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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC


It's not convenient. It's purposeful.

Yes, It's convenient for the plot to progress. If they new zombies exist then the response could have a chance to end this quickly and avert the crisis. So yes it is purposeful but it is also very very convenient for the zombies to thrive. Knowing this now makes it less annoying when it happens i guess.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
That city shot was soooo CGI.

In any case, I'm glad they're FINALLY showing LA breaking down. The pilot didn't get to this but this one does and outside of not explaining the characters (because they tried to do that in the pilot) this was a lot more better paced to get to the "shit goes down." Now we're actually going to start to see how people should act during the apocalypse. I may stick around now.
Oh yeah, still, you'd think more people would be watching tv on that day. More viewers is a good thing.

People go camping, on trips, to baseball games, cookouts, drink and shit for Labor Day. Not sit in their living room sunday night.

Yes, It's convenient for the plot to progress. If they new zombies exist then the response could have a chance to end this quickly and avert the crisis. So yes it is purposeful but it is also very very convenient for the zombies to thrive. Knowing this now makes it less annoying when it happens i guess.

How are you just learning this now? It's been like that since the beginning of the TWD.


I'm really liking the setting, Los Angeles at the beginning of the apocalypse, this is great. I loved the overhead shot of the city lights going off.


Ugh the wait. Things are turning to hell now.

Interesting set of events. Undead are rising and in response to that police don't really know how to deal with them. This in turn creates unrest and that unrest turns to riots which endanger more people and cause more deaths resulting in more undead on top of the already undead attacking other people and killing/turning them.
Color me surprised. I thought this show was gonna be shit and they were trying to milk the Walking Dead for all its worth (they're probably doing that, though - lol) and what story could they possibly tell, but I'm liking this so far. It's actually cool so far, to see society unravel and see what happened before the Walking Dead. I'm going to keep watching, that's for sure.


People go camping, on trips, to baseball games, cookouts, drink and shit for Labor Day. Not sit in their living room sunday night.

How are you just learning this now? It's been like that since the beginning of the TWD.

I honestly thought it was just forced stupidity.


From the clip of the next episode looks like it's going to be a really good one. That hospital scene looks crazy.

I really hope Travis is this show's Rick and he's the one that makes it out of this season the leader. They could easily swing in a direction and kill him off after making us think he's the lead. There is no source material here so it's all an unknown. I like having that comfort of knowing Rick and Carl will be okay when I watch TWD. Don't have that safety net here.


Anyone else liking the tone of this show? TWD has a more southern sentimentality thing going about it.

Fear TWD seems a lot more serious, more no-nonsense.

Hari Seldon

her face and voice is so bland in the scenes, you know?

You guys are nuts. Kim Dickens is easily the best actor/actress in twd franchise. If there is any flaw in this series, it is that the pathetic writing is not up to the standards of the actors that they cast. Next time they should shoot for Kevin Sorbo level, but I guess all that twd money was burning a hole in their pocket.
I wonder when they will reveal those 5 states that had an outbreak.... I'm also wondering when we will see the crazy and stereotypical religious folks lol.

This episode was better than the premiere. It is slowly, but surely, escalating the outbreak and I don't mind that. My only issue was the zombies and how often they showed up. I would like it if they showed more instances of where zombies appeared in the city.
You guys are nuts. Kim Dickens is easily the best actor/actress in twd franchise. If there is any flaw in this series, it is that the pathetic writing is not up to the standards of the actors that they cast. Next time they should shoot for Kevin Sorbo level, but I guess all that twd money was burning a hole in their pocket.
I can just as easily say you're nuts for putting her on a pedestal. For what it's worth I don't think michonne's actress is all that great either even though I think the character's great.


I love the fact that you can imagine your family driving by that hospital not knowing what the fuck to do...

I love that the series was like this and not everyone's dead already love it


Good episode, things are really starting to kick off now. Loved the protest and riot scenes, as well as the overhead shot of the city at night, traffic backed up, and electricty going out. The cop loading up water was a good shot too.

Worst part of the episode was at the school. Tobias just waiting for someone to unlock the school or what? Then Madison still trying to help the principal after she saw Calvin take a Ford to the chest and keep on growling. And after all that they left without the food...

Still, good episode. Nightfall and the walker attacking the neighbor across the street making the tone and atmosphere all the more unsettling. Two weeks will be a long wait.
Finally got a chance to check out a bit of the pilot and was surprised to see that the church featured in the show was the same one that my team and I used in a short film of ours about "Vega" from Street Fighter. Neat!

Here's a couple of shots from our shoot.


Good episode, things are really starting to kick off now. Loved the protest and riot scenes, as well as the overhead shot of the city at night, traffic backed up, and electricty going out. The cop loading up water was a good shot too.

Worst part of the episode was at the school. Tobias just waiting for someone to unlock the school or what? Then Madison still trying to help the principal after she saw Calvin take a Ford to the chest and keep on growling. And after all that they left without the food...

Still, good episode. Nightfall and the walker attacking the neighbor across the street making the tone and atmosphere all the more unsettling. Two weeks will be a long wait.

The briefest moment in the episode for me and probably the most chilling. It implies a great deal. The woman clearly did not take heed to the advice she was hopefully given. She was alone at night with a familiar face turned enemy. It was really dark. And I don't mean the time of day.


Moving forward, how are they going to differentiate this from the main show? At this rate, society will have totally crumbled within a few episodes.


I'm really enjoying the show but seriously... the only known characters that are turning are black. The Walking Dead really seems to enjoy taking out black characters. I'm not much of a witch hunter, but I do find it humorous.

Matt, Calvin, and whatever the principal of the schools name is.
I read that Matt turned somewhere in the episode; must've missed it.
Finally got a chance to check out a bit of the pilot and was surprised to see that the church featured in the show was the same one that my team and I used in a short film of ours about "Vega" from Street Fighter. Neat!

Here's a couple of shots from our shoot.


hm, what scene did they use the church? or are you talking about the church from the pilot?
The briefest moment in the episode for me and probably the most chilling. It implies a great deal. The woman clearly did not take heed to the advice she was hopefully given. She was alone at night with a familiar face turned enemy. It was really dark. And I don't mean the time of day.
I wonder if she got bit, too.
Moving forward, how are they going to differentiate this from the main show? At this rate, society will have totally crumbled within a few episodes.
I think the apocalypse will have taken full effect by the season finale. Then we'll really get to see how different the shows could be.


I think the show just insinuated it because he didn't pick up the phone when the girl called.

Well at this house they indicated that he had been bitten - he didn't just catch a cold and have fever. It would only be a matter of time until he turned.

I'm curious if everyone is already infected. I assume the majority are/will be soon so when/if they die they automatically turn.


Moving forward, how are they going to differentiate this from the main show? At this rate, society will have totally crumbled within a few episodes.

I hope it's completely different. TWD just became a show where it runs in place. Ultimately it's a show where people are goalless, they just want to survive in the world. It's a good show, but we don't need another in that style.

I'd like this show to be about people who don't constantly lose their will to live and need to be 'brought back' in 5 episode arcs. Have this group be driven, have goals, keep their scrappiness. Have a group of A type personalities who refuse to admit defeat and make plans to secure a high rise building in Vegas with a roof garden. I'd love six episode seasons that keep forward inertia. Have episodes start at point A and have them end at a definite point B, and not just endless episodes that are just kind of hanging in limbo like TWD.
I hope it's completely different. TWD just became a show where it runs in place. Ultimately it's a show where people are goalless, they just want to survive in the world. It's a good show, but we don't need another in that style.

I'd like this show to be about people who don't constantly lose their will to live and need to be 'brought back' in 5 episode arcs. Have this group be driven, have goals, keep their scrappiness. Have a group of A type personalities who refuse to admit defeat and make plans to secure a high rise building in Vegas with a roof garden. I'd love six episode seasons that keep forward inertia. Have episodes start at point A and have them end at a definite point B, and not just endless episodes that are just kind of hanging in limbo like TWD.
Next season is 15 episodes
I hope it's completely different. TWD just became a show where it runs in place. Ultimately it's a show where people are goalless, they just want to survive in the world. It's a good show, but we don't need another in that style.

I'd like this show to be about people who don't constantly lose their will to live and need to be 'brought back' in 5 episode arcs. Have this group be driven, have goals, keep their scrappiness. Have a group of A type personalities who refuse to admit defeat and make plans to secure a high rise building in Vegas with a roof garden. I'd love six episode seasons that keep forward inertia. Have episodes start at point A and have them end at a definite point B, and not just endless episodes that are just kind of hanging in limbo like TWD.
well...it is the same universe, so eventually all these people are gonna care about is survival. that's all that's going to matter eventually.


The briefest moment in the episode for me and probably the most chilling. It implies a great deal. The woman clearly did not take heed to the advice she was hopefully given. She was alone at night with a familiar face turned enemy. It was really dark. And I don't mean the time of day.

I'm guessing the walker was the neighbor a couple doors down right? The one Madison saw loading up his car and coughing. Anyway yeah, pretty chilling scene. Then Madison closes the door and turns away. Really dark indeed.


the mom's actress is kind of emotionless. am I the only one who feels that way?

I feel that all the main actors just feel generic to me. Like some bad c flick horror movie. I am still going to watch but hard to get on board with this family. Just my opinion.

Also why didn't they take that food with them after killing the principle and leaving the school? They were not being chased, that annoyed me.


The way the main characters refused to tell others about what they saw was the one thing that pissed me off. If you don't want your daughter to die, tell her why she shouldn't go outside!

I see why the wrote it that way, though. It's more impactful if these characters get to learn about the zombies from seeing it firsthand.


As a hater of Walking Dead since Season 3.5 I actually find myself enjoying this. I like the cast of characters more than the WD cast and the setting seems a lot more interesting than the Georgian woods. I don't know how to describe it, but it feels a lot less "amateur" than the main show. If the WD taught me anything it's that the zombie apocalypse isn't actually that interesting once the initial panic is gone.

Knowing AMC they'll probably end up doing 3 seasons in a desert cabin or something, but right now I'm on board.

Enjoying this show but it does feel really low budget. Even by AMC standards. Kind of a shame.

I feel the complete opposite.

Either regular Walking Dead has a shoestring budget, or the zombie makeup costs a fortune. I'd much rather have less zombies and more location variety. This show seems to have a much larger scale so far (lets see if they can keep it up though...).
Knowing AMC they'll probably end up doing 3 seasons in a desert cabin or something, but right now I'm on board.
Anyone here a fan of the podcast serial We're Alive? Would be cool if they did something like that in the second season. It takes place in LA, and in that, the characters hole up in an apartment building and then build a community there.
better episode, I always find it funny in zombie movies and shows when they call out the name of the person that has turned like they didn't hear them the first 10 times they called out their name

like the prinicpal in this episode was gonna reply back like : "Sorry I didn't hear you call my name numerous times, now excuse as I do my slow and ridiculous looking pimp walk as I look at you like a piece of meat.

other than thatt the biuld up to all hell breaking loose is looking, good shame we have to wait two weeks.

EDIT: kinda off topic but that commercial for AMC's "Into the Badlands" looks dope!! a little "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon every week!? I'm there!!!
I feel that all the main actors just feel generic to me. Like some bad c flick horror movie. I am still going to watch but hard to get on board with this family. Just my opinion.

Also why didn't they take that food with them after killing the principle and leaving the school? They were not being chased, that annoyed me.
that was supposed to be food? looked like a bunch of fucking paint cans to me.
Nope I feel the same. Love how she doesn't explain shit and just block the door and stare lol. Like yeah she's gonna die cause you know. You KNOW. FROM STARING AT MY EYES.
well it's one thing to stop your daughter from going outside and helping someone when it's fucking dangerous, but it's another thing to just look at her like nothing's going on.
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