In your WTF story of the day wrote an profile on ring of honor
They even interviewed gabe!
At this point, if ROH ever finds itself in financial trouble, or if Sinclair Broadcasting ever starts looking for a return on their investment and looks for buyers, I think WWE would be in that mix.
How exciting, I can't wait to hear Vince for 2:30ish
WWE Network with an exclusive contract to show old ROH shows.
That would be fun.
ROH already does that kind of. Become a Ringside member and you get to watch every episode of their TV series, including HD Net episodes and they have a growing library of old events available for streaming.
WWE Network with an exclusive contract to show old ROH shows.
That would be fun.
In your WTF story of the day wrote an profile on ring of honor
They even interviewed gabe!
Makes sense.
Punk was never going to go over in that match so if they are just going to slot Bryan in there and not give a fuck then yeah... Dude is losing.
Dat Triple H has to show that up and comer whats up. Dont worry though. Triple H will put him over on a random RAW or C level PPV in the middle of summer.
Can we start our own dirt sheet? All we have to do is say "insider sorurces" and "things may change" and we can say anything.
ROLLINS: Ring of Honor was the place I still aspired to work, because I idolized what was going on there. I had done MTVs Wrestling Society X with Jimmy Jacobs. He told Ring of Honor founder Gabe Sapolsky about me and Gabe brought me to the Ring of Honor sister company in Florida [Full Impact Pro]. I wrestled Jay Briscoe in a singles match and Gabe took me outside and he said, I love ya and I want to bring you in to Ring of Honor, so I want to offer you a three-year deal. I was 21-years-old and as soon as he left I did the air-fist pump. I was just psyched out of my mind.
In your WTF story of the day wrote an profile on ring of honor
They even interviewed gabe!
"Warning:Punk getting the Benoit treatment?
So all Punk matches in the WWE Network will have an advisory too?
Mike Quinn really does look like Zandig should have in 92.
- We noted before that major WrestleMania XXX creative meetings were held over the past week with several discussions changed. While many different scenarios were brought up, at least one source in WWE creative doesn't expect a lot of changes will be made.
While it may appear they are going in the direction of Kane vs. Daniel Bryan after this week's TV shows, the source didn't expect Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan to be changed. Regarding that match, nobody within WWE expects Bryan to go over.
Wrestling's an odd place sometimes.
Apologies for the piss filter, can't find the normal screenshot.
From Pwinsider:
If Bryan doesn't win and then they have Batista vs Orton later get ready for a riot and the raw after will be insanity. They can't be that stupid.
So, I read the news that Del Rio probably is going to leave too? damn
From Pwinsider:
If Bryan doesn't win and then they have Batista vs Orton later get ready for a riot and the raw after will be insanity. They can't be that stupid.
I want to care...but well, he's spent. By now he would have moved to another territory.
I hope they enjoyed 15 thousand fans shitting on the Rumble, because if Bryan doesn't beat HHH they're going to have 75 thousand fans taking a steaming dump on rest of WM 30, the first PPV on their Network and biggest show of the year.
I hope they enjoyed 15 thousand fans shitting on the Rumble, because if Bryan doesn't beat HHH they're going to have 75 thousand fans taking a steaming dump on rest of WM 30, the first PPV on their Network and biggest show of the year.
They like to talk about how in a stadium of 70k+ it's hard to hear what people are chanting because everyone chants something different.
I think this year they will be proven wrong.