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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes I feel like this thread is on Beefpeat



I hope he changes his finisher to the BOnzai drop. He's a BOnafide Bad-Ass.

Sometimes I feel like this thread is on Beefpeat


"I thought my SpiDean sense was tingling. Why is everyone using my gimmick?"
Teddy Hart is just a mess. Dude has all the talent, but no discipline and a ton of ego. If he had been willing to listen and learn to all the people that gave him a shot over the years, today he might actually be worth a damn. Instead, he's bat-shit insane and the worst kind of spot monkey, but crowds still go nuts for him all the same. Teddy's definitely a unique guy in this business, it's just a shame he'll likely never go anywhere with it.

Jamie OD

Teddy Hart is just a mess. Dude has all the talent, but no discipline and a ton of ego. If he had been willing to listen and learn to all the people that gave him a shot over the years, today he might actually be worth a damn. Instead, he's bat-shit insane and the worst kind of spot monkey, but crowds still go nuts for him all the same. Teddy's definitely a unique guy in this business, it's just a shame he'll likely never go anywhere with it.

I remember bothtimes I saw him on TV, one for WWE Superstars and one for TNA back when they were just weekly PPVs. Both times he pulled off an injury spot to explain (or to use as an excuse for) why he lost the match. He pulled that off a lot apparently so he would get sympathy cheers as he was helped out of the ring.
Three big CHIKARA spoilers from this weekend that have me pumped.

Amazing Kong will debut for the company when the go to tampa bay next month.

Green Ant made Eddie Kingston submit in the texas cloverleaf on Saturday and will get a Grand championship match in Orlando.

3.0 have defeated the young bucks to become the new tag team champions!!!


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Team hell no with kendo stick


With Hand-Holding action.

WrassleGAF Did You Know?

Even after being told nobody selected Cena as WrassleGAF's official mascot, WrassleGAF -continued- to not pick Cena, so you won't see him in the Rumble at all!

The Rumble filled to an EXACT 40 selections. Perfection!

So the sign on Raw lied to me?

Gary Hart was the best Hart.

Helen Hart was the best Hart. Just imagine 13 children, enforcing the rules of no wrestling in the house (except the dungeon) to all of them and all the friends that stopped by, having to clean over a dozen pair of wrestling gear every week, and being the only person Stu Hart was afraid to try and put in a headlock. In that family, it was the Queen of Harts on top.



WCW Thunder 10/25/2000

Go home show before Halloween Havoc. Also, the first official night of dual tapings. That means even less effort and worse crowds.

Reno vs Kwee Wee WCW Hardcore Championship


I guess the rule of hardcore matches starting out in the back is over. Kwee Wee Wee, as Stevie called him, came out with pink weapons. Paisley looks hot as FUCK. Sting/Goldberg/Booker vs Kronik/Jarrett is the main event tonight. They fight to the same spot where Vamp chokeslammed Crowbar through tables earlier in the night on Nitro. This match went 10 minutes. I'm pretty positive this will be longer than the main event. Reno wins and Paisley slaps him. Roll of the Dice on her. Wall comes out and chokeslams him off the apron through a table.

TO THE BACK. Buff is with Gene. Buff says he isn't the father. Kind of. He didn't quite deny it.

NBT and Coach Nash come to the ring. Nash has a cricket bat for some reason. I guess he got it while in Australia. Tony lays down the law on Mike right away and says he isn't taking his shit tonight and will not be arguing for 2 hours. They bring Stasiak out. Nash is going to paddle Meat for his recent actions. They put a chair in the way and say next time it will be for real. Stasiak sold it for real, though. This was his last chance.


Buff Bagwell vs MI SMOOV


SMOOV dances to the ring. Not only did WWE steal Cat's music and catchphrase for Brodus, but also stole Ice Train's moves for Fandango. These kind of gimmicks are so weird to me. No one questions it that a limo driver has wrestling gear and can be booked in matches? Or that the wardrobe guy is actually a trained wrestler? Another thing I've always wondered about is contracts. Guys sign contracts for each match, right? If that's the case, then how can guys be booked on the fly and forced into a match? How can guys be forced into ANY match if they have to sign a contract for each one? You don't have to sign a contract for that handicap match your boss booked you in. As the champion, you don't have to defend your title weekly. Unless you only sign contracts for matches that need a contract signing angle. But then, there was a segment on one of these shows where Lance was given the paper work for a match that had just been booked and he had to sign them before it would actually happen. Anyway, Buff wins with the blockbuster. David attacked after the match, but Buff fought him off easily.

The Cat and Ms. Jones come to the ring. Another episode of Thunder with messed up audio. Cat says if Sanders comes out right now, they won't have to wait for Havoc.

The Cat/Ms. Jones vs Mike Sanders/Leia Meow

Sanders forced Leia under the punishment of getting fired and/or raped. She turns on him and Cat wins. Tony is really into Ms. Jones. You're a married man, Tony!


Gene is with Sting and Booker. Showtime and shit.

TO THE INTERVIEW. Tony talked with Goldberg. Bill has a book because all wrestlers need a book. Goldberg said how great it was to have such excited crowds in Australia in such hard times. Lol. WCW sucks, it was nice to have a hot crowd. Oh, Bill. Oh, WCW for allowing that kind of stuff to be said on your show. This happened pretty regularly. Why would the fans want to watch the show when you have your own talent saying it sucks? Goldberg has a few times, Russo himself has multiple times, Steiner has said to turn the shit off and watch Raw, Flair wanted to send David to the WWF because McMahon is the one that can actually make him a star, the announcers make comments all the time. Bill doesn't like taking credit for being the star he is when so many people have helped him along the way, from trainers to Tony to Nash to the fans. Blah blah blah. This shit goes on forever. It's seriously seven minutes of absolute filler.


Big Vito vs Vampiro

Sound is still mess up and then it cuts out completely for a bit. ICP are gone since the skinny one got hurt when Awesome powerbombed him on the bus. Muta is back in Japan. No one gives a fuck where the Demon is. This wasn't nearly as awesome as Crowbar/Vamp, probably because Vamp was beat up from the match earlier in the night. Or did they tape Thunder first? It would make more sense to tape it first, I'd think, so you wouldn't have half the crowd leave at 10PM when you start the second show on a Monday night or spoil the live show. Vamp eventually won, but this was really meandering and boring.

Team Canada vs MIA


This feud will never end. The first move Lash does an an Emerald Frosion. And Lance no sold it. Sgt. AWOL and Hugh happen to be sitting in the front row. Hey, remember that Curt Hennig got the MIA their jobs back JUST to SWERVE them, then turned face, then moved on to a feud with Stasiak and vanished from TV? I do. It was never explained WHY he got them their jobs back just to SWERVE them. Duggan comes out. He's growing his beard back. Hugh and Wall jump him. Chavo kicks out of the super kick. Gunns accidentally hit Chavo with the flag, which led to Lance rolling him up, but Chavo kept going and pinned Lance anyway despite being the one hit in the head with a flag. Elix gets chokeslammed through a table again.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Jeff and Kronik. "Hey, knock that crap off. I'm tired of it. Just answer my damn question!"

Disqo vs Rey Jr. vs Sean O'Haire

This is a bit better than the 3 way from Nitro. I want to see a Rey vs O'Haire match. Disqo and Rey work together quite a bit. Sean pins Disqo with a springboard Seanton Bomb that was pretty awesome for how easily he did it. All three teams brawled after the match.

Jeff Jarrett/Kronik vs Sting/Booker/Goldberg

Well, Reno vs Kwee Wee is for sure going longer than this match. There were less than 10 minutes left before Goldberg's full entrance. This is a nothing match. Kronik are bad wrestlers. Jarrett has had so many matches with Booker and Sting. I don't give a FUCK. Goldberg appears to have knocked himself out spearing the corner. Kronik hit High Times, but the pin never happens. Sting ends up pinning Jeff with the deathdrop, even though Goldberg and Crush were the legal men. Steiner beats up the faces with his pipe. Show ends with all the faces down and out.

The team and before Dr. Shelby's anger management. How did they get to that point?

Dumb AJ love triangle with Kane, Bryan & Punk > AJ forcing Bryan to wrestle Kane at Summerslam because he tried to have her committed > Kane going crazy because Bryan beat him > AJ sends them both to anger management.

Wasn't Kane in charge of Daniel Bryan's anger management first?

Ahead of their Summerslam match, yeah, afterwards they were both sent to Dr. Shelby.
After They lost at No WAy out to Punk, remember when AJ was crazy. they started fueding.

After Bryan beat Kane at summerslam both started to get hostile that they were sent to anger management.
Dumb AJ love triangle with Kane, Bryan & Punk > AJ forcing Bryan to wrestle Kane at Summerslam because he tried to have her committed > Kane going crazy because Bryan beat him > AJ sends them both to anger management.

Ahead of their Summerslam match, yeah, afterwards they were both sent to Dr. Shelby.

That's a love quadrilateral.

So AJ forced Bryan to wrestle Kane after their wedding when McMahon made AJ Raw GM?
That's a love quadrilateral.

So AJ forced Bryan to wrestle Kane after their wedding when McMahon made AJ Raw GM?

-Aj becomes GM, wedding is called off
- D bRy gets angry destroys wedding, starts shouing NO instead of yes
- Kane is put in charge or bryan
- Bryan beats Kane at summerslam, kane becomes super angry, BRyan contuines to be pisseed off
- both go to anger management
- become tag team


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I see that and I'm impressed, yet I can't help but imagine it going oh so horribly wrong.


more money than God
Yet you still go nuts over Kane and I just look at him and think 'That's a middle aged man in a mask."
Oh, I think that too sometimes, but Kane has earned a pass from me over the years. The worst offender was RVD, though. Spinning does nothing for your kicks, fool!


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Man, I would have gone nuts over this as a kid. Now, I just look at it and go, "why all the flips? Does it add more damage or something?"

Damn realism.

Stop that. Return to the world where it's like a comic book, sci-fi action show, or a video game. Flips generate more energy, special moves are more powerful because they harness all the energy into one point in the body like an elbow or a foot. Kane has a monster truck!


I don't think of realism when I see the double moonsault, but all I can think of is "that dude will break his neck soon". The second rotation was about as tight as it could get. All it takes is one extra bounce or ropes that aren't tight enough or ropes that are too tight and that guy will Hayabusa himself.

I think the worst "why is that supposed to hurt, exactly?" high-flying move has to be the Spiral Tap AJ Styles is so fond of using;


I don't think I've ever seen him hit more than a glancing blow on the opponent, yet it looks like if he does it wrong he's going to break his own neck.

Seanton Bomb, baby. Never even came close to landing on a guy. Usually his hair would touch a rib or something. I haven't seen a single one that looks like it would put a child down or a 3 count.
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