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Farming Simulator is coming to the Commodore 64

Bullet Club

8-bit power!


We already know that there is a work in progress demake of Portal AND Limbo coming to the C64, especially as we told everyone in our friends list. But did you know there is a demake of Farming Simulator coming aswell? Well thankfully going by the latest Lotek64 update this might be the case, as recently they interviewed GIANTS Software to see if this wasn't some April fools joke!


Although a much more indepth interview can be read (HERE) including how the game to be, the developers clearly had a love for the C64 as one of their own employees actually had friends in the C64 scene. This commercial C64 game however will be coming with the Farming Simulator 19 - PC Collector's Edition, as in their words a seperate CD in the form of a disk image in D64 format and a CRT format module. Although they do plan to offer the C64 game sometime separate from the Collector's Edition.


So what can we expect in terms of gameplay? Clearly there's a lot of love gone into the C64 version, as we now know it isn't just fully playable with various vehicles to control, but you can plough fields, sow them, harvest with a harvester and even sell your goods to buy more gas. All controllable via a Joystick, with smooth scrolling landscapes, and details vehicles composed of several sprites. The downside which is in more detail in the interview, is only a maximum of two machines can be displayed simultaneously on the screen and of course theres hardware limitations. But it still looks pretty damn good overall!

Indie Retro News


Gold Member
I have a 64 in the garage somewhere that I bought off ebay some time back. I have never used it. I really need to get it going.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
So we can finally bore ourselves to death on C64, as well? Great!


Unconfirmed Member
I love the fact that people are spending their time doing cool stuff like this.


Neo Member
I still have my C64 in the garage.

I knew there was a reason I talked my wife into letting me keep it!

Just kidding, I kept it so I could eventually win at strip poker and finally see those nudes!


What, do you guys not have C64s?
I had an MSX2 + Spectrum+2 back in the day, not a C64 guy, but i have played a bunch of C64 exclusive games and, i'm sorry, this looks lame.

Of course graphics are ok, nothing special, just ok. I'm talking about the gameplay. They could have port SimFarm (have you played simfar? its pretty much 8-bits micro-computer graphics) as is instead of this..

At least the Collector's Edition is cheap.
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