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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC


Hah, that's what I thought too.

I really love the junkie son for some reason. Just love the way he tore into his sister's boyfriend's bathroom looking for drugs. So obnoxious, lol.

Nick is hands down my favourite character on the show thus far. I'm biased in part due to Frank Dillane being the son of Stephen Dillane, AKA The One True King, but he is also a legit good actor and has the strongest performance on the show thus far.
This is like Lost all over again; where no one wants to explain what the fuck is going on even though they've seen it.

I think you're really underestimating 1.) How traumatizing seeing that shit would be on a person, hell you want to talk about PTSD. 2.) How fucking crazy and unbelievable you'd sound to people in a world where there is no conception of Zombies by going around saying some virus or something you don't know what it is is spreading and causing people to survive multiple car strikes and try to eat people. That is raving lunatic talk.

There is nothing unrealistic about having a difficult time talking about extremely traumatizing incidents, these aren't action movie stars.


This is like Lost all over again; where no one wants to explain what the fuck is going on even though they've seen it.

They are explaining. With their STARING EYES. CAUSE THAT'S HOW YOU SAY "THAT'S A FUCKING ZOMBIE OUTSIDE" without actually saying anything.


I guess there are no zombie movies or games in this world, first time I see a dead person get up or take a clip full of bullets to the chest and they keep walking…I’m screaming Zombie!

Solid episode, like the story so far, still not happy only 6 episodes, when is S2 supposed to air, will it be after TWD?
I've enjoyed the first 2 episodes a lot. I think it is a little unfair to compare it directly to the current state of TWD. It is easier (at least in my mind) to make an interesting show about the downfall of society (see that clip from next week's episode for example) than one about a group 3 years down the road.

Whoever's doing the score for this show is killing it (no pun intended). Easily on par with McCreary's work. That was amazing.

Atticus Ross I think is doing the score. He worked with Trent Reznor on the Social Network and Gone Girl score.
I think I should have waited for the full order season to start. This isnt doing anything for me. Its nothing we havent seen already. And the stuff we havent such as the civil disobedience was glossed over really fast.


I think you're really underestimating 1.) How traumatizing seeing that shit would be on a person, hell you want to talk about PTSD. 2.) How fucking crazy and unbelievable you'd sound to people in a world where there is no conception of Zombies by going around saying some virus or something you don't know what it is is spreading and causing people to survive multiple car strikes and try to eat people. That is raving lunatic talk.

There is nothing unrealistic about having a difficult time talking about extremely traumatizing incidents, these aren't action movie stars.

This kind of writing is in a lot of shows and movies, it's often times just shitty writing and milking.

I'd be telling people if I saw somebody start eating somebody else, I'd tell people if I saw a person get run over multiple times and just stood up. I'd definitely tell people if I believed there was a virus connected to these events.

Raving lunatic talk, yeah maybe... in a normal society where shit isn't going don. The situation they're in... it's time to start sharing whatever you know.
This kind of writing is in a lot of shows and movies, it's often times just shitty writing and milking.

I'd be telling people if I saw somebody start eating somebody else, I'd tell people if I saw a person get run over multiple times and just stood up. I'd definitely tell people if I believed there was a virus connected to these events.

Raving lunatic talk, yeah maybe... in a normal society where shit isn't going don. The situation they're in... it's time to start sharing whatever you know.
Thing is that Travis told his ex-wife what was going on, that the shooting and everything are connected, there's a virus. The son tried to tell people. So you can't say the writers aren't aware of that.

So it comes down to that particular character and how she deals with things. Probably trying to shelter her daughter and also still reeling from having killed a good friend only a little while before


Thing is that Travis told his ex-wife what was going on, that the shooting and everything are connected, there's a virus. The son tried to tell people. So you can't say the writers aren't aware of that.

So it comes down to that particular character and how she deals with things. Probably trying to shelter her daughter and also still reeling from having killed a good friend only a little while before

That's true, though you'd think he would be explaining it a bit more to everybody, especially since they're all shut in. I know I would. But I'll take it.

I hope she gets over things and they can start speculate, share information and get things rolling. You're aware of the type or writing I mentioned above.


I guess there are no zombie movies or games in this world, first time I see a dead person get up or take a clip full of bullets to the chest and they keep walking…I’m screaming Zombie!

Solid episode, like the story so far, still not happy only 6 episodes, when is S2 supposed to air, will it be after TWD?

It's kind of a rule for this genre to not call them Zombies.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Lol this show is funny... If you are black character related to one of the main cast you are guaranteed to turn first... I live that they don't even try to hide the fact that even in a post apocalypse world it's the worst for us xD

Also lol at them or telling their daughter or neighbors what's going on... So stupid.

Love that the show is one Amazon Prime Germany a day after the initial US broadcast.


The mom is getting a lot of flack for not telling the daughter, but Nick was with her for at least an hour or two and apparently didn't say anything either. Hell, when she walked out the door to go to her boyfriend's house, now THAT would have been a great time to say something. He's lucky he had a seizure I guess. It's obvious that the siblings love each other and for some reason I feel she would have believed him easier than believing her mom.


Love the original show, comic, games, everything and liked the first episode. However, second episode was horrible. Everything seemed really low budget and it's just too slow. I liked the slower pacing but this is ridiculous.

Can't believe they couldn't show us one second of what's happening outside that shop they were hiding in. Scenes like this are the absolute best thing about zombie outbreaks and they don't show them because they'd cost more than a potato and a nickel.


The only thing that bugs me is how nobody wants to turn on a goddamn TV and watch the news. Or browse the internets.

I mean, I know knife-kid apparently does, but this entire family forgets about the radio and TV for the most part. I mean... like, they turned the TV on for a few seconds to see where the riot was, but that was it. Back at the other crib where the dude is going through withdrawals, when they had power the whole house was just quiet.

I'd be having a TV on to at least attempt to figure out WTF was happening, right?

But I am loving this show. Way better than TWD for me, and the music is awesome.


Hunky Nostradamus
'Fear the Walking Dead' Boss Defends Polarizing Character Deaths

Q: Counting Artie, Alicia's boyfriend, Matt, and Calvin, the three central deaths on the show so far have been African-American. Was that something you were cognizant of during production? Considering the flagship series has come under fire for similar issues, why did you opt to make those decisions?

A: When we were writing the pilot, it wasn't something that came up in conversations in the room or with the network. Ultimately, it came down to when we were casting those parts, we didn't know who was going to live, who would die or how those stories would arc out or not arc out. For us, it was about casting that felt reflective of the community and getting the best actor and that was the final determining factor.

Q: When you decided to kill all three characters, did you think about tweaking that at all? That's a lot in two episodes.

A: Once the story was set, it was the story. Once the story is playing out in a specific way, that's the line that you want to follow. It wasn't as though we were writing those characters and then casting those characters with an intention of, "This is going to be the death scene for this episode." For that episode, it was about how it would reflect on the characters themselves and how things would play out over the course of the season. I realize it's clearly become an issue and it's something we are mindful of. But ultimately it's trying to tell the story the best way we can and cast the best people we can. I wouldn't want to go back and recast a character just to avoid … if it doesn't feel true to the character or the relationship — the relationship with Alicia and Matt or Calvin and Nick — it's really about the reality of the world that we're trying to inhabit and trying to have the best actors portray those parts. When you're dealing with a show where you have a cast that is as diverse as ours is, it's inevitable that characters of color are going to get bit and are going to turn or die. If you look at the larger scope of this season, what people will see is that there is parity. We want to tell the story in the best way we can and want the best actors to play those parts. It would have been a mistake to go with Anglo actors for those particular roles because I don't think that's honest to the world of the show.


Q: Nick started seizing when Alicia was about to leave. Was that real or was he faking it to protect Alicia?

A: When you're going through withdrawal, it's something that can happen. Nick, when he tells Madison later that Alicia tried to leave and he stopped her, you have to keep in mind that he's an addict and tries to manipulate people. And that's what he may be trying to do in that moment: convince his mother that he's done the right thing and it's an effort after causing so much grief to reconnect with her and try to use his sister in a way to get a little closer to Madison. But I think he's full of shit. The seizure was real. He saw her leaving and realized, based on what he's seen, that as selfish has he is, he does love his sister, and that brought him to such an emotional level that it triggered something.

Q: Madison comes home with Artie's blood on her jacket and very much isn't OK. Why doesn't Madison tell Alicia what's happening? This seems like another clue to what Madison may be hiding from her own past.

It is a clue. Madison alludes to a darker history in the pilot and it's a violent history. She has gone to a place in the episode that she's horrified, mortified and broken by what she has done. It echoes something from long before — something she doesn't want her daughter to be aware of.
The only thing that bugs me is how nobody wants to turn on a goddamn TV and watch the news. Or browse the internets.

I mean, I know knife-kid apparently does, but this entire family forgets about the radio and TV for the most part. I mean... like, they turned the TV on for a few seconds to see where the riot was, but that was it. Back at the other crib where the dude is going through withdrawals, when they had power the whole house was just quiet.

I'd be having a TV on to at least attempt to figure out WTF was happening, right?

But I am loving this show. Way better than TWD for me, and the music is awesome.

There is a specific scene of them in the car, searching radio stations and nick freaks out because nobody is talking about it. They turn the TV on to find the son at the protest. The video from the highway is posted online. They are barely able to get phone calls through, what do you think the data situation is like? Power is going out across town, etc...I think it's been covered pretty well actually.

People project how they think they would act in a similar situation to these characters and when it doesn't mesh they find that it is some fault with the show.
Yeah, they've hinted a fair bit that infrastructure is going down, while the government/hospitals are doing their best to minimize exposure to the general populace. The best parts of the episodes are the cutaway shots that briefly show something happening, like the electrical grid going out or the quick shot of Matt's house (with his parents' suitcases out front and the door still ajar) at the end of the episode.

Daffy Duck

Loving the feel of this show and the stuff it's showing, the breakdown in society leading up to everything is great to watch, hope it goes on for a bit.
There is a specific scene of them in the car, searching radio stations and nick freaks out because nobody is talking about it. They turn the TV on to find the son at the protest. The video from the highway is posted online. They are barely able to get phone calls through, what do you think the data situation is like? Power is going out across town, etc...I think it's been covered pretty well actually.

People project how they think they would act in a similar situation to these characters and when it doesn't mesh they find that it is some fault with the show.

The first station he tuned to was talking about officer involved shootings went up some large percent in the last few days. People are seeing the symptoms of the zombies breaking through but don't know of the cause.


Hunky Nostradamus
Hah, that's what I thought too.

I thought the same thing

Thought the same thing!

Great minds!

I really love the junkie son for some reason. Just love the way he tore into his sister's boyfriend's bathroom looking for drugs. So obnoxious, lol.

Me too. I also love that he immediately tattled about his sister trying to leave as soon as his mom returned. lol


I must be the only one, but I'm not feeling the show. It's moving way too fast and there's just way too many eye-roll moments for me to take it seriously.
There is a specific scene of them in the car, searching radio stations and nick freaks out because nobody is talking about it. They turn the TV on to find the son at the protest. The video from the highway is posted online. They are barely able to get phone calls through, what do you think the data situation is like? Power is going out across town, etc...I think it's been covered pretty well actually.

People project how they think they would act in a similar situation to these characters and when it doesn't mesh they find that it is some fault with the show.

I love when he got to that one radio station and you hear (I'm paraphrasing): "This is the end of days, man! It's like an apocalypse! I mean, we just lost the best pocket passer in the league!"

I lol'd. So great.


I lol'd when the daughter finished cleaning the floor and took out the gloves, then in the next scene she appears with the gloves again. WTF!?


Better than the first episode

This is like Lost all over again; where no one wants to explain what the fuck is going on even though they've seen it.

Yes and it happens on regular walking dead so much it basically kills the show. Will probably happen to this one too


Do we really need to know how it's happening to each character? They established that it's making its way through all parts of society.


Are they just going to open up every episode with some kind of fake-out?

"Uh oh, it's zombie world...PSYCHE, civilization hasn't collapsed yet"

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Another good episode, I'm really looking forward to seeing how it plays out.


Hunky Nostradamus
Ratings down in week 2, though still phenomenal

While its 8.2 million total viewers and 4.1 rating last night was down -18% in total viewers and -16% in adults 18-49 from its record-shattering August 23 debut that garnered 10.1 million viewers and a 4.9 rating, the second episode easily tackled the NFL and NBC’s Sunday Night Football. Last season, the usually unbeatable SNF was beaten in the key demo five of the eight times it went head to head with The Walking Dead.
Still doing really well better than TWD's entire first season episodes ratings or the drop in ratings from shows such as Better Call Saul from it's premiere to the 2nd episode.


Well, that escalated quickly. In fact, that's my only beef with the show. I don't mind the fact that people don't talk like humans. I've been conditioned by years of US dramas for that. But I actually think we've seen too many zombies already.

It's fun, but it's not the show I was hoping it would be. The outbreak is already about zombies, as opposed to an epidemic that eventually turned into a zombie apocalypse. There has to be some alterior motive, like introducing a character into the main show,


Just saw episode 2, and I'm really loving the slow intensity and build up of this show. It feels very different from TWD so far, and that's cool.
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