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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC


Ugh the wait. Things are turning to hell now.

Interesting set of events. Undead are rising and in response to that police don't really know how to deal with them. This in turn creates unrest and that unrest turns to riots which endanger more people and cause more deaths resulting in more undead on top of the already undead attacking other people and killing/turning them.

Yeah. Part of the whole zombie apocalypse thing is how exactly does it happen? Wouldn't we stop it before it got out of hand? And I like where they are going with this. They've got the virus that turns you into a zombie when you die anyway, the virus also seems to be killing certain people off (thus turning them into zombies) and then you've got people not knowing what they are or how to handle them and the panic sprouting from seeing bits and pieces. Then the cops not knowing how to deal with this leading to riots that just make things worse. People wouldn't just go "oh ok, the police are shooting people we see as innocent and telling us what to do, everything is fine", they would question what the cops are doing, question the shootings and lack of information, riot and protest the goings on which just all pile on more chances for bites or sickness random killings.

Really into it so far I just hope when everything has gone to shit it isn't just TWD 2: Slightly Different Boogaloo.
My main issue with the show so far is that I liked Rick almost immediately, but two episodes into this and I don't particularly care for any of the characters yet.


A couple of years ago when I was in Thailand I had this nightmare where the zombie apocalypse happened and I was stuck there forever since there were no more flights home. Only society didn't quite collapse since it was reliant on makeshift night markets and many were farmers and made due with limited electricity and dwellings beforehand anyway, so the climb down from where it was before wasn't as severe an adjustment. In my nightmare I'm at a night market with friends drinking from our cheap plastic cups and sitting on our cheap plastic chairs, only the foot traffic for the night was lighter than usual and you didn't want to venture to the extremities of the market perimeter because there was zombies lumbering around. It was so eerie and memorable.

The second half of tonight's episode with Los Angeles's streets being overtaken by "Whoo! Lawlessness, this is awesome!" rioters really reminded me of that dream. Halfway still into society and halfway into anarchy.

Whoever's doing the score for this show is killing it (no pun intended). Easily on par with McCreary's work. That was amazing.

They managed to kill 3 black supporting characters in 2 episodes time.

That has to be a new record for the "The Black Guy Dies First" trope.

Total number of black characters dead is higher. The unnamed black man in the drug den, Calvin, Matt, Artie and (implied) Matt's parents.
Why is it in these zombie shows/films, the characters in the fiction are unaware of zombie lore? How to kill them, etc.?

In 'The Faculty', they at least had a character aware of the Invasion Of The Body Snatchers book and referred to it.


Maybe in your opinion. Easily one of my favorites

Hell yeah! Tyresse was fucking great. I loved seeing his arc, especially compared to the comics. The only thing I wish they had done was have Sasha take his hammer start using it.

Maybe in the comics, where he was a great character with some very interesting story lines, but the show creators did not give us that character, and we should all be mad about that.

He was an asshole in the comics. As is pretty much everyone in the comics. I like how they keep the assholes down to more reasonable numbers in the show.

Anyway, Tobias is totally the best character in this show and I will be pissed if we don't see a lot more of him.


Hunky Nostradamus
When Nick looked up at the airplane a few minutes into the episode: I bet that's the plane from the 30 minute stand alone special they're going to do!


I love how no matter how dense and stupid the daughter acts, the show constantly reminds us that she is going to Berkley. They even paused on the acceptance letter - we must not forget that she is smart.


I love how no matter how dense and stupid the daughter acts, the show constantly reminds us that she is going to Berkley. They even paused on the acceptance letter - we must not forget that she is smart.

Lol i laughed at that. Cause pretty much I said out loud "bye bye berkeley" and also "bye bye boyfriend".
The government doesn't know anything about the disease and everyone has it so its airborne or supernatural? anyway I think the show nails the feeling of society slowly breaking down but the actors completely ruins it for me. It's still a lot better than TWD.


Funny how people always drop the 'white people die too!' excuse when talking about this.

How do you not get the difference in 3 out of 20 white characters being killed off and 3 out of 5 black characters being killed off.


I literally fell asleep during the episode as it was airing, woke up, tried to watch it again from the start then fell asleep. I don't know if it's the show or something wrong with me. I suspect both.


this show has definitely started off better than walking dead did. the pacing is much better where as walking often suffers from being stretched probably because of the source material. since this is its own thing it shouldn't fall into the same trap or at least I hope not.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The way the main characters refused to tell others about what they saw was the one thing that pissed me off. If you don't want your daughter to die, tell her why she shouldn't go outside!

I see why the wrote it that way, though. It's more impactful if these characters get to learn about the zombies from seeing it firsthand.

Ugh, I was thinking the exact same thing. I hate when shows do this. I also see why they wrote it that way but I think their reasons are dumb. Common sense should trump impact, IMO.

Also yeah, I'm liking this way better than like the first 4 seasons of TWD so far.


I think the start of the virus outbreak has something to do with the water for some reason when they were showing shots of the water in the first episode I just drew my own conclusions that this is probably water-based hence why you're already infected without being bit
this show has definitely started off better than walking dead did. the pacing is much better where as walking often suffers from being stretched probably because of the source material. since this is its own thing it shouldn't fall into the same trap or at least I hope not.

The government doesn't know anything about the disease and everyone has it so its airborne or supernatural? anyway I think the show nails the feeling of society slowly breaking down but the actors completely ruins it for me. It's still a lot better than TWD.
Well keep in mind that this is a prequel story. In this show, rick is in a coma right now. Eventually, this is gonna be the same as twd, just in western United States.
I literally fell asleep during the episode as it was airing, woke up, tried to watch it again from the start then fell asleep. I don't know if it's the show or something wrong with me. I suspect both.
Sounds like you were tired.


Loved the second episode more than the first.

I'm kind of burned out with the original show, so this is a great breath of fresh air.
For those of you complaining about the mom not telling her daughter what's happening... what exactly do you think she could say to her daughter?

"Honey, these sick people are going to die." If the girl doesn't immediately try to push past her to get to her bf, she will go to her room and climb out the window. She loves her bf and wants to be with him.

"And when they die, they come back. Only different. They are violent. They try to bite people." Again, how do you think the girl reacts to this? There's no way unless she's actually seen it happen that she's going to believe this. Her reaction is going to be, "I thought you were fine with me and Matt being together! What kind of bs is this?"

Then finally, "Nick had to run Cal over with the truck and he still got up. I had to bash in the skull of my boss and friend with a fire extinguisher to get him to stop trying to bite a student!" Obvious response, "Yeah, right! Bullshit, mom!"

I mean, come on, guys. WE KNOW MORE THAN THE CHARACTERS. Trying to actually explain this to a girl whom you're trying to keep from running to her bf isn't going to be easy, especially just an hour or so after having to murder someone (you don't think she feels like she murdered her friend?).
Then finally, "Nick had to run Cal over with the truck and he still got up. I had to bash in the skull of my boss and friend with a fire extinguisher to get him to stop trying to bite a student!" Obvious response, "Yeah, right! Bullshit, mom!"
I don't think she'd call bullshit to that. It may make her rethink about the incident on the freeway.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
I hate the ex-wife and her son more. The daughter is at least stupid in the sense of "not knowing what is going on" sort.

I love the ex-wife when she's on Orange is the New Black - glad to see her get another gig and have more exposure.

I think this show is really setting up some building blocks nicely, and I bet Kirkman is just happy to be able to have more flexibility with the concept and not have to worry about Rick and company all the time.


Well keep in mind that this is a prequel story. In this show, rick is in a coma right now. Eventually, this is gonna be the same as twd, just in western United States.

Im hoping they only do one or two 6 episode lead in seasons and then bring select cast members into the actual show. It would allow them to separate from the comic more.


These feel like the ever growing amount of unanswered questions the viewer isn't supposed to ask. Which is bad story telling at its finest.

Really? I thought I missed it in the first episode. There is probably going to be a flashback scene in another episode.

Loved the second episode more than the first.

I'm kind of burned out with the original show, so this is a great breath of fresh air.

For, TWD is just doom and gloom. Nothing but death and despair. It also started the first season like that. With FTWD it started great and bright and cheerful and ofcourse it was go to when the TWD started but at least it is refreshing to see the world slowly go down.
For those of you complaining about the mom not telling her daughter what's happening... what exactly do you think she could say to her daughter?

"Honey, these sick people are going to die." If the girl doesn't immediately try to push past her to get to her bf, she will go to her room and climb out the window. She loves her bf and wants to be with him.

"And when they die, they come back. Only different. They are violent. They try to bite people." Again, how do you think the girl reacts to this? There's no way unless she's actually seen it happen that she's going to believe this. Her reaction is going to be, "I thought you were fine with me and Matt being together! What kind of bs is this?"

Then finally, "Nick had to run Cal over with the truck and he still got up. I had to bash in the skull of my boss and friend with a fire extinguisher to get him to stop trying to bite a student!" Obvious response, "Yeah, right! Bullshit, mom!"

I mean, come on, guys. WE KNOW MORE THAN THE CHARACTERS. Trying to actually explain this to a girl whom you're trying to keep from running to her bf isn't going to be easy, especially just an hour or so after having to murder someone (you don't think she feels like she murdered her friend?).

This. To me all the reactions so far have been realistic considering the circumstances. Humans always try to find a way to rationalize things, and if they cannot do that the next thing is try to ignore it. Funny that people are saying "Why in zombie movies people don't know about zombies?" and other people say that "Why are you trying to call out for him, don't you know hes clearly a zombie?"

Anyway, I have been liking these first 2 episodes a lot. First episode was really setting the mood in and preparing for the inevitable fall, the second episode was a little more rough but still cool. Cast is ok, I get the feeling that the mom of the family will be head honcho in this series, but won't be as qualified as Rick. I sort of hate Alicia, because she is so cliche teenage girl rebelling against her parents. I don't know exactly what is her relationship with her brother, but I would have hoped that it would have been stronger. More like that they would be throwing witty comments and notions at each other and such. Now it's more like "I hate you." "Lol what can you do?". Nick feels ok, on the first episode he felt terrified by all the stuff he saw and I loved it. It really felt like he had trouble trying to figure out if everything was real or not. On the second episode he started to feel a little off but I just try to cross it down with the drug withdrawal. Also "She tried to go out." calling out from Nick felt pretty childish, but I guess it was just so that his mom knows she might try something.

Chris character feels pretty annoying too, and I fear we will be getting a lot of bitching from him throughout the series. Mini Eugene was awesome, although I would question why he would go get his beloved "Knife" all the way from the teachers office, and not get a new one. Travis is ok, no feelings for him one way or another. Everyone else is pretty much cannon fodder at this point.

All and all,Mood is great, characters could be better (As always), Music is fantastic, Setting is great. It is refreshing to return to the start of the apocalypse when zombies still pose a threat and tensions are still high. Will be waiting for the rest of the season with high hopes.
Mini Eugene was awesome, although I would question why he would go get his beloved "Knife" all the way from the teachers office, and not get a new one.
People really think he want back to the school just to get his knife? I thought it was pretty obvious that he was there to stock up on food and it happened to coincide with the time the mom was there. So why not ask for his knife back while she's there?
People really think he want back to the school just to get his knife? I thought it was pretty obvious that he was there to stock up on food and it happened to coincide with the time the mom was there. So why not ask for his knife back while she's there?

I know he didn't go there for the knife, but it was a steak knife. Why bother at all when he has had a full day to get a new better one, especially if he is so aware of the situation going in. One could argue that he has no access to knives in general, but that just sounds far fetched.


I know he didn't go there for the knife, but it was a steak knife. Why bother at all when he has had a full day to get a new better one, especially if he is so aware of the situation going in. One could argue that he has no access to knives in general, but that just sounds far fetched.

It was just to reinforce that the kid knew shit was going down before anyone else.
I know he didn't go there for the knife, but it was a steak knife. Why bother at all when he has had a full day to get a new better one, especially if he is so aware of the situation going in. One could argue that he has no access to knives in general, but that just sounds far fetched.
Why bother? It's less about him needing the steak knife and more about initating conversation between the two characters. It was a call back to the previous conversation between him and the mom. Remember, the first time they talked, he asked her if he could have his knife back? Now things are different.
People really think he want back to the school just to get his knife? I thought it was pretty obvious that he was there to stock up on food and it happened to coincide with the time the mom was there. So why not ask for his knife back while she's there?

I think later, yes, when he goes and starts to fill the grocery cart. But originally it's like, "Hey here I am in the school with no one else around and even though I know there are zombies, and I've known that for a few days now, I heard a rustling in here and though I should have gone straight for the food I thought I'd investigate and here you are, stealing drugs from the cabinet, so I assume you know the world has gone to shit, and rather than me saying 'I told you so' I'm just gonna say, 'so can I have my knife back now?'"

First reaction was "are you fucking serious, kid? You know there's a zombie apocalypse and the only knife you want is that shitty kitchen knife the guidance counselor took from you? You telling me you can't find another knife?"

But then they go foraging for food later.

Edit: Might have actually been better if she'd said, "Oh, hey, Tobias, I think I can give you that knife back now" and he could have pulled out a machete and said, "Nah, I'm good."
Why bother? It's less about him needing the steak knife and more about initating conversation between the two characters. It was a call back to the previous conversation between him and the mom. Remember, the first time they talked, he asked her if he could have his knife back? Now things are different.

Ok, that makes sense. Was too focused on the knife and how ineffective it would be.


Nork unification denier
When Nick looked up at the airplane a few minutes into the episode: I bet that's the plane from the 30 minute stand alone special they're going to do!

Hah, that's what I thought too.

I really love the junkie son for some reason. Just love the way he tore into his sister's boyfriend's bathroom looking for drugs. So obnoxious, lol.


This show is by far better than the last few seasons of TWD. I'd put the first two episodes of FTWD along with TWD Season 1.

Hope they keep it up and don't overdramatize it like the main show.


Much better episode. And man, black dudes sure are not fairing well in these Zombie apocalypses. It has to be intentional and a joke we all sort of get a this point right?
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