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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

Wooooooo, just got back from the show. First off, extreme apologies as I easily could have gotten a sign onto the show super easily (I was ~5-6 rows from the ring). Work really ruined my plans to make some signs :(

Here are my thoughts:

1. Cameron is AMAZING in person. Seriously, her body is out of this world.
2. Rosa also has an awesome body. Freakin Michael Hayes...
3. AJ is also ridiculously attractive. I usually can compose myself better but she is just gorgeous.

Now, onto non-diva issues...

1. The Cena/Punk match was ridiculous- when Punk delivered that piledriver, I lost it. The Cena-carrana looked awful but that was a tremendous match. The problem is, I can't imagine the Rock and Cena having a match even remotely close to this with how gassed the Rock gets nowadays.

2. Loved the D-Bry and Kane gimmicks tonight. Bryan cracks me up and its amazing how good Kane still is in the ring.

3. The "We the People" angle gets uncomfortable sometimes- this was bound to happen as they moved into more ethnically diverse markets (not Mississippi). Colter is great and his mustache is awesome in person.

4. I don't care, being there live for a Lesnar entrance is ridiculous. The guy is a monster and looks like he's in great shape. He was bleeding a TON. Also, my whole section did a collective WTF at HHH's piss/crap stain.

5. Orton's RKO was badass today. Sheamus was also pretty darn funny with his Barrett shtick.

Anyway, it will probably be a while before I have the opportunity to go to another WWE show but this one was definitely worth it.
Zack Ryder is begging to be released.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
All he does is bitch and moan on Twitter. I wouldn't be surprised if the official WWE account unfollowed him by now.

I still say he should be whiny internet heel. Would be the greatest, rage generating gimmick ever from both marks and iwc
After tomorrow I will have seen the live television debut of

Sin Cara
Lord Tensai
And Fan


Go go go

Maybe some others but those are the true highlights


Unconfirmed Member
Dont know if someone has said it before, but it annoys me when people think it is called Hurricanrana, when it is actually called, Hurracarana, as made famous by Huracan Ramirez, invented by Hector Amaya (The pretty Kalifa) in the 50s.

Hurracarana without an n, it flows better.

The original, Spanish name for this maneuver is the huracanrana (the name was taken from Mexican luchador Huracán Ramírez), but it is commonly spelled in English as hurricanrana. This is a head scissors take down that ends in a double leg cradle pinning hold.[12] (A rana is any double-leg cradle.) Technically, the term huracanrana can only be applied to the move when used by Huracán Ramirez or one of his descendants[citation needed], but this has largely been forgotten and the move is instead universally called a hurricanrana no matter who executes it. A somersault version also exists.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Holy shit, that was an amazing match! The crowd was hot as well! Haven't seen an old school piledriver in years! Annoyed that Cena won, but that was phenomenal!
I watched all the Raw recap vids on YouTube, when Triple H busted Lesnar's head open it switched to black and white. It gave the segment a very sophisticated arthouse look.
I still call it the Frankensteiner.

I think a Frankensteiner is specifically when the opponent is seated on the top turnbuckle.

And next, we discuss the difference between a side slam and a sidewalk slam, because nomenclature is fun!

Anyone else get the idea from looking at Vince that he's shifting back to his old hairstyle?

One can only hope. I'm still not used to it flat.
Is it just me or was Punk as sharp as he has ever been? That was his best in ring performance since MITB 2011. Right? I mean he wasn't slow he was just on point.

It's too bad he's losing to everyone.

Jamie OD

Its weird Sheamus is in two feuds.

That's something from a decade ago that I miss. Main eventers usually had two feuds going at one time, the main one built up on Raw for PPVs and a short side feud with a mid-carder that usually took place on Smackdown.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Guys, I'm so hyped about SimCity. IDGAF about all the shady shit around it, I can't wait to play the actual game.

I should finish Rising first.
I think Punk has to beat Undertaker to maintain any sort of viability going forward. There's no good reason he shouldn't, and it's at the point of ridicule where someone who looks like 'Taker does nowadays could win anything but a novelty match against McMahon etc.

I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice if he volunteered to do the right thing this year.
I think Punk has to beat Undertaker to maintain any sort of viability going forward. There's no good reason he shouldn't, and it's at the point of ridicule where someone who looks like 'Taker does nowadays could win anything but a novelty match against McMahon etc.

I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice if he volunteered to do the right thing this year.

Undertaker shouldn't even be wrestling anymore. The streak should remain unbroken, and if it were to get broken, then Punk isn't the guy to do it.
I think Punk has to beat Undertaker to maintain any sort of viability going forward. There's no good reason he shouldn't, and it's at the point of ridicule where someone who looks like 'Taker does nowadays could win anything but a novelty match against McMahon etc.

I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice if he volunteered to do the right thing this year.

lol no Punks not winning anything at Mania. Cena will break the streak


I think Punk has to beat Undertaker to maintain any sort of viability going forward. There's no good reason he shouldn't, and it's at the point of ridicule where someone who looks like 'Taker does nowadays could win anything but a novelty match against McMahon etc.

I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice if he volunteered to do the right thing this year.
It's like only Cena matters and rest of them are just throwaways,I know this has been the case for years but with the way they built up Punk I thought they were going somewhere with him,now it's probably gonna be punk losing to Taker at WM.
Amazingly WWE just managed to decrease my WM hype further by having an awesome main event on Raw that screamed the message that it should have been the WM main event but instead we get Once in a Lifetime 2: The Gassed Gauntlet.

Still I'm glad I read through all the posts from Raw last night, they reminded me that Maxine existed but now i'm sad again.
Only WWE could ruin having a cool main event like that. Ruined because we all know it'll be a hundred times better than the shitty WM one and it just depresses me.

Dwayne was reportedly breathing heavily just watching it LIVE!!!!.... from some movie set.

Sigh. Whatever Punk ends up doing is going to be rushed and beneath him, its such a waste of his talent, I feel sorry for him.

I'm really struggling to find any reason to be interested in WM, and I watch this shit every week.

Raw main event was really good, GF was into it even though I kept telling her Cena was winning she would get excited each 'near fall' heh.

Kaitlyn digs well groomed mustaches, good to know!


Fandangooooo is actually gonna debut? Finally?

I've been tired of the D-Bry and Kane stuff for a long while now but I'll admit my fav wrestler (Bryan :p) got a chuckle out of me with his antics this week. Again, huge waste of talent.

Speaking off, Cesaro, sigh.

Was hoping undeserving Swagger was gonna be crushed for his shit but as expected its ok to break the law and put the public in danger if its WRESTLEMANIA SEASON BABY! :|

They're really doing their best to kill ANYTHING Ziggler had going for him aren't they? Dat money in the bank cash in otw, gonna be a legendary title run I can just smell it!

*shakes head*

This post is bought to you buy Sonic fast food, 15 different movies, Skittles, Just For Men, STUPID WWE TOYS THINGS ONLY DUMB KIDS WOULD ACTUALLY LIKE and anything else we can squeeze inbetween the jobber entrance and begging people to download the wweapp.
I think the WM card is designed to piss off the IWC.

I mean we have known it was coming for months but hoped it would change and they would toss a swerve along the way. NOPE.
They're all so backwards with everything. Bork gets the biggest pops but HHH still comes out thinking his the people's hero and they're all just waiting to see him. :\


formerly cjelly
Rock and Brock are basically working alternate Raws until the final Raw before WM where they're both scheduled.

It's gonna be such a spotty build with those feuds when a guy takes every other week off.


I think Punk has to beat Undertaker to maintain any sort of viability going forward. There's no good reason he shouldn't, and it's at the point of ridicule where someone who looks like 'Taker does nowadays could win anything but a novelty match against McMahon etc.

I'm not expecting it, but it would be nice if he volunteered to do the right thing this year.
So it has to be down to defeating a near two decade old winning streak in order maintain his relevance? That's rich. He's on par with Cena in getting wins/not losing in the past year and a half. He finally loses to Cena for the first time in forever and lost to the Rock (despite looking really strong in both matches), and now he's a jobber to some of you guys. I mean, if you want to complain about someone's booking, look at what they've dealt Ziggler, Barrett, or Bryan (he, at least, got a decent WHC run, but has lost more than he's won since). Bryan is basically Eddie Guerrero pre-2004.

Current Rock and Cena isn't going to be a technical fest. Nobody should've thought that going into seeing Hogan and Warrior, but in terms of storytelling and getting the crowd on the edge of their seats, they did their job very well. Cena and Punk at MitB 2011 was sloppy as shit, hardly a great match, but the crowd loved it. That mattered more than how poorly both men looked in that day in the ring. And Cena is no Hogan in that regard, and isn't going to be as over as Warrior was, but he has to step up. People say same-old-shit but his matches tend to be so. He's a complacent performer, and rarely does new things to spice up his moveset or victories.
I mean, if you want to complain about someone's booking, look at what they've dealt Ziggler, Barrett, or Bryan (he, at least, got a decent WHC run, but has lost more than he's won since). Bryan is basically Eddie Guerrero pre-2004.

That's the thing that baffles me. If those guys can be sorta popular still, despite all the times they've been defeated... how popular would they be if they actually won!?


That's the thing that baffles me. If those guys can be sorta popular still, despite all the times they've been defeated... how popular would they be if they actually won!?
Ziggler's been teased to move up since 2009; he lost to Rey for the IC title at SummerSlam 2009 - a year went by, Rey is in the main event fighting Kane for the WHC, Ziggler is fighting Kofi Kingston..........

Wade Barrett and Nexus were buried by Cena, returned with the Corre only to lose the group because of Orton, and while completing a couple wins over him later, injured is arm. Returns with vignettes and is basically the same guy as ever. Great job.
That's the thing that baffles me. If those guys can be sorta popular still, despite all the times they've been defeated... how popular would they be if they actually won!?

WWE has mostly forgotten the art of building people up. Whatever happened to the IC Championship's importance, using it as a stepping stone for the world championship.

Now a days its mostly someone who just shows up directly into the ME scene (like Swagger WTF, Sheamus before him, Ryback, etc). Vince just needs to retire.

I'm trying to find a good reason to order Wreatlemania this year.

I am going to pass too. Last year I couldn't order as I was travelling and it was a good decision. The WM build up this year has been worse than last year and no good matches so far.
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