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Fat Princess |OT| Misogynistic Cake


Belgand said:
Eat? Bah... I started playing last night some time around midnight last night and it took Kilgore taking a break and no longer hosting to get me to stop at 11 something this morning.

Then again I've been having a bad couple weeks since picking up some stuff I've wanted for a while at that Gamestop sale. inFamous got into me bad and the only way to get it out of my system was getting addicted to another game... too many new games exerting their siren pull on me and now FP is doing the same. Does sleeping at night really have to be such a challenging goal?

Well, I played till 4:30am last night :lol.

And it's soon 11pm here in Finland, so I decided to grab some supper before the game.

Yeah, sleeping is overrated, just take a nap in some point, if you're feeling sleepy ;)


Gotta head to work but tossed Drame an invite to get in on the Chat. Hopefully people are playing when I get back.


Proc said:
The end game is super annoying when the opposing team actually plays solid defense :lol

Even if the team just turtles around the princess, the round will drag on forever : (

Any of you figure out how to defeat a team who turtles?

what seems to work well is chicken potion, bomb, priests, warriors, and workers. The chicken and bombs really wreak havoc on people who are close together, and the rest is warriors running out with the princess with priests trying to survive and heal them. At least that's how it worked in 1 game i was in yesterday :p


The few games I was able to connect where kinda fun. It's definitely not nearly as good as I was hoping it to be. Kinda bummed now that I didn't buy Battlefield 1943, though I'll always have Bad Company to fall back on.


I was kinda expecting a chaos like in Warhawk but where you can see everything clearly but this game is pure chaos and not that fun :(

Maybe maps are so small or maybe there are too many players in them and LAG is horrible..
Reminds me SOCOM launch :(

How was beta test period? Worse connection problems than now? Why did they even beta test it if they gonna release a broken online lobby anyway!


not characteristic of ants at all
Just beat the single player mode. It's really just an oversized tutorial teaching you how to play the different modes. Fun, nevertheless. Let's hope online starts working soon.


I've really enjoyed the single player, but it's absurd that I can't connect to a single online match. I see some friends playing online too, it's not fair.



Man I regret buying this game right away. Hopefully when I come back from vacation after next week it will be fixed up.
Tried so long to connect to a game but no avail, keeps going to the title screen after waiting like 2-3 minutes to connect to host.
I tried creating my own game but it kept going to title screen, "sorry you cannot join this game" Wtf! It's my own fucking game I created. BAH!
I already beat the single player, it was enjoyable. Really two bad about no local mutliplayer, would have played it like that till the online issues are fixed.


Started a game last night and played through probably about an hour before the game filled up with actual people, then it was pretty fun. The stalemate is a bit frustrating, though. There comes a point where endless trial and error just gets boring. I'll definitely be playing again, but I see it getting old quickly.


So far

- Game is awesome
- Best Credits in the gaming history
- Hard to connect
- Most of the games are lagy
- It gets boring if nobody is winning for long


decon said:
They people decide that blue team = gaf in the 2. game :lol ?


Matchmaking/balancing is shit. Played against the all-GAF blue team and had two humans on my team at one point. Lame as hell.


bah no local multiplayer on online games is such a letdown..i was expecting something like in Warhawwwwwk :( damn i start to compare every online game to Warhawk lately ...but it raised standarts for me!


I bought it a couple of hours ago and honestly I'm quite dissapointed thus far. It's as if the game isn't really finished. The content is meager and I'm constantly running into bugs.

The actual game and core mechanics aren't too bad. It's easy to pick up and enjoy. The actual battles however seem way too messy and buttonmashy and cause tactics and skill to take a backseat.

It took me quite a few tries to get into an online game and both times I did they were too laggy to be fun. It doesn't work when your playing as an archer and you see your arrows shoot a whole second later than you're firing. So I did the single player campaign, but it's really basic. It also pissed me off that the chapter I'm on (7?) just doesn't seem to end. Neither teams are getting even close to the princess and the game has been going on for a whole hour now. I can't believe this game hasn't been tested more. Every other campaign level caused the game to put text of various screens through each other having me to reboot the game. I'm also dissapointed how meager the game is content wise.

Don't get me wrong. In a way I really like the game and if it's going to fix its issues quickly and offer many free content updates in the future, it has the potential to become a great game. Just imagine a simple map editor or co-op diablo mode or at the least more classes and more balanced gameplay. It can be done and it could be great.

The game in its current form however is just dissapointing. Feels very unfinished. :(


UnluckyKate said:
Fat Princess gotta be running for the Best Credits Ever created.

Really? I keep hearing people say this, but I don't understand it. It's just a song that sort of amusingly relates to the game. A song that, as my generation has grown up and looks back with nostalgia, has been showing up all over the damn place lately. Replacing the samples was goof for a laugh, but that's about it.

Oh, and you fight people for a very, very long time in what becomes a rather tedious fashion.

It didn't even even strike me as clever, let alone best ever. It's pretty typical.


man, this is probably the best PSN game ever - aside from matchmaking issues, it is actually very complex, more so than most other full games for consoles :).

I need to sit down a bit and learn everything :).
spwolf said:
man, this is probably the best PSN game ever - aside from matchmaking issues, it is actually very complex, more so than most other full games for consoles :).

I need to sit down a bit and learn everything :).

I'm really interested how long people keep liking this game.


So this is another Castle Crashers. Fairly expensive (for a downloadable game) with a focus on online play, only it ships in a state which leaves many people unable to play it online and waiting for a patch.

I'll wait til there aren't a load of people saying they can't get online.


They get those lag issues fixed, and this game will be up there with some of the best PSN MP titles.

Also those who dont know whats up, just go to SP mode.


Regret buying this yesterday. Can't get online with it and can't get a refund for the product not functioning as intended.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Majora said:
So this is another Castle Crashers. Fairly expensive (for a downloadable game) with a focus on online play, only it ships in a state which leaves many people unable to play it online and waiting for a patch.

I'll wait til there aren't a load of people saying they can't get online.

Castle Crashers didn't have an online focus. It was more like a local co-op game with shoddy online netcode on it
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