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Fat Princess |OT| Misogynistic Cake


This game is yet another example of why every PSN game needs a demo.

I had trouble getting into games and got disconnected a bunch of times. But worse than that is that the fighting gets extremely tedious after a while, it's chaotic and disorganized and there doesn't seem to be much strategy, and it basically goes on forever as actually winning is close to impossible.

I'll give it another try in a few days but my so far I'm quite disappointed.

spwolf said:
aside from matchmaking issues, it is actually very complex, more so than most other full games for consoles :).

I need to sit down a bit and learn everything :).

Can you elaborate?


Hear me hear me, I'm ranked #26 on the Snatch n' grab leaderboards!

All before the Ice Mage.

Hail, hail, hail Ice Mage!

KilgoreTrout get the game going fast, you dc'd :(


y'all should be ashamed
Its definitely a good thing there wasnt a demo. No one would be able to play it at this point, and lots of people wouldn't buy it...and all the demo traffic would make the net play even worse than it is right now.

Better to put out a demo a month from now with more fluid online mechanics than the day one explosion.


xbhaskarx said:
This game is yet another example of why every PSN game needs a demo.

I had trouble getting into games and got disconnected a bunch of times. But worse than that is that the fighting gets extremely tedious after a while, it's chaotic and disorganized and there doesn't seem to be much strategy, and it basically goes on forever as actually winning is close to impossible.

I'll give it another try in a few days but my so far I'm quite disappointed.

If people play as a team and use strategy via voice chat, you can win pretty fast. Its all about getting classes to advanced, setting up extra machines around the map/ catapult on your map, getting a team together to capture (if playing capture modes) and so on.

Really it seems like an RTS except everyone is controlling their own character.

Also Halba list is full.


Eccocid said:
I was kinda expecting a chaos like in Warhawk but where you can see everything clearly but this game is pure chaos and not that fun :(

Maybe maps are so small or maybe there are too many players in them and LAG is horrible..
Reminds me SOCOM launch :(

How was beta test period? Worse connection problems than now? Why did they even beta test it if they gonna release a broken online lobby anyway!

I didn't get the released product, so I can't compare, but I will say that I very much disliked the beta (which is why I haven't picked it up now).

But the beta test was laggy, hard to connect to games, and pretty much ended up in a long drawn-out stalemate every time.

Looks like things haven't changed much.


Neo Member
I know the game hasn't been out long but is there a list of requirements for the character customization unlockables out yet?


Trucker Sexologist
Teknoman said:
If people play as a team and use strategy via voice chat, you can win pretty fast. Its all about getting classes to advanced, setting up extra machines around the map/ catapult on your map, getting a team together to capture (if playing capture modes) and so on.

Really it seems like an RTS except everyone is controlling their own character.

Also Halba list is full.
Very true. In fact, I've heard of someone who took the role of commander and coordinated the team using the mini map and voice chat the whole game.


STG said:
that was fun

and Drame is camping all the time, no wonder he is up in the leaderboards :\

I'm not camping, it's skill I know how to play the ice mage that's why I'm so up in the leaderboards!

I know, I know mages are just a little bit overpowered right now.

As soon as you can upgrade mages to their advanced skills, it's a go time.

The cast time of the freeze is really fast, so you can pretty much spam it all the time. Also you can freeze-lock your opponents if your first freeze is a full charge, take this as a tip.

GAF Game is now offically offline, good games everyone who made it in


Drame said:
I know, I know mages are just a little bit overpowered right now.


I can`t hit anything with a mage, it takes 3million hits with the fire staff for an enemy to die, as an archer I am faster

I think I am doing it wrong


I was pretty good at mage in one game. Became the Grim Reaper even !

If you power up and charge into a group of injured enemies, you may kill them all quickly. The other way is to hide behind a tower and ambush people who walk into your circle of flames/ice.


STG said:

I cant hit anything with a mage, it takes 3million hits with the fire staff for an enemy to die, as an archer I am faster

I think I am doing it wrong

I don't even play as a fire mage. The fireballs need to be charged to even deal a slight damage.

When the game starts, I'll start playing with a worker or a priest. After the game has gone awhile, and we have upgraded mages ready, that's when I change my class to mage, not before and mostly I'll stick it with to the end.


but does the ice enough damage? or do you just freeze them all and let the warriors etc. wipe the rest out?


y'all should be ashamed
I'm sure it's been posted, but if not, the devs have responded to the issues-

Fat Princess: Update from the dev team

Thanks to all of you who have downloaded the game, and for the great emails, forum posts and tweets. We’re hearing and seeing a lot of amazing feedback and are happy to report that people are having fun. As is often the case with new online games, a few problems have cropped up. We’re working to address them, and want to keep all of you informed of our progress:

Connection Issues

Connecting to games can take a little longer than we planned, and attempts to join games are sometimes failing. Some players report having to attempt to join 2 or 3 times before getting into a game. Once you’re in a game, though, things are smooth and people are having a great time. We’re aware of this problem and working on it. Part of it stems from a lot of players hammering the system all at once, and part of it comes from matchmaking logic. Until we have things fixed and optimized, thanks for your patience. Try joining a few times and you should be good to go.

Hosting a Game

When you create a new game, it can take a while for other players to join your game. Once they do start joining, though, and the population of real (human) players hits a threshold, your server will begin to fill up. This delay is caused by the logic that suggests servers to players looking for a game – it prefers higher population servers. The upside of the way this logic works is that most players will be concentrated in games that are relatively full. If you have a good connection, and you want to host a game – go for it. You may have to be patient for others to join, though. If you have a poor connection, your server may be ignored. Blinking player icons on the scoreboard indicates this might be the case. We’re going to work on tuning this logic so we still get the benefits, but others join games more quickly.


We’re aware that players who have a NAT Type 3 connection, in some circumstances, cannot join games. This problem, caused by certain combinations of router settings, is common to many games on PSN. It is possible to change your network setting from a NAT Type 3 to NAT Type 2 connection, and that should solve your problems. It requires some effort, but if you want specific information, search the web or Youtube for “PS3 NAT Type 2.” There is a lot of information out there.

Other Comments

We’ve gotten some comments regarding pricing for the game in different territories. Titan Studios did not have any role in setting prices outside the United States. We’re passing your comments along to Sony.

Use your Bluetooth headsets! We’ve seen and been part of some awesome games where people are communicating and coordinating. Teamwork is critical.

Stay tuned for updates. Thanks again to all of you. We appreciate the feedback. Enjoy!

- Titan Studios


STG said:
but does the ice enough damage? or do you just freeze them all and let the warriors etc. wipe the rest out?

Yeah, the freeze doesn't do much damage at all that's where the teamwork becomes important.

My dream team is a worker, a ice mage or two, a priest and a dark priest.

Let the ice mages freeze the enemies while the dark priest is chain casting the curse. When the enemies are freezed, workers can throw their bombs and deal astonishing damage, and the lone priest is healing the whole bunch of course! :lol.

It's funny how deep Fat Princess can be, I love it <3.


Rad Sez:



chubigans said:
I'm sure it's been posted, but if not, the devs have responded to the issues-

I really hope that Titan will do some class balancing, and make the netcode a slightly better.

While we're at it, clan support would be awesome, and ranks should be worth something!

Like, let's say Warlord ranked dark priest, would have somekind of dark aura on him, that would be cool!
During my last game I had five team mates idling in the castle. I'm thinking they were bugged? I can't imagine five dudes all deciding to go AFK at the same time. This left me with 3 other team mates and the AI, which is totally useless. I know you hit up to summon and down to dismiss, but it seems I can only keep one guy with me at a time and he doesn't do shit. He'll run off screen, or stand around getting pummeled without retaliating. Do I have to give him orders, and if so how do I do that? Hitting the directional buttons didn't seem to have any effect.

chubigans said:
Its definitely a good thing there wasnt a demo. No one would be able to play it at this point, and lots of people wouldn't buy it...and all the demo traffic would make the net play even worse than it is right now.

Better to put out a demo a month from now with more fluid online mechanics than the day one explosion.
Haha. Yes, the issues are due to the DAY ONE EXPLOSION. It's not because they released the game before it was ready, eh?

Belgand said:
Really? I keep hearing people say this, but I don't understand it. It's just a song that sort of amusingly relates to the game. A song that, as my generation has grown up and looks back with nostalgia, has been showing up all over the damn place lately.
Shit, it's been all over the place forever. It was tired when it popped up in fucking SHREK, and that's almost 10 years old. I hope they didn't pay much for the rights. Hell, I hope they got it for free, cuz any money woulda been better spent on fixing the game.

Oh and why in the hell do I have to return to base to get my upgraded hat? It feels like there are a ton of tiny little flaws and weird decisions. It really feels slightly unfinished. Not just the bits that are in need of serious patching, but the bits where they maybe should have done some more beta testing or had some picky friends by to help smooth out the rough edges.
This confuses me as well. I also agree with you about the useless manual, and that the game might be better with fewer players. As it is it's too hectic and combat is spread all over the map. I think the game might benefit from longer respawn times, and maybe an increased benefit to capturing towers, and...well a lot of things, really. I alternate between having a lot of fun and feeling very frustrated. I think maybe this game could be really awesome when played at a higher level, where all the roles are assigned at the start and all the teammates are on the same page. But it's difficult to play at a low level, since a few decent players can't carry a team, unlike a lot of other games in the genre. The mid and end game REALLY need tweaking.
The game continues to 'not work' with a 3rd party pelican controller. One of my DS sticks is about dead so I'm not using it, but the brand new Pelican won't move the character properly. It works fine with every other ps3 game I can try :/ I bought it because I'm low on funds until school starts. Seems like a very strange bug. The triggers and sticks have the same problem. If you push them slightly, you can make the character walk, or zoom the camera in a little but, but if you move it all the way it dead stops.


Teknoman said:
If people play as a team and use strategy via voice chat, you can win pretty fast.

Use your Bluetooth headsets! We’ve seen and been part of some awesome games where people are communicating and coordinating. Teamwork is critical.

I don't have a headset. :-(


Well Rummy, you dont have to stay with a role. Sometimes its good to warrior rush people. Really its all about coordination. And a few people constantly farming junk or taking turns helps.

Game really really needs custom soundtrack though. The default just isnt that good...or fitting for the action.


I would definitely like to see:

Smaller games (just like TF2, 24 >>> 32)
Longer respawn times (coupled with more health / lower damage)
More of a point to towers (option to spawn at towers, but you have to scrounge for a fallen hat?)


chubigans said:
Its definitely a good thing there wasnt a demo. No one would be able to play it at this point, and lots of people wouldn't buy it...and all the demo traffic would make the net play even worse than it is right now.

Better to put out a demo a month from now with more fluid online mechanics than the day one explosion.

Joking right?


most games I join only have like 4 real people on the team :/ having no voice communication at all really brings down the experience too


I'm having problems connecting to any game, for some reason I can't join any games at all, is anybody else having this problem still?


Zyzyxxz said:
I'm having problems connecting to any game, for some reason I can't join any games at all, is anybody else having this problem still?

A lot of people are having connecting problems with the matchmaking.

Do you mean by any game, like joining to your friends game or trying to create your own?
Teknoman said:
Well Rummy, you dont have to stay with a role. Sometimes its good to warrior rush people. Really its all about coordination. And a few people constantly farming junk or taking turns helps.
Oh yeah, I know. I switch roles often. I'm just thinking that maybe the devs spent too much time playing among themselves, as it seems like many of my complaints may not be an issue with a team that knows the game inside and out. But you're not going to find a team like that online. You're going to find a bunch of boobs who don't know how to play. (And yes, I know playing with randoms is for losers, but my schedule is way different from most folks so I'm usually stuck playing randoms.) I can play a game of BF1942 or TF2 or Halo CTF with randoms and feel as if my contributions are making a difference, while here I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall. Coordination is a far higher priority here than it is in any other game in the genre that I've played, and with the high player count and low respawn time even the slightly more coordinated team doesn't seem to have an advantage. Stalemate city.


Drame said:
A lot of people are having connecting problems with the matchmaking.

Do you mean by any game, like joining to your friends game or trying to create your own?

yup can't join anything at all!

So far I've just been playing single player to get a feel for it.


Neo Member
Zyzyxxz said:
I'm having problems connecting to any game, for some reason I can't join any games at all, is anybody else having this problem still?

Yep, I have yet to play an online game, and I've been trying to join one since yesterday (on an off, of course).
After making my last post I got an error telling me there were no games to join. So I tried again and it was searching for...looks like 8 minutes? Didn't give me an error message. I had to quit to the XMB and restart. Urrrrgh.
Not sure if this has been brought up, but has anyone else encountered the bug where you are in a game with friends, but their names don't actually show up. Instead, they have the default bot names? This happened to me last night while I was in a game with 2 of my friends. It was weird because I was able to see my other friend, and he could see me, but with the second friend, we only saw each other as bots even though we were in total control of the characters.


xbhaskarx said:
This game is yet another example of why every PSN game needs a demo.

I had trouble getting into games and got disconnected a bunch of times. But worse than that is that the fighting gets extremely tedious after a while, it's chaotic and disorganized and there doesn't seem to be much strategy, and it basically goes on forever as actually winning is close to impossible.

I'll give it another try in a few days but my so far I'm quite disappointed.

My exact thoughts :(
Pure chaos, no one has a mic online. I'll have to try a GAF game before giving up, but so far it's just a square-mash fest. Or Dark Priest and just hold down square.

I was playing as Dark Priest, sapping life.. Literally just running around letting the auto-lock pick up a new target to sap. I was up to 2000 points for the match, and realized how little fun I was having...

And the lag... I don't know how some are saying they've experienced no lag, but players are teleporting in my games. When classes rely on proper aiming to deal melee damage (i.e. Warrior), teleporting effectively kills all classes except for Mage and Priest radius-damage attacks.


Quick join us, nice lag free gaming:D

And dont just mash square. Use block, power attacks, bombs, chicken potions, catapults, seige ladders, siege springs, set fire to your weapons, etc.


Rodent Whores
During one of my games, the princess I was carrying fell through the floor and disappeared. WTF?

Had to wait until time over.


ChefRamsay said:
My exact thoughts :(
Pure chaos, no one has a mic online. I'll have to try a GAF game before giving up, but so far it's just a square-mash fest. Or Dark Priest and just hold down square.

I was playing as Dark Priest, sapping life.. Literally just running around letting the auto-lock pick up a new target to sap. I was up to 2000 points for the match, and realized how little fun I was having...

And the lag... I don't know how some are saying they've experienced no lag, but players are teleporting in my games. When classes rely on proper aiming to deal melee damage (i.e. Warrior), teleporting effectively kills all classes except for Mage and Priest radius-damage attacks.

May depend on who's hosting the game and where you are.

How do you upgrade a hat ? How many levels can you upgrade them ? What happens if the hat machines no longer shows the X icon when you go near them ?


patsu said:
May depend on who's hosting the game and where you are.

How do you upgrade a hat ? How many levels can you upgrade them ? What happens if the hat machines no longer shows the X icon when you go near them ?

you upgrade them by bringing wood and metal to your base / outpost and getting a worker to upgrade once hey have 3 of each. Can only upgrade once, and no X's mean's they are upgraded

Ploid 3.0

Teknoman said:
Quick join us, nice lag free gaming:D

And dont just mash square. Use block, power attacks, bombs, chicken potions, catapults, seige ladders, siege springs, set fire to your weapons, etc.

Wait wait, let me get a pin. Man I'm a noob. Seige ladders? What? I've been wondering how to build those extra things with worker.


not characteristic of ants at all
This is so weird. This game, in my head, is amazing. But the more I play it the more I realize that it isn't amazing. I think I just need to get into a good online game before I give up. I'll give it a lot of chances, because I really want to love it. It's a great concept.
It's addictive as hell once you start to work out how everything works, and start to find all the little shortcuts and tricks. I think people should give it time, it'll take a couple of weeks for people to figure it out and for games to become more organised.


K2Valor said:
This is so weird. This game, in my head, is amazing. But the more I play it the more I realize that it isn't amazing. I think I just need to get into a good online game before I give up. I'll give it a lot of chances, because I really want to love it. It's a great concept.
You need to play with friends or with people who knows how to play like a team... this is when this game shines.
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