The daughter is really annoying.
But also fine as fuck.
The daughter is really annoying.
Completely agree. Shamblers have always been a bit of, how the hell did they get to this point. Military would only fall if there is a point where the numbers are so fucking huge where they would be over run. But you would never get to that point or should ever. The thing that really detaches me from shit like this is the realisation is sooo slow.Honestly the only zombie infection I could ever see overwhelming the military would be 28 Days Later infected, due to how easily it spreads and how fast people change, and World War Z (movie), due to sheer volume and speed
Which is why most fiction tends to skip the collapse.
But also fine as fuck.
Completely agree. Shamblers have always been a bit of, how the hell did they get to this point. Military would only fall if there is a point where the numbers are so fucking huge where they would be over run. But you would never get to that point or should ever. The thing that really detaches me from shit like this is the realisation is sooo slow.
How did one of this universe's zombies manage to get the dog? These aren't the WWZ type, but the lumbering Romero type.
How did one of this universe's zombies manage to get the dog? These aren't the WWZ type, but the lumbering Romero type.
Doesnt really help it. Once its found there would be a plan in place to counter it. There would be a week or two of issues and then life is back to normal with the special rules about dying people.I always thought the Walking Dead's "everyone's infected" angle helps on that end.
It's that whole thing where no matter what you do people will die and turn, and it only takes a little bit of shit hitting the fan to make a mess.
Factor in the idea that nobody knows what zombies are and nobody knows the above, I can kinda see it going down.
Doesnt really help it. Once its found there would be a plan in place to counter it. There would be a week or two of issues and then life is back to normal with the special rules about dying people.
The Walking Dead method is probably more ripe for an outbreak than your standard bites and scratches only. A lot of people die, everyday. Not just in hospitals, but at home, at work, in the street. That's the thing, there is no containing it. The general public doesn't know yet, and you're constantly going to have breakouts. Guy has a heart attack in a grocery store, boom.
Doesnt really help it. Once its found there would be a plan in place to counter it. There would be a week or two of issues and then life is back to normal with the special rules about dying people.
Ugh I was looking forward for them to go to the desert, it would have made for an interesting scenario but then I remembered they are filming the show in canada and then of course they just turned around and didnt even leave the city. such a disappointment.
If they immediately left and camped out we'd just have season 1 of Walking Dead again. We gotta watch the world fall apart through their story first. And hopefully watch all of them die except for the mom, hot daughter, and young Johnny Depp/James Franco love child.
He just needs his medicine, bro.But he's who I want to die the most
Eh I don't think it would work in a real world scenario.And there isn't a show. Just like if the dinosaurs don't break out of the enclosure and get around the backups, you don't have Jurassic Park movies.
The Walking Dead method is probably more ripe for an outbreak than your standard bites and scratches only. A lot of people die, everyday. Not just in hospitals, but at home, at work, in the street. That's the thing, there is no containing it. The general public doesn't know yet, and you're constantly going to have breakouts. Guy has a heart attack in a grocery store, boom.
In Season 3, someone got scratched by a rotting flesh-covered walker bone, and everyone acted as if he was going to change. Guy got killed before that could happen though, so I don't think it's ever been confirmedEh I don't think it would work in a real world scenario.
Also was it ever explained why that if everyone is carrying the virus they only turn when they die or are bitten by another zombie? What about cuts etc I bailed out of TWD midway through season 2 I think.
Eh I don't think it would work in a real world scenario.
Also was it ever explained why that if everyone is carrying the virus they only turn when they die or are bitten by another zombie? What about cuts etc I bailed out of TWD midway through season 2 I think.
Considering what happened with Hershel, I always thought that the bite doesn't actually turn you. It just makes you very sick and then you die from disease due to all the bacteria in the rotting flesh.That was never explained and probably never will be. All we know is being bitten turns you and dieing turns you.
The collapse could simply be from the anarchists and militias, like what happened in TLOU.Completely agree. Shamblers have always been a bit of, how the hell did they get to this point. Military would only fall if there is a point where the numbers are so fucking huge where they would be over run. But you would never get to that point or should ever. The thing that really detaches me from shit like this is the realisation is sooo slow.
Eh I don't think it would work in a real world scenario.
Also was it ever explained why that if everyone is carrying the virus they only turn when they die or are bitten by another zombie? What about cuts etc I bailed out of TWD midway through season 2 I think.
Considering what happened with Hershel, I always thought that the bite doesn't actually turn you. It just makes you very sick and then you die from disease due to all the bacteria in the rotting flesh.
The characters in this show are so dim witted. Its this all over again.
Exactly how I understood it as well. Contact with the infected is contact with walking diseases. The bite doesn't transfer a life-stealing virus that turns you into a zombie, the bite infects you with something that will kill you, and the airborne virus everyone has brings you back.
Exactly how I understood it as well. Contact with the infected is contact with walking diseases. The bite doesn't transfer a life-stealing virus that turns you into a zombie, the bite infects you with something that will kill you, and the airborne virus everyone has brings you back.
I don't think this is true. Hershel only survived because they amputated ASAP. If it was merely a bacteria infection that kills you, it should be preventable with a heavy dose of antibiotics. Not to mention that if it's some other disease that kills you, then those who die from something other than a bite/transmission would not be carrying it and would not be as effective at transmission, particularly if they are freshly dead. I don't think that is the case.
It could be that the viral load living humans posses is not enough to kill you, but a heavy dose of viral load spread via a bite is.
Completely agree. Shamblers have always been a bit of, how the hell did they get to this point. Military would only fall if there is a point where the numbers are so fucking huge where they would be over run. But you would never get to that point or should ever. The thing that really detaches me from shit like this is the realisation is sooo slow.
The shorts while traveling to desert part made all sense.But also fine as fuck.
I was 100% on board with the daughter when she was advocating to gtfo. Her behavior made complete sense then. Give her credit for that. Travis is the knucklehead who f*cked things up for them by making them hunker down for the night...in a house where they just blew a zombie's head apart.
So I just finished episode 3. Why was the dude at the end saying now it's too late? I missed something, no?
Remember the last time someone decided to drive through unfamiliar territory at night rather than wait till daytime?I thought the same as you. But in retrospect he has seen the gridlock on the roads, and navigating that at night would be more dangerous. So it's best to stay where you are familiar with the environment for a short while and go into the unknown during daylight.
That's why in every movie they say "we ride at dawn" or something along those lines.
To escape I imagine. Theyre going to be controlled by the military now in the name of keeping them safe.
I'm really not understanding how all these people are turning suddenly. Take the old Chinese lady for example. Assuming she doesn't go out much or keep their sliding doors wide open like some idiot families, why would she become a walker all of a sudden? Died in her sleep? At least with the guy in the school they suggested he may have been attacked.
I also found it all too convenient that the truck was untouched by the rioters.
She was old. She could have missed her medication or simply as you dismiss, died in her sleep.
Didnt the girl see a pill bottle on the table? So she must have been sick. And her husband had been gone awhile.
Your theory makes perfect sense but it's wrong. Kirkman has explained how it works and bites don't spread the disease; their dirty mouths just can cause infection and people die of that. In TWD no one seems to have antibiotics to be able to combat the infection and you'd think Hershel would survive a bite with cleansing better than an amputation. It is definitely confusing.I don't think this is true. Hershel only survived because they amputated ASAP. If it was merely a bacteria infection that kills you, it should be preventable with a heavy dose of antibiotics. Not to mention that if it's some other disease that kills you, then those who die from something other than a bite/transmission would not be carrying it and would not be as effective at transmission, particularly if they are freshly dead. I don't think that is the case.
It could be that the viral load living humans posses is not enough to kill you, but a heavy dose of viral load spread via a bite is.
She committed suicide. The pill bottle was open, empty, and tossed aside in the table. Suicide.Yep, it was an empty bottle as well. Could have overdosed.