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Far Cry 6, a game about relaxing and exploring and killing and burning


Most Ubisoft games don't even worth your Internet bandwidth even to pirate them. They're always flashy in the first 15 minutes then become extremely boring to play.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I enjoyed it enough to finish it, but the story and characters were not good.

At one point MC is tortured by the dictator, teeth are ripped, blood splatters, grim stuff. Then you escape, hop to a nearest car to get to your next objective.... aaaaand then a random song starts on the radio and apparently MC does not care about torturing at all, as they happily start singing along.
For me this broke the game more than any AI shenanigans.
It sounds like they are trying to make games for people that have ADHD and forget shit easily.


It’s one of the weaker entires, but there’s some entertainment to be had if you don’t mind the formula.
Didn't really like Far Cry 4 or 5. Far Cry 6 was far more enjoyable imo and I liked the settings of it. Far Cry 3 was good as well. However, my most favorite Far Cry and it is the one that is the most underrated is Far Cry Primal. We just do not get enough prehistoric games at all of high AAA quality ;/
I was planning on playing Farcry 6 through my Christmas break, but I found every single thing in this game so off putting. I ended up quoting and uninstalling it after about 4 hours. It is really bad.


I am playing this now and I think it is the worst of the series so far. Every new character I meet is worse than the last. When I wasn't being ordered around by a strong woman, I was getting bitched out by a trans man. I genuinely do not want to help these people and would rather hop on a boat and sail off in the sunset.

On max settings, I am not impressed by the graphics. The world is just boring and bland compared to previous titles. Cities and enemy bases are half empty. I will take over a base after killing like 4 enemies and think, "that's it?". Vehicle controls royally blow.

Sad to see this franchise embrace modern politics over fun. This will be my last Far Cry game I play. It is probably safe to simply avoid Ubisoft going forward. AAAA my ass.


I thought about buying this game at launch, but the pet system scared me away. I don't want a companion, nor a sidekick.


Wrapped this hot mess up (I did pay for it, so I forced my way through the main campaign). Giancarlo Esposito was the best part of the game. There is so much padding in this game, worse than previous titles. You couldn't fly anywhere without disabling anti-air, which was everywhere. So getting around was tedious with windy roads and cliffs everywhere. So many missions had me running back and forth. Overall, traversal was just painful. I remember having fun driving or flying around in previous titles. The game is so damn woke. And yet somehow flew under the radar as most seem to have reviewed it well. I guess most did not mind being lectured as they played this. By now I am just tired of being lectured when I play games, so I have no patience for it anymore. Had I known what I was getting into, I would have never touched this. Well, with so many great games out and coming out, I can afford to pass on any future Ubisoft games.

I thought about buying this game at launch, but the pet system scared me away. I don't want a companion, nor a sidekick.

Taking a companion out is completely optional, you can basically do the whole game solo. I like to clear outpost with nothing but a sniper and do everything with a stealth approach so having an alligator or a chicken as my companion would blow my cover.

There is a few missions that have a transgender DJ and their gay friends so if that bothers you be warned. I can't remember if they are optional after their first intro mission since I played this when it first came out, haven't touched it since.

I did complete the game but this will be the first one I don't play again mainly due to the fact that after you beat the boss at the end you still can't fly over the main city that was on lockdown. If you traverse the city by foot it still behaves like there's a war going on and all the soldiers attack you on site just like the beginning of the game. I guess they were too lazy to script anything different after you take out the "Big Bad".


Far Cry 4 was the last Far Cry I've played. And I genuinely played the "Pagan Min ending" and that was good enough for me. It wasn't even fully intentional. I just kept sitting there just to see if the devs had actually thought of that. They did. And that was good enough for me.

Never played Far Cry 4 "as intended".


Gold Member
6 is worth it if you can get it cheap

But it's one of those games where the limitations / gameplayloop become very obvious. It takes 30 minutes to see everything the game has to offer (aside from story missions maybe)

It's the classic Ubisoft formula


I personally liked New Dawn more. Maybe because of the setting and lore, but FC6 was fun in it's own way. I really didn't like how they handled having equipment tied to skills.


Games like far cry and Horizon zero dawn makes me feel so bored. I dont know what it is, the story, the characters, the world, the art? I dont know what it is, maybe all of them.

I have the possibility to play far cry 6 and horizon forbidden west true ps+ but yeah, that wont happen i guess.

I love ff7 rebirth and cyberpunk, hell even elex 2 works better for me when it comes to open worlds.
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Gold Member
I for one enjoyed the Far Cry series for what it is... It has potential, and some gameplay mechanics of these games are pretty..good. ..HOWEVER, the enemy AI and spawn algorithm... It's so idiotically ridiculous. It blatantly sabotages suspension of disbelief and ruins the sense of exploration. You'd think they would've "fixed" it by now, since it's been pretty much the same for years... But fuck no...
I think this is my favorite FarCry game out of the ones I’ve played simple for the location and atmosphere. In terms of actual gameplay, same old and pretty mediocre but serviceable.


A Fucking Idiot
This game sucks. I'm 30 hours in and not enjoying it as much as the past titles. I've resorted to airdropping to get anywhere on the map. Take over a base, air drop and land on the next base. Take over that base and air drop and land onto the next. My map looks like colorful little polka-dots where I've landed instead of being fully explored. It's a woke cringe-fest but they let you skip the story thank God. The PS5 version has screen tearing still to this day.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
They lost me after 5 and I mostly stuck around with that one because of the soundtrack. I think it’s still one of the best OSTs ever.

I just wish they’d go back to the simple XP + skill tree system. I found it so much more enjoyable. Finding the skill point magazines in 5 was cool, but you could OP the fuck out of yourself super quick depending on how you play.

I think I put a good 20 hours into 6 before saying fuck it. It was beautiful to look at times, but I found it ungodly boring mostly due to the shitty upgrade and clothes based perk system.
They lost me after 5 and I mostly stuck around with that one because of the soundtrack. I think it’s still one of the best OSTs ever.
It really fit the setting and narrative perfectly. I remember listening to it quite often during work. "Help me faith", "Set those sinners free, "We will rise again.", "The World is Gonna End Tonight" all really fit the in universe music so well and the orchestral/banjo ambiance tracks were super well done.
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Game is 20 bucks right now. Worth it?
I really like the Far Cry series. I get all the shitting on Ubisoft, open world games, giant maps with a ton of icons, etc., but I still enjoy these type of games. They're like digital bubble wrap for me. I just relax, shoot some shit, get a little feeling of accomplishment, and that's all. Along the way, if the story is any good, that's just a bonus.

For me, I thought 6 was good, but not great. I'd say it's certainly worth $20 if you like open world games.
  • I played the female Dani and I thought the voice actor did a great job. This one is a departure from previous Far Cry games in that she's an actual character with third person cut-scenes. No more nearly silent protagonist.
  • You basically have to go to three main areas of the island and work with the NPC factions in each area to build trust and reputation with them until they agree to fight with you against the villain. Each faction has their own story line. You can skip around and try to progress through each faction's missions in parallel, or do them in series.
  • One of the factions has some preachy messaging about the trans issue with a trans character. I rolled my eyes but it wasn't terrible. If you're allergic to that stuff, just be aware.
  • Giancarlo Esposito (the villain) was fine, but the character isn't written as well as Pagan Min from FC4 who is still my favorite from the series.
  • I thought the guerilla weapons were pretty boring, but all the normal stuff is fine and feels as good as always.
  • You also get a backpack that serves as a super move with a few different variations. The only one I bothered to use was the one that let's you revive yourself from a downed state.
  • FC3 and FC4 had an XP system with a skill tree. When they went to 5, they replaced that with a perks system. 6 sticks with the perks. I liked the skill tree in FC3 and FC4 better.
  • I liked the setting and environments. Being back in on an island was nice after FC5.


Not sure if I would recommend paying more than $5 for this game. If you have Gamepass, I think it is on there. Or wait and see if it becomes free on Epic. Or buy it used for $5 in the bargain bin.
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