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Far Cry 4 |OT| Welcome to Kyrat


please someone tell me you can get Snow Leopards elsewhere outside of the one mission in the mountains? I tried the force stealth mission about 15 missions in for an hour and couldn't do it. really annoyed me!

I went to the very bottom of the map (SE corner) where there is a temple up on the cliff with two big statues. I threw bait until I got a few. It's random what will spawn so I got a couple tigers, a wolf, a dog, and several clouded leopards too. A couple times, the snow leopard spawned inside one of the statues (only the leopard, I noticed) which was pretty annoying.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
So what guns are people using? I end up using the 87 signature shot gun and the grenade launcher the most. I round it out with a sniper rifle with silencer and assault rifle. I'm still working on unlucking one of the signature sniper rifles as they seem to be a big step up. The grenade launch makes some things to easy.
I use the Warrior, Cannon, D2, and the grenade launcher. Sometimes I'll switch out the D2 for the bow. I love love love using the bow in this game.
This one rhino really kept pissing me off tonight. Bastard wouldn't stop chasing me. I decided c4 to the head was a good idea :)

Oh and the joy of grenade launching a distant honey badger is pure bliss. Seriously hate those damn things. Can't wait to get the flamethrower to use on them.

Ps: best way to take down a rhino? I need the skins for i think the wallet upgrade.

Shotgun to the face. Should take 3 to 4 shots.

Gray Matter

This is the first time in a very long time that I'm taking my sweet time with a game. I've barely done any story mission compared to the amount of hours that I've played. I'll finish it eventually.


This one rhino really kept pissing me off tonight. Bastard wouldn't stop chasing me. I decided c4 to the head was a good idea :)

Oh and the joy of grenade launching a distant honey badger is pure bliss. Seriously hate those damn things. Can't wait to get the flamethrower to use on them.

Ps: best way to take down a rhino? I need the skins for i think the wallet upgrade.
Bow is always best when going for upgrades since you get double skins for clean kills. It takes around eight or so arrows to the head to bring one down. You can get about three or four shots in before the beast reaches you if you start from cover at a decent range. After that, just find a tree and circle it while shooting the Rhino. They can't corner fast enough to chase you around trees.

If all else fails, Elephant beats Rhino.


People are saying the xbone version runs smoothly, but I am having tons of frame rate issues. Something I need to check on?
I just did the first Shangri-La mission tonight, and oh man was that entire area gorgeous to look at! I took way too many screenshots, haha. I've sunk 24 hours into this game, and I've barely touched the story and only cleared around half the map. I think this is definitely going to be my GOTY; I'm loving every second of it.

On a side note, I need snow leopard skin, but the only place I've seen them spawn so far is on the Himalayas. Is there any other spawn for them on the map?

Gray Matter

I just did the first Shangri-La mission tonight, and oh man was that entire area gorgeous to look at! I took way too many screenshots, haha. I've sunk 24 hours into this game, and I've barely touched the story and only cleared around half the map. I think this is definitely going to be my GOTY; I'm loving every second of it.

On a side note, I need snow leopard skin, but the only place I've seen them spawn so far is on the Himalayas. Is there any other spawn for them on the map?

I believe there are on the central-ish area of the map. I'm sure I've encountered them somewhere in Kyrat.


Having a great time with this, but - no separate, individual audio sliders for sound effects, music, voice, etc. is a bummer. I hate when games have such limited sound options. A single global sound volume slider is pointless.
Today I started playing with the HUD entirely off except for the ammo indicator. It really makes the experience more immersive for me. I just use the menu map and set a way point for my next objective so the only thing on screen is the little white waypoint icon. You can still tag enemies but its more challenging to not see where they are on the mini map. It also makes exploring feel much more rewarding when you find something. I suggest trying it and see how it feels if you havn't. I personally can't go back now.


I'm more tired of unlocking the tower. I swear they will find a way to have a unlock the tower in a Rayman game next.

l've been landing a buzzer near the top floor of bell towers. nice.

man the Himalaya mission (first or only, don't know yet), was really cool as hell. loving this game so much, the free roaming along with missions, side quests, hunting, random events... soo good.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Bow is always best when going for upgrades since you get double skins for clean kills. It takes around eight or so arrows to the head to bring one down. You can get about three or four shots in before the beast reaches you if you start from cover at a decent range. After that, just find a tree and circle it while shooting the Rhino. They can't corner fast enough to chase you around trees.

If all else fails, Elephant beats Rhino.
I've been searching for large rocks to stand on and marking it with a map pointer then lead a rhino to around the rock and snipe it from there while I stand atop the rock. If it runs off its not too hard to corral them.
I downloaded the demo (PS4, EU) but it won't let me play it. Does 't this defeat the point of a demo?
Add me to psn friend list - my PSN nick is michalmarek77
I will send you a Kyrat Key and then you will be able to play that "demo" in co-op for about 2 hrs.


Unconfirmed Member
Just saw an eagle snatch a goat off the ground and just carry it to off to the clouds. Those bastards are scary and annoying to kill.


Haha! GOAT nomination right here.

I'm thinking of getting my friend this for his b-day. I think he's new to the series.
It's either this, Alien Isolation or another decent[/] PS4 game. Any ideas?

Edit: Dragon Age might be a candidate as well... hmm... sorry to gum up the thread.
Put in the work for the Bushman, so worth it. It's just as amazing as in FC3.

Bushman and Throwing Knives and you can easily do every outpost undetected.

Im later in the game
Just escaped the prison.
Pretty cool stuff.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Profit: explosive arrows make the Pagan truck missions much much easier. Just lie in wait and knock them out.

Or you know C4 and Landmines since its not like they actually take any sort of real evasive action.

(more complex)
Mine takes out the first vehicle slowing the rest, placed C4 along the roadside should do the trick to finish em off.

Just need to space it out right so you take out the 2 remaining vehicles after, also most important the mine / vehicle explosion doesnt trigger the C4.

Sure might seem like more work but its beautiful when done right.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I've done that method and the explosive arrows are much easier. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.

These days Im never on foot mostly flying around. So I just 40mm them from the air. They cant really shoot directly up if you are above them unless they dismount.


This is my first Far Cry (well I played FC1 but it has nothing to do with the current franchise) and maaaaaan, this is awesome! Played like 8 hours already with 5-6 hours tonight and I've only fully explored out the initial starting area and a bit into the next couple of areas.

The exploration is amazing, really really feels like a huge world that's exciting to explore. It's gorgeous and the atmosphere is top notch. Whether hunting through the grass or taking out an army with heavy weapons, it's pretty fun.

What surprised me the most is that the closest game I would compare Far Cry 4 to is...Fallout 3/NV. There's just this vast & interesting world with all these little hidden locations and hidden stories if you read all the notes around. The notes add a lot and make everything feel connected like a real living world. If you had dialogue choices and a few more stats FC4 is essentially a Bethesda rpg.

This is the best mountain climbing & hang gliding sim out there. My hands get sweaty climbing some of these mountains as high as they can go. I understand that FC4 is basically a reskin of FC3, but having never played FC3 this game is a real breath of fresh air of AAA gaming. Just feels like a totally new kind of experience and it's really great.

Only thing I'm not as sold on is that as someone new to this, I'm finding the combat scenarios pretty tough >_< The first mission with the hunters where you have to defend the 6 rebels (Sabal mission) was really frustrating and I died like 6 times. Just feels like you take damage very quickly and you can get stuck in healing/reloading animations where you need to reload but your taking damage while doing it so you need to heal but by the time you heal and reload and sit through both animations you're getting shot to hell before you can finally shoot again. Im guessing I just need to upgrade and use body armor.

Elephants rock and the purple random world events are the most exciting random world events I've played in an Ubisoft game. Can get into some cool situations like when I knocked a enemy convoy off a cliff with an elephant :eek:

Oh and I don't understand why the major locations that show when fully zoomed (cities and such) don't all have fast travel. Like I just did the Monastary mission for Sabal and it took me kind of deeper into enemy territory than I'm at right now but despite being a major location there's no fast travel so I have to take out a nearby outpost and go from there. I guess I feel like the story is moving deep into enemy territory pretty fast whereas since I'm trying to explore each area 100% out, I'm far behind and so are my fast travel spots since I'm only doing outposts as I 100% clear a section.


Had a funny glitch just happen. Camera stopped zooming, framerate started dipping, then I started getting attacked continuosly by animals. They seemed to just keep spawning right in my general area non-stop. Felt like nature had decided to gang up and kill me.

Quitting out to the main menu fixed it, but it was quite hilarious while it was happening.


Buzzsaw is by far thr best weapon in the game, damn thing is a machine. Takes down heavies like they are regular guards, even takes down choppers in a matter of seconds. Its like a one man army with that thing.

Shredder was my goto weapon but the Buzzsaw changed that lol. Not to mention how quick it'll take out a large animal.
I just played the defend the temple mission and it was almost like playing a defend the bomb COD/Battlefield Multi experience but offline.This game is that good.Gunplay is so satisfying...


Unconfirmed Member
Bought this cheap on PC, and was playing it on and off for the most of the day yesterday. I didn't like FC3 much at all and whilst this is basically an improved FC3 it's enough to make me enjoy it more than that game. Things like the Gyropcopter really add to the game IMO. I still prefer FC2 overall so far (not trying to start an argument, personal preference!) but I'm having fun with this. Being able to ride elephants and smash guard cars is fucking fun.

The game must be doing something right anyway, I was up to 3am playing the bastard lol. Also unlocked the double barrel shotgun, mother fucker is a beast. The guns are a lot more satisfying in this compared to 3, at least the sound seems better to me anyway. I never really warmed to 3 that much, I just found it highly disappointing, despite some misgivings I'm having a lot more fun with this now.

My three favourite moments of the game so far:

1. When I realised I could take the gyrocopter and just land at the top of most of the bell towers and not bother climbing them (with a few you get a too high altitude warning)

2. I was in a fight with a heavy guard and I was having trouble killing him. He shouts 'I AM INVINCIBLE!' like Boris from Goldeneye and then a big fuckin eagle comes out of nowhere and attacks him, letting me kill them both and skin the eagle :p

3. Unlocking the gun from Robocop.


Goddammit I didn't even notice but now its going to annoy me.
It's set in Nepal.
The year is divided into a wet season from June to September—as summer warmth over Inner Asia creates a low pressure zone that draws in moist air from the Indian Ocean—and a dry season from October to June as cold temperatures in the vast interior creates a high pressure zone causing dry air to flow outward.
Using the repair tool to set nearby trees aflame is a great way to break up a cluster of enemies guarding an outpost. You can pick them one by one because they're so distracted by the wild fire.

I've also found sick pleasure in sneaking up to enemies, who were oblivious to my presence, and setting them ablaze w the repair tool as they run toward their fellow comrades in a ball of flame. Fear me! Hahaha
Using the repair tool to set nearby trees aflame is a great way to break up a cluster of enemies guarding an outpost. You can pick them one by one because they're so distracted by the wild fire.

I've also found sick pleasure in sneaking up to enemies, who were oblivious to my presence, and setting them ablaze w the repair tool as they run toward their fellow comrades in a ball of flame. Fear me! Hahaha

How do you pick the repair tool to use outside of the situations it's needed?...or is that not possible?

I keep forgetting I have grenades, molotovs, fire arrows, etc. I'm gonna start using those to change stuff up a bit. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite games of this year. I was hesitating on whether or not to pick it up last week but I'm glad I did.
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