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Fate/Grand Order |OT| That's Hell You're Walking Into

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Decided to try this on a whim (and a lot of trouble with the android emulator).

Got on my second reroll.

Any good?
Yes, Jeanne is very strong and Marie, while not having the highest ATK, serves a rather specific niche and has some insane durability. I'd go ahead with that.

Any Craft Essences pulled along with them?


I doubt its a bug. There were no tickets when the game launched in jp. Its very very hard to get enough mana prism in 1 week to buy all tickets.

Don't expect mana prism shop reset on July 1st!


Yes, Jeanne is very strong and Marie, while not having the highest ATK, serves a rather specific niche and has some insane durability. I'd go ahead with that.

Any Craft Essences pulled along with them?

Imagine Around (5*)
Angel Song (4*)
Primeval Curse (4*)
Iron Willed Training (4*)


I doubt its a bug. There were no tickets when the game launched in jp. Its very very hard to get enough mana prism in 1 week to buy all tickets.

Don't expect mana prism shop reset on July 1st!
Maybe not on July 1st, but I can't see them adding the option and then asking people to wait a year before it's replenished.

I guess we'll know in a day or so!

Imagine Around (5*)
Angel Song (4*)
Primeval Curse (4*)
Iron Willed Training (4*)
Yeah, looks good to me!

Unless you REALLY want Waver for yourself (you can always add Waver friends anyway), I'd definitely settle on that account. Besides, Jeanne is waifu material too...if you're into that kind of thing. :p


I think I've almost got the battle system figured out from cross-referencing multiple wikis, but I still can't seem to find a definite answer on what's the exact boost from a Buster Chain.

Also, as far as daily times go -- the daily quests, free 10x FP summon, and Command Seal refresh all happen at midnight UTC, but because of when they launched the game, the login bonus cycles at 4am UTC instead?


Maybe not on July 1st, but I can't see them adding the option and then asking people to wait a year before it's replenished.

I guess we'll know in a day or so!

Yeah, looks good to me!

Unless you REALLY want Waver for yourself (you can always add Waver friends anyway), I'd definitely settle on that account. Besides, Jeanne is waifu material too...if you're into that kind of thing. :p

I have no idea what Waver does tbh LOL. But yeah i'll settle with this :3.
Any particular reason people don't put "Journey begins" CE on their support servant? For me personally if I know I can get 100 friend points vs 25 I'm going after the 100 all day. The Jeanne I was using as support stopped using it as well. :(


I have no idea what Waver does tbh LOL. But yeah i'll settle with this :3.
He's basically an amazing utility unit, that both buffs the damage other characters do as well as reduce incoming damage. He also has pretty respectable stats overall.

But yes, you won't have any problem in starting with Jeanne. Really, any of the current 5* will suffice, as 5* as a whole aren't really needed for in-game content (although they're nice to have).
Any particular reason people don't put "Journey begins" CE on their support servant? For me personally if I know I can get 100 friend points vs 25 I'm going after the 100 all day. The Jeanne I was using as support stopped using it as well. :(.
Because you're more likely to get your Support used if they have a better CE equipped
Because you're more likely to get your Support used if they have a better CE equipped

I guess I'm not really following. The supports I use are already very powerful. Why not get something out of the equation? Sure the Jeanne or something might be slightly more powerful now, but 100 friend points seems to be a much bigger deal in the early going.


Any particular reason people don't put "Journey begins" CE on their support servant? For me personally if I know I can get 100 friend points vs 25 I'm going after the 100 all day. The Jeanne I was using as support stopped using it as well. :(

It's actually better to put it on someone like Mash (0 cost Servant) in your party instead because during story quests, you may get the option to use a story related Support unit which gives 200 FP, having it equipped in your party means you'll be getting 275 instead, which is nice. People should be using this method instead of slightly gimping their best Support with a mostly useless CE. You'll get +75 from everything that way. You might be wasting someone's attack on a unit that could've died if your Support just had that little bit of extra attack or command card boost.

I've set my level 42 Archer w/ Kaleidoscope (80% NP charge at start) as my All Class Support for today's EXP daily, use him if you want to clear out/weaken a group quickly. Hopefully more people learn that you can switch classes at the top bar to see all of a person's Support units so I don't have to do this for each daily. Waver's probably going to go back to that slot afterwards.

I also have 3 slots available on my friend list right now, check out the google doc in the OP if you want to add me. Whenever they give out that 4* Servant, I'll have Heracles, and that should give me a pretty well-rounded Support crew rolling.

EDIT: Make sure to add your name to the list so I don't assume you're some random stranger. It also helps if you don't have a mostly empty Support cast with just a Mash at level 1. Especially if you're just lurking. -_-


I don't think I have ever seen a time of any day this week when there weren't ascended Wavers with defense buff available. I was only even able to break into doing the 30 AP dailies thanks to these guys.

Ah, then I guess it is possible to at least get him to his first ascension to get access to his second skill. Good to know.

Interesting interesting thanks! I went in with Jeanne, Waver, Berserker but did it blindly without any kind of plan.

Jeanne, Waver and Berserker team can also get the job done, but need to be at least on their 3rd ascension to have access to all their skills.

Jeanne for survivability, Waver for quick NP burst damage/getting Jeanne's NP to go off quickly, and Berserker for damage dealing.

But they need to be high enough level.

Beat my first 40AP quest. Those level 4 XP cards are 0_0

Once you manage to farm 4* EXP easily, every other EXP becomes obsolete.

I will say, the jump in bond points needed from 5 to 6 came as bit of a shock, going to take a while to get to 10 it looks like. Are there any servants that are recommended to get to 10 first?

In addition to what Pureauthor said, Heracles' bond is great because it adds to his survivability. Other good Bond CEs from the launch servants include Saber Lilly's Bond for supporting your team, and Tamamo Cat for adding some meat to the teams HP.

Arash and St. George's Bond 10 reward are also pretty damn good, though they need some specif teams to use.

Other than that, it's really something to do as a bonus more than anything. If you do aim to farm extensively for it, then allow me as some one who has a few of them on the JPN account to share some tips:

  • Going from bond 1 to 5, you unlock lore in the servant status screen and dialogue in My Room, but from bond 6 onwards, you will be getting instead a reward every time the servant in question hits a new bond. Depending on the rarity, that could either be an apple for hitting bond 6, 7 and 8 for 1*'s, and 2*'s on hitting bond 6 and 7. Going forward, they get 1 Quartz each time they hit a new bond, until at bond 10 where they get their Bond CE and nothing else afterwards.
  • (for reference, 3*'s get 1 Quartz each time they hit a new bond after 5, 4*'s get 2 Quartz, and 5*s get 3 Quartz per bond. All servants stop getting Quartz after bond 9 however,m with the final reward at bond 10 being the CE).
  • Decide on which servant you like early on, because if you do aim to get their bond CE, you are going to have to put them in your team at all times. That means every time there is a free quest, a story quest, a daily mission, QP mission, event and interlude. You will need to have them on every one of your teams and take them everywhere to absorb every single bit of Bond point you gather, as it every little bit helps.
  • Speaking of, there will be some interludes that give a great amount of Bond points as well, so you will need to watch out whenever doing them.
  • Bond CEs, as a general rule, don't give you game breaking effects (though some are very useful depending on the teams they are part of, especially Bond CEs with one of a kind effect or ones from some future servants), and certainly not worth it on the return on investment needed to get them. But , if you wish to maximize the potential damage from certain ones, you should try and get 3 of the same type. That is because the bonuses stack on top of each other, so while one Bond effect might be mundane on its own (15% bonus on all Buster cards, for example), 3 together could give a whooping 45% bonus on all servants on the field.

If the gameplay uses don't matter to you much, just get the ones you think have some cool lore to them. Out of the first batch of servants, I really, really like Alexander, Medusa, Arash, D'eon, Hans, Siegfried, Darius, Eric, Atalanta, Robin, both Cu's and Saber Gilles' Bond CEs because they reference aspects of their legends and life, as well as giving us a glimpse of how they viewed certain famous events.

Jing Ke, Ushi and Caligula are also cool, but those are the ones I got from my JPN account, even though Caligula's could have been much better, given his legend.

I think I've almost got the battle system figured out from cross-referencing multiple wikis, but I still can't seem to find a definite answer on what's the exact boost from a Buster Chain.

Also, as far as daily times go -- the daily quests, free 10x FP summon, and Command Seal refresh all happen at midnight UTC, but because of when they launched the game, the login bonus cycles at 4am UTC instead?

Re: Buster chain bonus

You get a flat 0.5 bonus from the first card being a Buster card, and a bonus 0.2 from the BBB chain.

Kyte (an old FGO player) did a lot of datamining in the past, and the damage formula he got is how damage is calculated in-game


be careful re:spoilers there

Re: reseting

It seems that way, at least for now.

Any particular reason people don't put "Journey begins" CE on their support servant? For me personally if I know I can get 100 friend points vs 25 I'm going after the 100 all day. The Jeanne I was using as support stopped using it as well. :(

FP is the most useful now, yes, but people might be prioritizing higher level/damage for now.

Personally, I much prefer using a support with "Journey Begins" CE over any other support, because of how important FP now in the early game (and also in the late game as well).


DON'T. Never do it with Kaleidoscope.

Think about. What is better some attack/hp stats or Kaleidoscope skill on another servant in your party?
I agree with this, actually. It's not worth the stat increase, the buff more cards would provide would be much more valuable.
Wow, didn't expect to hit the end of available story content already. I wonder when the next chapter is slated.

Alls I'm doin' now I guess is daily missions, farming for EXP and vital stuff then.

Gonna be stockpiling my Quartz like a mofo until something comes up. I'll be doing my damndest to keep from spending money. >_>


When all story missions are done we can:

  • Complete all Free Quests
  • Farm daily EXP card
  • Farm daily QP
  • Farm daily Event Missions (pieces/skill gems/etc)
  • Farm completed Free Quests Nodes hoping to get mats for ascension (low drop rate)
Events when :(


Subete no aware
Just thought I'd ask, since I'm still rerolling while I do other things.
This is my 5* account:



But I just rolled this account:
Which seems to have the good 4*. What's better to keep around? Or should I just keep rolling. lol


Just thought I'd ask, since I'm still rerolling while I do other things.
This is my 5* account:

But I just rolled this account:

Which seems to have the good 4*. What's better to keep around? Or should I just keep rolling. lol

TBH I get a lot of use out of a good Altera friend summon. Those 4s aren't bad or anything but none of them will be better than her outside of possibly Tam Cat, but we will all be getting a free Herc (or other 4*) so...

Also don't underestimate melding two Medusas together.

I would suggest either keeping the 5* account or rerolling. If you really aren't satisfied with Altera you can reroll much better than those 4s.


Subete no aware
TBH I get a lot of use out of a good Altera friend summon. Those 4s aren't bad or anything but none of them will be better than her outside of possibly Tam Cat, but we will all be getting a free Herc (or other 4*) so...

Also don't underestimate melding two Medusas together.

I would suggest either keeping the 5* account or rerolling. If you really aren't satisfied with Altera you can reroll much better than those 4s.
Thanks, I might keep going.

When does the first even start? I figure that's my time limit for messing around with rerolls.


Thanks, I might keep going.

When does the first even start? I figure that's my time limit for messing around with rerolls.

I think there's a JP calendar floating around somewhere, matching up the timeframe is what most other people are doing but I think your best bet is to go by the login campaign dates since after that's done there's no huge login bonus like there is now. I'm guessing we probably have at least a few weeks to a month before anything "major" like a limited banner but we might get some small event like that free 4* character we are expecting or something. We don't even have an official date on that yet tho.


Subete no aware
I think there's a JP calendar floating around somewhere, matching up the timeframe is what most other people are doing but I think your best bet is to go by the login campaign dates since after that's done there's no huge login bonus like there is now. I'm guessing we probably have at least a few weeks to a month before anything "major" like a limited banner but we might get some small event like that free 4* character we are expecting or something. We don't even have an official date on that yet tho.
Does FGO have GBF-style week-long recruiting/ranking events? I just assume they do because that's what drives a lot of these games as service gacha games.


I think I´ll burn even my 4* cards today just to be sure with the tickets.
I don´t relly need them right now, my waver is 60 and I have no mats for the next ascension. I´m ap starved already, this sucks.

Btw what´s everybody using for today´s dailies. My waver is no good for that.


I think I´ll burn even my 4* cards today just to be sure with the tickets.
I don´t relly need them right now, my waver is 60 and I have no mats for the next ascension. I´m ap starved already, this sucks.

Btw what´s everybody using for today´s dailies. My waver is no good for that.

I had an easy time with Altria, Altera and Heracles.


Any particular reason people don't put "Journey begins" CE on their support servant? For me personally if I know I can get 100 friend points vs 25 I'm going after the 100 all day. The Jeanne I was using as support stopped using it as well. :(

Since they don't stack you're better off putting it on someone in your backline. Outside of the extra FP it doesn't really add any stats to the servant.


Btw what´s everybody using for today´s dailies. My waver is no good for that.
I pretty much always use Jeanne + Lu + Herc. Formal Craft on Jeanne, buster cards on the other two. Lu usually gets k.od during the 2nd wave, but then Mash comes in and together with Jeanne she (usually) keeps Herc alive to decimate everyone.


Well I managed to beat the 40 AP exp daily, but it took everything I had + 3 command seals. Probably would have gone a little smoother but my support Jeanne got one shotted by a full charge attack on the second set of enemies. I'd never seen an enemy live that long before so I wasn't used to watching their gauges. Vlad got critted on the first turn too, running double berserker maybe not the best strategy here.

Best part was Sasaki Kojiro living up to his legend and taking out a couple of those gold hands by himself when he was the last man standing.

Until yesterday I never realized that exp cards had classes, this time I got a ton of Rider cards so I leveled up and ascended Medusa. I really need a more varied team but I still want to stick to my favorite characters if I can. So her, Cu Lancer and Sasaki will get priority. I don't have much in the way of Sabers (just Lily but everyone says she sucks) but I'll probably take Emiya as my free dude just because of reasons.


Finished the 1st singularity and ascended my Jeanne twice, think I might be done with the game for now. Fun little thing, I see why people get into it!

After all the money I spent on Monster Strike and FEH, I can't really afford to get invested in another one of these lol


Should i be using my Quartz for summoning at all or just keeping them for when more servants are added to the pool? Almost have enough for a 10 pull.


Unconfirmed Member
Nearing the end of Orleans, and the translation's use of male pronouns to refer to a female servant in Ch. 12 bugs me.
Should i be using my Quartz for summoning at all or just keeping them for when more servants are added to the pool? Almost have enough for a 10 pull.

Do you want a specific Servant? Wait for a rate up.

Do you just want to roll the dice and are fine with whatever? Then go ahead.


so to be clear, you get one quartz per story mission and one more for the related free quest for that area? I'd assume this keeps up for all new story chapters but who knows with this game.

I got 10 for clearing Fuyuki the first time but from what I understand that's the only one with a full clear bonus.

I've also done some reading up on the guaranteed 5* paid gacha they do for special occasions like new years or the game's anniversary. I'm ok with paying into a game I'm playing a lot but that seems like the only time it would be reasonable to do so. I wonder if the NA version will get any summer events at all or if it's going to strictly follow the original 2015 JP schedule.
Beat 40 AP XP daily for the first time, and without type advantage to boot. Team was 56 Altera, 40 Martha and friend 60 Arthuria. I just wanted to see how it was and was planning to use all 3 of my command seals to get though it, but it went surprisingly well.

The first round was the toughest and I had to blow pretty much all my skills to get past it. Round 2 Excalibur cut down a nice chunk of HP from all the enemies and I started farming more NP gauge. My HP was low, but I got out of round 2 with all 3 NP charged. Round 3 was triple NP Buster Chain Tarrasque -> Photon Ray -> Excalibur for a one turn victory

Also Martha is a lucky charm. She went from Lvl 1 to Lvl 40 in 2 enhances thanks to a great and a super success. Altera after that went from 50 - 56 with another great success. That seriously saved me a ton of mats and QP.
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