I agree with her. PWG is flippy floppy wrestling. Britta'd.
Toolboxes in this thread need to keep my name off their keyboards.
Do you know who the fuck I am?
Do you know what I'm capable of?
bean breath busting out those del rio promo skills
Yeah its fucking wacky. I imagine it sounds like the door slamming in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That and the expanding back dude were the most impressive things to me watching the WBF shows. The thing where guys shake their leg and then flex to stop it is disgusting. It also looks like fish or something.
rye does it have to be this waynow wheat just a minute, plywood
Yeah, some of those leg gifs you posted are just so completely bizarre to me. In fact, the entire WBF itself is perversely peculiar.
I can just imagine someone went up to Vince and said, "So get this: We're going to give one of the bodybuilders a MACHINE GUN and he's going to KILL people on the stage," which, of course, lead to Vince replying, "God dammit, I love it!"
She's into "flippy floppy" wrestling. So she loves "indie wrestling"
cue the gifs
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they blurred Sheamus' face as if that could be any other wrestler
Dude...AJ, Stan Lee, Sarah Connor, Green Ranger, Kyle Reese, Cliff Clavin, Freddy Krueger, and Pam fucking Grier? I am down as fuck for that.
Makes sense, it's just funny cause you'd have to blur him entirely though.He mentioned that on the panel, certain people really don't want to be on the show so they go out of their way not filming them, I guess they didn't realise Sheamus was in that shot or didn't want to reshoot that take because Eva Marie is godawful at acting heh.
AJ mentioned in the same panel they have a guys with walkie talkies standing around and whenever she's near they'll signal the people filming that she's coming and they have to make sure she's not in the shot, I suppose Sheamus got past that person.
wrasslegaf i just finished filing my tax return
Never saw this CM Punk interview from April of last year, but one part of it concerning CM Punk's attitude seemed topical
Direct quote from Vince about Punk: He's "harder to deal with and more miserable than Shawn Michaels when he was on drugs."
I'd be miserable too if I wasn't in the position I deserved to be.
Mweh, I'd be miserable in WWE if I was in Zach Ryder's position, but to be like CM Punk seems like a pretty good deal.
Tell Steve Austin he'll be a midcard guy and he'll give you a stunner.
Punk hasn't been a midcard guy for years now by any stretch of the imagination.
He wasn't John Cena, sure, but that's about the end of it.
Wonder if WWE not having Undertaker around hurts the locker room morale to let things like this happen. There's no 'Mother fucker this isn't about you' to Punk like there was to Bret. Triple H thinks he's a locker room leader but lol. Who is there?
Kane ain't just a gimmick. He is THE company man, he wouldn't stand up for any upset superstars if it was against the WWE. lol it's probably Christian.
I think a while back it was said that Randy Orton sort of was.Wonder if WWE not having Undertaker around hurts the locker room morale to let things like this happen. There's no 'Mother fucker this isn't about you' to Punk like there was to Bret. Triple H thinks he's a locker room leader but lol. Who is there?
Kane ain't just a gimmick. He is THE company man, he wouldn't stand up for any upset superstars if it was against the WWE. lol it's probably Christian.
After a backstage incident in Iraq, there are several people within WWE who now see Randy Orton as something of a locker room leader. Orton is viewed as one of the few guys who don’t take crap from HHH and Shawn Michaels.
The backstage incident in Iraq, of all places, involved Umaga having tights made for his match and the seamstress telling him he couldn’t use those colors because they are HHH’s colors, but he insisted on it.
Michaels threw a fit about Umaga’s tights when he saw him go through the curtain and Orton was the only one who stood up for Umaga. Orton is said to have the same attitude that Michaels used to, but since Orton has stood up to people that a lot of the locker room doesn’t like, and knows they would loose their jobs if they stood up to them, Orton has become popular.
He's been a midcarder for most of his time at WWE since Summer of Punk.
I don't understand you guys. It's like you're completely oblivious as to why he's unhappy.
Kofi is a midcarder. Cody Rhodes is a midcarder. Punk is in the main event of Raw and Smackdown, Punk gets to hold the WWE Title, Punk gets to headline the house shows. Punk gets matches with The Undertaker and The Rock and Triple H. And while Punk might be bitter he's not John Cena and never will be John Cena and I understand why that's not enough for him. I REFUSE to understand why that's enough reason to walk out of the company without notice. Also, his actions here don't actually change anything for the better as it only amplifies WWE's wish to home-grow talent instead of bringing in indie guys that are too headstrong.
I love Punk and Punk is one of those guys I would have loved to seen live, since I missed out on him every time WWE comes 'round here. The fact that I don't stings a little, especially because there's not really a good reason.
Also, he's gonna get AJ buried through his actions and I'm bitter about that too.
If AJ gets buried because of her private life then that's just childish and speaks a lot for the kind of company Punk is unhappy with.