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Fear the Walking Dead - Season One - Sundays on AMC

I thought Salazar was gonna be the one smart person in the whole series....please don't tell me he's the one that unleashes the horde on LA....

I think he just wanted to check the stadium to see if the soldier was being truthful. But if he does unleash the horde, that would be an awesome death scene for him lol.

Just wondered about something. I wonder if Robert Kirkman has ever thought have having the zombies mutant into something else. Things that can't be killed from head trauma to give Rick and crew a new and even greater threat.

That would be quite awesome hah. Imagine Rick and Co. coming into contact with a brute or if different genes were mutated into runners like fast athletes turning into runners. It's a bit campy and videogamey but it would make for good entertainment.


Scene from next week.


That would be quite awesome hah. Imagine Rick and Co. coming into contact with a brute or if different genes were mutated into runners like fast athletes turning into runners. It's a bit campy and videogamey but it would make for good entertainment.

Just from the show by itself the average zombie isn't a threat for the characters that are prepared now. It takes a herd to or a building full of them suddenly appearing to be a threat. Something that could be considered a brute level zombie would be really interesting. Runners as well and these things could be rare. Like in a group there is one or two of these that appear. Or perhaps a zombie that might have some higher brain function compared to normal. Just imagine Rick's and crews faces when this thing instinctively takes cover when shot at or blocks an attack.


Really don't like this spin off. Very few redeeming qualities if any. The worst crime a show can commit is having bland/stupid/annoying protagonist. Nothing is intriguing right now. I hope it changes but so far I feel like they need to go ahead and stop.
Really don't like this spin off. Very few redeeming qualities if any. The worst crime a show can commit is having bland/stupid/annoying protagonist. Nothing is intriguing right now. I hope it changes but so far I feel like they need to go ahead and stop.
I feel it can only go up . A good six months later and development of characters can make it better !!! We all saw carol character and what she is now I can really see some good changes.


Really don't like this spin off. Very few redeeming qualities if any. The worst crime a show can commit is having bland/stupid/annoying protagonist. Nothing is intriguing right now. I hope it changes but so far I feel like they need to go ahead and stop.

Nah I like it. Right now I feel we are finally starting to see the characters get into their roles and I'm liking the tension.

This last episode and this episode have been pretty good.


My guess is the season ends with Travis actually having to kill a walker (or maybe a person). Salazar is gonna bite it.

I have my concerns from before but after that scene with the wife dying I could see this happening. More and more Travis is seeing a lot. He needs to pull that trigger. I want to see him grow before he's killed off. The thing with Griselda did not leave Salazar in a good light. I assumed she was talking about him and the things they experienced, things he did and perhaps did to her and how she dealt with them. Might have to watch again but I also got the impression that the daughter might not actually be biologically his. I could see the episode with him doing something perhaps noble or just straight out good for the others and dying as a result. Making the title The Good Man refer to him as something he tries to become. With the contrast being Travis stops being one with him perhaps not just killing a zombie for the first time but maybe he sacrifices someone.

Then again this could be asking to much.
Just from the show by itself the average zombie isn't a threat for the characters that are prepared now. It takes a herd to or a building full of them suddenly appearing to be a threat. Something that could be considered a brute level zombie would be really interesting. Runners as well and these things could be rare. Like in a group there is one or two of these that appear. Or perhaps a zombie that might have some higher brain function compared to normal. Just imagine Rick's and crews faces when this thing instinctively takes cover when shot at or blocks an attack.

Well we do have certain different textured zombies and the elusive Ninja zombie lol. For entertainment sake, it would be good for me. It would be way too unbelievable for the masses. In the videogame it would make sense because we have so many options but for tv they don't. I think the most believable mutation we would see would be runners. They are either reanimated from fresher corpses or from former athletes that partaked in speedy sports like marathon running and sprinting.
these characters are far more interesting than anyone in the main show

I find them more interesting because none of them have developed plot armor like a good number of the cast in the original show. If this cast makes it multiple seasons, they'll be watered down.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Daniel continues to be the real MVP on this series. I was about to give up until this episode. Now I may watch the next episode just because of him.


Nork unification denier
Ok, so question about the military side-op they took Travis on - the clear implication is that the squad and/or sergeant iced the captain/colonel guy, right? Or am I reading too much into it?


I'm liking this more and more. It still has some horrible dialogue that plagues TWD, but the characters have time to be fully developed here and I like that they're taking the fall of civilization pretty slowly.

I don't get why so many people complained about the lack of action when that's the entire point. Plenty of things to complain about but not having constant zombie deaths is not one of them since that'd make it just like the main series that relies on it too much.

Daniel is by far the best character which is why I expect him to die, but maybe they'll keep him since he's meant to be the polar opposite of Travis (who finally received a dose of reality after being delusional and dependent on authority this whole time thinking he could avoid everything and let everyone else do the dirty work) and then Madison is in the middle of the spectrum but is understanding more and more that her family's well-being is all that matters and that the world she knew is gone. Time to survive.

There's things I don't like but I find it more intriguing than TWD and it's filled with some actual themes and messages instead of being action-heavy.

Ok, so question about the military side-op they took Travis on - the clear implication is that the squad and/or sergeant iced the captain/colonel guy, right? Or am I reading too much into it?

I think they either killed him or let him die/left him behind since he was the one stopping them from getting to their families which is what matters most to them at this point. Another good example of survival of the fittest starting and the conventional hierarchy breaking down as more and more of them realize it's about their own survival instead.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Ok, so question about the military side-op they took Travis on - the clear implication is that the squad and/or sergeant iced the captain/colonel guy, right? Or am I reading too much into it?

I dunno. They had a few people fall out and ONE zombie appeared so it could've been an attack (but if that's the case, why didn't we hear more zombies or something going on?). That said, I wouldn't be surprised if your interpretation of that is correct. These guys have been up for 50 hours (they admitted it earlier) and were being pushed around by their XO. I wouldn't doubt there was some "friendly fire" going on.
so adams said they hauled up 2,000 civilians in a stadium right? that must mean some of them were still alive...so they were trapped with other zombies, got semi-eaten...and turned


I dunno. They had a few people fall out and ONE zombie appeared so it could've been an attack (but if that's the case, why didn't we hear more zombies or something going on?). That said, I wouldn't be surprised if your interpretation of that is correct. These guys have been up for 50 hours (they admitted it earlier) and were being pushed around by their XO. I wouldn't doubt there was some "friendly fire" going on.

There was more than one walker coming out when he threw the grenade.

Also there was gun fire when they arrived.by the squad that got trapped inside, there were clearly a ton of walkers in there.

I do believe they just left him but there was more there than you are saying.


I thought Salazar was gonna be the one smart person in the whole series....please don't tell me he's the one that unleashes the horde on LA....

Well, in Day of the Dead, there is a character named Salazar that lets all the zombies into the army base. Greg Nicotero did make up under Savini in Day and is director/producer on this... Massive homage incoming!


I wonder if ex-wife(and family?) will be going with the doctors/military to provide a PoV into the surviving government after everything goes to shit. I personally hate the Apocalypse=all governments disband trope and I'm hoping this spinoff can break the mold.

If it just turns into generic west coast Walking Dead I think I'm done with this show.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
There was more than one walker coming out when he threw the grenade.

Also there was gun fire when they arrived.by the squad that got trapped inside, there were clearly a ton of walkers in there.

I do believe they just left him but there was more there than you are saying.

I dunno. According to the StorySync apparently he was killed by friendly fire. I didn't see any Zombie besides the one come out of the building. So... *shrug* Probably could've framed that better for people to actually see more than one pop out before a grenade toss and explosion.

I wonder if ex-wife(and family?) will be going with the doctors/military to provide a PoV into the surviving government after everything goes to shit. I personally hate the Apocalypse=all governments disband trope and I'm hoping this spinoff can break the mold.

Why would they go when they know they're going to bomb LA off the map? What leverage do they have on the military besides the skin off the right arm of the one soldier's capture? That'ld just make them shoot the entire cast in retaliation BEFORE letting the place be bombed.


Salazar is hardcore, seems his past is pretty dark, but he did get the information they need, and Madison is okay with his methods.

Travis has been slow to come around, but now that he has learned the military's plan and saw the assault go wrong I think his outlook is going to change.

I thought something was going to happen with Chris and Alicia there for a minute...

As I suspected the military begins to disband to find their families, as well as being exhausted and picked off by biters.

And I love the smell of napalm in the morning.


Why would the army go to all the effort to secure the area and round up sick people if they just plan to kill everyone the next day?


Why would the army go to all the effort to secure the area and round up sick people if they just plan to kill everyone the next day?

They secured the area about ten days ago, because we had a little bit of a time-skip. On the outside things keep deteriorating, they round up the sick and those they see as a possible threat and then the "Cobalt" order comes from higher up the chain of command I believe.
That was great. A really dark episode.

The doc at the end saying "we all come back." seems like they got it figured out that it's a virus all humans have.

And the end when daniel goes to the stadium was a great way to end.

He knows they need to get the fuck out of dodge before all the zombies get out.


Why would the army go to all the effort to secure the area and round up sick people if they just plan to kill everyone the next day?

They are going to evac and then bomb the area, its becoming unmanageable as more zombies come from down town and more survivors who don't trust the government die in groups because they barely know anything and the civilians give them more hell from the safe zones. So people abandon the army some die to random zombies and people and there just aint enough at the moment to contain the situation.
Great episode, much better than the original. Digging the soundtrack too. The part where the mom is in the dark basement hallway gave me an old carpenter movie vibe.
I wonder whats going on in the bunker under the White House

Obviously they are all swimming in the underground swimming pool.
TBH, I kind of want to see how the politicians are reacting. Have nukes already been authorized, is the president even still alive or did some idiot get bit and go to the bunker


Obviously they are all swimming in the underground swimming pool.
TBH, I kind of want to see how the politicians are reacting. Have nukes already been authorized, is the president even still alive or did some idiot get bit and go to the bunker

That would honestly be a better show than this one. The novelty is wearing off real fast because the world is going to shit and we don't even get to see it which was supposedly the whole point.


Show is definitely getting better, really liked the last 2 episodes.
Yeah, they've been a marked improvement over the first three.
Not great, mind you. But a step in the right direction.
(The absence of zombie kills has been a big reason why.)


Yeah, they've been a marked improvement over the first three.
Not great, mind you. But a step in the right direction.
(The absence of zombie kills has been a big reason why.)

I liked the first three episodes, didn't like the last two. I feel like they skipped past or rushed the part I was most interested in. The origin and fall all of the world. Now it's just ordinary Walking Dead with worse characters. I thought Travis and Alicia were okay at the beginning. Now they're really annoying me. The evil military is a bit cliche, unbelievable, and not that interesting. I don't like that direction.
Ok, so question about the military side-op they took Travis on - the clear implication is that the squad and/or sergeant iced the captain/colonel guy, right? Or am I reading too much into it?

This or they simply left him behind. The Sarge and the private who got the shit beat out of him from the 1st scene in the same vehicle.

Red Mage

Ok, so question about the military side-op they took Travis on - the clear implication is that the squad and/or sergeant iced the captain/colonel guy, right? Or am I reading too much into it?

I think he got killed, as the others hung back, and they were just like "Nope" and bugged out.


Anyone else thinks that the camera work or production quality in general is so much better than The Walking Dead? It kinda reminds me on TWD Season 1's quality (which Imo was MUCH better than any of the new seasons).

Also the camera work reminds me alot on Breaking Bad, which is a good thing.

Can't wait to watch the season finale. Three Dog and the drug addict will be great companions in the next season.


Good lord the look Alicia gave Chris in the mirror while she was trying on the dress. And then he scurries away. She looked stunning. I liked her smirk right after Chris runs off. That needs a gif asap.

I thought this episode was great. Good pacing, loved the camera work and editing. The sound of the soldiers falling apart on the radios was perfectly done. It kind of had a surreal, Acopolypse Now vibe with Daniel's scenes and the business man in the cell with Nick.

I actually thought the first guy was imagining the smooth talking dude in the suit because his delivery seemed so surreal to me. He almost seems prescient.

It really is the end now for them. I'm actually bummed that this series is stopping (for now) and the main WD is coming back. I want more.
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