why is Vader son not fat?
why is not in a red mask stiffing jobbers?
YOU-STILL-GOT-IT *clap, clap, clapclapclap* YOU-STILL-GOT-IT *clap, clap, clapclapclap*Also, go f*ck yourself with the shes not a girl, shes a CHICK talking point, Michael Hayes. Get your perspective on women from someone more learned than Bill Engvall.
Yup. I thought my gaf name gave away my age. And also the love for Brain Busters, Dino Bravo and Demolitionsf2fanatic is married?!
sf2fanatic is married?!
Does your wife know you watch wrestling and talk about it on the internet?Yup. I thought my gaf name gave away my age. And also the love for Brain Busters, Dino Bravo and Demolition
and he is an SRK head!
the good ol days
Naito impressed the hell out of me and I'm a big Ishii fan so I was somewhat biased going into the match.Rewatched Ishii vs Naito, can't quite give it five stars, but it's definitely my match of the year at this early stage. Both guys did a hell of a job selling their respective injuries, to the degree that I wasn't sure if Naito had actually busted his knee at one point. Also, those high angle German suplexes from Naito were brutal, as were the headbutts towards the end of the match. Naito vs Shibata could possibly be quite fun.
and he is an SRK head!
the good ol days
Will need to see the barnyard 2.0 tapes.<3
is Halo coming back or what
Better than naomi
She watches wrassling too. But a Cena fanDoes your wife know you watch wrestling and talk about it on the internet?
Ziggler got squashed by Rusev in the dark match before the Smackdown tapings. Damn.
Everytime I see This gif I want to add the Daigo comeback parry gif with it
A Mike Quackenbush Ask Me Anything ... Please.
Cesaro beats Orton on Smackdown
Didn't think it would happen.
He's beneath Kofi now.Ziggler got squashed by Rusev in the dark match before the Smackdown tapings. Damn.
You guys know Orton is winning the Chamber, right? He'll eliminate everyone who defeated him, solidifying him as the face of WWE to challenge Batista at Wrestlemania.
#AgeOfOrton #BELIEVE #ReturnOfTheViper #YouGotTrolled #YesThereAreHashtagsInAPost #DealWithIt
I gotta stop reading SD! spoilers if i wanna watch this show on the regCesaro beats Orton on Smackdown
Didn't think it would happen.
So what you're saying, is Christian pins him in the chamber and winsYou guys know Orton is winning the Chamber, right? He'll eliminate everyone who defeated him, solidifying him as the face of WWE to challenge Batista at Wrestlemania.
#AgeOfOrton #BELIEVE #ReturnOfTheViper #YouGotTrolled #YesThereAreHashtagsInAPost #DealWithIt
Hahhaahahhaahahhaha I can't fucking believe it.
It's awesome, but I can't fucking believe it.
Either Orton's definitely winning at the Chamber, or he fucked up unimaginably big to the point where management not only stopped caring about his reign, but want him to lose it at last in the most ridiculous way. He's literally only beaten Christian one on one, and lost to every other EC contestant one on one on the way to the PPV. If he doesn't win, what the fuck did he do to piss management off so bad?
So what you're saying, is Christian pins him in the chamber and wins
That's Ziggler's role. You can't try to make everyone else look good and then expect they won't run with that.
The only guy I can think of in that role who owned it and was still credible was Kurt Angle, but that's because he's Kurt Angle.
Look at that magnificient beast
Hahhaahahhaahahhaha I can't fucking believe it.
It's awesome, but I can't fucking believe it.
Either Orton's definitely winning at the Chamber, or he fucked up unimaginably big to the point where management not only stopped caring about his reign, but want him to lose it at last in the most ridiculous way. He's literally only beaten Christian one on one, and lost to every other EC contestant one on one on the way to the PPV. If he doesn't win, what the fuck did he do to piss management off so bad?
Terry Funk always said, "Never learn how to look good losing or else you'll be doing a lot of it."
Hahhaahahhaahahhaha I can't fucking believe it.
It's awesome, but I can't fucking believe it.
Either Orton's definitely winning at the Chamber, or he fucked up unimaginably big to the point where management not only stopped caring about his reign, but want him to lose it at last in the most ridiculous way. He's literally only beaten Christian one on one, and lost to every other EC contestant one on one on the way to the PPV. If he doesn't win, what the fuck did he do to piss management off so bad?