
The only syringes I ever use are health and animal repellant in case I get attacked whilst sneaking into a base.
I'm not sure about the explosive arrows. I got a popup when the fire arrows were available but I don't remember such thing for the explosive ones - they were just there.
Never used either because you can't toggle through the weapon wheel, you have to bind themto the d-pad. Would make sense to make B/square cycle between arrows.
Through the story missions. Side quest will not unlock them. The second list of skills get unlocked when you meet Citra and the third are unlocked when you reach the second island. I did the same as you by having 15 points. I though they will be unlocked after you play some side quest, but after doing pretty much 78% of the first island and nothing more than 4 story missions made I find out afterwards that was better to meet Citra first and then roam around the island as those skills are takedowns and makes the gameplay more fun when taking outposts and radio towers, after all this is what is all about. I was pretty upset about this because I had more fun then with these skills.
Animal Repellent syringe is ESSENTIAL for some of the Path of the Hunter quests, that freaking Golden Tiger, man that thing can kill me from the ground even when I'm standing on a rooftop, and you have to kill it with regular arrows. I died a few times even with Hunter Instinct. So I switched to Animal Repellent to see how it goes, took my sweet time to kill it, no hassle, the animals will rush at you but they won't attack you.Hunter Instinct syringe is pretty key on some of the hunts, you do more damage to animals with it. You also get X-ray vision which is a minus :/
I just got home from watching Life of Pi at the cinema. When I saw the sharks and the tigers, I thought to myself, "Someone needs to reenact scenes from this movie using the Far Cry 3 map editor......with Pi as a Pi-rate."Love the editor...
Hold up, there's a signature melee weapon (a sword) in this game that you can unlock? How do you get it? @_@