That ending was stupid. I remember people saying "there's no way that this kid is, that would be too dumb and obvious" and then they actually did it lolJimmy's son and kills Nucky
The more time passes, the more I think The Sopranos had the best ending. It's unique and people will talk about it forever.
I like the Parks and Rec "ending season" very much. The entire season is a celebration of the show.
Malcolm in the Middle
Offered a sweet $200k/year job out of highschool after a lifetime of struggling and pain. His mother refuses.
"That's absurd, you actually want me to be President?"
Mother : "Look me in the eyes and tell me you can't do it."
The whole series, years of showing the crap he has to suffer in the name of making him a better person - someone who would look after those constantly crapped on - to end with him begrudgingly head to college working spare time as a janitor to work his way to President.... It's amazing.
Yes. Too bad Korra was far less so.
definitely a great one... but then season 9
Sopranos, Come at me...
The Wire, You can't even come at me!
I'd like to buy the world a coke
And keep it company
Monk's ending was fantastic.
The Leftovers
Neon Genesis Evangelion
I like the Parks and Rec "ending season" very much. The entire season is a celebration of the show.
Six feet under has the most complete and satisfying ending I've ever seen. How the writers masterfully weaved the conclusion with the shows theme is It's perfect.
So dark!
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Game of thrones.
I liked the ending of Stargate Atlantis.
It was poetic and fitting, but the god-awful CGI ruined it for me.
The Shield is definitely one of the ones I enjoyed most, and had a decent build-up too.
And fucking Shane. That whole scene, shit. Felt sick the first time I watched it and realized what happened.
Fringe's ending stuck with me for a LONG time......
I don't know what's worse, this or people posting the shit copout of an ending that is LOST.
prolly nge since the series is overrated shite and atleast lost had a few good seasons