Alright gaf I liked FC3 quite a bit but got burned out by the end. What is the general consensus among you compared to the last game?
It's better in every way. It improves a lot of gameplay mechanics or added stuff that was sorely missing in Far Cry 3 [like shooting from inside a vehicle].
Wingsuit is available extremely early, as is a grappling hook to make rock climbing much more enjoyable. Weapons are identical to FC3 with a few new additions, so don't expect anything special in that department. But still, map is insanely big but there's something going on every 100 feet. Outposts are fun as ever. The whole hunting/crafting is as trivial as in FC3, but a bit less obnoxious; it gives you two skins when using a bow, for example. Huge amount of collectables.
Story is better, no more fever dream power trip fantasy. It's extremely serious though, but never feels as disjointed as in FC3. Unfortunately, no more TATTAU. Skills are more straightforward now. Atmosphere is aces, everything feels very "spiritual" [in a good way].
Sorry if a bit incohesive, I was typing down the first things that came to mind haha.