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February Wrasslin' |OT| Did somebody not get what they wanted?

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WWE Network news

WWE confirmed in a statement yesterday that Over The Edge 1999, the PPV where Owen Hart suffered his tragic death, would indeed be airing on WWE Network. The show will be heavily edited to remove all references to Owen's accident, The Blue Blazer character, and his scheduled Intercontinental Title match against The Godfather. This is a significant development considering this PPV was never sold on home video nor has anything from this show ever been referenced since. It was believed that WWE trashed the footage of the entire PPV, but that is obviously not the case. All the raw camera footage of Owen's accident, which thankfully happened during a promo was being shown to the PPV audience, has been destroyed however.

Stephanie McMahon confirmed in a recent interview that Chris Benoit matches will air on WWE Network.

They are incredibly challenging decisions to make. At the end of the day, we try to do what’s right for our fans and we try to give them exactly what they want to see.

A warning will air before any content featuring Benoit, stating that the people you are about to watch are sports entertainment characters and that WWE is not glorifying any events that take place in their real lives.


Head writer of NXT moved up to Smackdown right? Difference is noticeable

Smackdown has certainly been worth watching recently, not just because of the writing but because they're actually letting stuff happen on it instead of worrying people will miss the big moments.
XPW, "FREEFALL", 2002.02.23
Grand Olympic Auditorium, L.A.

Show starts with the standard warning about not copying the "highly-skilled wrestlers" who will be "performing complex and dangerous manuevers" this evening. If anyone watched an XPW tape and then tried to copy what they had seen, that's just natural selection at work, as far as I'm concerned.

XPW commentator douche Kris Kloss intros the show. Seems this tape is only an hour long, so everything will be blessedly clipped short.

Kaos (c) vs Angel vs Chris Hamrick vs ??? - XPW TV Title Gauntlet Match

Right off the bat, I'm reminded how offensively bad XPW commentary is, let alone the actual wrestling. Not entirely awful chain wrestling to get things started, Kaos and Angel going through the basics before Kaos powerbombs Angel for 2. Angel goes for a crossbody, but gets caught into a powerslam. DVD from Kaos, Angel kicks out at 2, lol. Superkick from Angel, followed by a big plancha to the floor. Angel with one of the worst moves I've ever seen, see gif no. 1. Kaos pays him back by spiking him on his fucking head with a crucifix dropped into a piledriver. Fuck. Chris Hamrick's out next, the commentator pops, but the crowd doesn't. Criss cross off the ropes, Hamrick dropkicks the knee out. They trade armdrags. We cut to Hamrick doing the '1-2-3 Kid flies through the ropes' bump, badly. He lands right on his ass. He gets back up on the apron and Kaos kicks him back to the floor, Hamrick taking a frontflip to the concrete. Kaos goes for a chair and charges, but Hamrick drop toehold's him into the ring apron. Hamrick does a shitty coast to coast. Leg drop off the top for 2.9. Superplex from Hamrick for another 2. Vertical suplex into a neckbreaker, but the ref's distracted by Kaos manager. Kaos his the Kaostrophy off the top and wins the match. Apparently NOSAWA appeared after this, but we're not shown that for some reason. That match largely sucked. Hamrick was the best wrestler of the 3, which should tell you something.





Johnny Webb (c) vs GQ Money - XPW World Heavyweight Title Match

Webb does his goofy nunchuck routine, but GQ sends him to the floor with a springboard dropkick. GQ drapes him over the ropes and goes up top, he walks the ropes and drops an elbow for a 2-count. GQ argues with the ref, but Webb takes him out with a heel kick to the back of the head. Tilt-a-whirl slam from Webb. Side Russian legsweep into some shitty submission. Money makes it to the ropes. Kicks and goofy 'martial arts' strikes from Webb. The crowd is entirely silent except for one dude shouting "BORING!". GQ hits some shitty facebuster off the rop ropes. Shitty 'martial arts' exchange. Man, this is so fucking bad. Scoop slam, followed by a spinning legdrop off the top that sees GQ land knees first. Dumbass. Muscle buster from Webb. Sort-of blackhole slam from Webb, but he pulls GQ up before the 3-count and locks on a rear naked choke. GQ taps. That, was so intently bad. There wasn't even anything worth gif'ing.

Supreme (c) vs The Sandman - XPW King of the Deathmatch Title Match

We start with Supreme on the mic. He shits all over guys like Konnan, Vampiro and Sabu who only come to XPW "for the money". Sandman comes out, surprisingly coherent, and says Supreme is a "whore for these stupid fans' money!". Spot on. Sandman says Supreme's a mark for himself and shitty deathmatch wrestling. Sandman disavows hardcore wrestling and says "I don't need this shit", throwing his cane into the ring. "I'm a superstar, I can WRESTLE!!". Supreme wants to know if Sandman still has some balls, so he challenges him to a deathmatch. Sandman accepts and this shit is on like Donkey Kong. Snapmare from Sandman into a chinlock. Lol, the crowd are fucking hating this. Non-hardcore Sandman trolling deathmatch fans is just marvelous. Supreme gets to the ropes. They lock up, Sandman almost gets backed into the barbed wire and slides out of the ring. He gets back in, but Supreme hip tosses him into one of the barbed wire boards. Supreme puts Sandman's forehead into the bed of nails. Sandman goes to the floor. Baseball slide from Supreme and Sandman rolls onto a barbed wire table at ringside. Supreme comes off the top, but Sandman moves out of the way! Sort of. Supreme blades in full view of the camera. Sandman misses a splash back in the ring and Supreme hits an ugly belly-to-belly. The ref & Supreme put the big tray of thumbtacks are put over a some chairs. He weakly slams Sandman into the tacks and goes up top. He does the Sabu pose, because he's a dick, but Kaos and some other goons come out to attack him. They hit some AWFUL 3-man cutter thing into the tacks and Sandman pins Supreme to win the title. LOL.



Lizzy Borden vs Veronica Caine - Butt Naked Match

Oh, great. Here's Rob Black, huge scumbag, to cut a promo. He's banning Kaos and his shitty stable from ringside. Black makes this a "Lumberjack Butt Naked Match", so there's wrestlers at ringside with paddels to "pound the girl's fuckin' asses". Black tries to explain this to NOSAWA by going "OOKA-BAKA-BAKA-JAP". Classy. Caine wants no part of Lizzy, but she doesn't want her ass paddled either. Shoulder block from Lizzy, before she just rubs her tits all over Veronica's face. Shitty, shitty spear from Lizzy. Veronica is stripped to her bra, then Caine rips Lizzy's top off. Veronica manages to unhook Lizzy's bra, but she covers up and some other broad invades the ring to pull Caine's pants off. Lizzy and the new broad are about to strip Veronica butt naked in the midde of the ring, but the lights go out! OMG!! IT'S STING!! Lol, not really. Veronica used the "technical malfunction" to escape the ring with (most of) her clothes still on. XPW flash up some text; "THAT WAS BULLSHIT! THE LIVE AUDIENCE GOT SCREWED, BUT XPW HOME VIDEO DELIVERS!", and then we're treated to a montage of Lizzy Borden's softcore pornos. Totally unarousing, especially when you remember that she's married to Rob Black, and a good indication of XPW's target demographic.


Vic Grimes vs New Jack - Freefall Scaffold Match

Here we go, one of the dumbest matches in not only XPW, but in wrestling history. New Jack's on the mic and says he'll quit wrestling if he can't beat Grimes and that "one of us motherfucker's ain't walking out of here tonight". LOL, some fan front row asks Grimes to gig his forehead, then flips him off when Grimes ignored him. XPW fans. New Jack wastes no time, choking Grimes with a chain and then hitting him over the head with a keyboard. The commentator notes that it's almost 1am, so the fans have been watching this shit for FIVE HOURS. Fuck. Jack forks Grimes in the forehead and, again, the cameraman does his best to catch Grimes blading. Jack breaks a crutch over Vic's back, but Grimes takes him down with a low blow. Pizza cutter to New Jack's forehead. Jack blades and then retreats to the floor. They trade punches in the crowd, until Jack grabs a flail of barbedwire and whips the shit out of Grimes. More obvious blading. Grimes starts to climb the scaffold. New Jack, on the opposite side, also climbs. They get up top and have some awkward exchanges, before New Jack pulls out an electric tazer and shocks Grimes repeatedly. Then, New Jack throws him off the scaffold. You've probably seen the bump before. It goes badly, but not anywhere as near as badly as it could have gone. Welp, that's the end of that. What a fuckin' AWFUL show from a truly AWFUL promotion.

In the Forever Hardcore documentary, New Jack said he botched it on purpose to get revenge on Vic Grimes for shattering his face during a botched spot back in ECW. "My only regret is that the motherfucker actually hit a table on the way down." He pretty much said he was trying to kill Grimes and knew he could get away with it by just saying, "It was a spot we agreed on that just went wrong".
In the Forever Hardcore documentary, New Jack said he botched it on purpose to get revenge on Vic Grimes for shattering his face during a botched spot back in ECW. "My only regret is that the motherfucker actually hit a table on the way down." He pretty much said he was trying to kill Grimes and knew he could get away with it by just saying, "It was a spot we agreed on that just went wrong".

Yeah, I'd heard the rumours about the spot before and New Jack does seem like the sort of scumbag to try something like that, but I've always felt it's safer to take everything New Jack says with a very large pinch of salt. He seems like a huge mark for himself and his dangerous reputation.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
WWE Network news

Did anybody actually want to see OTE 99 though? Like its not really parallel to the Benoit stuff because with Benoit you're literally talking about decades of matches people want to see in spite of the tragic events that took place, and editing a person out of that many events over that many years harms the rest of the product. With Owen Hart its a PPV nobody actually wanted to see and could have understandably been skipped over with pretty much zero complaints.


Boots that Sandman gif on the table is hilarious. Looks like he was all like "Fuck I'm not gonna take this bump from this geek!"

Also holy shit at that last gif. I don't think I have seen that before. What a truly awful promotion that would allow something like this to happen.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Did anybody actually want to see OTE 99 though? Like its not really parallel to the Benoit stuff because with Benoit you're literally talking about decades of matches people want to see in spite of the tragic events that took place, and editing a person out of that many events over that many years harms the rest of the product. With Owen Hart its a PPV nobody actually wanted to see and could have understandably been skipped over with pretty much zero complaints.

There is a title change on that show and it's important to preserve it for history's sake, blemishes and all.


I'm thinking of joining in on the review and gif bad wrestling events. I have a big stack of UWA-Hardcore DVDs and the best thing that ever came out of this promotion regardless of how many Indy favourites appeared in it and NJPW and Toryumon guys that were flown in was that the DVDs were unrivalled in their art, genuinely incredible box art.


Did anybody actually want to see OTE 99 though? Like its not really parallel to the Benoit stuff because with Benoit you're literally talking about decades of matches people want to see in spite of the tragic events that took place, and editing a person out of that many events over that many years harms the rest of the product. With Owen Hart its a PPV nobody actually wanted to see and could have understandably been skipped over with pretty much zero complaints.

For all I care for they could have not put it up at all.

I'm thinking of joining in on the review and gif bad wrestling events. I have a big stack of UWA-Hardcore DVDs and the best thing that ever came out of this promotion regardless of how many Indy favourites appeared in it and NJPW and Toryumon guys that were flown in was that the DVDs were unrivalled in their art, genuinely incredible box art.

Then I think we will need pics of those covers.


Did anybody actually want to see OTE 99 though? Like its not really parallel to the Benoit stuff because with Benoit you're literally talking about decades of matches people want to see in spite of the tragic events that took place, and editing a person out of that many events over that many years harms the rest of the product. With Owen Hart its a PPV nobody actually wanted to see and could have understandably been skipped over with pretty much zero complaints.

That's how I feel. Now that the Owen stuff have been cut, there's not even a reason to watch for morbid curiosity. They really should have just left it off. NOTHING happens on that show to progress the story line.

Besides, watching matches from the show knowing what just happened, even if it's been edited out, would still be a pretty uncomfortable viewing experience imo.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm thinking of joining in on the review and gif bad wrestling events. I have a big stack of UWA-Hardcore DVDs and the best thing that ever came out of this promotion regardless of how many Indy favourites appeared in it and NJPW and Toryumon guys that were flown in was that the DVDs were unrivalled in their art, genuinely incredible box art.

This sounds pretty awesome...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Boots, you ready to watch Big Daddy Yum Yum tonight?

Karl Anderson said it best. "Who the fuck is Big Daddy Yum Yum?"
The 'Big Daddy Yum Yum' name is SOOOOOO bad, that I think everyone's automatically expecting his match with Kojima to be terrible.

Instead, I think it'll actually surprise people. It's Tenzan vs Michael Tarver that will likely stink up the joint.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The 'Big Daddy Yum Yum' name is SOOOOOO bad, that I think everyone's automatically expecting his match with Kojima to be terrible.

Instead, I think it'll actually surprise people. It's Tenzan vs Michael Tarver that will likely stink up the joint.
Tarver has God on his side.


XPW, "FREEFALL", 2002.02.23
Grand Olympic Auditorium, L.A.

This was the show I tried to do first. I got a few minutes into Sandman talking about being a WRESTLER and tapped out. But I had the same gifs up to that point. I think I also had one of Hammrick doing the flip off the apron for no reason.

I can't believe there aren't promo comps for Hogan/Savage/Warrior like those Ric Flair ones.
That's how I feel. Now that the Owen stuff have been cut, there's not even a reason to watch for morbid curiosity. They really should have just left it off. NOTHING happens on that show to progress the story line.

Besides, watching matches from the show knowing what just happened, even if it's been edited out, would still be a pretty uncomfortable viewing experience imo.

Over The Edge 1999 featured a WWF Title change (The Undertaker won it from Steve Austin due to massive interference from Shane McMahon), so it is a historically significant show. The rest though is missable. The accident happened so early in the show that all the matches happening after it featured people who weren't into it at all.


I have a few ideas for WM.

HHH/HBK vs Daniel Bryan: HHH pins HBK for some reason. Start of a year long build to HHH vs HBK at WM 31.

Undertaker vs Alexander Rusev

Randy Orton vs Billy Gunn WWE WHC

Batista vs Eva Marie

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
While Cena's character was being a douche, he hoped Del Rio and Wade saw that he was trying to make things happen for them and hoped it would help them get more TV time.


WWE has a gallery with the worst wrestling action figures: http://www.wwe.com/classics/the-most-ridiculous-action-figures-photos

Also Cody is an idiot:

Although WWE believed there were no major injuries coming out of Raw last Monday, Cody Rhodes is working with a bad knee and Naomi was pulled from the weekend shows due to her eye injury at the hands of Aksana (knee to the head of a grounded opponent). John Cena's eye is apparently fine and he's working the weekend shows.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The 'Big Daddy Yum Yum' name is SOOOOOO bad, that I think everyone's automatically expecting his match with Kojima to be terrible.

Instead, I think it'll actually surprise people. It's Tenzan vs Michael Tarver that will likely stink up the joint.

Tarver's gonna be fine. He was the chosen one from the Nexus! I chose him!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Michael Tarver always looked like that Low-Ki kinda dude who thought he was a legit badass instead of just playing one
Because of the steel cage moonsault.

He worked the same spot at a house show, they even talked about it on TV so I'm guessing that the higher ups liked the spot. The issue is he didn't account for the fact that Cesaro could catch him because he's a wrestling machine where as Road Dogg couldn't catch him because he's a useless old fuck.
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