I know people mentioned it already, but I really think they should have spent more time balancing weapons. It's kinda ridiculous when the STG-90 is better than most ARs, and you get it straight away if you want. The AK should be harder to control but do more damage, the revolver should do more damage than the mauser, things like that. I bought two signature weapons already, the Sixer and the Warrior.
So far I like the Warrior, even though the STG (which costs 1/10 th in price) stupidly outperforms it on every area. The Sixer is ridiculously bad. I just went for it because I love revolvers, and this one has the red dot sight, since for most handguns I can't get around the bad iron sights (normally I have no problems whatsoever in any fps). But even still the gun isn't exactly accurate and has a very poor fire rate. A damage/accuracy buff is in order. I keep rolling with the mauser/ makarov since they are better and the latter can be silenced, at least until I unlock the 1911.
All in all I'm loving the game and I think it took every plus FC3 had and surpassed it, except on the gun balancing side. It definitely feels like a step back.