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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC

Assuming I lived in a world where zombies as a concept does not exist, I would be more freaked out, not less, once people were eating other people and coming back to life and shit.
Parents can be pretty good at putting up a facade as to not scare their kids. It's obvious the mom is scared and freaked out but wants to keep her kids calm and not panic


I just need a grown up Tobias in TWD.


Even a violent version of Travis would be ok.

Like one year has passed in the walking dead


Just got caught up on this show. Had the episodes recorded. I actually like it a lot. Might even say I like it more than the Walking Dead right now. Probably because it is a bit different and I like watching how everything unfolds before the zombielypse. I like the two main character, the Mother and Father. Maybe because I recognize the actors from various things. I want to say the woman was in Deadwood and the guy was the bad guy in an Arnold movie, off hand.

Anyway, not liking the kids much. They all come across as extremely bratty. I mean I get they are teens, but there really isn't much to like about them. And they also aren't written very well. Shit hits the fan and it's pretty easy to recognize it when things are "off". Flight or fight mode should kick in. Especially with what they have seem. But really none of these people are getting it. It's like they think they are watching a movie. Kids or adults. I mean come on. Only the Latino Dad seems to have any damn sense.

But despite all that I am enjoying as much as anything else on tv right now or coming this Fall that I usually watch.
This CAN'T be right. There were time skips between season 2 and season 3 and also between season 3 and season 4. Both spanning several months. It has to be at least two years :/
Judith's age should be the key to how long it's been. Seeing that she wasn't sure who the father was Judith Should have been conceived during the first season.
Why has the majority of turned been black so far? I even called it. Not that, that's surprising or anything though.

Good so far though, I like it.


The majority? The principal, boyfriend, drug dealer, and that's about it, right?

It's bad timing where the first and the second zombies to be killed were black actors. Their deaths were brutal and the scenes prolonged. When a white zombie is killed, it usually ends in a flash from a shotgun shell. Not very memorable.
Like one year has passed in the walking dead

It's been longer than that.

- two months between the onset of the outbreak and when Rick woke up
- one week for season 1 events
- about a month-and-a-half for season 2 events
- roughly seven months between season 2 and 3
- three weeks for season 3 events
- six months between season 3 and 4
- about two weeks for season 4 events
- about a month-and-a-half for season 5 events

It's been about a year-and-a-half (maybe a bit more) since the outbreak began.


I hope we see a major breakdown of law and order in this episode. I've been enjoying the slow roll of doom of the previous episodes, but it's time for shit to really start falling apart.
I get the feeling society will still exist until the season finale (when it finally and completely collapses and the apocalypse has taken its full toll).


Pretty much where I am after the third episode. I'll continue watching vanilla TWD but this series has just completely failed to interest me in any way.

The writers had a blank slate basically, they could have come up with any characters, any scenario, any angle on this story... and THIS pile of nothing is what they decided to go with. It's remarkable.

They could have done a shot for shot remake of the Telltale game (season 1 at least) and it would have been infinitely more watchable. There was plenty of leeway in between chapters to expand on things too if they wanted.
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