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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If AJ gets buried because of her private life then that's just childish and speaks a lot for the kind of company Punk is unhappy with.
Childish is also storming out of your job because you don't like the way something's going. Especially after you've been handed one of the biggest contracts(a match with Lesnar AND a match with Rock), you've been given the trust by the WWE to carry on your back for 434 days, and you've been given shitloads of media spots and merchandise.

If he wants to quit, he can quit. But let's not try to act like Punk's a victim or some underused talent here. There is literally ONE person who's better off than he is in the entire roster.


Yup, so lets walk out 30 minutes before a show and leave the company hanging, because that is the proper way to do business.

Card position aside, you know Punk's body is really banged up right? He needs a rest and honestly, nobody cares that he's not jobbing to Triple H at Wrestlemania. Why half-ass your performance when you can rest and then possibly return to give your 100% again?

Although there is a possibility he won't return. Why give your 100% week in and week out when part timers are always going to be ahead of you?

Childish is also storming out of your job because you don't like the way something's going. Especially after you've been handed one of the biggest contracts(a match with Lesnar AND a match with Rock), you've been given the trust by the WWE to carry on your back for 434 days, and you've been given shitloads of media spots and merchandise.

If he wants to quit, he can quit. But let's not try to act like Punk's a victim or some underused talent here. There is literally ONE person who's better off than he is in the entire roster.

So you think Punk isn't underused? Well, we've been watching different shows then. To me, being in a program with Shield and getting eliminated by Kane (in 2014) is the definition of underused.
Stone Cold walked out too. If it's a good enough tactic for SCSA, it's a good enough tactic for Punk.

You guys think it's so easy to "talk things out" with these nutcases running The E. Punk's probably been trying to do that for 3 years now. Sometimes pulling out of the fight is the best way to send a message. I'm sure that's in The Art of War somewhere, and I'm sure a cerebral strategist like Chick Magnet has read Sun Tzu's book, you marks.

And AJ is a woman in the WWE. She's already buried.


Card position aside, you know Punk's body is really banged up right? He needs a rest and honestly, nobody cares that he's not jobbing to Triple H at Wrestlemania. Why half-ass your performance when you can rest and then possibly return to give your 100% again?

Although there is a possibility he won't return. Why give your 100% week in and week out when part timers are always going to be ahead of you?

The best way to use the part timers would have been for Bork to beat Cena, beat HHH, and then lose to Punk or Bryan or someone in a similar spot. Same thing with Rock. The part timers need to look good against established guys and then put over someone to established a new guy. That's how it has always worked in wrestling. It's dumb that Rock and Brock have been used to put HHH and Cena over. Using those dudes to put Cena and HHH over is the biggest waste possible.


So not worth it
Card position aside, you know Punk's body is really banged up right? He needs a rest and honestly, nobody cares that he's not jobbing to Triple H at Wrestlemania. Why half-ass your performance when you can rest and then possibly return to give your 100% again?

Although there is a possibility he won't return. Why give your 100% week in and week out when part timers are always going to be ahead of you?

Give notice, then leave. Hell, tell the company: guys, I'm too banged up and tired, I really need rest.

There's a difference between liking Punk and understanding how he views things and trying to justify walking out of the company without notice and refusing to talk to anyone since. You have a contract and you honor that. Walking into your bosses office, getting into an argument and then packing your bags and going home is not a good thing.


And for the record, before you call me a blind Punk fanboy, I think D Brine is underused too.

It should be Punk vs Bryan at WM30 in the main event and that's the bottom line, because Stone Kyoufu said so!

The best way to use the part timers would have been for Bork to beat Cena, beat HHH, and then lose to Punk or Bryan or someone in a similar spot. Same thing with Rock. The part timers need to look good against established guys and then put over someone to established a new guy. That's how it has always worked in wrestling. It's dumb that Rock and Brock have been used to put HHH and Cena over. Using those dudes to put Cena and HHH over is the biggest waste possible.

The Rock aside, it is a huge crying shame how underused and mishandled Brock has been since his return.



WWF Superstars 3/17/1990

Coming to you from Phoenix. Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon carry commentary duties tonight. Jesse wearing all Hogan gear and predicting Hogan to win at WM6 is fucking weird. This week's show will feature comments from Hogan and Warrior. In addition, Demolition, Roddy Piper, and Randy Savage will be in action. Also, the Orient Express will make their debut.


Randy Savage vs Jim Powers

Jim surprises Savage with an early arm drag and lariatoo. Sherri distracts him and Savage knocks him to the floor for an ax handle. PIP promo on Dusty and Sapphire. Flying elbow for the win. Sherri said she was going to knock the butt off Sapphire's fat butt.


TO THE UPDATE CENTER. Gene hypes up Wrestlemania. Tickets are still available, folks! We're shown footage of Warrior vs Dino Bravo from The Main Event. Warrior would win, but was attacked by Earthquake after the match, only to be saved by Hulk Hogan. And by saved, I mean Hogan came out after minutes and multiple elbow drops from Quake. Warrior and Hogan would then argue and shoved refs away while they both no doubt said coked up nothings to each other. To the Hogan promo!


"You know something Hulkamaniacs, in the last couple weeks, we've almost had a close encounter of the ultimate kind, man. The Warrior's been in my face and I've been back in his. We could have already had Wrestlemania over with by now. But the big man upstairs is watching, man. He knows it's more important than just the WWF title, man. The Warrior, in his eyes, I can see that he's powerful and I can see that the energy is so wild that even he himself hasn't harnessed it, man. That he's looking for direction. But on the other hand, Warrior, being the WWF champion is a 24 hour day job. You've got obligations and commitments around every corner, brother. And I was chosen, brother, by the Hulkamaniacs to lead the three demandments: The prayers, the vitamins, and the training, man. And the thing that worries me most about you, Warrior, if I was to slip on Godzilla's banana peel or some act of nature was to strike me down at Wrestlemania, would you just run off into the darkness with the matches behind you and just fall off the end of the earth, brother? The role I've taken, the direction the Hulkamaniacs have is positive, is straight and narrow, is cut and dry, brother. And Warrior, the fact that you haven't harnessed the energy, the fact that you don't know which way the Warriors will go scares me to death! I believe in my heart and in my soul that powers of the Warriors and the powers of the Maniacs will collide and we might even self destruct each other, brother! But one thing is for sure, man: I can't let you run over Hulkamania. We've been rolling too long. Hulkamania's gonna live forever and the direction will carry on long after we're dead and gone, brother. I would roll over in my grave if something happens that you turned out to be on the wrong side of the fence. So it's more than the title. It's a life style. It's a belief! It's the three demandments, and come Wrestlemania, Ultimate Warrior, I'm gonna make you the ULTIMATE Hulkamaniac! WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN THE LARGEST ARMS IN THE WORLD RUN WILD ON YOU! *SNARL*


To the Warrior promo!

*SNARL* Whhhhyyyyy, Hoak Hokan, can you not communicate with me, Hoak Hokan? Talk to meeee, Hoak Hokan, as if you are talking to the GOD you speak of. Hoak Hokan, *SNARL, HACK, DROOL*, there is nothing covering what I live for, Hoak Hokan. I need not the normals to protect me from what I find most comforting: The challenge of PAIN and the smell *SNARL* of combat, Hoak Hokan. I have, Hoak Hokannnn, injected you with the minimum dosage of poison from the power of the ULTIMATE WARRIOR. But the anti bodies of Hulkamania continue to refuse what the poison can do. They turn it away, Hoak Hokan, they turn the poison away for they feel the dirty, they fear the evil. Hoak Hokan, I am the representation of all you fear. I, Hoak Hokan, *SNARL* want you to be the Warrior you say you are. For I can as the Ultimate Warrior accept no less, give no less, to the Warriors. Walk with me, Hoak Hokan, to the edge. Look, Hoak Hokan, look into nothing, look beyond your fears as you take that step, Hoak Hokan and make the sacrifice so that the power of the ultimate warrior shall live. *SNARL*


Mark Young/Keith Ketchem vs Orient Express

This is the original OE, which means Sato instead of Kato. He was not nice to the jobbers. Tanaka wins with what basically turned into a SHOOT German suplex because the guy jumped to early.


TO THE BACK. Jake Roberts promo on Ted Dibiase. Jake stole the Million Dollar Championship and keeps it in his snake tank. You never know what kind of snake you'll find in there. Montage of Jake with various species of snakes. God damn it. I'm okay with one snake on WWF programming only. I'm not okay with 5 different kinds ranging from anacondas to cobras to giant rattle snakes. FUCK.

TO THE CONTROL ROOM. Sean runs down the line up for the upcoming event at Boston Gardens. Hercules has replaced Jim Duggan in a 6 man tag. The main event is Akeem/Ted DiBiase vs Warrior/Jake Roberts. We get promos Ted/Akeem. The show couldn't handle two Warrior promos. We also get a promo from Ronnie Garvin on Earthquake.

Roddy Piper vs Dale Wolfe

Piper had a PIP promo during his entrance on Bad News. Shockingly, there was nothing offensive or racist in it. Dale Wolfe took the kilt and put it on, which fired Piper up. Total squash ending with a back suplex. Piper saying he was never actually trained to wrestle on Austin's podcast makes a lot of sense to me with how he moved in the ring. He never looked like he knew how to bump or throw clotheslines.

TO THE BACK. The Model has an ad for Arrogance.


TO THE CONTROL CENTER. Sean gives more updates on the upcoming Boston show. Wait, this one is saying Duggan is still in the match. Weird. Jimmy Snuka promo on Bad News. Look at all the striations on Snuka! Earthquake responds to Ronnie Garvin.

Mr. Perfect vs Omar Atlas

OMAR COMIN', YO! He came and went and was quickly squashed with the Perfect Plex.

. Fuck. I've always hated Brother Love. Dude was too much for me to handle as a kid and now. He's one of the few people/characters that my mind hasn't changed on after growing up. His guest is Hercules, who will be facing Earthquake at WM. He's going to win and stuff.

TO THE UPDATE CENTER. Gene again lets us know how to get your tickets to WM. We're shown clips of the Boss Man making an appearance on the Brother Love show last week. Boss Man would cuff Brother Love and drag him to the ring. He gave him a spine buster and then dropped the ball and chain on Brother Love's gunt. Boss Man will be facing his former partner, Akeem, at WM. We get comments from both men. Just signed is Tito Santana vs The Barbarian. Jimmy Snuka vs Rick Rude will also take place, in addition to Dusty Rhodes/Sapphire vs Randy Savage/Sherri. DUSTY RHODES PROMO! Sadly, just a quick 20 second one. Duggan gives his thoughts on his match with Dino Bravo. Beefcake promo on Perfect.




Demolition vs Buddy Rose/?

Man, Buddy is really FAT. The Blow Away Diet did nothing for him. Vince can't help but laugh at him while trying to find muscles. Colossal Connection got a PIP promo. Decapitation Elbow for the easy win.


TO THE CONTROL CENTER. Sean throws to a PoP interview. Barbarian drops the second Godzilla reference of the show, although he used the Japanese pronunciation of Gojira. The Rockers and Herc responded. Full run down of the Boston card.

Next week will have Hogan vs Bravo. Quick comments from Dino and Hulk.

Man, I want to see every Hogan/Warrior promo. They are INCREDIBLE. This is what I want up and running 24/7 on the Network. Even if I'm not watching, I just want to hear it.


If AJ gets buried because of her private life then that's just childish and speaks a lot for the kind of company Punk is unhappy with.

Look at what they did to Drew McIntyre over his personal life. Or Morrison over his. Vince's hyper-macho attitude is still in play.


Vince still has the mind of a high schooler, plus the WWE locker room is essentially a high school gym, just look at what happened to Alex Riley


ooof, here we are!! charity match, Balboa loves the kids. Mickey doesn't seem to think this exhibition is a good idea since he's seen "wrestlers bigger than dinossaurs". Rocky ain't having it. out comes Thunderlips, wearing a pimp hat and a cape.


Thunderlips is in the ring, buries everyone. calls the match "the ultimate male vs the ultimate meatball". Rocky is italian, get it? what a heel.


Rocky is in amazing shape, 202 pounds of striations.


look at the size difference, holy shit. thank god it's an exhibition only and Rocky makes sure to remind Thunderlips of that.


the bell rings and it is on!! Thunderlips comes out swinging, no questions asked. we're shooting people.


Rocko doesn't seem to get the message and starts calling spots inside the ring. does some lights jabs to the body to show what's up but Thunderlips ain't giving no fucks. big forearm smash to the back of Balboa.


another forearm smash. big punch to the face, Balboa getting worked. irish whip into the corner and big running knee. the assault continues with a hip toss.


Thunderlips ain't playing around. front headlock takedown. RUNNING POWERSLAM!! and a 2 count. Thunderlips ain't done with the meatball yet.


Thunderlips keeps shooting on Rocky, this time with a big backbreaker. this ain't no exhibition.


LEG DROP!! no pin, Thunderlips is having way too much fun. SLOW MOTION VERTICAL SUPLEX!!! he's using every trick in the book, fantastic worker.


Gorilla Press and he shoots Rocky into the crowd. this is nuts, Balboa didn't sign for this!!


Balboa had enough. trash fills the ring like this is WCW. Thunderlips throws the ref like a piece of shit. it's complete chaos!


holy shit, Thunderlips starts hitting the police and the officials, this is total madness. Balboa gets pissed, takes off the gloves and it's time to shoot back. he calls out Thunderlips who comes rushing in but gets a body shot for his troubles.


more body shots from Balboa but the big man no sells them. he's choking Rocky!!! Pauly comes in with a chair but only pisses off the big guy. all hell is breaking loose.


Rocky jumps onto the big man's back and locks in a sleeper hold. this could be it, Thunderlips is in trouble!


Rocky let's go of the choke. he's working the body with more punches. HOLY SHIT HE LIFTS THUNDERLIPS!!! BOOM, dumps the big man into the crowd. the time limit is reached and the bell rings, we have a draw. what a match, turned into a shoot from the get go.


loved this review.


How was the match not thrown out after Thunderlips threw Rocky over the ropes (definitely a DQ in 1982), threw the ref, or when Paulie interfered with a chair shot? That ref had no control of the situation. Was that match held in Nevada?


Card position aside, you know Punk's body is really banged up right? He needs a rest and honestly, nobody cares that he's not jobbing to Triple H at Wrestlemania. Why half-ass your performance when you can rest and then possibly return to give your 100% again?

Although there is a possibility he won't return. Why give your 100% week in and week out when part timers are always going to be ahead of you?

So you think Punk isn't underused? Well, we've been watching different shows then. To me, being in a program with Shield and getting eliminated by Kane (in 2014) is the definition of underused.

I get that you're a fan and all, but if he felt he simply had to leave and go home, he should have given them a week or two's notice, to give them the chance to write him off TV instead of him just vanishing.
Childish is also storming out of your job because you don't like the way something's going. Especially after you've been handed one of the biggest contracts(a match with Lesnar AND a match with Rock), you've been given the trust by the WWE to carry on your back for 434 days, and you've been given shitloads of media spots and merchandise.

If he wants to quit, he can quit. But let's not try to act like Punk's a victim or some underused talent here. There is literally ONE person who's better off than he is in the entire roster.

Wouldn't even say that. Cena doesn't get the memorable matches like Punk or even Bryan has. Who will be remembered as greats 30 years down the line. Punk doesn't even need to main event Wrestlemania to be remembered for it. Let's face it the only thing I remember from last years Wrestlemania was Taker vs Punk.

He has the adult fans around him, for the most part Cena doesn't.
The guy was in a privileged position and was the main guy in all but name.

I mean Miz main eventing Wrestlemania only means the main event isn't as big as people think it is.


I get that you're a fan and all, but if he felt he simply had to leave and go home, he should have given them a week or two's notice, to give them the chance to write him off TV instead of him just vanishing.

Yeah he could have been more majestic with his exit but in the end it's not like it matters much. They re-write programs numerous times on the day of each show and hey, it worked out for Daniel Bryan who gets to be in a match with the legendary Triple H. The King of Kings.


Do we really need to continue to debate and harangue over CM Punk's walkout still? It's been a week and a half already.
It's all well and good to make arguments about what he should have done or what was ethical - but none of us are Phil Brooks.
None of us know the full circumstances about what ultimately prompted his walkout and only he is in a position to know whether it was a good decision or not.

Knowing the kind of person he is, he would not have held back on voicing any of his grievances before he left.
I'm sure he did everything in his power to leave on better terms - for both him and the WWE.
But that didn't happen.

It's easy to sit back as a third-party and say a contract should have been honored or that he should have given them more notice - but let's look at the facts.

If the man was in physical agony...
If he was being asked to portray himself as weak for no reason...
If he has all of the money in the world he could want and then some...
If he wasn't going to get his main event Mania match whether he played ball or not...
Heck, if he logically reached the sensible conclusion that leaving for an extended period of time would result in him getting one (like Dwayne and Big Dave did)...
And if he was working for a boss notorious for looking past old grievances (Brock, Hogan, Bret, Austin) in the name of chasing a big pay day...
Then why in the blue hell would CM Punk stay there one second longer than he did?

Because it would be the right thing to do? To be a nice guy? To get an indeterminate amount of subscription money from Mania to throw on top of his money pile? To put over that young upstart Triple H?

If you're going to continue to harp on about this subject at least take the time to apply the correct logic for his specific situation and his specific employer instead of preaching on some stupid soap box about how contracts should be honored or because it was his job.


So not worth it
Do we really need to continue to debate and harangue over CM Punk's walkout still? It's been a week and a half already.
It's all well and good to make arguments about what he should have done or what was ethical - but none of us are Phil Brooks.
None of us know the full circumstances about what ultimately prompted his walkout and only he is in a position to know whether it was a good decision or not.

Knowing the kind of person he is, he would not have held back on voicing any of his grievances before he left.
I'm sure he did everything in his power to leave on better terms - for both him and the WWE.
But that didn't happen.

It's easy to sit back as a third-party and say a contract should have been honored or that he should have given them more notice - but let's look at the facts.

If the man was in physical agony...
If he was being asked to portray himself as weak for no reason...
If he has all of the money in the world he could want and then some...
If he wasn't going to get his main event Mania match whether he played ball or not...
Heck, if he logically reached the sensible conclusion that leaving for an extended period of time would result in him getting one (like Dwayne and Big Dave did)...
And if he was working for a boss notorious for looking past old grievances (Brock, Hogan, Bret, Austin) in the name of chasing a big pay day...
Then why in the blue hell would CM Punk stay there one second longer than he did?

Because it would be the right thing to do? To be a nice guy? To get an indeterminate amount of subscription money from Mania to throw on top of his money pile? To put over that young upstart Triple H?

If you're going to continue to harp on about this subject at least take the time to apply the correct logic for his specific situation and his specific employer instead of preaching on some stupid soap box about how contracts should be honored or because it was his job.

That comment would have worked alot better if it didn't come after a 5-paragraph long rant that included a bullet list.
But let's not try to act like Punk's a victim or some underused talent here. There is literally ONE person who's better off than he is in the entire roster.
He should be the top guy. Whether there's only one guy ahead of him or more is irrelevant. He's never been the top guy even after MitB 2011. He's been misused even when he held the title. Especially when he held the title.

No, he's never had it bad since 2011, but he's been held back. Held back is held back, it doesn't matter if you get your own bus and loadsa money.
I get that you're a fan and all, but if he felt he simply had to leave and go home, he should have given them a week or two's notice, to give them the chance to write him off TV instead of him just vanishing.
It's kind of obvious that Vince wanted to change something right before the show, as he does all the time, and it was bad enough that Punk would rather split. And Vince wanted it bad enough that he'd rather not have Punk on the show. That's how it is with Vince, don't put this on Punk.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Can we just accept that nobody here knows the whole story about Punks walkout and then let it go? Cos we don't.


Matt Striker said:

"The whole view of the WWE is, 'what is the stock doing today?' That's all anyone cares about. The Rock headlining Wrestlemania the last two years was a business decision and was about putting the most amount of money possible in people's pockets. (Batista being involved) is (best for business). He's going to be featured in a Marvel movie that's going to be released right around Wrestlemania. He's going to put new eyes on the product, which gets them to buy the product and buy the network, and the stock goes up and people make money."

When will WWE guys just accept that Batista is not a mainstream mega star. Nobody cares about Batista, and nobody cares about Guardians of the Galaxy.


Matt Striker said:

When will WWE guys just accept that Batista is not a mainstream mega star. Nobody cares about Batista, and nobody cares about Guardians of the Galaxy.

With that mentality can you really blame Punk for leaving? It's hilarious!



And the thing that worries me most about you, Warrior, if I was to slip on Godzilla's banana peel or some act of nature was to strike me down at Wrestlemania, would you just run off into the darkness with the matches behind you and just fall off the end of the earth, brother?
What the fuck, Hogan.


I don't think Batista is even kind of a mainstream star. I wouldn't hesitate to say CM Punk is legitimately more well known to random people on the street. When people see GOG and don't know who he is, they'll think, "oh, is that guy a wrestler or something?".

What the fuck, Hogan.

Hogan's promo was definitely weirder and more out there than Warrior's. It's easy to read into it and get that he was really saying "You're about to get the weight of the world on your shoulders, I'm doing you a favor by putting you over, don't fuck me/Vince over". But then he mentions Godzilla's banana and he lost me. Warrior's deliver was amazing, though. His slow, growling promos are the best to me.


I guess it reads as Hogan in character not wanting Warrior to run off with the belt? But he's already IC champion.

Edit: Alex Riley (possibly the other guy who isn't Tensai) keeps pronouncing Sin Cara "Seen Cara" on NXT. It's not exactly a new ring name by now.


Neo Member
a few years ago I was working in an optometrist, the money was good, I liked the job and I liked most of the people. I had some pretty healthy savings in the bank, I didn't need to work, but I wanted to. one day I had a crazy argument with my boss because she was acting like a real dick, and I just thought 'meh, I don't need to be here and this has pissed me off, so fuck it' and I handed in my notice and never looked back.

I am not CM Punk and clearly there are some massive differences between our situations but I at least feel like I understand his motivations. if you're not relying on a job and it's not giving you what you want mentally, then why stay? he doesn't need to wrestle any more, and because he doesn't rely on a continued income he can choose any reason he wants to leave and it's perfectly valid. the reality is, CM Punk has no duty to 'perform' any longer for WWE fans, we're not entitled to demand him back. pro-wrestling is great but it's also a pretty exploitative industry; we, as fans, are partly complicit in the physical and mental damage suffered by long term performers, the like of which isn't comparable to many other fields. honestly, the industry should be more closely regulated, the workers should have a stronger voice and someone should be looking out for their long term health more, but for some reason it seems untouchable and it takes an incident like Benoit for the media and regulatory bodies to start scrutinising it more closely. WWE are making steps but only time will tell if this current generation of wrestlers will live longer and healthier lives.

with that being said, and as much as it sucks that one of my favourite performers isn't around any more, I can't really complain. pro-wrestlers take a lot more physical abuse, work more demanding schedules and are in the business a lot longer than other athletes. a lot of you guys are American and I know there's an innate, fiercely libertarian aspect to your culture that demands personal freedom and accountability, so if these guys choose that particular lifestyle then there's no guilt or blame on the part of their employers or consumers if they are injured or worse, but that personal freedom also means they should be able to walk away at any point.

it sucks that CM Punk left, and people (like me) will continue to talk about it because that's how humans cope with loss and change (even minor ones like this), but no-one is entitled to be pissed off about it, or make demands. he's financially secure enough to say to Vince that creatively, it's all or nothing when it comes to his push. I'm surprised it took him this long to realise he has never and will never be 'the guy'. as fans we shouldn't be hoping and wishing for CM Punk and Daniel Bryan to be pushed to the moon because, as any long term viewer of the WWE will tell you, it absolutely will never happen. we need to come to terms with the fact the WWE is run a certain way, and it will take a DRASTIC change in viewer culture for that to change, one that is unlikely to ever happen while it's being successfully marketed to children, and the residual attitude era fans keep watching. WWE is in a catch 22 where they've pushed cartoonish bodybuilders for so long that only cartoonish bodybuilders get over with the kids, but they're good enough at teasing big pushes for the smark wrestlers without ever fulfilling them that we keep watching. the thing is, you can make Daniel Bryan into John Cena with booking and please the kids, but you'll never make John Cena into Daniel Bryan and please the smarks; unfortunately because the viewership remains steady there's no reason to make such a big change.

personally, I'm over losing sleep over my favourite dudes being held down, I did that in the 90s complaining about how dudes like Jericho, Guerrero and Malenko were booked in WCW. I took a 10 year sabbatical from pro-wrestling. now, I watch the E with my fiance and she loves the soap opera schtick, we enjoy Divas matches, Santino, crappy comedy segments, and even Randy Orton. sure I don't like them nearly as much as the ideal of Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan in an ironman match for the Championship at WM30, but fuck it - that's not ever going to happen. at least I can enjoy their matches wherever they are on the card. with regards to CM Punk, I'm cool with him quitting and never wrestling again, but I do think that he made a lot of money and made it to number 2 in the WWE because of his fans, so he should at least make some kind of public statement to address it and give the situation some kind of closure. just answer some questions on Twitter or go on Ellen for 10 minutes and talk about it.

so brothers, what's it going to be? you want to affect a major change in the WWE you need to make a broader sacrifice - stop watching, starve them of revenue. vocal protests can be ignored or edited out, but if they lose a large enough chunk of their viewers over 20 then they'll be forced to revisit their policy on how they book 'internet darlings'. if you keep watching and complaining they'll keep trolling you and booking shit like Batista versus Orton. if you turn off for long enough, things might change.


Sin Cara II keeps kicking out of a lot of Rusev's stuff before one on NXT without any real reason. Seems like a pretty stupid place to do that if Triple H is on the other end of the referee's headpiece.


I myself once did the walk out gimmick. I was a top collector for a student loan company that rhymes with Rally Clay. I'm talking hitting 200% of my goal for months at a time. But I hated it and was completely miserable. And despite me always being in the top five for the entire company nation wide in my goal%, I rubbed a manager wrong who wasn't even my direct manager. She wasn't even in my department. And from that point on, I got dicked around, got removed from my team, had my hours switched, and eventually got moved to a morning shift against my will for no reason and sat right next to this particular manager. I had a lot of money in the bank from all the bonuses and over time I had put in, fucking hated where I was at, how the place was run, the job itself, and especially this horse faced cunt I had to sit next to now. So one day I came into work, worked for about an hour, got up to get some coffee, and went home. I took that ball and I went home. And it was a great fucking move because I was more depressed working there than watching WCW. I really think I would have actually committed suicide if I had stayed there much longer. 5 years later, I still have some of that money left in the bank from that time.


Rusev wins a very, very bad match against Sin Cara II and his old theme plays. He entered to his new theme. What the hell.
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