Anyone else think we'll see Uhaa nation in the WWE at some point?
Guy is young, well built, athletic and charismatic, his move set could be fit into a WWE style as he isn't massively technical anyway.
Only if he keeps his music though
Idk if anyone is watching the michigan state vs Northwestern bball game but...they are doing the yes chant. Exactly like DB
I can't believe that chant gained this much momentum
Went from Clinton, OK to the ABQ today. Texas/New Mexico is rad to drive through. Way better than Oklahoma or fuckin Indiana. Also went to a dinosaur museum. It was similarly rad. Long drive dudes. Hungry and tired but its only 5:30. Fucking time zones. What time does IMPACT WRASSLIN come on for mountain time?
Does anyone have a good Chikara recap video or something?
If the other two codes come through I'll think of wrasslegaf first.
...after I check the going price in the buy/sell/trade thread.
Went from Clinton, OK to the ABQ today. Texas/New Mexico is rad to drive through. Way better than Oklahoma or fuckin Indiana. Also went to a dinosaur museum. It was similarly rad. Long drive dudes. Hungry and tired but its only 5:30. Fucking time zones. What time does IMPACT WRASSLIN come on for mountain time?
Eat a TON OF FOOD. I bet the dinosaurs were dope.
That's the spirit, DM!
Yeah tell me about it, Aksana can't even tap-out well.
Lol, no Spike TV in this hotel. The whole city of ABQ is burying TNA. That's a plus. When I got here an flipped around looking for something, GWF was in ESPN Classics. I got to see a young Scott Putski wrestling Barry Horriblewitz, who was wearing neon pink and green trunks. And a young Booker T promo.
On the negative side, the only thing on is Big Bang Theory.
Fandango -- Shooter Jennings -- Curtis Axel
I loved GWF, watched it as a kid. Lots of Horowitz and Putski. POLISH HAMMER!
Was there any Terry Garvin/Sims? Mean Mike Davis? Eddie Gilbert?
Wait did Taz even travel to Manchester or is this commentary from the homeland?
Its from the USA.
Who is this Brandon Stroud cunt and why does Bean Breath keep insinuating that I am him? I assume it is supposed to be an insult, but I'm not really even sure who this guy is to begin with.
Why must you torture me so?Fucking amazing, Titanfall is a must-play. WOWWWWWWWWW