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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


God, I love this game. I was having so much fun that I decided to go ahead and platinum the thing, which I don't do that often. Now that I'm two or three trophies from the end, I've decided, screw it, I'm going to go ahead and 100% the whole game.

I know people complained about this being a rehash of FC3, and it is in a lot of ways, but there's so much there that's overlooked. Every action in the game just feels awesome, from running to shooting to flying to skinning animals. Just flying around to land briefly at undiscovered locations, grab a couple of chests and a journal and maybe tear down some propaganda, and then rising back into the air to hop over to the next location... I don't know why, but this alone has taken up a huge portion of my 30+ hours of play so far.

Question, though: Why come I can't access the Autocross? I've seen that it comes after liberating 17 outposts, which I've done (and all of the fortresses). Was this just a preorder bonus or something? The thing looks really fun, and I only just realized that I spent the whole game not getting to play with it (and may now not be able to 100% the game if I've somehow glitched my way out of getting it). Any help?


Edit: Also, I loved that my actions felt like they had weight, with regard to story decisions. I spent most of the time choosing the
Sabal option
for the Golden Path Missions, but when you go to
Kill Yulana, and you see him cutting throats of nonbelievers or whatever
, I decided I had been making the wrong choice. I chose to correct that as soon as I was given the opportunity, and everything after that point
(except for dinner with Pagan, where he blows off your decisions with regard to Sabal and Amita while also stressing that your actions have consequences in a way that felt more hilarious than dismissive, really)
made perfect sense, as though the events of the narrative derived not only from my decisions from the get go, but also from my choice that prior decisions had been erroneous. If it wouldn't take so much time, I'd love to see how other decisions effected the game narrative toward the end as well.


I'd never heard of The Bombay Royale before Far Cry 4, but holy fuck these guys are awesome. Gonna buy all their albums now.

Check out Jogi, too. The mission where you
choose A's path and go burn down the chemical factory, Advanced Chemistry I believe, has a really great song by him. Running though the factory with all the trippy colors and my flame thrower as the song played was just fantastic. Immediately paused the game and bought it on Amazon Music.
Check out Jogi, too. The mission where you
choose A's path and go burn down the chemical factory, Advanced Chemistry I believe, has a really great song by him. Running though the factory with all the trippy colors and my flame thrower as the song played was just fantastic. Immediately paused the game and bought it on Amazon Music.

Yeah! That was awesome.


So, I'm really enjoying the game, but I might have come across something that is really bullshit.

Basically I was playing the "kill or be killed" mission (that one if you remember : http://uk.ign.com/wikis/far-cry-4/Kill_or_Be_Killed )

And I realized that after a point enemies just cannot be one-shot with the bow. Not talking the heavy archetypes or anything, just the basic dudes. They require 2 arrows (or a headshot), they're the same dudes in big himalaya coats as before, but suddenly now they require 2 arrows to die, basically the game decides to fuck up all the stealth gameplay I've been using from the start (first shot alerts the guy, so even if you're quick enough to put a second one in and finish him, it still gets others alerted).

Especially annoying considering the mission is like 5 fight areas in a row, with sometimes big open spaces and little cover, so "takedown stealth" is incredibly tedious and/or not possible, so I could really use the bow (which I've been using from the start so it's a bit of a kick).

Why the hell would they do that ?

I'm okay with some missions requiring you to go "out of your comfort zone", but this is really a big stupid shift, + done with a bullshit & invisible rule change..
Wow. This last Shangri-La boss level is utter fucking shit.

Don't think I can be bothered.

Check out Jogi, too. The mission where you
choose A's path and go burn down the chemical factory, Advanced Chemistry I believe, has a really great song by him. Running though the factory with all the trippy colors and my flame thrower as the song played was just fantastic. Immediately paused the game and bought it on Amazon Music.

That mission is awesome. This game really is freaking amazing. So impressed after it got the "rehash" tag. It improves on far cry 3 in every imaginable way so far. My only complaint is that they packed in so much freaking content. It's overwhelming. They could have cut half of it in my opinion and I still would have gotten 30-40 hours out of this game.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I've sunk in about 28 hours into this game and have only just now hit the North. Seeing all those new diamonds and objectives before me is great.


I've finished the game and didn't see any. Are they supposed to be ridiculously rare?

They're not as common as the other animals but they're not rare, I've seen plenty of them around.

the thing is that they're often by the side of the rivers rather than swimming around in them so they're easy to miss.

On a side note, fuck those eagles. Seriously, who in the dev team thought it was a good idea to have a creature just randomly drop out of the sky and attack the player?! It's not like they're hard to deal with but it's annoying when you're doing something to suddenly look up and see a bird pecking at your head.

Though I did laugh on the couple of times I heard them squawking and turned around to see them flying off carrying a pig!

Awesome, thanks!

They're not as common as the other animals but they're not rare, I've seen plenty of them around.

the thing is that they're often by the side of the rivers rather than swimming around in them so they're easy to miss.

On a side note, fuck those eagles. Seriously, who in the dev team thought it was a good idea to have a creature just randomly drop out of the sky and attack the player?! It's not like they're hard to deal with but it's annoying when you're doing something to suddenly look up and see a bird pecking at your head.

Though I did laugh on the couple of times I heard them squawking and turned around to see them flying off carrying a pig!

Seconded. The worst encounter I've had with one so far was when I was running from a bear and then had an eagle attack me. I rarely find stuff in games rage inducing, but that got me close to throwing my mouse.

I did have a good laugh when an eagle flew right into the blades of the gyro while I was flying. My fiancee commented on how evil my laugh sounded and explaining it to her didn't clear things up.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Awesome, thanks!

Seconded. The worst encounter I've had with one so far was when I was running from a bear and then had an eagle attack me. I rarely find stuff in games rage inducing, but that got me close to throwing my mouse.

I did have a good laugh when an eagle flew right into the blades of the gyro while I was flying. My fiancee commented on how evil my laugh sounded and explaining it to her didn't clear things up.
My girlfriend gives me shit for killing the animals. I cackle as a response as I gut another bear or take down a rare wolf.
The co-op isn't quite as amazing as I was hoping it would be.

Yeah, it makes everything way too easy. Fun to mess around in, but doing bases co-op ruins your game.

I miss the stand alone co-op missions from Far Cry 3. I wish they included that instead, or at least replaced the terrible MP mode with it.


Ugh, the (post) endings in this game. Predictable and utterly disappointing.

They've created a very interesting world (in my opinion), with lots of free roaming activities. All the fun I had in this game were basically in driving around, exploring mountains and ? locations, searching for mani wheels and propaganda posters, and killing civilians who drove like shit.

The story missions were mainly just bothersome chores that I had trouble finishing. Luckily the rest of the Shangri-La missions were optional.

It saddens me when a game does one half so incredibly well and the other half so incredibly bad. :(

The co-op isn't quite as amazing as I was hoping it would be.
We were going wild once we found out you could grabble hook the buzzers (little helicopters).

The Chef

Have some family coming to visit tomorrow and was thinking about picking this up and doing Shareplay with him? Can we do a full co-op main story together with just 1 copy and both of our PS4s?


After beating the game
I kind of wish there was a definitive "I do not choose Amita or Sabal" ending. Loved the game, but it was clear they were going to be complete scumbags by the time you got to the end. Would have been cool to declare myself ruler of Kyrat or something like that.
That being said, the narrative was still really enjoyable.


I'm about 40 hours in and I reached the North part about 4 hours ago... I was goofing around a lot, grabbing every chest, etc... Kind of hit a wall and now I'm rushing to get the towers and camps cleared out. I think I still have about 10 story missions left. The Shangri La mission(s) were the worst part of the game.

If anyone is still on the fence, get the game. If you enjoyed FC3, even a little bit, I don't see how you wouldn't love this game.


Anyone willing to send me Keys to Kyrat on ps4?

I'd really like to try this out before I buy it after everything you wrote here :).

PM me please or just add me and thanks in advance...

PSN: Ivan_R
After beating the game
I kind of wish there was a definitive "I do not choose Amita or Sabal" ending. Loved the game, but it was clear they were going to be complete scumbags by the time you got to the end. Would have been cool to declare myself ruler of Kyrat or something like that.
That being said, the narrative was still really enjoyable.

After finishing the game,
you can find either one of the two (Amita or Sabal) in the world and you get a small cutscene. After the cutscene you see them walking away. I killed Amita at this point. In my own headcanon I'm now the ruler of Kyrat c:


After finishing the game,
you can find either one of the two (Amita or Sabal) in the world and you get a small cutscene. After the cutscene you see them walking away. I killed Amita at this point. In my own headcanon I'm now the ruler of Kyrat c:

Exactly the same as me :)
Man, I like Pagan Min. He's a fucked up psycho, but he's basically the closest thing to a father that Ajay has. He literally has no interest vested in whether Ajay succeeds in his mission or not, unlike the Golden Path who are basically using Ajay to win their war and for propaganda. I've only just unlocked the North, so maybe that'll change, but yeah, I like him. He's like the real life version of Troll Dad.


Keep doing towers, it'll show up. I ran into the same issue.

Thanks dude
Man, I like Pagan Min. He's a fucked up psycho, but he's basically the closest thing to a father that Ajay has. He literally has no interest vested in whether Ajay succeeds in his mission or not, unlike the Golden Path who are basically using Ajay to win their war and for propaganda. I've only just unlocked the North, so maybe that'll change, but yeah, I like him. He's like the real life version of Troll Dad.


Thanks dude

Agreed. I quite liked him throughout the story. I didn't really see him as the villian, the Golden path guys seemed like way bigger assholes. At least Pagan was honest about who he was.



If you're a PS Plus Member there's a FREE Far Cry 4 theme for you in the PS Store! Get it while it's hot. Roar!

EU only so far I guess
The game is fun I'm just not enjoying the gunplay as much it feels a little clunky at times, maybe I should adjust the sensitivity or I got used to Destiny s fantastic gunplay... Enemies are kind of repetitive too I've seen mostly the red soldiers from Pagans army


So, finished the game and am pretty much done with it forever. Question about Blood Dragon....do i need the game installed to get it down the road? I can't remember if I had to on the last one. I am starting to have some HDD space issues so if I don't need this installed I want to delete it.

My girlfriend gives me shit for killing the animals. I cackle as a response as I gut another bear or take down a rare wolf.

lol, my girlfriend works at rescue shelters for abandoned and abused animals. I love animals but also understand a video game is a video game. She watched me play and I was doing the hunting missions...she about flipped out when I started skinning stuff. Even when the Honey Badgers were attacking me and I started to shoot them she was yelling at me that they are just harmless little animals and don't understand what they are doing and if I quit going into their homes they would leave me alone. We compromised. I used fire to kill them and ran away until they burned up so she didn't have to watch them die lol
Finished the game and loved it. Story was good, it was just underdeveloped, but still way better then 3. I
sided with Amita but let Sabal go... I shot Pagan right in the face but realized I shouldn't have if I wanted more info on my parents. Checked the internet to see alternate ending and found out about the half sister.
. All in all it's my GOTY and I'm gonna do a second run for 100%
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