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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

Jamie OD

More PWG ASW9 madness!


  • GUERRILLA WARFARE MATCH: Sami Callihan vs Drake Younger

  • Trent? (Barreta) vs Roderick Strong

  • Samuray Del Sol & The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) vs AR Fox & The Inner-City Machine Guns (Ricochet & Rich Swann)

  • Kevin Steen vs Paul London

  • Non-Title Match: The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) vs F.I.S.T. (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano)

  • Jay Lethal vs Eddie Edwards

  • Future Shock (Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly) vs The Unbreakable F'n Machines (Michael Elgin & Brian Cage)


  • PWG World Championship Match: Adam Cole (c) vs the winner of Callihan/Younger

  • Kevin Steen vs AR Fox

  • PWG World Tag Team Title Match: The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) (c) vs DojoBros (Roderick Strong & Eddie Edwards)

  • TJ Perkins vs Samuray Del Sol

  • The Super Smash Brothers (Player Uno & Player Dos) vs F.I.S.T. (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano

  • The Inner-City Machine Guns (Ricochet & Rich Swann) vs The Unbreakable F'n Machines (Michael Elgin & Brian Cage)

  • Paul London vs Trent? (Barreta)

  • Jay Lethal vs Willie Mack


Oh, man, Paul London vs Kevin Steen should be awesome. Also, I LOVE both matches for the Unbreakable F'n Machines! Future Shock & The Inner-City Machine Guns should provide a perfect counter to the power of Elgin & Cage. Can't wait to see these shows, the cards are RIDICULOUSLY stacked.

I haven't been this excited for an indy show line-up in a long ass time.
Everyone was really angry tonight on Raw. D-Bry attacks Henry out of no where.... who's to say he wasn't just coming out to the ring for a hug?


This is some Greedo shot first shit right there.

Speaking of Henry, bout time to see him return.

GF: "He's only happy when he's in Europe taking pictures I guess."


So not worth it
Everyone was really angry tonight on Raw. D-Bry attacks Henry out of no where.... who's to say he wasn't just coming out to the ring for a hug?


This is some Greedo shot first shit right there.

Speaking of Henry, bout time to see him return.

GF: "He's only happy when he's in Europe taking pictures I guess."

His theme song literally tells us that someone is gonna get their ass kicked, someone is gonna get their wig split. Beat 'em up! Beat 'em up! Break his neck! Break his neck!
Watching Raw now

- It's the People's Champ CM PUNK!
- WWE Plants are obvious as they over act and don't shout swear words
- That Booker T WWE App 'hard' sell!
- That WWE App promo continues. I fear it'll be the best promo of the night.

- ESPN is breaking a story about a long time great in the Hall of Fame. Hmm. Must be a footballer. LT?

- It's Ryback! I like him. Screw you guys. He's slightly different from all the other characters, mainly because he rarely talks. He just stands there headbanging to his theme music.
-Antonio Cesaro is great. I feel he should be getting way more heat then he gets, as his gimmick is class. Young crowd probably don't understand it. They just see a guy with the American flag and think they should like him. Poor little minds. Imagine this in the 80s, or even the 90s, people would be booing him out of the building!
- Finally starting to notice and not appreciate the current state of WWE commentary. They don't sell the matches or the moves. They try to out do each other with poor jokes, which is a shame. Michael Cole sounds bored.
- Both guys are down I bet that means... a break. Should probably get that WWE App so I can actually see some wrestling on my wrestling show.
- Ryback goes on a powerful spree, crowd are reacting, Cole is talking in his usual voice about something else. NBA 2K games commentary is amazing as that reacts to what you do in the game, they'll be talking about how poor the Cav's have been since LeBron left, but how promising Irvin... OOOH HOHO! WHAT A DUNK!... oh wow, just going back to the Cav's progress... WWE should be able to do this too, really. React to the action, sell the action please. Stop telling me about the App.
- This match has been pretty decent (commentary aside).

- The WWE Crowd is a funny lot. All the grown ups in the front rate hate Ryback, kids at the back seem to like him. WWE probably doesn't care what either think, sadly. They're stuck between two mindsets, ah but they all enjoy shouting his catchphrase! I guess that's the key.

- John Cena time again. The Shield! Sheamus! Ryback! If they wanted to do a sneak attack, or even help Cena, why did their entrance music play? I guess it's get the crowd's attention, but doesn't it let EVERYONE know they're coming? Trying to apply logic to these things doesn't help, I should probably disengage my brain and just watch the show and enjoy what's there to be enjoyed.
- I still like the Shield. They don't seem as powerful as they did when they first appeared, but it's the first stable in a while that seems decent since... Evolution?

- Oh the WWE App again. With Promos as well as matches. These little 30 second promos used to be the backbone of wrestling TV when I was growing up. Now they're hidden away on an App or on Youtube. All that character and plot development lost on the internet to a small selection of the fanbase. That's just stupid. Yet, here they are showing it on TV anyway. Why not just ... show it on TV?

- Shield again. Their promos are different, and if I wasn't aware of the NWO I'd find these somewhat cool. I'd like to think they're using Maddox's camera even more, after the events of last week.

- John Cena time. Again. Don't understand these crowd deep shots of the Titantron. They look bored. OK, so John Cena is is threatened by The Shield, that's good.

- Trish <3 So amazing. Not just because she has an amazing body and great face, but she learned to wrestling too (and you believe she loved every moment of it)! I'm surprised they didn't pixel her cleavage out.

- Foley, Backlund and Stratus in the Hall of Fame this year. The Greatest of All Time taking his spot amongst the greats... it's not Hogan is it? Did they get Hogan? No, can't be. Randy Savage? Andre the Giant, or is he already in it? Intriguing, but I won't check, I'll let WWE surprise me.

- WWE App being put over again. These segments are annoying me.

- Santino! We all love Santino really. Every show needs an idiot to cheer. Man, how long has he been this character for now? 5 years? He's done well for himself. Oh, Jack Swagger! He looks deadly serious too. A little puffy around the face, but deadly serious.
- OK I laughed at Santino's running the ropes.
- Cole not talking about the match taking place in front again. Swagger has come back and got about 30 seconds of commentary explaining who he is or his character. More jokes. King trying to talk about a different Jack Swagger, Cole going back to his Elimination Chamber conversation. Ah, but Cole spoke to Swagger earlier today and was told his finisher is now called the 'Patriot Act'.
- Swagger has just got started. OK, I'm liking this. He should push the camera out of his face, then I'd know he was really mad.
- Cole putting Booker T over. I really don't want to become one of those guys that rants and raves about the WWE Commentary team, but it's too late. I'm that guy. I think I've ruined it by watching older wrestling from the 80s and 90s. That Monsoon/Heenan team was amazing. They put the action over, the stars over and the feud and did it in such a way that it was interesting AND funny. Cole and King don't manage to do any of that - they're jokes are flat. There's no chemistry between them and they don't put anything over other than that WWE App.


- I like New York. The Wife LOVES New York, we got married there. Such an Iconic City. Really should have attempted to get WM tickets for this year's show, but oh well.

- Oh look the WWE App has failed. I'm not sure they'll be happy till WWE App is trending on twitter.

- Alberto Del Rio Time! I can tell he's a face as he doesn't come out in expensive cars anymore. He's also got a smarter hair style and shares his sweaty towel with small children! He's like the Mexican Bret Hart. If I'm honest I've never been a fan of Del Rio. Found him boring as a heel, and boring in the ring as a wrestler. I just don't find him interesting.
- I missed Smackdown, so I didn't see Big Show's antics with Ricardo, but didn't he do this like a year ago? Sure he ran him over with a car or something.
- Cody Rhodes' t-shirt is great. Cody Rhodes has grown on my over the years. He seems like one of the few guys who is aware of the crowd and engages with them. However, I am confused why Cody Rhodes is fighting Del Rio, or is it just a random pairing?
- Crowd doesn't seem to care about Del Rio either.
- Si! Si! Si! Del Rio has realised he needs a catchphrase that the smarky older fans will chant as well as the kiddie fans at the back will chant. He's smart.
- Del Rio looks old.
- Everyone is the People's Champ.
- Is Del Rio referencing that advert they played during the Superbowl about the plight of the Mexican Farmers... who can't afford a big car?
- I like The Big Show. Sure he never has a sustained period of looking like a freaking Giant, but I like him. If the wrestling re-watch has shown me anything is that he was over used and over turned. He'd be a Face one week, a Heel the next, comedy figure the month after that, off our screens the next. Back as a Heel, then as a Face, then the Hardcore Champ, then off our screens. He looks better as a baldy head too.
- Not a bad promo from Show.
- Crowd seemed confused though. Why they're playing Big Shows music?

- Oh another WWE App announcement. Power Outrage reference.
- Punk v Jericho. Nice. Mysterio came dead last. Is his time up?

- The MizTV thing made him look like a heel.

- I don't think it's a surprise that the only other 2 people over on Raw, are the 2 people who get screen time for Promos to get their characters and story over. Daniel Bryan and Kane's demise incoming? Could be interesting!
- That polite reaction to Rey Mysterio's music. He doesn't do the pop up entrance anymore? Are his knees that bad? :( Oh he doesn't share his mask with the kids anymore?
- Daniel Bryan. Energetic music. Comes out engages the crowd. Has a catchphrase. He has all the tools to be over with the crowd!
- Brief talk from Michael Cole about this match, then straight back to talking about something else. Oh WWE App. He mentioned that both Rey and Daniel Bryan are former World Heavyweight/WWE Champions. Is there anyone on Raw who isn't a former World/WWE Champ?
- Daniel Bryan really is one of the few people who is aware of the crowd and engages with them. I like that. Makes them part of the show. What happened to heels shouting at individuals in the crowd to shut up? Or Ric Flair thrusting his groin at women in the crowd?
- When did Atlanta become such a terrible crowd?

- Mark Henry! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
- History has been remembered. Continuity on my WWE programming!
- Henry looks massive, but not in a terrible way.
- Oh no. Sin Cara! WHY!
- Get in! This is class.
- Yes, I like it. Shout at the crowd. Let them know. Rag Doll physics all over the place. This is great. Wow.

- Still another 104 minutes to go. What the hell.
- King wears some of the ugliest looking shirts a senior citizen could ever wear.

- Lesnar's silent and simple finger pointing was amazing.

- Not sure on that Big Show segment. Dammit. I just put him over too. That was goofy. Stop being goofy Big Show. Just be a mean Giant.

- Don't care for Sheamus much.
- Oh another Raw Recap! I don't not like these, I just think they're strange. Makes it look like a TV Show, but I guess that's what WWE want? I didn't mind them so much when TNA did it, as TNA was taped, and each show pretty much had an episode # and a title at the start (do they still do that?). But, I don't know, seems worse in WWE. Why have a mysterious voice speak over a highlight package to get a feud over? Why not let the wrestlers involved talk about feud and the actions that happened?
- Sheamus must be massive, he looks the same size as Kane.
- King agrees!
- Goofy Kevin Smith looking fan
- Kane has lost his mystique and menacing persona. I don't find him a threat anymore.
- Classic Tag-Team fallout incoming! I don't mind though, as the people involved are good, they've made it interesting.
- Still don't care for Sheamus. What's he actually done? I feel like I've missed something. I remember that one bit where he was with The Muppets. That was good.

- This MizTV thing. He's a perverted Voyeur heel.
- Slick backed hair and a 5 o'clock shadow is classic heel! Or Christian Slater. Perhaps that's his gimmick. The Miz is Christian Slater. Remember Christian Salter folks? That's a question to the 90's crowd, really.
- Paul Heyman is good. The Miz not so much so. There was a time when The Miz was OK, but this isn't that time. I hope people are allowed to talk to Paul Heyman and get tips on mannerisms and reactions. He's great at that, and does them all the time regardless if they'll appear on camera or not. Sure they're over the top, but they seem 'natural'. Besides, it's wrestling... everything is over the top. Or at least should be. Right?
- Ah, another catchphraser! AWESOME v EXCUSE ME! Again. These catchphrases are really the only thing the crowds react to these days. I'm sure that's always been the case, but I'm sure I remember time when promos, words and stances would get the crowd's interest too.
- What?
- See Heyman can do it! He speaks, and the crowd go mad!
- Vicky speaks and crowd switch back off.
- Oh, I forgot Miz had 2 catchphrases. Really?
- The Miz should just stay as a Heel, I don't buy him as a Face. He's just naturally a bit of a dick. He should use that.
- Lesnar! Heyman's reaction grabbing Vicky Guerrero. I like that! Get the hell out of here! HE'S UNCONTROLLABLE! Hopefully he doesn't F5 a sofa. Actually. That'd be kinda cool, but I feel like he's done that before. Even Heyman is behind the ropes! Nice adlibs! Back down!
- Oh silly Miz.
- Oh no! Watch the couch... silly Michael Cole. I'm glad Lesnar is back and is just beating people up. I'm also happy Mark Henry is back and beating people up. I'm not an angry person, honest. I just like seeing people get... beaten up? Perhaps I'm just happy The Miz was beaten up? I'm not sure I'm suppose to feel that way, but I do. Silly Miz.

- Shut up Ian Botham.
- Still another hour to go. Damn. I guess the pace has picked up slighty, and I guess we have the John Cena speech to come, and CM Punk, but I don't know. 3 hours is too much for me. Too many breaks, it feels like we only actually get an extra 20 minutes of show.

- Oh I missed the part about Lesnar being under contract with the WWE now.

- Randy Orton! It's crazy how over he still is. He's done very little for what seems like years. Yet, he does look like a Superstar, certainly more than TheMiz does. Oh, it's Orton v Barrett again.
- I like Barrett. Oh it's Bo-Dallas! He has a perma-smile! John Cena school of wrestling, or perhaps he's going to become The Joker, or should that be... The Bo-ker :\ Actually, I like that little promo, it was the old school picture-in-picture promo while an entrance was happening. I was just saying the other day they never use them anymore. I like that. A promo on my wrestling show to get a character/feud over. I can't complain.
- Nice railing spot!
- Cole even putting Barrett's fighter character over. Hmm. Things are picking up... ah then a lame King joke.
- A failed spot, but they just worked through it. Glad they didn't force it through. See there we go, you got to where you wanted to be and it didn't look totally phoney! Nice!
- More character building by Cole! Nice. I didn't know this stuff about Barrett. Why can't they do this for all the matches?
- Why don't these two guys actually fight for the title?

- Fandango sighting! 3 way dance off between Clay, Tensei and Fandango? Or a 3 Man-Stable that feuds with 3 Man Band?
- Crowd signs aren't what they used to be, or as prevalent across the crowd these days. Man, those 90's crowds had some crazy signs. EVERYONE had one too. Made the crowd look alive. Wonder what happened.

- ... WWE Active Match? Oh. Well, anyway, it's good to see Jericho is back and it'll be interesting to see what they do with him. If he just pops up and wrestles randomly then I'm not too sure. Prefer him on the mic.
- Yeah, Punk engaging that crowd! Work the Crowd Agent Note isn't used enough. That's a TEW reference.
- Twitter feed at the bottom! That's sort of neat if used well, the silly 'best theme music' comments about Mark Henry isn't really what I'd want to see. But talking about him kicking arse and being in Beastmode is good. Should have more things like that wrestlers tweeting during the show about being scared. Maybe not show them all on the screen, but those who follow on twitter will see em and it'd sell a character well.
- This match has been OK, if a little vanilla. Crowd are at least interested. Both men are down does that mean... yeah ad break. Ergh. So much for getting into the match.
- Ok, momentum is back. Decent match. Strange Elbow drop though from Punk. Crowd are loving this.
- Nice ad-libs from CM Punk!
- Great crowd all of a sudden, which makes me think that Atlanta isn't a terrible place, but rather there wasn't much to get them going until now. That's a shame.

- Hall of Famer is... Bruno Sammartino. Ah, before my time. Actually, I'm sure Hogan is already in the Hall of Fame now I think about it. So that was a bit silly of me. Oh, there's a whole history with Vince McMahon I'm totally not aware of apparently (according to wikipedia), so I guess this is why it's such a big surprise? Wonder if they'll have a CM Punk/Bruno confrontation at WM? Not a match, but Punk being thrown or something.

- John Cena time again! He's being serious! All those impossible things he's overcome. And advert. Can't overcome those adverts.

- Big Show has finished his meal. Nice. I should like this segment, but it still seemed goofy. Actually, no, I don't know. Adidas Del Rio is getting a beatdown though. Fire Hydrant! Most used weapon in WWE today?

- Maddox. I like this guy. Good character. Smarmy wannabe. We have a similar dress style. Not sure I should admit to things like that. Ah, he engaged the crowd! 'Not going anywhere'. Well done. I like it. Crowd seem dead though. They don't care for Maddox, but perhaps that's a good thing, as it fits his character.
- Maddox cost Punk the title! He's the hero! Oh he said that too. He's the hero! haha nice. This character is great. Smarmy guy with visions of grandeur... that no one cares about. Great. Nobody likes him. Was that a Bane reference? 'Justice... awaits you.' Did he try to say it like Bane?
- Pretty sure that The Shield's music is just Jack Swagger's music played backwards.
- People coming through the crowd looking serious, always looks odd when the crowd are doing goofy things. They should just push those people out the way, or have people to push people out the way. Despite that this is pretty good.
- Poor Maddox, but he bought this on himself.

- UH OH SHIELD! Cena and Friends can come through the crowd too!
- haha great they just leave the ring and go up the ramp... but no, it's Orton and Company! uh oh. Somewhere there's a shovel spinning in it's grave.
- AH! But they've escape to fight another day! Would have been amazing if the crowd had closed ranks and stopped them from leaving haha bit of a flat ending, but nevermind.
- Made in Georgia.
That crowd was just waiting for Sting to come down from the rafters or Hall to come out and do the survey all night.

Probably wondered why Lex wasn't with The Giant in his hotel room either.

MADE........... IN GEORGIA!


I love how punk is no longer champ and now he's back to winning matches clean.
He did pretty often, what are you talking about? Even before the Rumble he took out Brodus Clay pretty handily.

Only person he didn't beat clean in his title reign was Ryback. He beat Big Show and Cena cleanly at SummerSlam in the triple threat match. He beat Jericho countless times, same for Daniel Bryan. The Ryback stuff was a total waste of time, but he was winning consistently all year.
SENDAI Girls show from last December, featuring a main event of Aja Kong & Meiko Satomura against Kagetsu & Yoshiko, plus DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko facing the JWP team of Tsubasa Kuragaki & Leon;

Sendai Sun Plaza
2,600 Fans - No Vacancy


01. Kyoko Inoue, Ray & Saree vs Manami Toyota, Rabbit Mito & Nana Kawasa

02. Mayumi Ozaki vs Carlos Amano

03. Sakura Hirota vs Eiger

04. Shinobi Kandori & Ayako Hamada vs Syuri & Miyako Morino

05. DASH Chisako & Sendai Sachiko vs Tsubasa Kuragaki & Leon

06. Aja Kong & Meiko Satomura vs Kagetsu & Yoshiko

Also, Eiger, lol;


I haven't been this excited for an indy show line-up in a long ass time.

Yeah, there have been a fair few matches I've been excited for, but not this many on a single show in years. Great work by PWG.


Argh what an annoying morning things breaking, stuff not working. I'm gonna relax and catchup on GWF. Also a new pluggy plug for my Wii ordered. Also a prong from the plug might be stuck in the extension plug thingy.


Watching on the main bits on Dailymotion.

- Ryback and Cesaro should've ended in DQ or countout. Cesaro is one of the more natural heels after Lesnar, Big Show, and Punk, but meh.
- WWE Active on the WWE App for WWE.com
- Hey, it's Jack Swagger. Looked good, but the Ankle Lock out of nowhere with no work done on the foot the entire match is fucky.
- WWE Active on the WWE App for WWE.com
- I enjoy this Show-Del Rio feud.
- Both Rey/Bryan and Jericho/Punk were solid.
- Mark Henry lol. They'll have him lose to Ryback. :(
- Miz is the fucking WORST.
- Lesnar's bringing back the attitude. How long until Mr. H returns
- The Barrett Barrage is over before it started.
- They need to let Ambrose talk more.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Cole tried to bring up Mark attacking Bryan because Bryan beat Henry for the WHC.

I laughed.


So not worth it
Last night was the first night in months Ziggler wasn't on Raw. It was the first night since last spring AJ wasn't on Raw either, terrible effort by WWE.


Junior Member
I am trully amazed how the feeling towards Brock and Henry has changed over the years. When Brock left he was basically booed out of the building for being boring and what not. Henry was the laughing stock of the Internet for most of his career till the last few years. Its amazing how time changes everything. Batista was also booed out of the building a few years back and now everyone is begging for the Brotista to come back.

However there are some guys that the feeling is always the same. That being, HBK, Jericho, Rock, Punk, Angle, Flair, Hart, Sting, Savage, "He who shall not be named", Rick Rude, Steamboat, Austin and Bryan. Could also add Booker to that list.
I am trully amazed how the feeling towards Brock and Henry has changed over the years. When Brock left he was basically booed out of the building for being boring and what not. Henry was the laughing stock of the Internet for most of his career till the last few years. Its amazing how time changes everything. Batista was also booed out of the building a few years back and now everyone is begging for the Brotista to come back.

However there are some guys that the feeling is always the same. That being, HBK, Jericho, Rock, Punk, Angle, Flair, Hart, Sting, Savage, "He who shall not be named", Rick Rude, Steamboat, Austin and Bryan. Could also add Booker to that list.

I think at the time they were the most boring people on the roster, however now they're probably some of the most interesting as they're totally different. They actually have a character now! Suppose that says more about the current state of WWE, rather than the 'superstars' in question.


Junior Member
I think at the time they were the most boring people on the roster, however now they're probably some of the most interesting as they're totally different. They actually have a character now! Suppose that says more about the current state of WWE, rather than the 'superstars' in question.

In Brocks case, the face turn while fun really killed his "Next Big Thing" Persona.


I am trully amazed how the feeling towards Brock and Henry has changed over the years. When Brock left he was basically booed out of the building for being boring and what not. Henry was the laughing stock of the Internet for most of his career till the last few years. Its amazing how time changes everything. Batista was also booed out of the building a few years back and now everyone is begging for the Brotista to come back.

However there are some guys that the feeling is always the same. That being, HBK, Jericho, Rock, Punk, Angle, Flair, Hart, Sting, Savage, "He who shall not be named", Rick Rude, Steamboat, Austin and Bryan. Could also add Booker to that list.

Lesnar was always a favourite of mine, but his exit back in 2004 was just straight up lame. Henry was pretty bad for most of his career, but he found his spot as a terrific monster heel in 2011, and I've been a huge fan ever since. He's just plain fun to watch.


Booker T must have been having flashbacks to his "We comin' for you nigga" promo last night, it took him a while to compose himself. It just highlights how fucking stupid the title "Managing Supervisor of Raw" is.
Booker T must have been having flashbacks to his "We comin' for you nigga" promo last night, it took him a while to compose himself. It just highlights how fucking stupid the title "Managing Supervisor of Raw" is.

We should try and list all the silly titles WWE has come up with for the authority figure over the years.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF archive for last night's ball-busting, eye-gouging episode is here, at the approx 20 minute mark:


I guess it's no big secret now - when this final arc involving the Four Kings wraps up, GWF will be coming back with what some nerdy animu people call a "time skip" and a new 2.0 everything.

Till then, marvel at Soulplaya's way with words as his team come head to head against those who would support the GAF mods!


Junior Member
Lesnar was always a favourite of mine, but his exit back in 2004 was just straight up lame. Henry was pretty bad for most of his career, but he found his spot as a terrific monster heel in 2011, and I've been a huge fan ever since. He's just plain fun to watch.

What other big man has the balls to do a Shooting Star Press at Wrestlemania(Eventhough he botched it). The guy is a Genetic Freak.


I am trully amazed how the feeling towards Brock and Henry has changed over the years. When Brock left he was basically booed out of the building for being boring and what not. Henry was the laughing stock of the Internet for most of his career till the last few years. Its amazing how time changes everything. Batista was also booed out of the building a few years back and now everyone is begging for the Brotista to come back.

However there are some guys that the feeling is always the same. That being, HBK, Jericho, Rock, Punk, Angle, Flair, Hart, Sting, Savage, "He who shall not be named", Rick Rude, Steamboat, Austin and Bryan. Could also add Booker to that list.

I always loved Brock and Mark Henry, check yoself foo'. It's the Goldberg effect: growing up I didn't care for the "big" guy (Diesel, etc), but I mark out for the "big" guy who's a legitimate bad ass.

Mark's heel run is who he should have been all along. The actual World's Strongest Man decides to fuck up errbody's shit because he's the World's Strongest Man and you're not.

Wrestling is so simple sometimes.

Batista I thought was boring and unwatchable (goes back to the "big" v. "monster" thing above), but I missed his Brotista run where all the fun apparently was.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Batista I thought was boring and unwatchable (goes back to the "big" v. "monster" thing above), but I missed his Brotista run where all the fun apparently was.

I got you covered. The best of his Brotista run, and a little more- 1:30 is where the fun begins!


In other news I just watched that Apache video in OT, and my day is kinda ruined. Kinda.


Junior Member
I always loved Brock and Mark Henry, check yoself foo'. It's the Goldberg effect: growing up I didn't care for the "big" guy (Diesel, etc), but I mark out for the "big" guy who's a legitimate bad ass.

Mark's heel run is who he should have been all along. The actual World's Strongest Man decides to fuck up errbody's shit because he's the World's Strongest Man and you're not.

Wrestling is so simple sometimes.

Batista I thought was boring and unwatchable (goes back to the "big" v. "monster" thing above), but I missed his Brotista run where all the fun apparently was.

Goldberg effect? I would still mark the hell out for Goldberg. The guy was a true physical specimen. What he could do in the ring as far as power was a sight to behold. Not his fault that WWE neutered him when he came in.

It was a pretty big concensus that everyone was down on Mark back in the late 90s early 2k as far as his in ring skills/persona.


So not worth it
Goldberg effect? I would still mark the hell out for Goldberg. The guy was a true physical specimen. What he could do in the ring as far as power was a sight to behold. Not his fault that WWE neutered him when he came in.

It was a pretty big concensus that everyone was down on Mark back in the late 90s early 2k as far as his in ring skills/persona.

That's exactly what he meant by Goldberg-effect.


Goldberg effect? I would still mark the hell out for Goldberg. The guy was a true physical specimen. What he could do in the ring as far as power was a sight to behold. Not his fault that WWE neutered him when he came in.

It was a pretty big concensus that everyone was down on Mark back in the late 90s early 2k as far as his in ring skills/persona.

I don't say Goldberg Effect like it's a bad thing. It's a good thing. A very good thing. There's always a large number of enormous people in wrestling, whether fat or jacked, that come off as boring oafs because there's no intimidation factor beyond being large.

Big guys who are real life beasts don't need to do much to stand out as monsters in the world of pro wrestling.

Ryback, Big Show v. Mark Henry, Brock Lesnar, Big E. (potential anyway) are current examples of the big v. the big & the bad ass MFer.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, I did watch Dredd last night, finally. I liked it, but it wasn't THAT good. I think people built it up too much, honestly. Very solid though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
"Some of you, I see a lot of dollar signs, because I see a lot of fat people in the audience, and I know you paid for two seats."

Sold. SO SOLD. Need Brotista in my life now.

That whole promo where he SHREDS John Cena is just brilliant. The weeks leading up to their Mania match were the best of times.


Man, we didn't know what we had until it was gone. He was a god among men in that run.


Is it just me or is anyone else sort of upset that they're giving ADR permission to get the crowd to chant "Si!"... That's Daniel Bryan's chant in Spanish. Stop giving away his gimmick!


Is it just me or is anyone else sort of upset that they're giving ADR permission to get the crowd to chant "Si!"... That's Daniel Bryan's chant in Spanish. Stop giving away his gimmick!

That's not his gimmick. He started it, sure, but as I said many moons ago:

The crowd just loves chanting shit

They care more about the chant than the guy.
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