Dude Abides
Border Ruffians 2.0
Well they do both have a lot of white vans
What do you call a white terrorist again? Criminals? Or was it something even more tame?
Troubled youth.
Maybe I missed something, but where does it say they are Christian?When will Trump label them Radical Christian Terrorists? He has to name them.
Maybe I missed something, but where does it say they are Christian?
Can't sugarcoat that anymore than it is.They are terrorists
Militia means there's more of them. Also there's plenty of militias that are just racists attacking minorities, I think in any place that's not a warzone and not the US that term rings the alarm bells.
Don't deflect. If this was any shade of skin darker than white you know it would be labelled as attempted terror.
Maybe I missed something, but where does it say they are Christian?
The same place where it says everyone with brown skin is a Muslim.
The same place where it says everyone with brown skin is a Muslim.
My point is that the word 'militia' is largely romanticized and viewed patriotically in the US.
EDIT: Nevermind, Im an idiotThe same place where it says everyone with brown skin is a Muslim.
Three southwest Kansas men, Patrick Eugene Stein, Curtis Allen, and Gavin Wright, were arrested today for allegedly conspiring to blow up an apartment complex in Garden City that houses a mosque and serves as a home for many local Somali refugees, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.
Three southwest Kansas men, Patrick Eugene Stein, Curtis Allen, and Gavin Wright, were arrested today for allegedly conspiring to blow up an apartment complex in Garden City that houses a mosque and serves as a home for many local Somali refugees, according to the U.S. Attorneys Office.
Surprising no one, Stein was an active Trump supporter.
Like 99% of the domestic terrorism briefings I get in my inbox are Christian radicals or white nationalists (usually overlapping). The news media talks about brown people because it's scarier and easier to put a face on, but the actual resources focus on cases like this.
How do you get these notifications?
I'm afraid that there's more where these idiots came from. Trump has emboldened the right-wing extremists.
My god. Kid Rock? Ted Nugent? Patriot_6969? @Yahoo.com? When I thought I couldn't have a lower opinion of someone they throw that shit around.
FBI agents said Curtis Allen, 49, Gavin Wright, 49, and Patrick Stein, 47, planned to blow up four car bombs at a Garden City apartment complex and mosque. The three men linked to a militia cell called The Crusaders were charged Friday with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Steins family asked for privacy in a statement released through their attorney Monday but thanked all law enforcement agencies involved with foiling the attack.
The Stein family is shocked and devastated by the news we received last Friday, his family said. We do not support discrimination of any sort and have never advocated or condoned violence as a solution to differences.
My point is that the word 'militia' is largely romanticized and viewed patriotically in the US.
The hell. ..My god. Kid Rock? Ted Nugent? Patriot_6969? @Yahoo.com? When I thought I couldn't have a lower opinion of someone they throw that shit around.
How did they even get this far? Why did no other Christians report them sooner? Surely they must have seen something, heard something. Where is the condemnation from the Christianity community here?
That is almost exactly what happened.
ehhh, Ive never seen the word militia used in a positive way in contemporary use. Not a lot of people go "Oh youre in a militia, cool!", its more "Oh youre in a militia, you sound like a nut!"
White privilege takes many forms in America. Terrorists are nebulous brown Arabs and Muslims. White privilege deems that such a label not be applied by the mainstream news media and in the popular discourse to white Christians such as Allen, Wright and Stein.
On these matters, white privilege also imperils public safety. Since 2002 more Americans have been killed by white Christian Right-wing terrorists than by Muslims or Arabs. As reported by Duke Universitys Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security in 2015, Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face. In their announcement about the arrest of Allen, Wright and Stein, the Federal Bureau of Investigation also referred to the Crusaders as domestic terrorists.
But the Right-wing media and the Republican Party has chosen to actively suppress that information as in the case of how West Points Combatting Terrorism Centers findings about the threat posed by Right-wing anti-government groups was met with protests, derision and threats to cut research funding. In all, the image of the Muslim-Arab bogeyman with a suicide vest hiding under beds in white Middle America does more political work for conservatives than a mature discussion of the significant dangers posed by white Right-wing radicals and terrorists in the Sovereign citizens and militia movements.
That post is satire... People make the same statement (unironically) about Muslims every time people hear about an ISIS attack or a brown person committing an act of terror.Absolutely nowhere in the article is Christianity mentioned, save for the group calling themselves crusaders. Let's not rope in outside group for no damn good reason.
Trust me, a lot of the people who would join a militia see it as patriotic. In school, it was the term some of my textbooks used to define the early U.S. army back in the Revolutionary War.
[becomes actual domestic terrorist]
"but but but but but but terrorists are brown!"
Yeah, the level of stupidity on display here is truly staggering.