Barack Lesnar
how is this matador tag team still a thing?
Cenacycle.jpgReminds me of that time JTG and Shad had a PPV match. Anyway Titus is good on the mic but I doubt they will find anything interesting for him to do.
After seeing them less and less lately, I thought there was hope they were quietly going away. But who the fuck am I kidding? This is the WWE. They'll be around entirely too is this matador tag team still a thing?
Cesaro da bes, brah.
Hopefully Eva Marie has a match next.
Extreme Rules Live from Seatt..New Jersey. LOL we trolled you good.
Results said Reigns won with a superman punch and a spear
How fresh and different
how was raw?
So last week on Raw, the Wyatts beat Rey. Then on Main Event, they beat Sin Cara/Matadores. And now they get to do it again this week on Raw. I wonder which writer hates Mexicans.
how was raw?
Caught up in D-Bry's hype. Caught up in Cesaro's skill.Nah, it's D. brine brah.
The European Uppercut is a gentleman's wrestling move.
Whenever they are personally disinterested in a match, they start to just mumble random shit.Holy shit would the commentators SPEAK THE FUCK UP? I hate it when they talk so low it sounds like mumbles.
Holy shit would the commentators SPEAK THE FUCK UP? I hate it when they talk so low it sounds like mumbles.
How was your protest march to get MLK day removed as a national holiday?
Caught up in D-Bry's hype. Caught up in Cesaro's skill.
Where there's Sin Cara, there will be botching. It's contagious.Sin Cara gimmick is a curse. Total botch by Hunico there.
my ideal version of this match lasts 30 seconds and ends with one of the masked guys eating a lariat and then a Sister Abigail
It was a decent match for Main Event. It really didn't need to be redone on RAW. It was worse and even more so, it was pointless.This match was way better on Main Event
Okay, the was fucking hot. I've honestly never seen him do that. Just recently getting back into wrestling.[![]()
Ceasaro wishes hehad this skill AND hype.(were levar burton)
Not to take anything from Cesaro. Badass all the way. Need to bring back the beret and aviators.
Results said Reigns won with a superman punch and a spear
How fresh and different
Of course. That's how this shit works for anything.1 week trial but they need your creditcard watch...
This coming from a guy who is as white as wonderbread
I bet Cena got right back up.