How do you craft health syringe?
How do you craft health syringe?
They are crafted automatically, with two green leaves.
To my knowledge, no. There's a weapon wheel style interface that you can pull up to craft and use the other syringes from (tab key on PC).Are all the syringes auto crafted once you gather the leaves?
Are all the syringes auto crafted once you gather the leaves?
I have Driveclub, Forza Horizon 2, & The Evil Within to finish.
I have still yet to even really start either Sunset Overdrive or Bayonetta 2.
I also have GTA V from GameFly (although I have already beat it on the PS3, so does not really count).
All of those games are my current backlog, and I pretty much just want to play Far Cry 4.
That says a whole damn lot right there.
Think I am on Mission 9 of the campaign, with 4 hours 30 minutes of play time, and I do not have that much to say or offer other than it is incredibly damn fun to play. I feel like I have barely done the campaign. Pretty much been obsessed with hunting with the bow. Which let me just say, once you unlock the ability to ride an elephant, hunting larger game becomes much easier.
Really damn good game. Just so much to do and the world itself is fantastic. And I really am just scratching the surface.
Total sleeper hit for myself as I did not expect to enjoy it as much as I am. Especially with the whole AC:Unity fiasco and not really having all that much faith in Ubisoft. However they have absolutely delivered with this game. I will say I did skip playing Far Cry 3, so perhaps that adds to my enjoyment, as I have read some comments claiming it is just like 3. Since I did not play it, this is a new experience so to speak. Really enjoying it. No doubt.
Main question I have about the game. Can you go up to the mountains on a whim, or do you only go up there for scripted levels? And by mountains, I don't mean the green hills. I mean the snow capped monsters.
readSo hows the Co-op in this game? You can play through the whole thing with a buddy?
Is it a glitch or something? Why can't I listen to the radio anymore?
This is really cannibalizing my DAI/CODAW/GTAV time
I love the random moments that this game brings, and I was so happy to catch this on the recording. Lesson Learned, don't ever fuck with the Rhinos, or even try to fly away from them.
So I was randomly climbing some hillside and I suddenly see this:
I move in to investigate and it's this HUGE statue carved into the mountain. Literally in the middle of nowhere.
There was a grapple point right next to it, super awesome stuff.
Game has an amazing sense of exploration, I'm constantly thinking "what's over that next hill?". Just got introduced to the Hunter archetype, not sure what to think of that. I don't like how insanely OP they are, there must be a trick because holy crap I got owned in that introduction mission.
Man I really hate hunting in this game. It's like nothing is where it's marked on the map. I went to find pigs, and there were no animals period. Just walking around, using the hunting syringe, literally no animals were around the giant area I searched. I really hate how nothing is where it is compared to the map.
I always duck when I get out of the gyrocopter now because I keep getting hit by the blades!
Does the Buzzer usually just disappear after getting off it sometimes for anyone else? Gets kinda annoying when I'm out in the middle of nowhere and trying to get someplace else really quick. Also is there any other place to get a Buzzer Copter from, or is it just that one early outpost that you have where you meet Herc?
I noticed if I use a buzzer and get off it to get a collectable (non chests) then it will dissapear. So, you can destroy the propaganda posters and the masks with a grenade launcher and you can do that while flying next to them. Now, I fly my buzz into caves and whatnot and only get out of it if it is absolutely necessary, lol.
There are 4 forts and after you conquer each one it will always have a buzzer for you. I have found them in random places, too.
EDIT: Just crested 18 hours and I have basically the bottom half of the map cleared and collected. This game is a huge step up from 3. The animal interactions with yourself and the world are just fabulous. There is a food chain and you are right in the middle of it. The missions are nice and varied and I really enjoy doing stealth takedowns on the forts and outposts using my bow. They are really well designed and it is so much fun listening to the enemy freak out as they see their compadres drop from an assassin's arrow. The world is lush and the buzzer is an outstanding tool to feign off the walking and driving holdrums. Great way to get around and get those collectables as well as awesome at ambushing. Controls are surprisingly tight, too.
Overall, this is my favorite FC to date. Really impressed with Ubi on this one.
ProTip: When needing to obtain the Hellfish, use an elephant. Ride it into the water and it will swim anywhere you want it to. So easy to straddle this gentle giant and snipe the fish as they come into view.
Loving the way the missions, npcs and basically everything in the game alludes to the honeybadger being like the ultimate enemy in the game and absolutely badass. The mission where you have to go kill one for the fashion week asking over and over if you are sure you really want to do this, then gives you a light machine gun for the job lol. Or the save the citizens ones where they are being attacked by honeybadgers and one of the npcs screams 'quick, get the rpg over there!'
Oh sweet. I was trying to find honeybadgers for my next holster upgrade. Now I know to do the fashion week missions.Loving the way the missions, npcs and basically everything in the game alludes to the honeybadger being like the ultimate enemy in the game and absolutely badass. The mission where you have to go kill one for the fashion week asking over and over if you are sure you really want to do this, then gives you a light machine gun for the job lol. Or the save the citizens ones where they are being attacked by honeybadgers and one of the npcs screams 'quick, get the rpg over there!'
Main question I have about the game. Can you go up to the mountains on a whim, or do you only go up there for scripted levels? And by mountains, I don't mean the green hills. I mean the snow capped monsters.
Haha, that's so great. I'm looking forward to play this when I get through all the other great games that I've already bought.Finally got to play it a for a bit last evening.
I had to liberate my first outpost, I went over to it and observed it from a hill in the distance.
Me against 10 men, How would I do this... direct approach? Stealth?
Then an elephant passed by. I shot one arrow in it's ass and within 10 seconds the outpost was cleared.
Yup, it's Far Cry alright!
I have no idea how you had my name attached to that quote lol
I was secretly hoping the rhino was waiting for you when you emerged from the water.