So I've heard the Network is gonna have some censorship after all. Here's a preview:
Well played.
So I've heard the Network is gonna have some censorship after all. Here's a preview:
Snaku's right, though. You should have worn a Kane shirt. A Kane shirt signifies that you're a respectable business monster with a 3 foot penis. Your Punk shirt just says that you're a fry cook with no noticeable bulge.
Eddie and Punk would have been amazing together in WWE today.
Nope a girl from class broke me down and got me to get a drink with her sex once and that'll be that, not a date
When did this happen? Is there a youtube video?
Punch finishers are lame.
Punch finishers are lame.
He'll be glad that it's not his finisher then.
Those casual fans are the ones who bought Wrestlemania the past two years to see Cena vs. Rock and actually made the WWE money, while the "hardcore" whined about the Internet Hero of the Week being BERRIED as they tried to find a site to stream Wrestlemania off of.
Most people serve.
But Jesus Reigns.
How anyone can say this is lame is beyond me. It's a really visually pleasing move, and it doesn't have a lot of impact on Reigns' body longterm aside from his knees for the landing, but that's normal.
He does run the risk of messing up his ankles over time, though. He lightly sprained his ankle doing that move once on the outside of the ring last year.
Is it worth watching all of NJPW The New Beginning from last night, or should I just jump to the main event?
Gotta watch the Desperado match!Is it worth watching all of NJPW The New Beginning from last night, or should I just jump to the main event?
During Austin's last run after they stopped taping Raw, Austin would hang in the ring, drink beer and fuck about with the other stars to entertain the fans. Sometimes this would go on for an hour, much to the annoyance of the ring crew because they couldn't start taking down the set and had to stay late.
It's I think a part of the Raw 1000 DVD documentary, or one of the Austin ones, not sure.
I hope that 6/10 gave Spider a 3:16 beat down and he learns the lesson to DTA. AUDIO WHOOP ASS OH HELLLLL YEAAAAAAH
He is that damn good.Watching the "50 Greatest Finishing Moves" doc on Netflix right now. And where is Triple H's pedigree ranked you asked?
THIRD. This is higher than the figure 4, the sharpshooter, the DDT, Sweet Chin Music and The Rock bottom. Gotta love that revisionist history. I guess Hunter is the Michael Jordan of the WWE after all...
And why did Spider turn heel on us all
6/10Raven style promo.
Earlier in the day, Tanahashi announced that he will not be competing in Marchs NEW JAPAN CUP tournament. Instead he stated that the winner can chose which title he wants to compete against, and the runner-up will receive the other title match. 
Keep in mind that this just follows suit as the NEW JAPAN CUP is primarily held to build up contenders for the IWGP Heavyweight belt, so the main champion, now champion(s), are excluded.
WOW this is crazy. IC title elevated.
New Japan becoming like brand split WWE in terms of top titles
How anyone can say this is lame is beyond me. It's a really visually pleasing move, and it doesn't have a lot of impact on Reigns' body longterm aside from his knees for the landing, but that's normal.
I hope that 6/10 gave Spider a 3:16 beat down and he learns the lesson to DTA. AUDIO WHOOP ASS OH HELLLLL YEAAAAAAH
WOW this is crazy. IC title elevated.
New Japan becoming like brand split WWE in terms of top titles
The NWA World Tag Team Title #1 contendership match between Yum Yum & Tarver vs. TenKoji is going to be such garbage.
Yeah the Superman punch could be his finisher if he didn't have such an awesome spear, as could the powerbomb. He's quietly putting together a nice little moveset.